History of Latin American Dermatology

History of Latin American Dermatology History of Latin American Dermatology

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CÉSAR IVÁN VARELA HERNÁNDEZFigure 45. FlavioGómezFigure 46. CarlosE. EscobarFigure 47. JairoMesaof a trade or informative nature is published. Itsmain mission is ongoing medical education. TheJournal was born at the initiative of Flavio GómezVargas (Figure 45) during his presidency of the Association(1990-1992), with the cooperation of Mr.William Sánchez, an executive of the Essex Farmacéuticamedical drug division of Schering Plough S.A.Dr. Gómez offered the editorship of the magazine toCarlos Enrique Escobar Restrepo (Figure 46); the latterwas succeeded by Diego E. Jaramillo, Jaime Sotoand Juan Jaime Atuesta. In 1998 Carlos Escobar returnedas editor. Upon his death (1999) he was succeededby María Isabel Barona and Lucy García andas of 2002, the editor is Luis Fernando Balcázar Romero. The first number appeared onJuly 1, 1999. The journal is published on a quarterly basis and prints 1,000 copies.The Association’s Web page: COLLABORATOR: Jairo Mesa CockJairo Mesa Cock (Figure 47), who has devoted his life to teaching at the University ofCaldas in Manizales, thought on retirement in 1994 that “computer technology and theInternet would be ideal tools that could be employed for many aims and among dermatologists...for educational purposes.” As of 1998 he organized a base of electronic addressesof dermatologists whom he regularly sent summaries and remarks on articles indiverse publications, which gave rise to the Club de Revistas. In the year 2000Mario Linares Barrios, who heads the Foro Dermatológico in Cadiz, Spain, beganto give the Journals Club dissemination. In 2002, another brilliant and eager Spanishcolleague, Paco Russo, launched an analogous space on the Web, the Foro Bibliográfico,and invited Dr. Mesa to participate in it.The Association’s Web page was created in September 2001, during the presidencyof Ángela Zuluaga de Cadena; in 2002 it began to be sponsored by LaboratoriosAldoquín, thanks to its manager, Gabriel Peña. In October 2002, Jairo MesaCock let the new president, Evelyne Halpert, know of his wish to create a page onthe Internet aimed at dermatologists, for educational purposes, a task he launchedon January 1, 2003. Since then he has edited the page excellently, imprinting hispersonality, developing innovations, teaching and sowing the sense of belonging tothe scientific community. It currently contains spaces for general information, announcements,academic and scientific events, members, list of addresses, residents, history,regional chapters, journals club, weekly minicases, special dermatological snippets,trade forum, the electronic Forum and outreach to the community, among others, withmultiple links. The page is visited by colleagues from Ibero-America, turning into a referencepoint for unity, information and teaching.■ Scientific activitiesCOLLABORATOR: Danielle Alencar-PonteThe Colombian Association of Dermatology and Dermatological Surgery, as well as itsbranches, regional chapters, services and schools of Dermatology, have carried out numerousacademic events. For reasons of space, only those that have been of a nationaland international nature are pointed out here.136

History of Dermatology in ColombiaThe Association has held 24 national congresses, the first in Bogotá (December 8-10,1960), the second in Medellín (1961), the third in Cali (1963), under the presidencies ofGuillermo Pardo Villalba, José Posada Trujillo and Hernán Tobón Pizarro, respectively.The following ones took place in Bucaramanga, Bogotá, Barranquilla, Manizales,Pereira, Paipa, Pasto, Cartagena, San Andrés, Santa Marta and Bogotá (2004).Six national congresses of Pediatric Dermatology have also been held (since 1964,every two years), and three national congresses of Dermatological Surgery (since 1999,every two years).The Ninth Ibero-Latin American Congress took place in Medellín in 1979, under thepresidency of Alonso Cortés.Some other events held by schools and chapters include:- 10 international symposia on Dermatology, Institute of Health Sciences (CES);- 1 international symposium on Contact Dermatitis (Bolivarian Pontifical U.) and twointernational symposia (city of Medellín, University of Antioquia, CES and Bolivarian PontificalU., in Medellín).- 4 international seminars on pediatric Dermatology;- 7 symposia on dermatological therapy;- 2 courses of the International Society of Dermatology, U. del Valle;- 18 courses of the International Society of Dermatology, organized by María MélidaDurán, Bogotá.- Multiple dermatological sessions of the Coast, Bolivarian Society.- 2 oncological Dermatology seminars and 1 course, School of Oncological Dermatology,National Cancer Institute.- 4 dermatological symposia of the Caribbean, Association of Dermatologists of the Atlantic.- Fifteenth Bolivarian Congress 2000 and Fourth Colombian-Venezuelan Encounter,Pereira.- “Pedro Miguel Román Suárez” dermatological athenaeum, Chapter of North of Santander.- 1 course on Progress in Dermatology, 1 course on Tropical Medicine and Sessions on“Skin Cancer Prevention”; Central Military Hospital, University of New Granada.- 4 refresher courses and workshops, Association of Santander.■ Teaching Dermatology: Dermatology schools-servicesTeaching Dermatology: Dermatology schools-servicesIn Colombia the teaching of this specialized field has been carried out in the diverseDermatology services, within the framework of academic and research and taking universityhospitals, whose contribution has been fundamental for dermatological treatmentfor the community, as the base for action. Nine services exist with graduate studies inDermatology at different universities in Bogotá, Medellín, Manizales and Cali, one oncologicalDermatology subfield program in Bogotá and one dermatological surgery programin Medellín. In addition, various Dermatology services operate in many cities andoffer undergraduate medical teaching.Since they were launched in the nineteenth century, the services have turned into trueschools of Dermatology that have accompanied the development of the field. During thefirst years they followed the guidelines of European schools, particularly that of theFrench, which became dogma in the medical world. At the beginning of the twentiethcentury it came under the influence of the United States school, which continues to thisday. Since the mid-twentieth century it has also received the contribution from the LatinAmerican schools, especially those of Argentina, Brazil and Mexico, since many dermatologistshave traveled to those countries for their training. With these varied influences,137

