Fall 2006 - Lake Erie College

Fall 2006 - Lake Erie College

Fall 2006 - Lake Erie College


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<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong>A Magazine for Alumni and Friends of <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong><strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> Sesquicentennial 1856-<strong>2006</strong>Marketing Campaign Begins, Green & White Ball Photos,Football Announcement, Honor Roll of Donors and more!<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2006</strong>

4A<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> Graduates 190 StudentsDuring Sesquicentennial Ceremonylook at the past and a glimpse into thefuture was the headlining theme as <strong>Lake</strong><strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> graduated its 147th classduring Commencement ceremonies heldSunday, May 7, <strong>2006</strong>. The ceremony,highlighting the <strong>College</strong>’s 150 yearanniversary, took place at 11 a.m. on theCampus Green in the center of campus.One hundred forty-eight students of variousages received their undergraduate degrees.An additional 22 students were granted amaster of business administration degreeand 20 others received a master of sciencedegree in education.Invocation was led by Lisa Benedetti’81, president of the National AlumniAssociation, and the crowd of morethan 400 was welcomed by InterimPresident M. Sue Dreitzler. Class of <strong>2006</strong>representatives, Adam Foxx and JaneRoberts, presented the <strong>College</strong> with a classgift – a trophy case for use in the Athletic &Wellness Center.The Commencement address waspresented by Michael T. Victor, presidentelectof the <strong>College</strong>. He was quicklyinterrupted by a special visitor, MaryEvans, first president of the <strong>College</strong>(portrayed by a local resident). Evans,who led the <strong>College</strong> from 1868–1909,encouraged the students to “carrythe history of the <strong>College</strong> with you.”Addressing Michael Victor as “youngman,” Evans told him “My time is past,your time is now.”Victor reflected upon the 150-year legacyof the <strong>College</strong> and what awaits it in thefuture. He noted the differences betweenthe world of Mary Evans and that oftoday’s students, noting that she witnessedmore changes in American society duringher years at the <strong>College</strong> than we willever witness in our entire life, but thatstudents all share identical aspirationsand visions for the future…to be happyand successful. Victor shared his “SixSecrets of Happiness,” which included:1.) Everything you need is inside of you– happiness is a decision you make 2.) Allobstacles are lessons in disguise 3.) Nevergive up – make choices, take chances,make mistakes and show up every day4.) Embrace discipline – work hard to fulfillyour dreams 5.) Think for yourself – be boldand envision yourself living a life you loveand 6.) Have some fun. In closing, Victorencouraged the graduates to “Keep <strong>Lake</strong><strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> alive in your heart.”With Victor’s words of advice in theirminds, students approached the stageto receive their degrees from InterimGraduates Stacey Allan and Adam FoxxSue Dreitzler awards diploma to thefamily of Heather Stephenson

6Sesquicentennial MedalsAwarded During Commencement ExercisesTo mark the occasion of the150th anniversary of <strong>Lake</strong><strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong>, sesquicentennialmedals were awarded to 12individuals in recognition fortheir dedication and supportto the <strong>College</strong>.Honored as SesquicentennialFellows were:Dr. Pauland SusanBelangerA member of the<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> facultysince 1976,Paul has taught32 coursesin biology,environmental science and physical scienceand has served on numerous standing facultyand <strong>College</strong> committees. A part-time facultymember since 1977, Susie has taught23 different courses and has made theEnvironmental Science Resource InformationCenter (ESRIC) a wonderful resource forarea teachers. Paul and Susie are mostproud of the impact they have made on theirstudents, who as alumni are now involved ina variety of important work while sharing theirappreciation of the beauty and complexity ofthe natural world.SuzanneH. CoenSue Coenbegan teachingat <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong><strong>College</strong> in1987 andhas beenassociate deanof equine studies since 1997. In addition toher administrative responsibilities, Sue hastaught a variety of classes in equine studies.She is most proud of the part she has playedin assisting students to attain their academicand career goals and the achievements of theequine studies faculty in changing the programto keep up with the needs of the industry.Robert Dickinson Bob Dickinsonserved as a <strong>College</strong> trustee from 1970 to1988, was chairman of the board for fi veyears and is currently an emeritus trustee. Hehas generously supported a variety of projectsat the <strong>College</strong>, including a named scholarshipendowment, with signifi cant gifts of timeand fi nancial resources. He and two of hisdaughters constituted the nucleus of the ridingprogram when the Morley Farm was acquired,and he was instrumental in the building of theGeorge M. Humphrey Equestrian Center anddevelopment of the equestrian program.WilliamIrrgangThe late WilliamIrrgang,chairman andchief executiveoffi cer of theLincoln ElectricCompany, wasChristopher and Katherine a trustee of <strong>Lake</strong>Beall accept for theirgrandfather, the late <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong>William Irrgang.from 1960through 1985and chairman of the board from 1967 through1985. During his tenure on the board, theAustin Hall of Science, James F. Lincoln Libraryand Jane White Lincoln Center for PhysicalEducation and Recreation were built, PhillipsSchool was instituted and Garfi eld Senior<strong>College</strong> became the fi rst senior college inOhio to award bachelor’s degrees to studentswith associate’s degrees.Richard J. Kessler Dick has been amember of the board of trustees since 2001and chairmanof the boardfor the past twoyears. Duringhis tenure, TracyDickinson Halland the Athletic& WellnessCenter werebuilt, enrollment has increased substantially,new records in giving have been achievedand a new president has been appointed.Dick has been intricately involved in the life ofthe <strong>College</strong> throughout this time of change andhis leadership has been instrumental in movingthe <strong>College</strong> forward.TheRoddickFundThe RoddickFund wasestablished in1987 througha bequestDick Johnson accepts for of Catherinethe Roddick Fund Roddick who,with her sisterGeorgia, had been a lifetime Painesvilleresident and extremely active in the community.Since 1988, The Roddick Fund has givenannual gifts to <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> for CatherineRoddick Endowed Scholarships, specialprojects and operating support. Accepting thesesquicentennial medallion for the Fund wasRichard Johnson, president.Dr. Charles E.P. Simmons CharlesSimmons was the seventh president of <strong>Lake</strong><strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong>, serving from 1977-84. Duringhis presidency, the Jane White Lincoln Centerfor Physical Education and Recreation (whichpreceded the Athletic & Wellness Center) wasopened, the weekend college and master ofbusiness administration programs began andthe twins’ scholarship was initiated. Throughout

