History of Latin American Dermatology

History of Latin American Dermatology

History of Latin American Dermatology


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ELBIO FLORES-CEVALLOS, LUIS FLORES-CEVALLOS, ZUÑO BURSTEIN<strong>Dermatology</strong> education at the undergraduate level, and especially in the training <strong>of</strong>residents <strong>of</strong> the specialized field, has from the outset been backed by the collaboration<strong>of</strong> highly-specialized services from the most important hospital centers.Lastly, it must be said that the important educational work, which at one point usedto be almost exclusively under the responsibility <strong>of</strong> this modern University <strong>Dermatology</strong>School based at the Dos de Mayo Hospital, has gradually become more decentralized,being subsequently complemented by considerable educational work on the part <strong>of</strong> scientificmedical societies <strong>of</strong> the specialized field, represented by the Peruvian <strong>Dermatology</strong>Circle (CIDERM-PERU) and the Peruvian Society <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong>, which play a role <strong>of</strong>enormous significance in Peruvian <strong>Dermatology</strong> education.At present, an important education, training and research development nucleus isemerging at the Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University, led by two young stalwarts <strong>of</strong> Peruvian<strong>Dermatology</strong>, Drs. Francisco Bravo and Manuel del Solar.■ References(parts I, II)1. Shady Solís R. Supe, lacivilización más antigua deAmérica. Lima: INC; 2004.2. Prescott WH. Conquista del PerúI y II. New York: The PublishersPlate Renting Company; 1858.3. Lastres JB. Historia de laMedicina Peruana. Tomos I, II,III. Lima: Imprenta SantaMaría; 1951.4. Lorenzi R, Rothchild B, Mays S.Syphilis-<strong>History</strong>. DiscoveryChannel. 12 abr 2004.Disponible en:http://dsc.Discovery.com.5. García UC. Historiografía de laenfermedad de Carrión. Ideas eimágenes de la enfermedad deCarrión. Folia Dermatol Peru..1998;9(4):45–56.6. Garcilaso de la Vega. Historiageneral del Perú. PrimeraParte. Lima: LibreríaInternacional del Perú; 1959.7. Roel V. Historia social yeconómica de la colonia. Lima:Labor; 1970.8. Estatutos de la SociedadPeruana de Dermatologíaaprobados en la AsambleaExtraordinaria del 15 de mayode 1964 [información delarchivo del Dr. Zuño Burstein].9. Valdivia L. Evaluación delEstatuto de la SociedadPeruana de Dermatología.Dermatología Peruana.1999;9(1):67–68.10. Nota Editorial. Folia DermatolPeru. 1988;1(1):1.11. Nota Editorial. Folia DermatolPeru. 1994;5(3):1.12. Comunicado. Folia DermatolPeru. 1999;10(2-3):8.13. Paz Soldán CE. Decanos,maestros y médicos de laFacultad de Medicina de Lima.Lima: Biblioteca de CulturaSanitaria. Inst. de MedicinaSocial; 1957:269-273.14. Flores L. Historia de laDermatología en el Perú. Lima:Concytec; 1999.15. Burstein Z. Maxime Kuczynski-Godard, un pionero de la SaludPública. Revista Peruana deMedicina Experimental y SaludPública. 2003;20(4):231.16. Romero O. [Comunicaciónpersonal].17. Morales A. [Comunicaciónpersonal].18. Navarro P. [Comunicaciónpersonal].19. San Martín J. [Comunicaciónpersonal].20. Cotlear A. Carta dirigida al Dr.Z. Burstein, DirectorUniversitario de ServiciosAcadémicos Asistenciales de laUNMSM. 2 oct 1967.■ Part IIIZuño Burstein<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> the legal standing <strong>of</strong> the specialization in <strong>Dermatology</strong> in PeruBACKGROUNDIn the university bylaws <strong>of</strong> 1928, issued under mandate <strong>of</strong> Law No. 6,041, the studiesnecessary to obtain the degree <strong>of</strong> specialist were already considered. This prerogativewas only granted to the Medical and Law Schools <strong>of</strong> Lima’s National Higher University <strong>of</strong>St. Mark (UNMSM).330

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