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A&A 520, A5 (2010)where δ iso = 2T noise+T sky +T refT noise +T refɛ,whichprovidesausefulrelationshipfor estimating the requirement on the isolation, ɛ max given anacceptable level of δ maxiso .If we assume 10% (corresponding to δ maxiso∼ 0.1) as themaximum acceptable loss in the CMB signal due to imperfectisolation and consider typical values for the LFI receivers(T ref = 4.5 KandT noise ranging from 10 to 30 K), we findɛ max = 0.05 equivalent to −13 dB, which corresponds to the requirementfor LFI receivers.B.2. MeasurementIf ∆V sky and ∆V ref are the voltage output variations induced by∆T = T 2 − T 1 ,thenitiseasytoseefromEq.(B.1) (withtheapproximation (1 − ɛ) ≃ 1) thatɛ ≃∆V ref∆V sky +∆V ref·(B.3)If the reference load temperature isnotperfectlystablebutvariesby an amount ∆T ref during the measurement, this can be correctedto first order if we know the photometric constant G 0 .Inthis case, Eq. (B.3)becomesɛ ≃∆V ref − G 0 ∆T ref∆V sky +∆V ref − G 0 ∆T ref·(B.4)Measuring the isolation accurately, however, is generally difficultand requires a very stable environment. Any change in ∆V refcaused by other systematic fluctuations (e.g., temperature fluctuations,1/ f noise fluctuations) will affect the isolation measurementcausing an over- or under-estimation depending on the signof the effect.To estimate the accuracy in our isolation measurements, wefirst calculated the uncertainty caused by a systematic error in thereference load voltage output, ∆V sysref .IfwesubstituteinEq.(B.4)∆V ref with ∆V ref ± ∆V sysrefand develop an expression to first orderin ∆V sysref ,weobtainɛ ∼ ɛ 0 ∓∆V sky∆V sky +∆V ref − G 0 ∆T ref∆V sysref≡ ɛ 0 ∓ δɛ, (B.5)where we indicate by ɛ 0 the isolation given by Eq. (B.4).We estimated δɛ in our measurement conditions. Because thethree temperature steps were implemented in about one day, weevaluated the total power signal stability on this timescale fromalong-durationacquisitioninwhichtheinstrumentwasleftrunningundisturbed for about two days. For each detector datastream,we first removed spurious thermal fluctuations by performinga correlation analysis with temperature sensor data thenwe calculated the peak-to-peak variation in the reference loaddatastream.Appendix C: Calculation of noise effectivebandwidthThe well-known radiometer equation applied to the output of asingle diode in the Planck-LFI receivers links the white noisesensitivity to sky and noise temperatures and the receiver bandwidth.It reads (Seiffert et al. 2002)δT rms = 2 T sky + T noise√ β· (C.1)In the case of a linear response, i.e., if V out = G × (T sky + T noise )(where G represents the photometric calibration constant) wecan write Eq. (C.1)initsmostusefuluncalibratedformδV rms = 2 V out√ β,(C.2)which is commonly used to estimate the receiver bandwidth, β,from a simple measurement of the receiver DC output and whitenoise level, i.e.,˜β = 4(VoutδV rms) 2·(C.3)If the response is linear and the noise is purely radiometric (i.e.,all the additive noise from back-end electronics is negligible andthere are no non-thermal noise inputs from the source), then ˜β isequivalent to the receiver bandwidth, i.e.,( )Tsky + T 2noise˜β ≡ β = 4· (C.4)δT rmsIn contrast, if the receiver output is compressed, from Eq. (2)wehave thatδV rms = ∂V out∂T inδT rms .By combining Eqs. (2), (C.3)and(C.5)wefindthat( )Tsky + T 2noise[˜β = 41 + bG0 (T sky + T noise ) ] 2δT rms≡ β [ 1 + bG 0 (T sky + T noise ) ] 2,(C.5)(C.6)which shows that ˜β is an overestimate of the “optical” bandwidthunless the non-linearity parameter b is very small.Appendix D: White noise sensitivity calibrationand extrapolation to flight conditionsWe now detail the calculation needed to convert the uncalibratedwhite noise sensitivity measured on the ground to the expectedcalibrated sensitivity for in-flight conditions. The calculationstarts from the general radiometric output model in Eq. (2),which can be written in the following formT out (V in ) = T noise −V inG 0 (bV in − 1) ·(D.1)Our starting point is the raw datum, which is a couple of uncalibratedwhite noise levels for the two detectors in a radiometermeasured with the sky load at a temperature T sky−load and thefront-end unit at physical temperature T test .From the measured uncalibrated white noise level inVolt s 1/2 ,weattempttoderiveacalibratedwhitenoiselevelextrapolated to input temperature equal to T sky and with thefront.end unit at a temperature of T nom .Thisisachievedinthreesteps:1. extrapolation to nominal front-end unit temperature;2. extrapolation to nominal input sky temperature;3. calibration in units of K s 1/2 .In the following sections, we describe in detail the calculationsunderlying each step.Page 14 of 16

