History of Latin American Dermatology

History of Latin American Dermatology History of Latin American Dermatology

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ALDO EDGAR MARTÍNEZ CAMPOS, JORGE ISAAC NEIRA CUADRAFigure 1. Dr.Carlos Irigoyen,first Nicaraguandermatologisthospitalized patients became real prisoners, since they were not allowed to leave.Patients were moved around in special railroad cars, painted yellow and with the number79 as inscription, plus signs that indicated the type of people who traveled in them.In 1930, the patients escaped from Aserraderos Island, and most of them settled in ElViejo District, Department of Chinandega, which therefore became the main leprosyfocus in the country at that time. Another group settled in the Department of León.In 1932, the first National Leprosy Asylum was founded in the city of Managua withthe name of St. Lazarus, on the grounds that are currently taken by the Dr. FranciscoJosé Gómez Urcuyo National Dermatology Center, which the older inhabitants of Managuastill refer to as the “Leprosy Asylum.” These grounds were donated by Don AlfonsoPérez Alonso and Don Juan de Dios Matus; the latter was, owing to his love for hanseniasispatients, known as “John of Leprosy.” In its beginnings it hosted 38 patients.In 1934, Dr. Roberto Espinosa Sotomayor was appointed head of the St. Lazarus leprosarium;even though he was not a dermatologist, he combined his administrative activitieswith dermatological treatment of hanseniasis patients 3 .In 1943, the Board Against Leprosy was created, and the first doctor specializing inDermatology, Dr. Carlos Irigoyen — who had graduated in Mexico, a founder of theNicaraguan Society of Dermatology and of the Central American Society of Dermatology— was appointed to head it. In 1963, as General Secretary of the Central American Societyof Dermatology, he organized the Fourth Central American Congress of Dermatology4 (Figure 1).Subsequently, the medical management of the St. Lazarus leprosarium was takenover by Dr. Armando Morales Ettienne, a dermatologist who graduated in Argentina andwas a founding member of the Nicaraguan Society of Dermatology and of the CentralAmerican Society of Dermatology 5 .In subsequent years, the following Nicaraguan dermatologists returned to the country:• Dr. Jorge García Esquivel, who graduated in Mexico.• Dr. Alcides Delgadillo, founding member of the Nicaraguan Society of Dermatology.• Dr. Ernaldo Ávalos, who graduated in Argentina, a founding member of theNicaraguan Society of Dermatology.• Dr. Carlos Delgado, who graduated in France, a founding member of the NicaraguanSociety of Dermatology 6 .• Dr. Oscar Martínez Campos, who graduated in Argentina, a plastic surgeon and dermatologist;he was the president of the Nicaraguan Society of Dermatology and the associatesecretary before the Central American Society of Dermatology. He was also the Ministerof Social Security in 1997, and is currently a deputy for Nicaragua before the Central AmericanParliament. He has participated as a guest professor in many national congresses.• Dr. Josefa Pineda, who graduated in Argentina.• Dr. Sergio Delgado, who graduated in Puerto Rico.• Dr. Leonor Corea, who graduated in France.• Dr. Francisco José Gómez Urcuyo, who graduated in Mexico and Spain, and returnedto Nicaragua in 1975 (Figure 2).• Dr. Ángel Martínez Jiménez, who returned to our country in 1977, after havinggraduated in Brazil. He was the Faculty Head and Deputy Head of the National Center ofDermatology and a co-founder of the undergraduate and graduate Chairs of Dermatologyat the Autonomous National University of Nicaragua (León and Managua respectively).In 1991, the Autonomous National University of Nicaragua, Managua, marked itsappreciation for his ten years as a faculty member of the institution. He has participatedas a Guest Professor in many national congresses.• Dr. Juan José Guadamuz, who graduated in Mexico, was a full professor of the Chairof Dermatology (undergraduate) of the Medical School of the Autonomous National Universityof Nicaragua, León.274

