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A&A 520, A6 (2010)Fig. 13. Log-log plot of the amplitude spectral density of the differential detector output noise. The left plot refers to the RCA27M-00 detector withthe sky and the reference loads both at 20 K; the plot in the center refers to the RCA26M-00 detector with sky and reference loads at 8 K and 13 Krespectively; the plot on the right refers to the RCA23S-11 with the sky and reference loads at 15 K and 9 K respectively.acquisition system. Because it was clear that the spikes were alwaysdue to the test setup and not to the radiometers themselves,the spikes were not considered critical at this stage, even if theyshowed up in frequency and amplitude.As an example of the dependence of the noise performanceon the temperature the antenna temperature pairs used duringthe the tests of the RCA28 are reported in Table 7.Thesetemperatureswere calculated with the coefficients reported in Tables 2and 3 of Sect. 3.1 with the physical temperatures converted intoantenna temperatures. The differences between the T ref and theT sky were calculated for each arm of the radiometer. The resulting1/ f knee frequency, the slope of the 1/ f spectra, and thegain modulation factor, r,arereportedinFig.14 as a function ofthe temperature differences. It is evident from these plots that theknee frequency is increasing with the temperature difference, asexpected. Moreover, the gain modulation factor is approachingunity as the input temperature difference becomes zero, whichagrees with Eq. (4). The slope, α, doesnotshowanycorrelationwith the temperature differences, because it depends on the amplifiersrather than on the ( T ref − T sky).Thisbehaviorwasalsofound in the other RCAs.4.5. BandpassAdedicatedend-to-endspectralresponsetest,RCA_SPR, wasdesigned and carried out to measure radiometer RF bandshapein operational conditions, i.e., on the integrated RCA with thefront-end at the cryogenic temperature. An external RF sourcewas used to inject a monochromatic signal sweeping through theband into the sky horn. Then the DC output of the radiometerwas recorded as a function of the input frequency, giving the relativeoverall RCA gain-shape, G spr (ν). The equivalent bandwidthwas calculated with(∫Gspr (ν)dν ) 2β spr =∫Gspr (ν) 2 dν · (24)Different setup configurations were used. At 70 GHz the RF signalwas directly injected into the sky horn. The input signal wasvaried by 50 points from 57.5 GHz to 82.5 GHz.At30GHzand 44 GHz the RF signal was injected into the sky horn aftera reflection on the sky load absorber’s pyramids, scanningin frequency from 26.5 GHzto40GHzin271pointsandfrom33 GHz to 50 GHz in 341 points. The flexible waveguides WR28and WR22 were used to reach the skyload for the 30 and 44 GHzRCAs (Fig. 15). The input signal was not calibrated in powerbecause only a relative band shape measurement was required.The stability of the signal was ensured by the use of a synthesizedsweeper generator guaranteeing the stability of the outputFig. 14. 1/ f knee frequency (asterisk on the left), gain modulation factor(diamonds in the center), and the slope of the 1/ f spectrum (triangleson the right)asafunctionof ( T ref − T sky).Sixteenpoints(fourpairsfor each detector) were reported. The spread of knee frequency valuesis due to the intrinsic difficulty of fitting the lower part of the powerspectral density.within 10%. The attenuation curve of the waveguide carrying thesignal from the sweeper to the injector was treated as a rectangularstandard waveguide with losses during the data analysis.All RCA bandshapes were measured, but for the two 30 GHzRCAs only half a radiometer was successfully tested due to asetup problem that appeared when the RCAs were cooled down.For schedule reasons it was not possible to repeat the test at theoperational temperature, and only a check at the warm temperaturewas performed. This warm test was not used for calibrationdue to different dynamic range, amplifier behavior, and biasconditions. Results are reported in Table 8 and plots of all themeasurements in Figs. 16–18. Allcurvesreportedintheplotsare normalized to the area so thatG n spr(ν) =G spr(ν)∫Gspr (ν)dν · (25)The bandshape is mainly determined by the filter located insideeach BEM, whose frequency response is independent of the tuningof the FEM amplifiers. The dependence of the bandshape onthe amplifier biases has been checked on the 30 GHz radiometers(De Nardo 2008), showing that at first order the responseremains unchanged. A similar situation occurs on the RCAs atPage 10 of 14

