History of Latin American Dermatology

History of Latin American Dermatology

History of Latin American Dermatology


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<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong> in Perualso studied with Touraine, Norié, Chevallier, Riccard, Ferrand, Flurin and other masters<strong>of</strong> French <strong>Dermatology</strong>.Upon his return to Peru, he became one <strong>of</strong> the founders <strong>of</strong> the Archbishop LoayzaHospital, where, from 1927 onwards, he was in charge <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Dermatology</strong> and Syphilographyconsulting rooms, replacing Dr. Eleodoro Camacho. He was Interim Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong>the Skin Diseases and Syphilis chair at the St. Ferdinand Medical School, and in 1933 hewas appointed lecturer in replacement <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>. Pedro Weiss. In 1936, he graduated atthat study center as Doctor in Medicine, defending important research work on “Inflammatoryskin reactions and desensitization procedures.”First as Principal Full Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong> and Syphilography, in 1937, and lateras Head Lecturer at the San Fernando Medical School, in 1940, he represented Peru invarious congresses in America and Europe, making remarkable contributions.When, in 1961, the Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University <strong>of</strong> Medical and BiologicalSciences was created, he was appointed Principal Pr<strong>of</strong>essor and set up the <strong>Dermatology</strong>chair <strong>of</strong> that university, where in 1967 he was awarded the rank <strong>of</strong> Emeritus Pr<strong>of</strong>essor.Various Medical Academies and multiple <strong>Dermatology</strong>, Syphilography, Veneorologyand Leprology Associations and Societies in America and Europe incorporated DoctorLoret de Mola as standing member. He was also recognized and given awards by medicalinstitutions in Germany, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Spain, the U.S., France andVenezuela, among others.He published various articles in national and foreign medical journals, as well asmajor and lengthy research treatises in <strong>Dermatology</strong>. Among the latter: “On the Treatment<strong>of</strong> the Bubonic Plague”, (1923); “Contribution to the Treatment <strong>of</strong> Blennorrhagia”(1928); “Inflammatory Skin Reactions and Desensitization Procedures” (1936); “My 25-Year Experience In the Treatment <strong>of</strong> Syphilis” (1953); various articles on “Therapeutics<strong>of</strong> Eczema” (between 1926 and 1940), and various works on “<strong>Dermatology</strong> and SyphilographyTopics” (between 1930 and 1960). He died on November 17, 1968.Figure. 9 Dr. AurelioLoret de MolaPedro Weiss (1893-1985) 15Dr. Weiss was a protean doctor, (Figure 10) who carried out specialized studies inFrance, Germany and Austria in the pathological anatomy and <strong>Dermatology</strong> fields. Hewas a pioneer in etiological diagnosis and in histopathological and skin-mycological educationin Peru. He was born in 1893 in Lima and obtained a doctorate in medicine fromthe Higher National University <strong>of</strong> St. Mark, in 1927. Upon his return from Europe in1930, he was appointed Head Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Dermatology</strong> and Syphilography Department<strong>of</strong> the Higher National University <strong>of</strong> St. Mark, replacing Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Belisario Sosa Artola,who had resigned. In 1935 he was appointed Principal Lecturer <strong>of</strong> PathologicalAnatomy, carrying out fruitful work as pathologist, archeologist, paleopathologist anddermatologist. As part <strong>of</strong> his medical assistance work, he founded and headed the Laboratoryservices at the Dos de Mayo Hospital, at the Children’s Hospital and at the PathologicalAnatomy Institute <strong>of</strong> St. Mark University. He was one <strong>of</strong> the founders <strong>of</strong> theCayetano Heredia University; he was Head <strong>of</strong> the Laboratory Service at the ArchbishopLoayza Hospital, <strong>of</strong> the Physical Anthropology Department <strong>of</strong> the National Museum <strong>of</strong>Anthropology and Archeology, and <strong>of</strong> the Physical Anthropology Seminar <strong>of</strong> St. Mark University.Dr. Weiss worked as Full Principal Pr<strong>of</strong>essor in the chair <strong>of</strong> Pathological Anatomy <strong>of</strong>the St. Ferdinand Medical School and as Full Principal Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> the Physical AnthropologySeminar at the School <strong>of</strong> Science.His scientific contribution in the field <strong>of</strong> research is very large, and he had many andmajor publications both in the medical field and in Anthropology. Among the publishedworks on dermatological processes, we mention “Contribution to the Study <strong>of</strong> the PeruvianWart” (1933); “On a Case <strong>of</strong> Mycotic Lymphogranulomatosis by ParacoccidioidesFigure 10. Dr. PedroWeiss317

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