History of Latin American Dermatology

History of Latin American Dermatology

History of Latin American Dermatology


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M. MADERO, F. MADERO, G. MONTENEGRO, M. COELLO, C. ARIASmentioned, and with the collaboration <strong>of</strong> other colleagues who were also partially dedicatedto <strong>Dermatology</strong>, began to shape the specialized field in our country.Founding <strong>of</strong> the Ecuadorian Society <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong>In the above-mentioned circumstances, the early 1960s presented a propitious situationfor all these physicians to come together in a single collegiate body that would befully dedicated to the promotion <strong>of</strong> research, dissemination and teaching <strong>of</strong> the specializedfield. The idea came up in the city <strong>of</strong> Guayaquil, and Drs. Enrique Uraga Peña,Wenceslao Ollague Loayza and Luis Carvajal Huerta made it a reality: they began thepreliminary meetings with diverse physicians in the country who practiced <strong>Dermatology</strong>or other related specialized fields. Thus the need to create an Ecuadorian Society <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong>emerged, and a date and place were fixed to hold a national meeting at whichthe founding <strong>of</strong> the entity would take place.Consequently, on May 15, 1963, twenty-three prestigious physicians met in the city <strong>of</strong>Guayaquil, at the Medical Club (Figure 1) located on the fourth floor <strong>of</strong> the building thatstill exists on the northwestern corner <strong>of</strong> the intersection <strong>of</strong> Baquerizo Moreno andNueve <strong>of</strong> Octubre streets, and decided to form the Ecuadorian Society <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong>,whose founding charter we transcribe:FOUNDING CHARTER OF THE ECUADORIAN SOCIETY OF DERMATOLOGYFigure 1. Buildinglocated at 9 deOctubre avenue andBaquerizo Moreno(Guayaquil). Thevenue <strong>of</strong> the “MedicalClub” was on itsfourth floor, the sitewhere the EcuadorianSociety <strong>of</strong><strong>Dermatology</strong> wasfoundedIn the city <strong>of</strong> Guayaquil on the fifteenth day <strong>of</strong> the month <strong>of</strong> May, Nineteen Seventy-Three, the following physicians met in the halls <strong>of</strong> the Medical Club, following a summonsissues by Drs. Enrique Uraga Peña, Luis Carvajal Huerta and WenceslaoOllague Loayza: Edmundo Blum, Bertha Duarte <strong>of</strong> Rendón, Elena Yerovi, Silvio Torres,Germán Moreno Valero, Carlos Hidalgo González, Otto Arias, Claudio Arias, CarlosTimm, Bolívar Estrella, Francisco Parra, Roberto Jalón, Eduardo Reina, DomingoParedes, Jorge Ramírez, Eudoro Moscoso, Jorge Bermeo, Carlos Espín, Felipe Arocaand Servio Peñaherrera; who, after having listened to the speech given by Dr. UragaPeña, in which he pointed out that the fundamental goal <strong>of</strong> the meeting was to constitute,if they considered it convenient, an entity that would group all the doctorswho had a special dedication to <strong>Dermatology</strong>, Syphilography and Leprology, with theaim <strong>of</strong> incrementing the study <strong>of</strong> those branches <strong>of</strong> Medicine and to encourage, employingall means, its greater dissemination and enhancement, have agreed to setthemselves up as a General Meeting and to that effect have appointed Dr. Uraga Peñaas its Director and Dr. Ollague Loayza as Secretary, and after listening to variousviews favorable to that criterion, have at last resolved to form the Society and thatafter being approved by it have submitted them to consideration by the Administrationfor its approval in conformity with the pertinent legal rulings.Dr. Servio Peñaherrera A. Dr. Enrique Uraga P.Immediately after the constitution <strong>of</strong> the Society, its Bylaws were drafted, after being discussedand approved in General Meeting sessions held on May 19, 21 and 22 <strong>of</strong> that sameyear. These initial bylaws were made up <strong>of</strong> 79 articles, <strong>of</strong> which we quote the first and last:Art. 1. - With the name <strong>of</strong> Ecuadorian Society <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong> a Scientific Association<strong>of</strong> a private legal character and <strong>of</strong> national scope is created, located in Guayaquil,which will be governed by the following Bylaws.Art. 79. - The Assembly decides to elect a Provisional Board <strong>of</strong> Directors in this oneinstance, until the next month <strong>of</strong> May.192

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