F. Villa et al.: Calibration of LFI flight model radiometersFig. 15. Setup of the RCA_SPR tests. The picture and the sketch on the left report the test setup of the 30 and 44 GHz RCAs. The flexible waveguideis clearly visible on the picture on the side of the horn. The picture and the sketch on the right report the setup of the 70 GHz RCAs. There thesignal was injected infront of the horn through the sky load, and copper rigid waveguides were used to carry the signal form the generator to theRCAs.Fig. 16. Measured relative gain function (bandpass) of the 8 detectorsat 30 GHz. The curves that show big ripples are those caused by thesetup problem (see text). The bandpasses are normalized to the area asexplained in the text.44 GHz and 70 GHz, where the tuning has second order effectson the overall frequency response.4.6. SusceptibilityAny variation in physical temperature of the RCA, T phys ,willproduce a variation of the output signal that mimics the variationof the input temperature, T sky ,sothatδT sky = T f · δT phys , (26)Fig. 17. Measured relative gain function (bandpass) of all 12 detectorsat 44 GHz. The bandpasses are normalized to the area as explained inthe text.where T f is the transfer function. A controlled variation of FEMtemperature was imposed to calculate the transfer function ofthe front end modules, T FEMf.ThiswasdoneforallRCAsandalldetectors. The chief results are given in Table 9,whilethedetailsof the applied method and of the measurements are reported byTerenzi et al. (2009c).The susceptibility of the radiometer signal to temperaturevariations in the BEM and 3rd V-groove were measured onlyfor the 30 and 44 GHz chains, because at 70 GHz it wasnot possible to control the temperatures of these interfaces intheir cryofacility. Here we report on the BEM susceptivity testsPage 11 of 14

A&A 520, A6 (2010)Fig. 13. Log-log plot of the amplitude spectral density of the differential detector output noise. The left plot refers to the RCA27M-00 detector withthe sky and the reference loads both at 20 K; the plot in the center refers to the RCA26M-00 detector with sky and reference loads at 8 K and 13 Krespectively; the plot on the right refers to the RCA23S-11 with the sky and reference loads at 15 K and 9 K respectively.acquisition system. Because it was clear that the spikes were alwaysdue to the test setup and not to the radiometers themselves,the spikes were not considered critical at this stage, even if theyshowed up in frequency and amplitude.As an example of the dependence of the noise performanceon the temperature the antenna temperature pairs used duringthe the tests of the RCA28 are reported in Table 7.Thesetemperatureswere calculated with the coefficients reported in Tables 2and 3 of Sect. 3.1 with the physical temperatures converted intoantenna temperatures. The differences between the T ref and theT sky were calculated for each arm of the radiometer. The resulting1/ f knee frequency, the slope of the 1/ f spectra, and thegain modulation factor, r,arereportedinFig.14 as a function ofthe temperature differences. It is evident from these plots that theknee frequency is increasing with the temperature difference, asexpected. Moreover, the gain modulation factor is approachingunity as the input temperature difference becomes zero, whichagrees with Eq. (4). The slope, α, doesnotshowanycorrelationwith the temperature differences, because it depends on the amplifiersrather than on the ( T ref − T sky).Thisbehaviorwasalsofound in the other RCAs.4.5. BandpassAdedicatedend-to-endspectralresponsetest,RCA_SPR, wasdesigned and carried out to measure radiometer RF bandshapein operational conditions, i.e., on the integrated RCA with thefront-end at the cryogenic temperature. An external RF sourcewas used to inject a monochromatic signal sweeping through theband into the sky horn. Then the DC output of the radiometerwas recorded as a function of the input frequency, giving the relativeoverall RCA gain-shape, G spr (ν). The equivalent bandwidthwas calculated with(∫Gspr (ν)dν ) 2β spr =∫Gspr (ν) 2 dν · (24)Different setup configurations were used. At 70 GHz the RF signalwas directly injected into the sky horn. The input signal wasvaried by 50 points from 57.5 GHz to 82.5 GHz.At30GHzand 44 GHz the RF signal was injected into the sky horn aftera reflection on the sky load absorber’s pyramids, scanningin frequency from 26.5 GHzto40GHzin271pointsandfrom33 GHz to 50 GHz in 341 points. The flexible waveguides WR28and WR22 were used to reach the skyload for the 30 and 44 GHzRCAs (Fig. 15). The input signal was not calibrated in powerbecause only a relative band shape measurement was required.The stability of the signal was ensured by the use of a synthesizedsweeper generator guaranteeing the stability of the outputFig. 14. 1/ f knee frequency (asterisk on the left), gain modulation factor(diamonds in the center), and the slope of the 1/ f spectrum (triangleson the right)asafunctionof ( T ref − T sky).Sixteenpoints(fourpairsfor each detector) were reported. The spread of knee frequency valuesis due to the intrinsic difficulty of fitting the lower part of the powerspectral density.within 10%. The attenuation curve of the waveguide carrying thesignal from the sweeper to the injector was treated as a rectangularstandard waveguide with losses during the data analysis.All RCA bandshapes were measured, but for the two 30 GHzRCAs only half a radiometer was successfully tested due to asetup problem that appeared when the RCAs were cooled down.For schedule reasons it was not possible to repeat the test at theoperational temperature, and only a check at the warm temperaturewas performed. This warm test was not used for calibrationdue to different dynamic range, amplifier behavior, and biasconditions. Results are reported in Table 8 and plots of all themeasurements in Figs. 16–18. Allcurvesreportedintheplotsare normalized to the area so thatG n spr(ν) =G spr(ν)∫Gspr (ν)dν · (25)The bandshape is mainly determined by the filter located insideeach BEM, whose frequency response is independent of the tuningof the FEM amplifiers. The dependence of the bandshape onthe amplifier biases has been checked on the 30 GHz radiometers(De Nardo 2008), showing that at first order the responseremains unchanged. A similar situation occurs on the RCAs atPage 10 of 14

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