Planck Pre-Launch Status Papers - APC - Université Paris Diderot ...

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A&A 520, A9 (2010)Fig. 16. Noise spectral density of the FM readout electronics. The levelof 5.5 nV Hz −0.5 is obtained over the range 0.01 Hz to 600 Hz.4.3. The data processing unit and data compressionThe DPU is the on-board computer of the HFI. It communicateswith the satellite central computer (CDMU) through a MIL-1553bus, and to the REU, the 4 K cooler and dilution cooler electronicsthrough specifically designed lines. It is built around aTEMIC 21020 digital signal processor (DSP) running under thereal time operating system “Virtuoso”. All sensitive components(processor, memories, FPGAs) are radiation hardened, whichhighly reduces the risk of a breakdown induced by cosmic rays.Acoldredundantunitprovidesanextragaininreliability.TheDPU was developped by LAL at Orsay.Asetoftelecommands(TC)permitstheconfigurationoftheoperating mode and every sub-system. The housekeeping (HSK)data flow (4 kbit s −1 )givesthestatusofthemainparameterseverysecond and the most recent value of all available parametersevery minute. If needed, a new version of the application software(ASW) can be uploaded through specific TCs.The science data flow is limited by the CDMU memory allocationto 75 kbit s −1 ,whichisobtainedmainlybyacompressionalgorithm based on the transmission of differences betweenneighbouring data. The required compression factor isfinally obtained through the tuning of the quantization step q,uploaded channel by channel through TCs. In the standard operationmode, its value is half the white noise rms (σ White )ofthechannel, which results in an increase of the noise of about 1%.From a more technical point of view, data from the REUare time-ordered channel per channel in a local memory bufferand gathered in a “compression slice” of 254 consecutive datasamples of a single channel. During the same period, data ofthe previous compression slice are processed and compressed.Ameanvalueiscomputedanddownloadedandthedifferencebetween every sample and the mean value is coded in q stepunits and downloaded into a science data packet in a mannerthat optimizes the data flow. This algorithm was validated onsimulated data based on the Planck Sky Model.Under-sampling may provide a further method to reduce sciencedata flow. This is implemented by downloading the meanvalue of the signal on every compression slice and only one sampleevery n,2< n < 15. Under-sampling leads to data loss unlessonly low frequencies are present in the signal. It can be appliedonly on some thermometer channels.Finally, if the actual data rate exceeds the allocation (includinga 10% margin), the amount of science data is limited foreach ring of observations defined by the scanning strategy todistribute data losses evenly on the sky. This is expected to be acontingency mode, only triggered in exceptional circumstances,for instance during magnetic storms that can provoke bursts ofglitches in the bolometer signal.Fig. 17. The 4 K cooler compressors and gas cleaning equipment priorto integration in the spacecraft.5. Cryogenics and thermal design5.1. Thermal requirements for photon noise limitedphotometryThe sources of parasitic radiation are (i) the telescope, its baffleand all objects inside the baffle cavity,includingthefocalplaneunits of LFI and HFI; and (ii) the elements of the optical chainensuring the coupling between the bolometers and the telescope.The parasitic radiation induces two kinds of noise: photon noiseand the power background variations due to the temperature fluctuationsof stray radiation sources.The overall design of Planck is driven by the need to reduceparasitic radiation of thermal origin. Its thermal architecture isdevided into two parts. The first part is always exposed to theSun, and its temperature is therefore suitable for the operation ofstandard electronics and mechanisms. At the other end, the secondpart is always protected from the Sun and provides a coldenvironment for the telescope and for the cryogenically cooledfocal plane instruments. This passive cooling architecture providesthe radiative environment for the operation of three activecoolers environment required by thereceiversofLFIandHFI.The Sorption cooler (described in Tauber et al. 2010b)thatcoolsthe LFI (Bersanelli et al. 2010) atlessthan20Kprovidesthepre-cooling stage needed by the4Kandthecoolersdescribedinthe next sections.The noise produced by thermal fluctuations of stray radiationsources should ideally be small compared to the unavoidablephoton noise. The criterion for all non-fundamental sourcesof noise (see Sect. 2 on noise budget) sets the required temperaturestability of the cryogenic stages (Lamarre et al. 2003). Themaximum spectral density of the temperature fluctuations in theuseful frequency range [16 mHz; 100 Hz] is specified below:4Khornsandfilters:10µK Hz −0.5 (30% emissivity)1.6Kfilters:28µK Hz −0.5 (20% emissivity)0.1Kbolometersplate:20nKHz −0.5 .5.2. The 4 K coolerThe 4 K cooler is based on a helium closed-circuitJoule-Thomson (JT) expansion driven by two mechanicalPage 14 of 20