his tenure, Simmons was committed toadvancing the liberal arts as the foundation ofa well-rounded education.Margaret L. Simmons Margaretwas the fi rst principal of the Phillips School,which opened in 1972 in what was thencalled Garfi eld Center. The private school,which educated students from nursery agethrough eighth grade, was operated by <strong>Lake</strong><strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> until 1990 when it becamethe independent Phillips-Osborne School.When Margaret was principal, she hired<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> students as classroom assistants toprovide them with practical experience thatsupplemented their studies in education.Dr. Clodus R. Smith As the ninthpresident of <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> from 1986-92,Clodus Smith led the successful comprehensive$10 million capital campaign that resultedin improvements to <strong>College</strong> Hall, the FineArts Center, Morley Music Building and theGeorge M. Humphrey Equestrian Center anddirected an advancement program that ledto increases in unrestricted and endowmentgifts to the <strong>College</strong>. He spearheaded acomprehensive strategic planning processresulting in a detailed plan covering theperiod from 1989-1994 titled “Meeting theChallenges of a New Era.”While in Painesville, she was active withForbes House, the American Association ofUniversity Women (AAUW), where she servedas state president, the Indian Museum and theWomen’s Policy and Research Commission forthe State of Ohio.Dr. Marilyn S. Jones Marilyn Joneswas interim president of <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong>from 1984-85, serving in the time of transitionbetween Charles Simmons and ClodusSmith. She spent 10 years at<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> prior tojoining the faculty ofNotre Dame <strong>College</strong> in1988.RE-LIVEHISTORYT HE F IRST 150 Y EARSNot every institution of higher educationcan boast that they have celebrated 150years - in fact, only 8% of colleges oruniversities in the United States canmake that claim. <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> isproud to mark the milestone and hascelebrated with many events. Pleaseenjoy the accompanying historicaloverview that reflects how yesterday’shistory has shaped the <strong>College</strong> into theoutstanding institution it is today.Paula Chaat Smith Paula has wornmany hats during her lifetime—those of wife,mother, teacher, fi rst lady, volunteer andadvocate for women and Native Americans.7L to R Dr. Charles and Margaret Simmons and Dr. Clodus and Paula Smith<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> – <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2006</strong>

8Green and WhiteBall Sparkles– Formal event is the highlight of<strong>College</strong> Sesquicentennial events –Tracy Dickinson ’78, John Stewart MBA ’99, SueDreitzler and Dale Sheptak enjoy a little ‘Scotch.’Jean Stephenson and Michael Victor pay tribute to LEC students and give thanks for donations to thescholarship fund.The <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> Sesquicentennialwas celebrated in gala style at the Greenand White Ball on Saturday, August 5,<strong>2006</strong>. The Athletic and Wellness Centerwas transformed into a spectacularballroom for the event. Ball chairs, JeanStephenson and Peg Milbourn, alongwith their committee of alumni, <strong>College</strong>staff and community members, createda wonderful evening that introducedPresident Michael T. Victor and his familyand celebrated the 150th birthday of the<strong>College</strong>.More than 200 guests enjoyed cocktails,hor d’oeuvres and dinner prepared by theExecutive Chefs of Metz and Associates.A birthday cake in the shape of theDeb Remington ’74, Kathryn Knutsen Riddle ’73and Jean Stephenson look glamorous.<strong>College</strong> Hall Tower was presented aseveryone sang “Happy Birthday” to the<strong>College</strong>. After dinner, partygoers dancedthe night away to music from the band“Special Event.”A raffl e was offered to guests with itemsranging from golf packages at top coursesin the area, to a handmade doll house withLEC accessories donated by Cathy Lincoln’78. More than $5,000 was raised for aspecial Sesquicentennial Scholarships.Special thanks to the Green and WhiteBall committee members: Peg Milbournand Jean Stephenson, co-chairs, andmembers: Kristy Webster ’73, CarolCoatoam ’68, Nancy Drobnick ’69,Carol Matchinga ’69, Carley Hosler ’72,Lisa Benedetti ’81, Barbara Saifman,Jeanette Macy, Diane Strachan, SallyGerboth, Lorrie Rowe, Barb Arilson,Cristine Boyd and Deb Remington ’74.Submitted by Deb RemingtonLois Lippke Osborn ’72, Debra Fitzgerald ‘96 and friends of the <strong>College</strong> prepare for an evening of dancing.

