History of Latin American Dermatology

History of Latin American Dermatology History of Latin American Dermatology

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JULIO CORREAto the pretensions of the Municipal Council and of the bishop in the sense of investing theHospital’s income in the creation of a University or Convictorium run by the Jesuits 8 .The last years of the Colony were, on the other hand, very profitable for nationalhealth. The economic prosperity attracted various European physicians; others arrivedwith the parties carrying out the border demarcation between Spanish and Portuguesepossessions. Surgeons with university degrees introduced modern ideas about anatomy,pathology and clinical diagnosis to Paraguay; they identified infant tetanus, acute exanthemata,intermittent fevers, syphilis, pulmonary tuberculosis, epidemic conjunctivitis,dysenteries and murine typhus. They were also the first to use forceps and to carry outrisky surgical procedures. The practice of medicine became regularized in those years.The Congress of 1844 provided for the hiring of foreign professors and the sending ofyoung Paraguayans abroad to study medicine, surgery and obstetrics. These physicianshired by the state, who were mainly English, set up the military health service and in1858 formed a School of Surgery headquartered at the Potrero Hospital. The 1865-1870war put an end to this, our first official medical school, when all its members enteredarmy ranks 8 .Beginning in 1870, medicine was enlivened by the contribution of numerous Europeanphysicians who came to heroic Paraguay more in the search for adventure than forfortune. The State, lacking resources, was unable to carry out social work, and limiteditself to sketching out a new sanitary organization. At this time, the Council of Medicineand Public Hygiene, the Conservatory of Vaccines, the Charity Hospital and other suchinstitutions were founded at this time, with a greater capital of laudable aims than ofeconomic means of subsistence.The year 1890 marked a new era, with two transcendental events: the emergence ofthe first Paraguayan physicians and the founding of the National University of Asunción.The first Paraguayan doctors graduated in Buenos Aires and Montevideo; on their returnto the fatherland, thanks to the support lent by various Spanish professors, they renderedthe opening of a Medical School possible. This first School had an ephemeral existencesince it dissolved midway through 1891, due to a lack of students; it wasreactivated in 1898 to produce, years later, the first graduating class of native-bornphysicians.And thus we arrive at the twentieth century, when medicine rapidly progressed untilachieving its present status. The Charity Hospital, inaugurated in 1894, was nationalizedin 1925, and in 1927 became a dependency of the School of Medical Sciences. The latter,shut down in 1912 and opened for a third time in 1918, was reorganized and improvedwith the cooperation of illustrious professors hired in Europe. The point of departure ofthe academic phase of our medicine can be established in 1927. On that date the hiringof instructors by the hospital began a fruitful period that reaches the present day 8 .■ Historical summary of the ParaguayanSociety of DermatologyHistorical summary of the Chair of Dermatology and the Paraguayan Society of DermatologyWe will refer here to the events that laid the foundation for the first organizational andworking structures of the Chair and of the Paraguayan Society of Dermatology (Figure 2).It is worth mentioning — to return to the depths of time, as it were — the physiciansof the courageous youth that decided to found the Society of Dermatology, Siphilology andLeprology of Paraguay, as it was initially known. In this section we reproduce the foundingCharter of the Society of Paraguay (Figure 3) and we remember the list of those whosigned the document, with the exception that there could be involuntary omissionsdue to missing papers. Its founding partners were Drs. Amelia Aguirre, Roque Ávila,Atilio Báez Giangreco, Francisco Benza, Guillermo Brañas, Virgilio Caballero Garay,296