J.-M. Lamarre et al.: Planck pre-launch status: the HFI instrumentFig. 18. Position of thermometers (left)andofthereferenceloadsfortheLFI(centre and right).compressors in series. A description of this system is givenin Bradshaw & Orlowska (1997, p.465).Itwasdeveloppedat RAL. The compressors for the HFI 4 K cooler were suppliedby EADS Astrium in Stevenage, UK. The drive electronicswere designed and built by a consortium of RAL and SystemsEngineering and Assessment (SEA) in Bristol. The pre-chargeregulator was built by CRISA in Madrid with supervision fromthe University of Granada.The two compressors are mounted in symmetrical positionsas shown in Fig. 17 first and foremost to cancel momentumtransfer to the spacecraft. Furthermore, force transducers betweenthe two compressors provide an error signal that is processedby the drive electronics servo system, which controls theprofile of the piston motions to minimise the first seven harmonicsof the periodic vibration injected into the spacecraft.The 4 K cold stage is a small liquid helium reservoir, wherethe helium is contained in a sinter material. This is located on the4KstageaftertheexpansionofthegasthroughtheJTorifice(JT). This is an important point, as the JT orifice is thermallyisolated from the stage. It is attached to the bottom of the 4 Kbox of the HFI focal plane unit (FPU) as can be seen in Fig. 19.It provides cooling for the 4 K shield and also pre-cooling forthe gas in the dilution cooler pipes described in the next section.The cooling power and the thermal properties of this coolerwere measured by the RAL team and are summarised in theequation below, which gives its linear dependence on the mainparameters in the vicinity of the flight operating point. Theseparameters are the pre-cooling temperature T pc ,theV-groove3temperatureT vg3 ,thestrokeamplitudeofthecompressorsS aand the helium filling pressure P fill .Heat lift = 18.3mW+ 3.4mW/mm × (S a − 7.5mm)− 1.1mW/K × (T pc − 17 K)+ 0.6mW/bar × (P fill − 4.5bars)Heat load = 10.6mW+ 0.5mW/K × (T pc − 17 K)+ 0.065 mW/K × (T vg3 − 45 K) + Heater powerT = 4.47 K − 0.12 K/mm × (S a − 7.5mm)+ 0.007 × (T pc − 17 K)− 0.032 K/mW × (Heat lift − Heat load).The stroke amplitude and to some degree the temperature of thesorption cooler are adjustable in flight by telecommand. The4Kcoolingpowermarginstronglydependsonthestrokeamplitude,as the heat load increases and the heat lift decreaseswith the sorption cooler pre-cooling temperature. The temperatureof the sorption cooler is thus the most critical interface ofthe HFI cryogenic chain. It is mostly driven by the warm radiatoron the satellite, which will be at 272 K (±10 K, maximumrange allowed), leading to sorption cooler temperatures between16.5 K to 17.5 K (Bersanelli et al. 2010). The warm radiatortemperature is also a critical interface.Athermalbalancesystemtestshowedthatthepre-coolingtemperature will be close to 17.5 K. The performance givenabove indicates that the 4 K cooling power margin is about5.2 mW for a stroke amplitude of 7 mm, which is well belowthe maximum value of 8.8 mm. In these conditions the temperatureis about 4.4 K, well below the maximum of about 4.7 Krequired for the operation of the dilution cooler with reasonablemargins.The two mechanical compressors produce micro-vibrationsand also induce electromagnetic interference affecting the sciencesignals of bolometers. The risks associated with these effectswere taken into account early in the design of the HFI byphase-locking the sample frequency of the data to a harmonic ofthe compressors’ frequency. No microphonic noise was seen insystem tests when the vibration control option was activated inthe drive electronics of the compressors. However, electromagneticinterferences were seen in the qualification and the flightmodel system tests at several beat frequencies of the compressorfrequency and sampling frequency. But they are extremely narrowand can be removed completely from the signal as a resultof the harmonic ratio between them.Vibration from the compressors could affect the HFI datain a different way. During the instrument and system tests, the100 mK bolometer plate was heated by micro-vibrations. Theaverage amount of heat dissipated in the bolometer plate wasaround 10 nW in the instrument tests and 40 nW during some periodsof the system tests at CSL. The heat inputs on the bolometerplate are discussed in the dilution cooler section below.The basic characteristics of the 4 K cooler are summarizedin Table 6.ThesorptioncoolercoldheadLVHX1isonthe18Kplate of the HFI FPU, where the helium of the 4 K cooler ispre-cooled. The LFI reference loads (Bersanelli et al. 2010) onthe 4 K box of the FPU are shown in Fig. 18. Thepositionsofthe thermometers and heaters on the FPU 4 K box are shown inFig. 19. Theheatingbeltofthe4KPIDisbetweenthe70GHzreference loads and those for the 30 GHz and 44 GHz channels.The temperature stability is not as good for the latter asthat obtained for the HFI horns and 70 GHz loads. The twoPage 15 of 20

