Statement of Licensing Policy (2008) WCC - Westminster City Council

Statement of Licensing Policy (2008) WCC - Westminster City Council

Statement of Licensing Policy (2008) WCC - Westminster City Council


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disorder, public nuisance and concerns over public safety and harm to children;and the sale <strong>of</strong> alcohol to both adult and underage young people who consume iton the way to other premises giving rise to problems <strong>of</strong> drunkenness and disorderlybehaviour.2.5.20 Some shops and supermarkets selling alcohol in <strong>Westminster</strong>’s commercialand residential areas have been a focus for anti-social behaviour, disorder anddisturbance. This has been caused by street drinkers and underage drinkers whohave tried to obtain or have obtained alcohol from such premises. Due to theseconcerns over crime, disorder and disturbance, the <strong>Licensing</strong> Authority will not, asa general rule, grant applications for the 24-hour sale <strong>of</strong> alcohol for consumption<strong>of</strong>f the premises, for shops which trade to the full extent they are permitted tounder the Shops Act 1950 and Sunday Trading Act 1994. It will consider seriouslyany representation made by the police, other responsible authorities, and relevantrepresentations from interested parties and will take into account <strong>Policy</strong> HRS 1 indetermining applications.2.5.21 The council has introduced a controlled drinking zone across the city, by makingorders to give police powers to stop street drinking and seize alcohol and receptaclesunder the powers <strong>of</strong> the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001. Originally it introducedsuch a zone in the south <strong>of</strong> the city centred on Victoria. It extended this zonenorthwards in April 2004, acknowledging that the problems were widespread and thatthe awareness <strong>of</strong> the boundary <strong>of</strong> the zone gave rise to drinkers congregating justoutside it. Short term Dispersal Zones have also been used in various parts <strong>of</strong> the cityto break up street drinking “schools” and disrupt patterns <strong>of</strong> street drinking.2.5.22 Where the police make representations against the grant <strong>of</strong> a further licence for <strong>of</strong>fsales, because <strong>of</strong> their serious concerns over problems <strong>of</strong> street drinking or late nightdisorder associated with the <strong>of</strong>f sale <strong>of</strong> alcohol in the area, the council will give specifi cconsideration to restricting the number, type, and the hours <strong>of</strong> premises selling alcoholexclusively for consumption <strong>of</strong>f the premises. This is to hinder both underage drinkers,and problematic street drinkers masking their consumption by purchasing from aseries <strong>of</strong> premises and using a number <strong>of</strong> premises to try to buy alcohol if they arerefused in one. The council will want to be assured that the Operating Schedule <strong>of</strong>premises, and their overall management and staffi ng, are appropriate to ensure thatthe licensing objectives are promoted in what may be challenging circumstances.The earliest hours <strong>of</strong> opening will be <strong>of</strong> concern. This is because problematic street58

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