CÉSAR IVÁN VARELA HERNÁNDEZFigure 45. FlavioGómezFigure 46. CarlosE. EscobarFigure 47. JairoMesa<strong>of</strong> a trade or informative nature is published. Itsmain mission is ongoing medical education. TheJournal was born at the initiative <strong>of</strong> Flavio GómezVargas (Figure 45) during his presidency <strong>of</strong> the Association(1990-1992), with the cooperation <strong>of</strong> Mr.William Sánchez, an executive <strong>of</strong> the Essex Farmacéuticamedical drug division <strong>of</strong> Schering Plough S.A.Dr. Gómez <strong>of</strong>fered the editorship <strong>of</strong> the magazine toCarlos Enrique Escobar Restrepo (Figure 46); the latterwas succeeded by Diego E. Jaramillo, Jaime Sotoand Juan Jaime Atuesta. In 1998 Carlos Escobar returnedas editor. Upon his death (1999) he was succeededby María Isabel Barona and Lucy García andas <strong>of</strong> 2002, the editor is Luis Fernando Balcázar Romero. The first number appeared onJuly 1, 1999. The journal is published on a quarterly basis and prints 1,000 copies.The Association’s Web page: COLLABORATOR: Jairo Mesa CockJairo Mesa Cock (Figure 47), who has devoted his life to teaching at the University <strong>of</strong>Caldas in Manizales, thought on retirement in 1994 that “computer technology and theInternet would be ideal tools that could be employed for many aims and among dermatologists...for educational purposes.” As <strong>of</strong> 1998 he organized a base <strong>of</strong> electronic addresses<strong>of</strong> dermatologists whom he regularly sent summaries and remarks on articles indiverse publications, which gave rise to the Club de Revistas. In the year 2000Mario Linares Barrios, who heads the Foro Dermatológico in Cadiz, Spain, beganto give the Journals Club dissemination. In 2002, another brilliant and eager Spanishcolleague, Paco Russo, launched an analogous space on the Web, the Foro Bibliográfico,and invited Dr. Mesa to participate in it.The Association’s Web page was created in September 2001, during the presidency<strong>of</strong> Ángela Zuluaga de Cadena; in 2002 it began to be sponsored by LaboratoriosAldoquín, thanks to its manager, Gabriel Peña. In October 2002, Jairo MesaCock let the new president, Evelyne Halpert, know <strong>of</strong> his wish to create a page onthe Internet aimed at dermatologists, for educational purposes, a task he launchedon January 1, 2003. Since then he has edited the page excellently, imprinting hispersonality, developing innovations, teaching and sowing the sense <strong>of</strong> belonging tothe scientific community. It currently contains spaces for general information, announcements,academic and scientific events, members, list <strong>of</strong> addresses, residents, history,regional chapters, journals club, weekly minicases, special dermatological snippets,trade forum, the electronic Forum and outreach to the community, among others, withmultiple links. The page is visited by colleagues from Ibero-America, turning into a referencepoint for unity, information and teaching.■ Scientific activitiesCOLLABORATOR: Danielle Alencar-PonteThe Colombian Association <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong> and Dermatological Surgery, as well as itsbranches, regional chapters, services and schools <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong>, have carried out numerousacademic events. For reasons <strong>of</strong> space, only those that have been <strong>of</strong> a nationaland international nature are pointed out here.136

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