Storming theFootball FieldIf you hear a rumble of thunder or see flashes of lightning comingfrom somewhere over Painesville, Coach Mark McNellie wantsto warn you not to be concerned. He says, “It’s just the <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong><strong>College</strong> Storm Football program getting revved up!”That’s right – Football! <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> has added football to the ten intercollegiatesports it competes in within the NCAA Division III Allegheny Mountain Collegiate Conferenceand has entered an exploratory year with the NCAA to study potential reclassification to Division II status. The <strong>College</strong>’s board of directors unanimously approvedthe initiatives at its July 22 meeting.With the <strong>College</strong> experiencing a phase of growth, President Victor believes afootball program will add to the overall student experience as well as increasemale enrollment. “<strong>College</strong> football is a sport that can be a great source of pridefor a campus and the surrounding community,” he says. “And Coach McNellieis the perfect fi t for the institution as it takes on this exciting challenge.”Coach Mark McNellieMcNellie grew up the son of a football coach, played through college and servedas an assistant football coach for the past 19 years – 16 with Mercyhurst <strong>College</strong> inPennsylvania and two with Fairmont State in West Virginia. A graduate of Baldwin-Wallace <strong>College</strong>, where he was a three-time football letterman, he earned a mastersdegree from West Virginia University. He and his wife, Jennifer, have three children,Calvin (8), Carson (5) and Raegan (2). They reside in Concord, Ohio.Building a new team will be a challenge, but it is one that McNellie has dreamedabout for as long as he can remember. His energies will be focused on buildingyoung men of character whom he will ask to contribute to campus academically andsocially as well as athletically. “Building a program won’t be easy, but we’re going tobe aggressive, positive and determined. We will do it the old fashioned way throughhard work and integrity,” he says.President Michael T. Victorannounces football!For more information about Storm Football or Mark McNellie visit the website atwww.lec.edu/athletics.Submitted by Kathleen Lawry9<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> – <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2006</strong>

10LAKE ERIE COLLEGEInvades the Region with Enrollment BlitzLAKE ERIE COLLEGEIS SPECIAL.It is a dynamic campus and anextraordinary place to earn a degree.Alumni and friends know this, but now itstime that the Greater Cleveland, Akron,<strong>Erie</strong> and Youngstown areas learn aboutthe <strong>College</strong> too, which is why we arehitting the radio air waves and invadinglarger-than-life billboard spaces.The <strong>College</strong> recently kicked off a newmarketing campaign to let prospectivestudents know that once they get into <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong>, they have anabundance of opportunities to stand out– in academics, athletics and campuslife. Prospective students will also learnthat they not only stand out duringtheir time at LEC, but even afterwardsin their career fi eld. Thecampaign features 26 of ouroutstanding students.ads will be played on the followingstations: WAKS FM 96.5 Cleveland,WRTS FM 103.7 <strong>Erie</strong>, WAKZ FM95.9 Youngstown, WCPN FM 90.3Cleveland and WQLN FM 91.3 <strong>Erie</strong>.Listen and view with pride over the nextcouple of months as everyone will soonknow about the hidden jewel of theWestern Reserve you call your AlmaMater!In addition to advertising, the theme iscarrying into admissions materials suchas fl yers, postcards and brochures. Thewebsite also has a new book cover topromote student visitation and a newpromotion offers a free iTunes gift cardto any student who visits campus.If you know a student who wants toget in and stand out, let us know! Visitwww.lec.edu/alumni, and follow thelink to the student referral form. We willsend them information right away!Submitted by Cristine Boyd andKathleen LawryBillboards will beposted in the greaterCleveland, Akron,<strong>Erie</strong>, Youngstownand Grove Cityareas and radioLAKE ERIE COLLEGE

