History of Latin American Dermatology

History of Latin American Dermatology History of Latin American Dermatology

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M. MADERO, F. MADERO, G. MONTENEGRO, M. COELLO, C. ARIASand international arena. Two of them have a Medical School: since 1977the Catholic University — where Dr. Claudio Arias was in charge of theChair of Dermatology and Dr. Teodoro Espinosa is currently the Head —and the University of Azuay, which has just created its Medical School in2004 and is taking its first steps in educational activity in the profession.Figure 30. Front viewof the Vicente CorralMoscoso Regional andTeaching HospitalHistorical Profile of the Ecuadorian Societyof Dermatology- Azuay NucleusThe history of the Ecuadorian Society of Dermatology-Azuay Nucleus is worthy of receivinga similar treatment, which would elicit another essay. For the time being, we limitourselves to saying that the Azuay Nucleus was created on February 5, 1971, during thepresidency of the late master of Ecuadorian Dermatology, Prof. Wenceslao OllagueLoayza. He was available for its creation, sponsorship and participation in the Azuay Societyof Pathology 21, 32 (Figure 31).The Nucleus began with the support of the National Society, which was created onMay 15, 1963, in the city of Guayaquil, the renowned master, Prof. Enrique Uraga Peña,being its first president. An important fact to point out is that, at the date it was constituted,Azuayan Dermatology had its representation, within the list of Founding Members,in Drs. Claudio Arias Argudo and the late physician, promoter of leprology in Cuenca, EudoroMoscoso Serrano 22 . The first bylaws became official on June 14, 1978, throughMinisterial Agreement No. 9958; subsequently, during the term of Dr. Jorge Bracho Oñaat the Ministry of Public Health, the Reformed Bylaws of the Ecuadorian Society of Dermatologywere definitively approved on May 26, 1986, through Ministerial AgreementNo. 687 23, 32 . Dr. Claudio Arias was elected as first president of the Azuayan Nucleus ofthe Society; he held that post until 1985, when he was ratified as president of the Nucleusand president of the Third Ecuadorian Congress of Dermatology, held in Cuenca inOctober 1985 21 (Figures 32 and 33).Under the Bylaws, the national headquarters were in the city of Guayaquil, but dueto the approval of the new Bylaws (1986), they acquired a rotating character, passingonto the nucleus that was host to the National Congress 23, 32 .Since 1986, the boards of directors of the Azuay Nucleus have been renovated biannually;up to the present, Drs. Franklin Encalada C., Mauricio Coello U., Marcelo MerchánM., Iván Zéas D., Edgar Reinoso M., Teodoro Espinosa P., and Víctor León Ch. haveheld the presidency 24 .The Azuay Nucleus has participated in all the activities programmed and sponsored bythe National Society, starting with the First Regional Sessions (Triangulars) held inGuayaquil (July 25-28, 1973); the Second Regional Sessions, Guayaquil (April 1976); theThird Regional Sessions, Cuenca (May 17-19, 1979), coinciding with the Ninth NationalMedical Congress 31 (Figure: 34), and culminating with the Fourth Regional Session, Loja(May 25-28, 1983) 21, 22, 24 . Subsequently, in 1980 32 , the Triangulars of Dermatologywere called National Sessions, and have been successfully held every three or four months,in an alternating and now regulated manner, in the cities of Quito, Guayaquil, Cuenca, towhich the city of Loja has also recently been added (Pre-Nucleus of Loja) 22, 24, 25 .Azuay and Cuenca (in particular) have also had full participation in the main event ofNational Dermatology, the Ecuadorian Congress of the specialized field, which has hadthe support of the CILAD. To date, eleven National Congresses have been successfullyheld since the First Ecuadorian Congress (Guayaquil, July 1981), with Dr. Wilson CorreaB. 28 as national president and president of the Congress. The Second EcuadorianCongress, during the national presidency of Dr. Wenceslao Ollague L., was held in Quito,in November 1983, with the presidency of Dr. Holger Garzón V. The Third EcuadorianCongress was held in Cuenca, from October 9 to 12, 1985, corresponding to the national212