D.1. Step 1-extrapolate uncalibrated noise to nominal frontend unit temperatureThis is a non-trivial step to be performed if we wich to considerall the elements in the extrapolation. Here we focus on a zeroorderapproximation based on the following assumptions:1. the radiometer noise temperature is dominated by the frontendnoise temperature, such that T noise ∼ T FEnoise ;2. we neglect any effect on the noise temperature given by resistivelosses of the front-end passive components;3. we assume the variation in T FEnoise to be linear in T phys.Based on these assumptions, the receiver noise temperature atnominal front-end temperature can be written asT noise (T nom ) = T noise (T test ) + ∆T phys ,∂T physA. Mennella et al.: LFI calibration and expected performanceIf we refer to ρ as the ratio σ(T sky)σ(T in )ρ = T sky + T noiseFrom Eqs. (D.7)and(2), we obtainσ =FE∂Tnoise(D.2)previous equation infers that[1 + bG0 (T sky + T noise ) ] 2∂G FEG FE (T test ) ∂T phys∆T phys = σ cal =(D.3)=(T in + T noise (T test ))d(t) = d 1(t) + d 2 (t)2(D.5)√given by σ d(t) =∑ Nj=1d(t) =w jd j (t)∑ Nj=1 w j(D.7)σ −2d j (t)given by⎛ ⎞−1/2N∑σ d(t) = ⎜⎝ σ −2d j (t) ⎟⎠1 + bG 0 (T sky + T noise ) · (D.8) j=1where ∆T phys = T nom − T test .Asimilarbutslightlydifferentrelationship can be derived for the gain factor G 0 . Weconsider that G 0 = const × G FE G BE ,andthatwecanwriteG FE (T nom ) = G FE 1(T test )(1 + δ), where δ =ln(10)10∂G FE (dB)∂T phys∆T phys ,i.e.,G 0 (T nom ) = G 0 (T test )(1 + δ).From the radiometer equation we have that σ ∝ (T in + T noise ),from which we can writeσ(T nom ) ≡ σ nom = σ(T test ) (T in + T noise (T nominal ))whereη == σ(T test )(1 + η), (D.4)∂TFEnoise∂T phys[(T in + T noise (T test ))] −1 ∆T phys .D.2. Step 2 – extrapolate uncalibrated noise to T skyFrom this point, we consider quantities such as T noise ,whitenoise level, and G 0 ,extrapolatedtothenominalfront-endtemperatureusing Eqs. (D.2), (D.3), and (D.4). Therefore, we nowomit the superscript “nom” so that, for example, σ ≡ σ nom .We now start from the radiometer equation in which, for eachdetector, the white noise spectral density is given byδT rms = 2 T in + T noise√ β· (D.6)We now attempt to find a similar relationship for the uncalibratedwhite noise spectral density linking δV rms to V out .WebeginfromEq. (C.5) andcalculatethederivativeofV out using Eq. (2) andδT rms from Eq. (D.6). We obtainσ = V out√ β[1 + bG 0 (T in + T noise )] −1 ,where β is the bandwidth and V out is the DC voltage output of thereceiver. Considering the two input temperatures T in and T sky ,then the ratio isσ(T sky )σ(T in ) = V out(T sky )V out (T in ) × 1 + bG 0(T in + T noise )and use Eq. (2) toplaceinexplicit form the ratio of output voltages in Eq. (D.8) sothatσ(T sky ) = ρ × σ(T in ), we have[ 1 + bG0 (T in + T noise )×T in + T noise 1 + bG 0 (T sky + T noise )D.3. Step 4-calibrate extrapolated noise] 2· (D.9)G 0[1 + bG0 (T sky + T noise ) ] 2 × 2 T sky + T noise√ β· (D.10)If we call σ cal the calibrated noise extrapolated at the sky temperatureand consider that, by definition, σ cal = 2 T sky+T√ noiseβ,theG 0σ. (D.11)Appendix E: Weighted noise averagingAccording to the LFI receiver design, the output from each radiometeris produced by combinating signals from two correspondingdetector diodes. We consider two differenced and calibrateddatastreams coming from twodetectorsofaradiometerleg, d 1 (t)andd 2 (t). The simplest way to combine the two outputsis to take a straight average, i.e.,, (E.1)so that the white noise level of the differenced datastream isσ 2 d 1 (t) + σ2 d 2 (t) .Thisapproach,however,isnotoptimal in cases where the two noise levels are unbalanced, sothat the noise of the averaged datastream is dominated by thenoisier channel.An alternative to Eq. (E.1)isgivenbyaweightedaverageinwhich weights are represented by the inverse of the noise levelsof the two diode datasteams, i.e.,d(t) = w 1d 1 (t) + w 2 d 2 (t)w 1 + w 2, (E.2)or, more generally, in the case where we average more than twodatastreams,· (E.3)For noise-weighted averaging, we choose the weights w j =,sothatthewhitenoiseofthedifferenced datastream is. (E.4)Page 15 of 16