New Areas of Study are Offered toStudents at <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong>— Four majors and two areas of concentration introduced —Students at <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> now havenew learning opportunities as newmajors and areas of concentration havebeen introduced for fall <strong>2006</strong>. Newmajors include sports management,marketing, management, history and anew pre-professional program (medical,veterinary, dental, pharmaceutical).New areas of concentrationinclude forensic psychology andtherapeutic horsemanship.“<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> is taking a wholenew look at what we offer studentsand how we can best fit their needs,”said President Michael Victor.“Many of our students have beenasking for these majors and areas ofconcentration and we found ways tomake them a reality. Our faculty andadministration will be investigatingmany other areas over the course ofthe school year and we hope to addadditional majors and concentrationsfor the following school year.”Concentrations• Forensic Psychology – The forensicpsychology concentration is offeredas an option for psychology majorsand offers students a comprehensivestudy into the application of thescience and profession of psychologyto questions and issues relating to lawand the legal system.• Therapeutic Horsemanship– A complementary programto our nationally-recognizedequine program, the therapeutichorsemanship concentration offersstudents an in-depth look into theapplication of therapeutic riding.Students also have the opportunityto gain the credentials of the NorthAmerican Riding for the HandicappedAssociation (NARHA) and become acertifi ed instructor. The concentrationalso offers students a uniqueopportunity to work with FieldstoneFarms, one of the largest, mostestablished therapeutic riding centersin country.Majors• Sports Management – Encouragedby the rapid growth of the sportsmanagement industry, the numberof athletes on the <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong>campus and increased interest in thesports management concentrationformerly offered, the <strong>College</strong> made thedecision to offer sports management asa major. The sports management majorrequires course work in the fi ve variousareas of business administration, aswell as courses specifi c to the fi eld ofsports management.• Marketing – Formerly offered as aconcentration within the businessadministration major, the newmarketing major will give studentsan in-depth study into courses in theareas of international marketing,consumer behavior, marketingresearch and promotional strategyalong with general businessadministration courses.• Management – The managementmajor is designed to give studentsin-depth exposure to specifi careas of management comparedto the more broad-based businessadministration major. Students willcomplete coursework in the areasof leadership, organizationalchange and quality managementin addition to general businessadministration courses.• History – The history major requirescourse work in the areas of American,Western Civilization/European andworld history as well as courses ingeography, philosophy or religionand intercultural studies.• Pre-Health Professions – Thismajor prepares students foradmittance to medical, pharmacy,dental or veterinary school andfuture careers in these fi elds.Students enrolled in this program willtake biology, chemistry and mathcourses in their fi rst year and willthen meet with a faculty member ofthe pre-health professions committeeto determine their future eligibilityand advisement in the program.Those who continue in the programwill enjoy a unique mentoringprogram to assist them in achievingacceptance at the future graduateprogram of their choice.11<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> – <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2006</strong>

12Giving the Campus aIn its 150thanniversary, thecampus is currentlyundergoing a bit of afacelift. Cosmetic changeshave been made to several buildingsand new landscape has been introduced tomaintain the historic feel and campus beauty.“<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> is an absolutely breathtaking campusand we want to do our best to make sure it retains thatbeauty,” said President Michael Victor. “We hope thatthese improvements are just the beginning and willallow many people to discover <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> allover again.”Social Parlor has been restored to the grandeur of old.New shrubs, fl owers and grass have been planted andthe beds have been edged and mulched to add to thebeauty of the landscaping. Newly paved sidewalkshave not only added to the appearance of campus, butto the ease of navigation for students with disabilities.While the exterior woodwork of Kilcawley Hall hasbeen scraped and painted the president’s offi ce wasgiven new carpet and furniture. Renovations have alsobeen completed in the alumni suite of the building tocreate a more inviting area for visiting alumni andfriends. The space formerly occupied by theIndian Museum has been renovated to house the humanresources department.<strong>College</strong> Hall now boasts a new renovated maple stairway.Both the Manor House and George M. HumphreyEquestrian Center have also undergone severalcosmetic changes. The landscaping on the estate hasreceived attention and decorative planters have been

added. The entire fi rst fl oor of the househas been repainted or wallpapered andnew carpet has been added and thefurniture recovered. The outside of thehouse was also scraped and repainted.The barns at the equestrian center werealso given a fresh coat of paint before thestudents returned.Receiving the most attention this summerwas the main fl oor of <strong>College</strong> Hall, whichincludes Social Parlor. A new coat ofpaint was added, along with new carpetand decorations to ensure a welcomingatmosphere for prospective students andtheir families.Last, but certainly not least, is thereconstruction of Morley Music Hall, bothinside and out. In addition to the newroof, the Skinner Organ was restoredoff-campus and reinstalled. The chamber,which stores the organ pipes, has beenrepainted, the stage has been redone andthe pews will soon be renovated.The reconstruction of the Morley Music Hall is magnificent.The portrait of Mary Evans now hangs inthe renovated President’s office.The admission parlors in <strong>College</strong> Hall now provide a beautiful waiting area for prospectivestudents.1 13 <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> – <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2006</strong>