History of Ecuadorian Dermatologypresidency of Dr. Luis Chiriboga A., and the presidencyof the Congress of Dr. Claudio Arias A.; the central topicwas “Skin Tumors.” The Fourth Ecuadorian Congress(Guayaquil, July 1987) was held under the national andCongress presidency of Dr. José Ollague. Quito was hostto the Fifth Ecuadorian Congress and to the Ninth BolivarianCongress of Dermatology in October 1990, withDr. Carlos Carvajal H. as national president and presidentof the Congress. The Sixth Ecuadorian Congresswas held in Cuenca from April 12 to 16, 1993, with Dr.Franklin Encalada initially as national president (1991)and then Dr. Mauricio Coello. Beginning with thatCongress, which was headed by Dr. Claudio Arias, officialtopics were abolished. In Guayaquil, from July 20 to25, 1995, the Seventh Ecuadorian Congress was held,under the presidency of Dr. Gonzalo Calero H.; the Eighth Ecuadorian Congress tookplace in Quito from July 20 to 25, 1997; its president was Dr. Oswaldo Reyes; the NinthEcuadorian Congress was held in Cuenca, from April 29 to May 3, 1999, with Dr. MarceloMerchán M. as national president and president of the Congress. In Guayaquil, from July19 to 22, 2001, the Tenth Ecuadorian Congress and the Sixteenth Bolivarian Congress ofDermatology were held, both headed by Dr. Franklin Madero 24, 32 . Finally, the EleventhEcuadorian Congress was held in Quito from July 24 to 26, 2003, headed by Dr. SantiagoPalacios 24 . At present (up to the writing of this essay, September 2004) Cuenca is organizing,on the one hand, the Second Latin American Congress of Photobiology and Photomedicine,to be held in our city on November 26 and 27, 2004, with the participationof the most outstanding world leaders in the subject 24, 27 , and on the other, the TwelfthEcuadorian Congress of the specialized field, an event that is planned for March 2006,under the national presidency of Dr. Víctor León Ch. 24 .The Azuay Nucleus, responsible for organizing the Third, Sixth and Ninth EcuadorianCongresses of Dermatology, had the wisdom to invite and the privilege to receive foreignprofessors of international stature such as Raúl Vignale (Uruguay), Miguel Armijo (Spain)and Enrique Hernández P. (El Salvador), in 1985; Hugo Néstor Cabrera (Argentina), LourdesTamayo (Mexico), Ramón Ruiz Maldonado (Mexico), Sandra García (Argentina), EduardoCivila (Uruguay), in 1993; and Donald V. Belsito (USA), Alejandro Guinzburg (Israel),Fernando Stengel (Argentina), Juliana Forster (Argentina), Roberto Arenas (Mexico), AlejandroBonifaz (Mexico), Héctor Cáceres (Peru), Marcelo Nacucchio (Argentina) and JorgePeniche (Mexico) in 1999. With their presence and participation, these physicians providedluster and enhancement to the events organized by our nucleus, and everyone who attendedbenefited from their wise knowledge and teachings 24, 30 . The Azuay Nucleus, asorganizer of the aforementioned events, on its behalf and with the sponsorship of thestanding national authorities, by virtue of the merits and services provided by the illustriousvisitors, justly and according to the Bylaws conferred on each of them the honor of“Corresponding Members” of the Ecuadorian Society of Dermatology 24 .Within the local and provincial scope, the Azuay Nucleus is characterized by being agroup featuring brotherly and very active work, having, since its beginnings, organizedvarious scientific, social and cultural activities; weekly meetings are held on Thursdaysfor the examination of patients and clinical cases, at first at the EISS (Ecuadorian Instituteof Social Security) Hospital, in the afternoon and then in the morning at the VicenteCorral Moscoso Regional Hospital; at night, the sessions of the Nucleus take place. Simultaneously,what is known as the Annual Course of Continuing Dermatology Educationhas been institutionalized, which, with great care and dedication has been carried out,at the due times, by the authorities in office 24 . Various seminars, round tables, mini-courses,Figure 31. Interviewon the setting up ofthe EcuadorianSociety ofDermatology, AzuayNucleus. El MercurionewspaperFigure 32. Participantsin the 3rd EcuadorianCongress ofDermatology, Cuenca1985Figure 33. Ttheorganizers of theevent: Dr. ClaudioArias, President of theCongress, Dr. RolendioPalacios, Dr. Iván Zéas,Dr. Franklin Encalada,Dr. Mauricio Coelloand Professors RaúlVignale (Uruguay) andMiguel Armijo (Spain)213

