History of Latin American Dermatology

History of Latin American Dermatology History of Latin American Dermatology

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ADAME, ARIAS, ARENAS, CAMPOS, NEUMANN, ORTIZ, RUIZ MALDONADO, SAÚLof Barcelona and Alabama. The history of dermatological surgery at that service beganwith Dr. Oliverio Welsh, who introduced cryosurgery when he was its director. In 1983,the service was joined by Dr. Sergio Ramos Arizpe, who performed dermatologicalsurgery in Germany and gave a boost to oncological surgery. A degree in dermatologicalsurgery is offered for certified dermatologists, with a one-year study course, backed bythe graduate subdivision of the Medical School at the Autonomous University of NuevoLeón. In 1983, in collaboration with Oliverio Welsh and with the sponsorship of the InternationalSociety for Dermatologic Surgery, León Neumann organized the First Theoreticaland Practical Course on Dermatological Surgery, with practice on pig legs.The Mexican Society of Dermatological and Oncological Surgery was born in 1994; itis affiliated with the International League of Dermatological Societies. Its congresses areheld every two years. The Society has an official news organ under the heading of Cosmetics,Medical and Surgical, which is currently edited by Drs. Jorge Ocampo Candianiand José Gerardo Silva Siwady.■ ConclusionThe phenomenon of worldwide globalization affects all spheres of human activity, includingthat of medicine. The medical information generated anywhere in the world isreceived the same day; technical, surgical and pharmacological advances are quicklyspread by large transnational corporations. Mexico is delving into the twenty-first centurywith the participation of large private and public institutions, with a medical practicethat is attuned to the great progress in contemporary medicine, but also with majorchallenges to be met, especially in the social field. ■October 2004■ References1. Chávez I. México en la culturamédica. México: Fondo deCultura Económica; 1987.2. Ocaranza F. Historia de laMedicina en México. México:Cien de México; 1995.3. Pérez Tamayo R. De laMedicina primitiva a laMedicina moderna. México:Fondo de Cultura Económica;1997.4. Arias-Gómez MI, Adame-Miranda G. Historia de laDermatología mexicana y susaportaciones al mundo.Dermatología Rev Mex2003;XLVII Supl 1:52-64.5. Cariño-Preciado L, Del OlmoLinares G. EUATL. LaDermatología en el Códice dela Cruz-Badiano. México:Grupo Roche; 1998.6. Latapí F, Ortiz Y. Historia de laDermatología en México.Academia Nacional deMedicina Primer Centenario1864-1964. México:Academia Nacional deMedicina. 1964;II:565-92.7. Barquín M. Historia de laMedicina. México: UNAM;1971:87-95, 243-44, 259-73,331-46.8. González de la Vara M, SalasE, Alazraki A. El cacao en elMéxico prehispánico. Usosreligiosos y medicinales delcacao. En: Chapa M,Chocolate, regalo del Edén.México: Gobierno del Estadode Tabasco; 2003:31-34.9. Flores y Troncoso FA. Historiade la Medicina en México.Desde la época de los indioshasta la presente. Tomo I. 2ªed. México: IMSS; 1982.10. Vasconcelos J. Breve historiade México. México:Fernández Editor; 1976.11. Ortiz F. Principia Médica. Lamedicina y el hombre.México: Editores de TextosMexicanos; 2004:137-149.12. De la Cruz M. Libellus deMedicinabullus IndorumHerbis. Manuscrito azteca de1552. Traducción latina de266

History of Dermatology in MexicoJuan Badiano. México: IMSS;1964.13. Barquín M. Historia de laMedicina. México: UNAM;1971: 73-85.14. Ortiz F. Hospitales. México:McGraw-Hill Interamericana;2000.15. Fajardo-Ortiz G. Del Hospitalde Jesús a instituciones ycentros médicos. Historia delos Hospitales de la Ciudadde México 1521-2003.México: GlaxoSmithKline;2003.16. Saúl A, Latapí F. La lepra enMéxico. Libro del Centenariode la Academia Nacional deMedicina. México: AcademiaNacional de Medicina.1964:89-99.17. Rodríguez O. La Dermatologíaen México. Primera parte.Dermatología Rev Mex.1961;5:123.18. Saúl A. Dr. Rafael Lucio. Suvida y su obra. México; 1991.

<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong> in MexicoJuan Badiano. México: IMSS;1964.13. Barquín M. Historia de laMedicina. México: UNAM;1971: 73-85.14. Ortiz F. Hospitales. México:McGraw-Hill Interamericana;2000.15. Fajardo-Ortiz G. Del Hospitalde Jesús a instituciones ycentros médicos. Historia delos Hospitales de la Ciudadde México 1521-2003.México: GlaxoSmithKline;2003.16. Saúl A, Latapí F. La lepra enMéxico. Libro del Centenariode la Academia Nacional deMedicina. México: AcademiaNacional de Medicina.1964:89-99.17. Rodríguez O. La Dermatologíaen México. Primera parte.Dermatología Rev Mex.1961;5:123.18. Saúl A. Dr. Rafael Lucio. Suvida y su obra. México; 1991.

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