New YorkBusiness TripA group of twelve students from <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong><strong>College</strong>’s Business Students’ Association(BSA) went on an excursion to New Yorkthis April, where they visited the fi nancialcenters of the city. Dr. Rabi Hasan, advisorof the Business Students’ Association,and professor Julie Ziemak accompaniedthe students as they visited a number oflandmarks, including the New York StockExchange.Some of the sights that students mostenjoyed were the United Nationsheadquarters, where they took a tour, theNew York Stock Exchange, where studentsvisited the boardroom and were given theopportunity to ask questions of an NYSEexecutive, and the museum of fi nancialhistory, which featured a display on howto identify counterfeit bills. Students alsovisited several cultural landmarks, includingthe Statue of Liberty, Central Park and theMuseum of Modern Art.New York Stock ExchangeNew HiresThe campus welcomes many newfaces this fall including the following:Staff:Lee Anna Belovarac – Vice Presidentand Chief of StaffKristy Booher – Director of SportsMedia Relations/Athletic RecruitingAideDemetria Bell Anderson – Director ofCampus InvolvementApryl Dervay – Admissions CounselorCynthia DeMatteo – Director of CareerServices and InternshipsEric Felver – Director of AdmissionsJonathan Klein – Coordinator ofInternational StudiesCarolyn Kotlarsic-Perrett – ProgramCoordinator, Center for Learning andProfessional DevelopmentKathleen Lawry – Public Relations &Marketing SpecialistStephen Maura – Mail RoomCoordinatorMicky McManus – Residence Director,Rainforest Village Apts.Mark McNellie – Head Football &Athletics Strength CoachBillie Morrison – Assistant Director ofAdmissionsLori O’Laughlin – Executive Assistantto the Dean of AcademicsSara Sargent – Stable Staff SupervisorChristopher Stevenson – ResidenceDirector, Ritter HallMelissa Yates – AdministrativeAssistant, Executive SupportFacultyDr. Susan Culotta – Visiting AssistantProfessor of PsychologyDr. Katherine Delevan – AssistantProfessor of Early Childhood EducationDr. Zane Johnson – Assistant Professorof BiologyMary Pardee – Visiting Instructor ofEquine StudiesDr. Steven Reynolds – AssistantProfessor of BiologyLinda Siegel – Instructor of MiddleChildhood EducationPromotions:Barb Arilson – RegistrarDale Sheptak – Director of theCenter for Learning and ProfessionalDevelopment

Equine ScholarshipsSophomoreAshleyWatson wasawardedthe HeatherStevensonScholarshipin honorof late LECstudentAshley WatsonHeatherStephenson. This scholarship is awardedfrom the Intercollegiate DressageAssociation team.SarahBrownreceived theMary LouBonte bookaward thatis presentedeachyear to asophomoreSarah Brown received themajoringaward from Sue Coenin equinestudies. Sarah received a $50 giftcertifi cate to Borders.Employee ofthe YearLorrieRowe wasselected asoutstandingstaffemployeeof the yearfor theLorrie Rowe2005-<strong>2006</strong>academic year. She was chosen bya six-member committee comprised offaculty, staff and students. Lorrie hasworked at the <strong>College</strong> for more than tenyears as executive associate, offi ce of thepresident and assistant to the board ofdirector.IDA<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> earned ReserveChampionship status at the InternationalDressage Association (IDA) NationalChampionships. The event took placeApril 29-30 at Saint Andrews Presbyterian<strong>College</strong> in North Carolina.Twelve teams from across the countrycompeted at the event after qualifyingin regional competitions. The <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong><strong>College</strong> team consisted of four riders,Cecily Bonadio ’06 of California; ChristineTalbert ’06 of Massachusetts; Karen Rauff’06 of New York and Darcy Bornemann’09 of Iowa. <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> hasa great history of success at the IDAChampionships. The team was nationalchampions in 2005, placed fi fth in 2004and was reserve champion in 2003.Borchert andBelanger EarnEmeritus StatusThe board of directors unanimously votedto grant Dr. Susan Borchert the rankof Professor Emeritus of Sociology andDr. Paul Belanger the rank of ProfessorEmeritus of Biology. Borhchert served asassociate professor of sociology from1991-2000 and professor of sociologyfrom 200-2005. She retired from the<strong>College</strong> in 2005. Belanger served on thefaculty since 1976 and retired from the<strong>College</strong> in <strong>2006</strong>.Wireless Access<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> is pleased to announce thatmany buildings on campus now allowfor wireless internet connections. TheHolden Center, Library, EquestrianCenter and Morley Music Hall are allcurrently wireless ready!15<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> – <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2006</strong>

