Planck Pre-Launch Status Papers - APC - Université Paris Diderot ...

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A&A 520, A9 (2010)Table 3. Estimated average redundancy of observations in one year of operation for 2 ′ × 2 ′ pixels. The average observation time is per bolometer.Frequency (GHz) and mode 100P 143P 143 217P 217 353P 353 545 857Average obs time (s/sample) 2.9 1.8 1.8 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85Average redundancy (1 year) 1380 850 1250 400 600 400 600 600 600Max. redundancy (1 year) 12 000 7700 12 000 3700 5600 3700 5600 5600 5600Min. redundancy (1year) 700 420 630 200 300 200 300 300 300Fig. 5. One can see the HFI and the LFI horns on this picture taken duringground tests of the Proto-Flight Model. An additional horn, mountedfor alignment tests, is visible at the end of the 100 GHz row.Fig. 4. Distribution of the beams on the sky and identification of opticalchannels (view from sky to telescope; units are degrees). Crossesindicate the polarisation orientation of the PSBs.3. Obtaining the desired performance3.1. Transforming photons in digital dataWhile the satellite rotates at one RPM, the image of the sky isconvolved with the beam of the optical system, including thetelescope, horn, internal optics, and the bolometers. Photons arealso selected in frequency by the optical chains. This producesatimelineofopticalpower,whichincludesanearlyconstantsignal produced by the thermal emission of the telescope andthe HFI cryogenic stages. The optical power (including the photonshot noise) is absorbed by the bolometers. The temperaturechanges of the bolometer are detected by current biasing of thebolometers and measuring the voltage at its output. Additionalnoise comes from the bolometer itself and from the readout electronics.The signal is then amplified, digitised, compressed anddelivered to the telemetry system.This results in a complex processing system involving anumber of free parameters and variables (Fig. 6). Among them,the temperature of the 100 mK stage is a critical variable, since itimpacts directly on the temperature of the bolometers, changingtheir impedance, response to optical signals, noise and time response.The temperatures of the 4 K and 1.6 K stages directlydrive the thermal emission of these stages. These effects werecalibrated and the relevant temperatures are actively controlledand residual fluctuations accurately measured so that their effectscan be removed if necessary.The parameters of the readout electronic unit (REU) areset by remote commands sent through the uplink to thespacecraft. Their effect on the bolometer response will bedetailed in Sect. 4.Additionalparasiticsignalsareexpectedfromelectromagnetic interferences, mechanical vibrations, and cosmicrays hitting various parts of the detectors.3.2. Time response – NEP trade-offLow temperature bolometers are the most sensitive receivers forwide band detection in the sub-THz frequency range. However,they have a finite time response set by their heat capacity andthermal conductivity. τ = C/G eff ,whereC is the heat capacityof the bolometer and G eff is the effective thermal conductance(Chanin & Torre 1984) oftheheatlinktothebolometerhousing (the physical thermal conductance and its effective reductionbecause of electrothermal feedback).Abolometertimeconstant less than 1/3 thetimetakenbyaGaussianbeamtosweep across a given point on the sky will not significantly limitthe signal bandwidth (Hanany et al. 1998). The beam size producedby the telescope and the optics, coupled with the scanrate (6 ◦ per second), sets the maximum frequency range of thevariations of the signal incident on the bolometers to a few tensof Hz (about 50 Hz for a 5 ′ beam). The time response of theHFI bolometers must be well-matched to this range, which isobtained for each bolometer species by tuning the thermal conductanceG.The voltage response of the bolometer to incoming radiationdepends on its temperature change for a given signal and is inverselyproportional to the thermal conductance. The quantumPage 6 of 20