Notes on the History of Dermatology in ParaguayArquímedes Canese, José Esculies, Manuel Jiménez, Tomás González, Miguel GonzálezOddone, Domingo Masi, Desiderio Meza, Francisco Millares, Alberto Miquel, DomingoPessolani, Federico Ríos, Eduardo Rodríguez, Juan Servín, Ricardo Ugarriza and DavidZaidestein. The year was 1946.On November 10, 1947, the Bylaws that still govern the Paraguayan Society of Dermatologywere definitively adopted, replacing the earlier name and determining theaims, the organization’s obligations, types of membership, meetings and governingboards, among other issues, and defining the definitive guidelines that keep the institutionthat groups the dermatologists of Paraguay current and dynamic 10 .During the term of Professor Dr. Hermelinda Palacios de Bordón (1986) theParaguayan Society of Dermatology was re-founded.It must be pointed out that, in a modest but sustained and firm way, with the contributionof various young Paraguayan physicians who carried out specialized studies atprestigious schools both in America and in the Old World, the Paraguayan Society of Dermatologyhas been able to become part of famous scientific societies like RADLA, CILAD,ATD and others, with scientific contributions such as research work and important clinicalcases, forming part of auxiliary commissions and also organizing congresses of thespecialized field.In the documents that we have reviewed, we have found very little referring to thegoverning boards before 1986; it is very probable that they have gone astray owing tothe lack of a permanent secretariat, a situation that was resolved in the year 1998 underthe presidency of Dr. Gloria Galeano de Valdovinos.In spite of this paucity, it is possible to state that, since 1986, a string of dynamic andindustrious authorities have given definitivee solidity to scientific activities, with the participationof the already numerous members of the Society. Calendars were put togetherof monthly meetings such as courses, conferences, presentation of cases, round tables,presentation of papers for the incorporation of members and sessions with prominent internationalguests — great masters such as Drs. Adrián M. Pierini, León Jaimovich, RitaGarcía Díaz, Alejandro Cordero, Alberto Woscoff, Jorge Abulafia, José A. Mássimo, EvandroRivitti, Joel Bomfard, Walter Balda, Hugo Cabrera, Sebastião Sampaio, María A. Vitale,Galo Montenegro, Raúl Vignale and Mario Marini.Extenuating hours of work at daily meetings, with utter dedication and zeal, madepossible the First Paraguayan Congress of Dermatology, from October 13 to 16, 1995,with the presence of illustrious exponents of Latin American Dermatology, such as professorsDrs. Ramón Ruiz Maldonado and Roberto Arenas (Mexico), Jorge Abulafia, AlbertoWoscoff, Hugo Cabrera, Margarita Larralde, David Grinspan, Manuel Jiménez andJosé A. Mássimo (Argentina), Juan Honeyman (Chile) and Clarisse Zaits and Silvio Alencar(Brazil). The official themes were Therapeutics in Dermatology, and Skin Cancer andPre Cancer. Between national colleagues and foreigners, there were 413 participants,most of them dermatologists as was to be expected, attending pre-congress courses,keynote conferences, symposiums, independent topics, mini cases and one session ofHistopathology, among other subjects that included the entire spectrum of dermatologicaldiseases.Towards the end of the year 1996, with Dr. Oilda Knopfelmacher as RADLA Delegatefor Paraguay, the country received the offer of being the host of the next RADLA Congress— the first in our country — which took place in 1998 11 .The Second Paraguayan Congress of Dermatology and Second Paraguayan-ParanaensianSessions of Dermatology were held from August 26 to 28, 2000, with more poise andforcefulness thanks to the experience acquired at the first event: the official theme was“Dermatological Therapeutics. Latest Developments,” accompanied by courses, symposiumsand conferences, with the presence of illustrious guests such as professors Drs.Amy Nopper (USA), Roberto Arenas and Yolanda Ortiz (Mexico), Fausto Forim Alonso,Figure 2. Logotype ofthe ParaguayanSociety ofDermatologyFigure 3. Foundingdocument of theSociety ofDermatology,Syphilology andLeprology of Paraguay297