<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> Ecuadorian <strong>Dermatology</strong>presidency <strong>of</strong> Dr. Luis Chiriboga A., and the presidency<strong>of</strong> the Congress <strong>of</strong> Dr. Claudio Arias A.; the central topicwas “Skin Tumors.” The Fourth Ecuadorian Congress(Guayaquil, July 1987) was held under the national andCongress presidency <strong>of</strong> Dr. José Ollague. Quito was hostto the Fifth Ecuadorian Congress and to the Ninth BolivarianCongress <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong> in October 1990, withDr. Carlos Carvajal H. as national president and president<strong>of</strong> the Congress. The Sixth Ecuadorian Congresswas held in Cuenca from April 12 to 16, 1993, with Dr.Franklin Encalada initially as national president (1991)and then Dr. Mauricio Coello. Beginning with thatCongress, which was headed by Dr. Claudio Arias, <strong>of</strong>ficialtopics were abolished. In Guayaquil, from July 20 to25, 1995, the Seventh Ecuadorian Congress was held,under the presidency <strong>of</strong> Dr. Gonzalo Calero H.; the Eighth Ecuadorian Congress tookplace in Quito from July 20 to 25, 1997; its president was Dr. Oswaldo Reyes; the NinthEcuadorian Congress was held in Cuenca, from April 29 to May 3, 1999, with Dr. MarceloMerchán M. as national president and president <strong>of</strong> the Congress. In Guayaquil, from July19 to 22, 2001, the Tenth Ecuadorian Congress and the Sixteenth Bolivarian Congress <strong>of</strong><strong>Dermatology</strong> were held, both headed by Dr. Franklin Madero 24, 32 . Finally, the EleventhEcuadorian Congress was held in Quito from July 24 to 26, 2003, headed by Dr. SantiagoPalacios 24 . At present (up to the writing <strong>of</strong> this essay, September 2004) Cuenca is organizing,on the one hand, the Second <strong>Latin</strong> <strong>American</strong> Congress <strong>of</strong> Photobiology and Photomedicine,to be held in our city on November 26 and 27, 2004, with the participation<strong>of</strong> the most outstanding world leaders in the subject 24, 27 , and on the other, the TwelfthEcuadorian Congress <strong>of</strong> the specialized field, an event that is planned for March 2006,under the national presidency <strong>of</strong> Dr. Víctor León Ch. 24 .The Azuay Nucleus, responsible for organizing the Third, Sixth and Ninth EcuadorianCongresses <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong>, had the wisdom to invite and the privilege to receive foreignpr<strong>of</strong>essors <strong>of</strong> international stature such as Raúl Vignale (Uruguay), Miguel Armijo (Spain)and Enrique Hernández P. (El Salvador), in 1985; Hugo Néstor Cabrera (Argentina), LourdesTamayo (Mexico), Ramón Ruiz Maldonado (Mexico), Sandra García (Argentina), EduardoCivila (Uruguay), in 1993; and Donald V. Belsito (USA), Alejandro Guinzburg (Israel),Fernando Stengel (Argentina), Juliana Forster (Argentina), Roberto Arenas (Mexico), AlejandroBonifaz (Mexico), Héctor Cáceres (Peru), Marcelo Nacucchio (Argentina) and JorgePeniche (Mexico) in 1999. With their presence and participation, these physicians providedluster and enhancement to the events organized by our nucleus, and everyone who attendedbenefited from their wise knowledge and teachings 24, 30 . The Azuay Nucleus, asorganizer <strong>of</strong> the aforementioned events, on its behalf and with the sponsorship <strong>of</strong> thestanding national authorities, by virtue <strong>of</strong> the merits and services provided by the illustriousvisitors, justly and according to the Bylaws conferred on each <strong>of</strong> them the honor <strong>of</strong>“Corresponding Members” <strong>of</strong> the Ecuadorian Society <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong> 24 .Within the local and provincial scope, the Azuay Nucleus is characterized by being agroup featuring brotherly and very active work, having, since its beginnings, organizedvarious scientific, social and cultural activities; weekly meetings are held on Thursdaysfor the examination <strong>of</strong> patients and clinical cases, at first at the EISS (Ecuadorian Institute<strong>of</strong> Social Security) Hospital, in the afternoon and then in the morning at the VicenteCorral Moscoso Regional Hospital; at night, the sessions <strong>of</strong> the Nucleus take place. Simultaneously,what is known as the Annual Course <strong>of</strong> Continuing <strong>Dermatology</strong> Educationhas been institutionalized, which, with great care and dedication has been carried out,at the due times, by the authorities in <strong>of</strong>fice 24 . Various seminars, round tables, mini-courses,Figure 31. Interviewon the setting up <strong>of</strong>the EcuadorianSociety <strong>of</strong><strong>Dermatology</strong>, AzuayNucleus. El MercurionewspaperFigure 32. Participantsin the 3rd EcuadorianCongress <strong>of</strong><strong>Dermatology</strong>, Cuenca1985Figure 33. Ttheorganizers <strong>of</strong> theevent: Dr. ClaudioArias, President <strong>of</strong> theCongress, Dr. RolendioPalacios, Dr. Iván Zéas,Dr. Franklin Encalada,Dr. Mauricio Coelloand Pr<strong>of</strong>essors RaúlVignale (Uruguay) andMiguel Armijo (Spain)213

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