16Athletes ofthe YearJustin Daly and Loni Sargent havebeen named as the Male and Female Athletesof the Year for 2005-06 at <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong>.Daly is a junior member of the men’s soccerteam while Sargent is a three-sport athlete,competing on the LEC women’s soccer,basketball and softball squads. Both hail fromHubbard, Ohio, and attended Hubbard High.Also honored are LEC’s Freshmen of the Year,Angela Bethel for the women and PaulRoskos for the men. Bethel, of Beavercreek, Loni SargentOhio and Miami Valley School, set theschool’s single season soccer scoring markswith 22 goals and 49 points. She also startedon the basketball team, averaging 11.9 ppgand leading the team with 46 three-pointfi eld goals. Roskos, of Timberlake, Ohio andEastlake North High, set school records witha 3.27 earned run average and 63.1 inningspitched for the <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> baseball team. Hewon four games on the mound as the team seta school mark for victories with 16. He wasalso a member of the LEC golf team.Justin DalyEarning the school’s Academic Athlete of theYear Awards were Jack Lutzeier for the men and Jen Dodge for the women.Lutzeier, a senior from Basalt, Colo., and Basalt High, was a starter on the AMCCchampion men’s basketball team and averaged 4.8 points and 3.0 rebounds pergame while posting a 3.79 Grade Point Average for the year. He graduated in Maywith a bachelor’s degree in exercise science. Dodge, a junior from Painesville, Ohio,and Riverside High, hit .286 as the right fi elder, earning second team all-AMCChonors for the record-setting softball team. She also competed on the cross countryteam. In the classroom, the communications major posted a GPA of 3.31.Retirement PlansRemain HopefulRetirementparties area time ofrefl ection andwell wishes forthose movingon to the nextstage in theircareer. SuchPaul and Susan Belangerwas the casefor facultymembers Susan Coen, Paul Belangerand Susan Belanger at their combined“retirement party” in May, <strong>2006</strong>.Paul and Susan Belanger have beenfi xtures in the Science department of the<strong>College</strong> for more than 30 years andhave been a source of knowledge andinspiration to many <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong>students. Their colleague, Sue Coen hascontributed to <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> andthe equineprogram foralmost 20years and hasalso led thedepartmentas associatedean. ThecombinedSue Coenexperienceof these threeindividuals has helped to shape <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong><strong>College</strong> and the positive educationalexperience that our students encounter.Although the retirement wishes have beenwell-meaning, two of the three individualshave not yet actually “retired” as of theprinting of this publication. At the endof the academic year, Paul and SusieBelanger traveled for three weeks with a<strong>College</strong> study tour, and after one weekoff, Paul Belanger returned to campus asinterim academic dean. Sue Coen alsoreturned to campus this fall and resumedher duties as associate dean while thesearch for her replacement continues.Best wishes to these three wonderfulmembers of the <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> family!

<strong>College</strong> Receives Unique GiftsPlanning Grant<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> recently received a$10,000 planning grant from the BurtonD. Morgan Foundation and the EwingMarion Kauffman Foundation to assistin the development of a campus-wideentrepreneurship initiative. The <strong>College</strong>is competing with eight other liberalarts institutions and will present a planto be “judged” by the Foundations inthe hopes of obtaining full funding.“<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> is very committedto entrepreneurialism and encouragesits student body to be creative andresourceful in all of their endeavors,” saidRobert Trebar, associate dean ofmanagement studies. “Wewill utilize the planningfunds to develop adetailed planproposalthat will impact both our studentsand the northeast Ohio communitiesin which we operate.”Internship Program TargetsEntrepreneurial BusinessesStudent growth in entrepreneurialbusiness is the theme behind <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong><strong>College</strong>’s recent receipt of a $43,750grant from the Fenn Educational Fund.The <strong>College</strong> will utilize the grant moneyover the <strong>2006</strong>-2007 academic schoolyear to fund a program called Internsand Mentors Assisting the Growthof Entrepreneurs in <strong>Lake</strong> County,or IMAGE LC. The program willprovide <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> interns tothe growing sector of entrepreneurialbusinesses, particularly Latino businesses,in the <strong>Lake</strong> County area.“We believe that by helpingstudents secure internshipswith entrepreneurialcompanies in the region,we are helping them tohave a unique experiencethat may have a longstandingimpact on theirfuture career choicesand involvement in thenortheast Ohio region,”said PresidentMichaelVictor. “This program benefi ts notonly the students and businesses,but the Northeast Ohio economy,particularly <strong>Lake</strong> County.”Alumna Gift toBenefit <strong>College</strong>Ties to <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> exist longafter alumni leave campus. One localalumna who recently remembered the<strong>College</strong> in her estate was PainesvillenativeMary Weixel Novak. Novakattended <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> in the late 1930sand upon her death, left a bequestworth approximately $690,000 to the<strong>College</strong> to provide scholarships in honorof her two sons, Thomas and Michael.“This kind of gift is very special to theinstitution,” said President Michael Victor.“Not only does it provide signifi cantsupport to students, but it also inspiresothers to be charitable. We areproud and grateful to be rememberedby Mary Novak,” he added.Being charitable was in Novak’snature as she bestowed gifts to KentState University and three additionalorganizations. For years, she alsoprovided free housing for thosein need.1 17<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> – <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2006</strong>