JULIO CORREAto the pretensions <strong>of</strong> the Municipal Council and <strong>of</strong> the bishop in the sense <strong>of</strong> investing theHospital’s income in the creation <strong>of</strong> a University or Convictorium run by the Jesuits 8 .The last years <strong>of</strong> the Colony were, on the other hand, very pr<strong>of</strong>itable for nationalhealth. The economic prosperity attracted various European physicians; others arrivedwith the parties carrying out the border demarcation between Spanish and Portuguesepossessions. Surgeons with university degrees introduced modern ideas about anatomy,pathology and clinical diagnosis to Paraguay; they identified infant tetanus, acute exanthemata,intermittent fevers, syphilis, pulmonary tuberculosis, epidemic conjunctivitis,dysenteries and murine typhus. They were also the first to use forceps and to carry outrisky surgical procedures. The practice <strong>of</strong> medicine became regularized in those years.The Congress <strong>of</strong> 1844 provided for the hiring <strong>of</strong> foreign pr<strong>of</strong>essors and the sending <strong>of</strong>young Paraguayans abroad to study medicine, surgery and obstetrics. These physicianshired by the state, who were mainly English, set up the military health service and in1858 formed a School <strong>of</strong> Surgery headquartered at the Potrero Hospital. The 1865-1870war put an end to this, our first <strong>of</strong>ficial medical school, when all its members enteredarmy ranks 8 .Beginning in 1870, medicine was enlivened by the contribution <strong>of</strong> numerous Europeanphysicians who came to heroic Paraguay more in the search for adventure than forfortune. The State, lacking resources, was unable to carry out social work, and limiteditself to sketching out a new sanitary organization. At this time, the Council <strong>of</strong> Medicineand Public Hygiene, the Conservatory <strong>of</strong> Vaccines, the Charity Hospital and other suchinstitutions were founded at this time, with a greater capital <strong>of</strong> laudable aims than <strong>of</strong>economic means <strong>of</strong> subsistence.The year 1890 marked a new era, with two transcendental events: the emergence <strong>of</strong>the first Paraguayan physicians and the founding <strong>of</strong> the National University <strong>of</strong> Asunción.The first Paraguayan doctors graduated in Buenos Aires and Montevideo; on their returnto the fatherland, thanks to the support lent by various Spanish pr<strong>of</strong>essors, they renderedthe opening <strong>of</strong> a Medical School possible. This first School had an ephemeral existencesince it dissolved midway through 1891, due to a lack <strong>of</strong> students; it wasreactivated in 1898 to produce, years later, the first graduating class <strong>of</strong> native-bornphysicians.And thus we arrive at the twentieth century, when medicine rapidly progressed untilachieving its present status. The Charity Hospital, inaugurated in 1894, was nationalizedin 1925, and in 1927 became a dependency <strong>of</strong> the School <strong>of</strong> Medical Sciences. The latter,shut down in 1912 and opened for a third time in 1918, was reorganized and improvedwith the cooperation <strong>of</strong> illustrious pr<strong>of</strong>essors hired in Europe. The point <strong>of</strong> departure <strong>of</strong>the academic phase <strong>of</strong> our medicine can be established in 1927. On that date the hiring<strong>of</strong> instructors by the hospital began a fruitful period that reaches the present day 8 .■ Historical summary <strong>of</strong> the ParaguayanSociety <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong>Historical summary <strong>of</strong> the Chair <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong> and the Paraguayan Society <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong>We will refer here to the events that laid the foundation for the first organizational andworking structures <strong>of</strong> the Chair and <strong>of</strong> the Paraguayan Society <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong> (Figure 2).It is worth mentioning — to return to the depths <strong>of</strong> time, as it were — the physicians<strong>of</strong> the courageous youth that decided to found the Society <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong>, Siphilology andLeprology <strong>of</strong> Paraguay, as it was initially known. In this section we reproduce the foundingCharter <strong>of</strong> the Society <strong>of</strong> Paraguay (Figure 3) and we remember the list <strong>of</strong> those whosigned the document, with the exception that there could be involuntary omissionsdue to missing papers. Its founding partners were Drs. Amelia Aguirre, Roque Ávila,Atilio Báez Giangreco, Francisco Benza, Guillermo Brañas, Virgilio Caballero Garay,296

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