History of Nicaraguan Dermatology• Dr. Orlando Sarria Berríos, who graduated in Mexico.• Dr. Aldo Edgar Martínez Campos returned to Nicaragua in 1977, after having graduatedin Argentina.• Dr. Federico Prado Rocha, who graduated in France, returned to our country in1979. He was a co-founder of the undergraduate and graduate Chairs of Dermatology atthe Autonomous National University of Nicaragua (León and Managua, respectively). Hewas also a co-founder of the National Dermatology Hospital. In 1991, the AutonomousNational University of Nicaragua, Managua, marked its appreciation for his eight yearsas a faculty member of the institution. During 1997-98, he was the Deputy Minister ofHealth. He has participated as a Guest Professor in various national congresses.• Dr. Hermann Allan Schaffer Urbina returned to Nicaragua in 1980, after havinggraduated in Uruguay.• Dr. Marlene Parra García, who returned in 1985, graduated in Mexico in the specializedsubfield in Pediatrical Dermatology, becoming the first pediatric dermatologist inthe country. From 1996 to 1999 she was the coordinator of the graduate Dermatologycourse at the Dr. Francisco José Gómez Urcuyo National Center of Dermatology. Since1992, she is full professor of the undergraduate Chair of Dermatology of the AutonomousNational University of Nicaragua Medical School, in Managua. She has participated as aGuest Professor in many national congresses.All these dermatologists, as well as others who have not been mentioned here, haveworked responsibly and with love for Nicaraguan dermatology. But we consider it necessaryto issue special recognition for some of them who have stood out through theyears for their outstanding dedication and delivery.Outstanding personalities■ Outstanding personalitiesDr. Jorge García EsquivelHe stood out for his work as the head doctor of the Leprosy Asylum (1951-1970), thename of which was changed under his administration to “St. Lazarus Sanatorium.” Heintroduced to Nicaragua the first effective treatment against leprosy, the sulfones (DDS).He began the first field-study treatment to treat non-hospitalized patients, and, with thesupport of Dr. Rodolfo Matus, a plastic surgeon, conducted the first reconstructive surgeriesfor patients who needed them. He was the first Nicaraguan specialist to report hisdermatological experiences at national and international congresses. He was a foundingmember of the Nicaraguan Society of Dermatology and the General Secretary of the CentralAmerican Society of Dermatology; as such, in 1976 he organized the Tenth CentralAmerican Congress of Dermatology. He was also on several occasions president of theNicaraguan Society of Dermatology.Dr. Francisco José Gómez Urcuyo (1943-1995)Figure 2.Francisco JoséGómez UrcuyoHe was one of the most outstanding dermatologists seen in Nicaragua, and his prematureabsence was an irreparable loss. He devoted a large part of his life as a dermatologistto leprosy patients, with scientific and mystical capability, with love anddedication. He was the head of the St. Lazarus Sanatorium from 1976 to 1981, and a cofounderand encourager of the founding of the National Dermatology Hospital that currentlycarries his name in just homage to his memory, for the arduous task he began onFebruary 1, 1978. From that moment on, the hospital underwent an important transformationin its physical and medical structures, producing an improvement in the hygiene275

<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> Nicaraguan <strong>Dermatology</strong>• Dr. Orlando Sarria Berríos, who graduated in Mexico.• Dr. Aldo Edgar Martínez Campos returned to Nicaragua in 1977, after having graduatedin Argentina.• Dr. Federico Prado Rocha, who graduated in France, returned to our country in1979. He was a co-founder <strong>of</strong> the undergraduate and graduate Chairs <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong> atthe Autonomous National University <strong>of</strong> Nicaragua (León and Managua, respectively). Hewas also a co-founder <strong>of</strong> the National <strong>Dermatology</strong> Hospital. In 1991, the AutonomousNational University <strong>of</strong> Nicaragua, Managua, marked its appreciation for his eight yearsas a faculty member <strong>of</strong> the institution. During 1997-98, he was the Deputy Minister <strong>of</strong>Health. He has participated as a Guest Pr<strong>of</strong>essor in various national congresses.• Dr. Hermann Allan Schaffer Urbina returned to Nicaragua in 1980, after havinggraduated in Uruguay.• Dr. Marlene Parra García, who returned in 1985, graduated in Mexico in the specializedsubfield in Pediatrical <strong>Dermatology</strong>, becoming the first pediatric dermatologist inthe country. From 1996 to 1999 she was the coordinator <strong>of</strong> the graduate <strong>Dermatology</strong>course at the Dr. Francisco José Gómez Urcuyo National Center <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong>. Since1992, she is full pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> the undergraduate Chair <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong> <strong>of</strong> the AutonomousNational University <strong>of</strong> Nicaragua Medical School, in Managua. She has participated as aGuest Pr<strong>of</strong>essor in many national congresses.All these dermatologists, as well as others who have not been mentioned here, haveworked responsibly and with love for Nicaraguan dermatology. But we consider it necessaryto issue special recognition for some <strong>of</strong> them who have stood out through theyears for their outstanding dedication and delivery.Outstanding personalities■ Outstanding personalitiesDr. Jorge García EsquivelHe stood out for his work as the head doctor <strong>of</strong> the Leprosy Asylum (1951-1970), thename <strong>of</strong> which was changed under his administration to “St. Lazarus Sanatorium.” Heintroduced to Nicaragua the first effective treatment against leprosy, the sulfones (DDS).He began the first field-study treatment to treat non-hospitalized patients, and, with thesupport <strong>of</strong> Dr. Rodolfo Matus, a plastic surgeon, conducted the first reconstructive surgeriesfor patients who needed them. He was the first Nicaraguan specialist to report hisdermatological experiences at national and international congresses. He was a foundingmember <strong>of</strong> the Nicaraguan Society <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong> and the General Secretary <strong>of</strong> the Central<strong>American</strong> Society <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong>; as such, in 1976 he organized the Tenth Central<strong>American</strong> Congress <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong>. He was also on several occasions president <strong>of</strong> theNicaraguan Society <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong>.Dr. Francisco José Gómez Urcuyo (1943-1995)Figure 2.Francisco JoséGómez UrcuyoHe was one <strong>of</strong> the most outstanding dermatologists seen in Nicaragua, and his prematureabsence was an irreparable loss. He devoted a large part <strong>of</strong> his life as a dermatologistto leprosy patients, with scientific and mystical capability, with love anddedication. He was the head <strong>of</strong> the St. Lazarus Sanatorium from 1976 to 1981, and a c<strong>of</strong>ounderand encourager <strong>of</strong> the founding <strong>of</strong> the National <strong>Dermatology</strong> Hospital that currentlycarries his name in just homage to his memory, for the arduous task he began onFebruary 1, 1978. From that moment on, the hospital underwent an important transformationin its physical and medical structures, producing an improvement in the hygiene275

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