ClassNotesThe Alumni Office makes everyattempt to keep informationupdated. We use a clippingservice that pulls articles where<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> alumniare mentioned. However,this service does not includenationwide newspapers. If thereis a wedding, birth or death inanother city, we are not alwaysaware of it. Please email thealumni office at alumni@lec.eduimmediately, especially whenthere is the death of an alum.’60Chris (Lapp) Donahower recentlyvisited China, enjoying all the touristattractions as well as sites off thebeaten path. Chris found China tobe a fascinating study in contrasts,boasting the world’s tallest buildingin Shanghai as well as extremelyprimitive conditions in the countryside.L to R: Chris Lapp Donahower and SueWells DernidovichSue (Wells) Demidovich was able towork in a stopover with Chris whilevisiting her newest grandchild inLancaster, Pa.Jeanne (Bruno) Cathcart and husbandBob toured Egypt and Jordon thisspring. From viewing the pyramidsto fl oating on the Dead Sea, Jeannewrites that the sites were beyondexpectations and the people great.L to R: Donna Stoner and Christy GillmerChristy (Gillmer) Erdmann had theopportunity to visit with two classmatesin recent months. Donna Stoner wasin Denver for a gallery opening ofBruce’s artwork. They stayed withChristy and Dick and were able tocatch up on times past and present.Bruce has built Donna a Hogan attheir home in New Mexico, which sheuses as her jewelry making studio.L to R: Christy Gillmer Erdmann, JaneNyerges Beecher and husband, GeneThen, in June, Dick and Christydropped in on Jane (Nyerges)Beecher and husband, Gene, whomDick knew at Kenyon. Jane and“Inky” live in a beautiful rural areaof Pennsylvania and have recentlycompleted a charming addition totheir house.’64Barbara (Gould) Pelowski hasbeen serving as the director of newministries at St. Pauls EpiscopalChurch in Cleveland Heights, Ohio.Barbara and her husband, Jim,are involved in the lives of theirgrandsons, Noah (6) and James (4),who live in Ridgefi eld, Conn., withtheir parents Elizabeth (Pelowski) andKen Isaacson.In the past year, Barbara and Jimhave visited Richard and Polly(Marcy) Spaulding, Steve and Linda(Siegel) Greyser and Bob and Kathy(Miller) Allen ‘72.Nick Johnson started his teachingcareer at a public school, whichwas formed to handle nontraditionalstudents; handicapped, behaviorproblems, slow learners and pregnantteens. This position led to his

career of working with people withdevelopmental disabilities.He was then asked travel to Phoenix,Az., to work in a new residential andday program being developed bythe state’s Division of DevelopmentalDisabilities. Afterwards, he becamethe adult services program coordinatorfor Maricopa County and earneda master of education degree inSpecial Education from Arizona StateUniversity. Not wanting to sit behinda desk, he and his wife, Peggy,bought Kastle Preschools, running twocampuses for seven years.Next, he worked for a privatecompany that provided services todevelopmentally disabled adultsthroughout Arizona. He becamethe regional director for Gila andPinal Counties, overseeing adultgroup homes and vocationalworkshops, and developing supportedemployment jobs.Wanting to return to the youngerpopulation, he became a certifi edspecial education teacher. Hecontinues to teach the district’s lowestfunctioning,non-verbal, multiplyhandicappedchildren during theirkindergarten through fi fth-grade years.He and Peggy play volleyball almostevery Thursday, while also getting outin the wilderness. Last summer, theydid a private trip down the MiddleFork of the Salmon River in Idaho. Thissummer took a cruise from New Yorkto Halifax.His email is pegnik@cox.net.’67Virginia “Ginny” DeVasto lives inVallejo, Calif., where she is turningpositives into negatives. Diagnosedwith cancer, for the second time,she remains in good spirits bywearing animal hats versus a wig.Animals are a big part of her life,as is saving the planet. DeVasto isthe lady one turns to when someonecan no longer take care of theirfour-legged friend. She cares for theanimals until she can fi nd them amore permanent home.When DeVasto is not undergoingchemotherapy treatments or workingat a Benicia gym, she is focusing herefforts on an environmental ministry inwhich she launched in May 2004 ather church, Napa Valley Center forSpiritual Living. She compiles monthlyfl iers that include tips one how to makemore earth-friendly choices as well.’72Roberta (Yates) Phipps and herhusband, Joel, moved to Greensboro,N.C., after many years of the <strong>Lake</strong><strong>Erie</strong> shore life. She is looking topursue opportunities in the areas ofcomputer work, offi ce work and adulteducation. Her new address is 3502Deep Green Drive, Greensboro, NC,27410, and phone is 336-545-3038; email: ryphillips@bellsouth.net.Lois (Lippke) Osborn had a wonderfulnight at the Green and While Ballon August 5, <strong>2006</strong> celebrating LEC’s150th birthday. Kristi (Ethington)Webster ’73, and Nancy (Bleil)Drobnik ’69, transformed the newAthletic & Wellness Center gym into abeautiful botanical garden. Osborn,Carley (Cumberworth) Hoslerand Carol (Scureman) Matchinga’69, had fun decorating, too. Theydanced the night away with friendsand President Michael Victor’s manyfriends, who came in from <strong>Erie</strong> by busfor the gala.Osborn spent a week on Cayuga<strong>Lake</strong> with Terry (Gribbin) Nicklaus,Cindy Kopf ’71, and Kris Broe. TheyAlumni VisitorsInvade CampusIn early June, <strong>2006</strong>, four palsfrom the class of 1970s invadedthe <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> campus.The “invaders” were Jo Sherman‘76, Jane (Ross) Allen ‘74,Heidi (Arn) Steiner ‘74 andPeggy (Postema) Mohr ‘74.The group visited some favoritespots of campus and “brokeinto” the campus bookstore withthe assistance of two LEC staffmembers and made a few afterhourspurchases.L to R: Jo Sherman, Jane Allen,Heidi Steiner and Peggy Mohr19<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> – <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2006</strong>