A&A 520, A5 (2010)where δ iso = 2T noise+T sky +T refT noise +T refɛ,whichprovidesausefulrelationshipfor estimating the requirement on the isolation, ɛ max given anacceptable level of δ maxiso .If we assume 10% (corresponding to δ maxiso∼ 0.1) as themaximum acceptable loss in the CMB signal due to imperfectisolation and consider typical values for the LFI receivers(T ref = 4.5 KandT noise ranging from 10 to 30 K), we findɛ max = 0.05 equivalent to −13 dB, which corresponds to the requirementfor LFI receivers.B.2. MeasurementIf ∆V sky and ∆V ref are the voltage output variations induced by∆T = T 2 − T 1 ,thenitiseasytoseefromEq.(B.1) (withtheapproximation (1 − ɛ) ≃ 1) thatɛ ≃∆V ref∆V sky +∆V ref·(B.3)If the reference load temperature isnotperfectlystablebutvariesby an amount ∆T ref during the measurement, this can be correctedto first order if we know the photometric constant G 0 .Inthis case, Eq. (B.3)becomesɛ ≃∆V ref − G 0 ∆T ref∆V sky +∆V ref − G 0 ∆T ref·(B.4)Measuring the isolation accurately, however, is generally difficultand requires a very stable environment. Any change in ∆V refcaused by other systematic fluctuations (e.g., temperature fluctuations,1/ f noise fluctuations) will affect the isolation measurementcausing an over- or under-estimation depending on the signof the effect.To estimate the accuracy in our isolation measurements, wefirst calculated the uncertainty caused by a systematic error in thereference load voltage output, ∆V sysref .IfwesubstituteinEq.(B.4)∆V ref with ∆V ref ± ∆V sysrefand develop an expression to first orderin ∆V sysref ,weobtainɛ ∼ ɛ 0 ∓∆V sky∆V sky +∆V ref − G 0 ∆T ref∆V sysref≡ ɛ 0 ∓ δɛ, (B.5)where we indicate by ɛ 0 the isolation given by Eq. (B.4).We estimated δɛ in our measurement conditions. Because thethree temperature steps were implemented in about one day, weevaluated the total power signal stability on this timescale fromalong-durationacquisitioninwhichtheinstrumentwasleftrunningundisturbed for about two days. For each detector datastream,we first removed spurious thermal fluctuations by performinga correlation analysis with temperature sensor data thenwe calculated the peak-to-peak variation in the reference loaddatastream.Appendix C: Calculation of noise effectivebandwidthThe well-known radiometer equation applied to the output of asingle diode in the <strong>Planck</strong>-LFI receivers links the white noisesensitivity to sky and noise temperatures and the receiver bandwidth.It reads (Seiffert et al. 2002)δT rms = 2 T sky + T noise√ β· (C.1)In the case of a linear response, i.e., if V out = G × (T sky + T noise )(where G represents the photometric calibration constant) wecan write Eq. (C.1)initsmostusefuluncalibratedformδV rms = 2 V out√ β,(C.2)which is commonly used to estimate the receiver bandwidth, β,from a simple measurement of the receiver DC output and whitenoise level, i.e.,˜β = 4(VoutδV rms) 2·(C.3)If the response is linear and the noise is purely radiometric (i.e.,all the additive noise from back-end electronics is negligible andthere are no non-thermal noise inputs from the source), then ˜β isequivalent to the receiver bandwidth, i.e.,( )Tsky + T 2noise˜β ≡ β = 4· (C.4)δT rmsIn contrast, if the receiver output is compressed, from Eq. (2)wehave thatδV rms = ∂V out∂T inδT rms .By combining Eqs. (2), (C.3)and(C.5)wefindthat( )Tsky + T 2noise[˜β = 41 + bG0 (T sky + T noise ) ] 2δT rms≡ β [ 1 + bG 0 (T sky + T noise ) ] 2,(C.5)(C.6)which shows that ˜β is an overestimate of the “optical” bandwidthunless the non-linearity parameter b is very small.Appendix D: White noise sensitivity calibrationand extrapolation to flight conditionsWe now detail the calculation needed to convert the uncalibratedwhite noise sensitivity measured on the ground to the expectedcalibrated sensitivity for in-flight conditions. The calculationstarts from the general radiometric output model in Eq. (2),which can be written in the following formT out (V in ) = T noise −V inG 0 (bV in − 1) ·(D.1)Our starting point is the raw datum, which is a couple of uncalibratedwhite noise levels for the two detectors in a radiometermeasured with the sky load at a temperature T sky−load and thefront-end unit at physical temperature T test .From the measured uncalibrated white noise level inVolt s 1/2 ,weattempttoderiveacalibratedwhitenoiselevelextrapolated to input temperature equal to T sky and with thefront.end unit at a temperature of T nom .Thisisachievedinthreesteps:1. extrapolation to nominal front-end unit temperature;2. extrapolation to nominal input sky temperature;3. calibration in units of K s 1/2 .In the following sections, we describe in detail the calculationsunderlying each step.Page 14 of 16

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