J.-M. Lamarre et al.: Planck pre-launch status: the HFI instrumentFig. 6. Formation of the signal in HFI.thermal fluctuations (phonon noise) is proportional only to thesquare root of thermal conductance. Lowering the conductancetherefore decreases the NEP, but it also increases the time constant.The only way to obtain both a fast response and a lowNEP is to reduce the heat capacity C, whichcanbedonebyoptimizing the design of the bolometer and by cooling the deviceto very low temperatures. Most of the materials used forthe bolometer fabrication exhibit a dramatic decrease in specificheat at very low temperatures. For the materials required tobuild the spider web bolometers (Bock et al. 1995), it was shown(Doucerain et al. 1995) thattherequirementsofHFIcouldbemet only by cooling the bolometers to 100 mK. The choice ofcooler temperature had to be made very early in the developmentof the instrument because nearly all critical subsystems dependon it, including the dilution cooler, the readout electronics, andthe bolometers. The results of the calibration of the HFI indicatethat the choice of a bolometer plate temperature of 100 mKwas correct, providing the required sensitivity, acceptable timeresponses, and a lifetime long enough to perform several independentsky surveys (see Sect. 5 on cryogenics).3.3. Spider web and polarisation-sensitive bolometersThe details of the HFI bolometer build are given in Holmes et al.(2008); here we summarize the design considerations.Bolometers consist of (i) an absorber that transforms the incomingradiation into heat; (ii) a thermometer that is thermallylinked to the absorber and measures the temperature changes;and (iii) a weak thermal link to a thermal sink, to which thebolometer is attached.In the spider-web bolometers, or SWBs (Bock et al. 1995;Mauskopf et al. 1997), the absorbers consist of metallic gridsdeposited on a Si 3 N 4 substrate in the shape of a spider web.The mesh design and the impedance of the metallic layer areadjusted to match vacuum impedance and maximise the absorptionof millimetre waves, while minimising the cross section toparticles. The absorber is designed to offer equal impedance toany linearly polarised radiation. Nevertheless, the thermometerand its electrical leads define a privileged orientation (Fig. 7)thatmakes the SWBs slightly sensitive to polarisation, as detailed inacompanionpaper(Rosset et al. 2010). The thermometers aremade of neutron transmuted doped (NTD) germanium (Halleret al. 1996), chosen to have an impedance of about 10 MΩ attheir operating temperature.The absorber of PSBs is a rectangular grid (Fig. 7)withmetallizationin one direction (Jones et al. 2003). Electrical fieldsparallel to this direction develop currents and then deposit somepower in the grid, while perpendicular electrical fields propagatethrough the grid without significant interaction. A secondPSB perpendicular to the first one absorbs the other polarisation.Such a PSB pair measures two polarisations of radiation collectedby the same horns and filtered by the same devices, whichminimises the systematic effects: differences between polarisedbeams collected by a given horn are typically less than −30 dB ofthe peak. The differences in the spectral responses of a PSB pairalso proved to be a few percent in the worst case. Each pairof PSBs sharing the same horn is able to measure the intensityStokes parameter and the Q parameter associated with its localframe. An associated pair of PSBs rotated by 45 ◦ scans exactlythe same line (if the geometrical alignment is perfect), providingthe U Stokes parameter.Page 7 of 20

A&A 520, A9 (2010)Table 3. Estimated average redundancy of observations in one year of operation for 2 ′ × 2 ′ pixels. The average observation time is per bolometer.Frequency (GHz) and mode 100P 143P 143 217P 217 353P 353 545 857Average obs time (s/sample) 2.9 1.8 1.8 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85Average redundancy (1 year) 1380 850 1250 400 600 400 600 600 600Max. redundancy (1 year) 12 000 7700 12 000 3700 5600 3700 5600 5600 5600Min. redundancy (1year) 700 420 630 200 300 200 300 300 300Fig. 5. One can see the HFI and the LFI horns on this picture taken duringground tests of the Proto-Flight Model. An additional horn, mountedfor alignment tests, is visible at the end of the 100 GHz row.Fig. 4. Distribution of the beams on the sky and identification of opticalchannels (view from sky to telescope; units are degrees). Crossesindicate the polarisation orientation of the PSBs.3. Obtaining the desired performance3.1. Transforming photons in digital dataWhile the satellite rotates at one RPM, the image of the sky isconvolved with the beam of the optical system, including thetelescope, horn, internal optics, and the bolometers. Photons arealso selected in frequency by the optical chains. This producesatimelineofopticalpower,whichincludesanearlyconstantsignal produced by the thermal emission of the telescope andthe HFI cryogenic stages. The optical power (including the photonshot noise) is absorbed by the bolometers. The temperaturechanges of the bolometer are detected by current biasing of thebolometers and measuring the voltage at its output. Additionalnoise comes from the bolometer itself and from the readout electronics.The signal is then amplified, digitised, compressed anddelivered to the telemetry system.This results in a complex processing system involving anumber of free parameters and variables (Fig. 6). Among them,the temperature of the 100 mK stage is a critical variable, since itimpacts directly on the temperature of the bolometers, changingtheir impedance, response to optical signals, noise and time response.The temperatures of the 4 K and 1.6 K stages directlydrive the thermal emission of these stages. These effects werecalibrated and the relevant temperatures are actively controlledand residual fluctuations accurately measured so that their effectscan be removed if necessary.The parameters of the readout electronic unit (REU) areset by remote commands sent through the uplink to thespacecraft. Their effect on the bolometer response will bedetailed in Sect. 4.Additionalparasiticsignalsareexpectedfromelectromagnetic interferences, mechanical vibrations, and cosmicrays hitting various parts of the detectors.3.2. Time response – NEP trade-offLow temperature bolometers are the most sensitive receivers forwide band detection in the sub-THz frequency range. However,they have a finite time response set by their heat capacity andthermal conductivity. τ = C/G eff ,whereC is the heat capacityof the bolometer and G eff is the effective thermal conductance(Chanin & Torre 1984) oftheheatlinktothebolometerhousing (the physical thermal conductance and its effective reductionbecause of electrothermal feedback).Abolometertimeconstant less than 1/3 thetimetakenbyaGaussianbeamtosweep across a given point on the sky will not significantly limitthe signal bandwidth (Hanany et al. 1998). The beam size producedby the telescope and the optics, coupled with the scanrate (6 ◦ per second), sets the maximum frequency range of thevariations of the signal incident on the bolometers to a few tensof Hz (about 50 Hz for a 5 ′ beam). The time response of theHFI bolometers must be well-matched to this range, which isobtained for each bolometer species by tuning the thermal conductanceG.The voltage response of the bolometer to incoming radiationdepends on its temperature change for a given signal and is inverselyproportional to the thermal conductance. The quantumPage 6 of 20

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