J.-M. Lamarre et al.: <strong>Planck</strong> pre-launch status: the HFI instrumentFig. 18. Position of thermometers (left)andofthereferenceloadsfortheLFI(centre and right).compressors in series. A description of this system is givenin Bradshaw & Orlowska (1997, p.465).Itwasdeveloppedat RAL. The compressors for the HFI 4 K cooler were suppliedby EADS Astrium in Stevenage, UK. The drive electronicswere designed and built by a consortium of RAL and SystemsEngineering and Assessment (SEA) in Bristol. The pre-chargeregulator was built by CRISA in Madrid with supervision fromthe University of Granada.The two compressors are mounted in symmetrical positionsas shown in Fig. 17 first and foremost to cancel momentumtransfer to the spacecraft. Furthermore, force transducers betweenthe two compressors provide an error signal that is processedby the drive electronics servo system, which controls theprofile of the piston motions to minimise the first seven harmonicsof the periodic vibration injected into the spacecraft.The 4 K cold stage is a small liquid helium reservoir, wherethe helium is contained in a sinter material. This is located on the4KstageaftertheexpansionofthegasthroughtheJTorifice(JT). This is an important point, as the JT orifice is thermallyisolated from the stage. It is attached to the bottom of the 4 Kbox of the HFI focal plane unit (FPU) as can be seen in Fig. 19.It provides cooling for the 4 K shield and also pre-cooling forthe gas in the dilution cooler pipes described in the next section.The cooling power and the thermal properties of this coolerwere measured by the RAL team and are summarised in theequation below, which gives its linear dependence on the mainparameters in the vicinity of the flight operating point. Theseparameters are the pre-cooling temperature T pc ,theV-groove3temperatureT vg3 ,thestrokeamplitudeofthecompressorsS aand the helium filling pressure P fill .Heat lift = 18.3mW+ 3.4mW/mm × (S a − 7.5mm)− 1.1mW/K × (T pc − 17 K)+ 0.6mW/bar × (P fill − 4.5bars)Heat load = 10.6mW+ 0.5mW/K × (T pc − 17 K)+ 0.065 mW/K × (T vg3 − 45 K) + Heater powerT = 4.47 K − 0.12 K/mm × (S a − 7.5mm)+ 0.007 × (T pc − 17 K)− 0.032 K/mW × (Heat lift − Heat load).The stroke amplitude and to some degree the temperature of thesorption cooler are adjustable in flight by telecommand. The4Kcoolingpowermarginstronglydependsonthestrokeamplitude,as the heat load increases and the heat lift decreaseswith the sorption cooler pre-cooling temperature. The temperatureof the sorption cooler is thus the most critical interface ofthe HFI cryogenic chain. It is mostly driven by the warm radiatoron the satellite, which will be at 272 K (±10 K, maximumrange allowed), leading to sorption cooler temperatures between16.5 K to 17.5 K (Bersanelli et al. 2010). The warm radiatortemperature is also a critical interface.Athermalbalancesystemtestshowedthatthepre-coolingtemperature will be close to 17.5 K. The performance givenabove indicates that the 4 K cooling power margin is about5.2 mW for a stroke amplitude of 7 mm, which is well belowthe maximum value of 8.8 mm. In these conditions the temperatureis about 4.4 K, well below the maximum of about 4.7 Krequired for the operation of the dilution cooler with reasonablemargins.The two mechanical compressors produce micro-vibrationsand also induce electromagnetic interference affecting the sciencesignals of bolometers. The risks associated with these effectswere taken into account early in the design of the HFI byphase-locking the sample frequency of the data to a harmonic ofthe compressors’ frequency. No microphonic noise was seen insystem tests when the vibration control option was activated inthe drive electronics of the compressors. However, electromagneticinterferences were seen in the qualification and the flightmodel system tests at several beat frequencies of the compressorfrequency and sampling frequency. But they are extremely narrowand can be removed completely from the signal as a resultof the harmonic ratio between them.Vibration from the compressors could affect the HFI datain a different way. During the instrument and system tests, the100 mK bolometer plate was heated by micro-vibrations. Theaverage amount of heat dissipated in the bolometer plate wasaround 10 nW in the instrument tests and 40 nW during some periodsof the system tests at CSL. The heat inputs on the bolometerplate are discussed in the dilution cooler section below.The basic characteristics of the 4 K cooler are summarizedin Table 6.ThesorptioncoolercoldheadLVHX1isonthe18Kplate of the HFI FPU, where the helium of the 4 K cooler ispre-cooled. The LFI reference loads (Bersanelli et al. 2010) onthe 4 K box of the FPU are shown in Fig. 18. Thepositionsofthe thermometers and heaters on the FPU 4 K box are shown inFig. 19. Theheatingbeltofthe4KPIDisbetweenthe70GHzreference loads and those for the 30 GHz and 44 GHz channels.The temperature stability is not as good for the latter asthat obtained for the HFI horns and 70 GHz loads. The twoPage 15 of 20

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