History of Latin American Dermatology

History of Latin American Dermatology

History of Latin American Dermatology


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JULIO CORREAor Ava-amazonids, who reached the sources <strong>of</strong> the Paraguay River and dispersed alongthe tributaries toward the Paraná and the Atlantic coast. They were <strong>of</strong> the proto-Malaymongoloid race, bracycephalous, <strong>of</strong> low stature, and Neolithic culture. The Guaraní-tupíare racially Amazonic, as are also the Jíbaro pano, towards the west and the Andes, aswell as the Arawak and Carib, among others.Two main strands can be seen among the Ava-amazonid migrants:1. The Protomby’á, who came in contact with the Kaingang and imposed their AváÑe’e language on them. They settled in the area <strong>of</strong> the Paraguay River and its tributaries.They were organized in groups <strong>of</strong> single lineage per communal house.2. The Protocarians, who settled more recently (after the year 500 BC) in the sameterritory, conquering the former and merging with them. They were farmers <strong>of</strong> Neolithicculture, grouped in villages (tekoja), in multi-lineages (ñandurá), and under one chief(mburuvichá); they were farmers. They practiced polygamy and the kidnapping <strong>of</strong> maidensto form mutual help alliances with in-laws (tovajá). The two groups, Protomby’a andProtocarian, united under the leadership <strong>of</strong> the latter, to build the great Guaraní nation.Several groups, which made up the Guaraní nation, came in contact with the Spanishand Portuguese discoverers, conquistadors, colonizers, and missionaries. We will mentionsome <strong>of</strong> the main ones, according to Bertoni and Susnik, with special reference tothe Province <strong>of</strong> Paraguay: Kario, Tobat?, Guaraní, Guarambaré, Iratí, Paranae orParanaygua, the Yguazu, Akaray, Monday, Guyrae, Jakui-Tape, Tape, Tarumá. All <strong>of</strong>them occupied defined territories, delimited by rivers, mountain ranges, lakes, andforests. They were farmers, always led by chiefs whose names became legendary fortheir tenacious defense <strong>of</strong> their territories from the avidity <strong>of</strong> foreigners.Other groups are mentioned, which include the Guarani-tupí, who had spreadthrough the territories <strong>of</strong> what today are Brazil, Bolivia and Argentina, among others.In Paraguayan territory, in the Chaco, Western Region, we mention the groups thatcurrently live there: Ayoreo, Chamacoco, Tapieté, Chiriguano, Guaná, Toba, Sanapaná,Anguite, Lengua, Choroti, Nivaclé, Makã, Toba-lengua. In the Eastern Region, the Pa’i-Tavyterã, Ava-Chiripa, Ache-Guayaki, Mbyá-Guaraní.■ Paraguayan territory: Discovery. Colony. Independence.War <strong>of</strong> the Triple Alliance (1865-1870)Paraguayan Territory: Discovery. Colony. Independence. War <strong>of</strong> the Triple Alliance (1865-1870)In the sixteenth century, the first government set up by the Spaniards in the regions <strong>of</strong>the Paraná was in Asunción del Paraguay, which the inhabitants <strong>of</strong> Buenos Airesmoved to in 1541. Due to the rapid expansion <strong>of</strong> the conquest, the government <strong>of</strong>Paraguay included the vast territories that today make up Argentina, Paraguay,Uruguay, and the aforementioned Brazilian provinces, which were at the time occupiedby the Spaniards. Bearing in mind the organization <strong>of</strong> our old houses in those extremelyvast countries, it is easily understood that the name Paraguay was used to describe,as a general rule, all <strong>of</strong> the territories located from Peru and central Bolivia tothe north, to the southern tip <strong>of</strong> South America, and from the Andes to the AtlanticOcean; and because the main seat <strong>of</strong> government in all <strong>of</strong> that territory was then inParaguay — since the one in Tucumán was less important and the one in Buenos Aireswas not founded until 1617 — the Jesuits, when they built a religious province in thatregion in the year 1607, took the civil denomination that then prevailed in the territorywhich they occupied. It began to be known as “Province <strong>of</strong> Paraguay” (Paraquaria in<strong>Latin</strong>), a name that was preserved until the expulsion <strong>of</strong> the Company by Charles III 2 .These statements are excerpts from the monumental work dedicated to the Company<strong>of</strong> Jesus by Father Antonio Astrain S.J.286

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