ClassNotesYoung AlumniAssociationFormingTo help give young alums a voiceand keep them better connectedwith the <strong>College</strong>, a Young AlumniAssociation is being formed.If you are interested in beingpart of the activities, pleasecontact Eric Janke ‘93, chair ofthe Young Alumni Association at216-970-9001 or via e-mail atalumni@lec.edu.enjoy the many wineries, waterfallsand explored the lake. Now an avidgolfer, Osborn and Laurie (Good)Martin ’71, golf at least three to fourtimes a week. She also golfs twicea week with Pat Nocero ’73. Shealso chairs the Camp Sue OsbornGolf Outing every year at MadisonCountry Club. The camp is a twoweekday camp and one-weekresidence camp for children withspecial needs.Osborn, Laurie (Good) Martin andDeb (Blanchard) Remington ’74, aregoing to see Poco, Riders of the PurpleSage, Pure Prairie League and ChrisHillman all-in-one concert.’73Eileen (Duffy) Kusar was namedWoman of the Year by The AmericanBusiness-Women’s AssociationChalice Charter Chapter, where shehas been a member for 26 years. Shehas served as president, educationchair-woman and Ways and Meanschairwoman for several years. Kusarretired from teaching after 35 yearsbut, continues to substitute for GenevaArea City Schools. She and herhusband, John, have three childrenJoseph Humpolrk ’74, Ashtabula CountyPublic Defender, walks with pride wearinga LEC jersey.and fi ve grandchildren.’76Harold (Hal) Covert has joined theJDSU Board of Directors and the AuditCommittee. JDSU is the worldwideleading provider of broadband testand measurement solutions andoptical products for communications,commercial and consumer markets.Also serving as the executive vicepresident and chief fi nancial offi ceof Openwave Systems, Inc., Covertoversees the company’s fi nace,information technology and corporateservices departments. Prior to joiningOpenwave, he served as chieffi nancial offi cer at Fortinet, ExtremeNetworks, Silicon Graphics andAdobe Systems.Mary-Lucille (Mary-Lu) Bonte marriedDaniel Elias on July 29, <strong>2006</strong> inLeland, Mich. Former director ofAluni Relations, Susan Arant, wasin attendance. You can reach her atyankeecharm@hotmail.com.’77Jerry Cirino was named presidentand chief executive offi cer ofImalux Corporation, a medicaldevice company specializing inthe development and marketing ofadvanced imaging systems basedon Optical Coherence Tomography.Previously, he served as foundingpresident and CEO of SourceOneHealthcare Technologies for threeyears after fulfi lling a 20-year careerwith Marconi Medical Systems.In addition to serving on numerousmedical boards, Cirino is a memberof the Boards of Directors of Urologix,<strong>Lake</strong> Hospital System, <strong>Lake</strong> CountyUnited Way and Legatus. He and hiswife, Donna, reside in Kirtland, Ohio,and have nine children.’79Paul Sears was named dean of the<strong>College</strong> of Business at the Universityof Findlay. As the new dean, hewill run nine undergraduate degree

programs and one graduate degreeprogram in business administration.Prior to Findlay, Sears served asthe dean of the Dauch <strong>College</strong> ofBusiness and economics at AshlandUniversity for nine years.’81Maria Berger was diagnosed inNovember 2005 with breast cancer,what she is calling “a cosmic whackon the side of the head.” Afterundergoing treatment and beingdeclared by doctors to be cancerfree,she took the opportunity tore-evaluate her life. Not being oneto wallow, she decided to fi nallymove to Vermont, where she’s wantedto be since her summer internshipwith Denny Emerson in 1979. In theGreen Mountains for almost a yearnow, she is getting plenty of peaceand quiet, interspersed with all kindsof craziness at the veterinary hospitalwhere she really enjoys working.Maria invites classmates to visit andgo snowshoeing this winter.Donna Fehrenbach-Bernini justmoved into a new home.joys of Essiac Tea, of juicing carrots,ginger, parsley, etc., as well as justgenerally being supportive friends atthis diffi cult time.’83Cynthia (Panton) Mills has publishedher second book titled, “Bring theDead to Life.” Here is a synopsis ofthe book:Haunted by the deaths of her brotherand her fi ancé, British Army nurseLouise Whiting is posted to Franceduring the horrors of the Battleof the Somme in the summer of1916. Her choice to nurse the mostdiffi cult head wound cases brings acomatose soldier with no name toher ward. The search for his identity,and her determination to resurrecthim, becomes her obsessions. Ashe begins to recover, Louise, whohas fallen in love with him, discoversthe secrets of his previous existence.Louise must confront her own past asshe learns the truth about her patient.The book can be purchased online byvisiting www.lulu.com.a line offi cer for the past fi ve years.The group supports several programsthrough the VFW, including a monthlyvisit with “treats” at the local veterans’hospitals, and also sponsors a cancerprogram to raise funds for researchand aid. Additionally, Merrick andthe ladies are also involved in ascholarship program, Americanismand Buddy Poppy.Merrick works full time as directorof the Women, Infants and Childrenprogram, a federally fundedsupplemental food and nutritionprogram, for the <strong>Lake</strong> County GeneralHealth District.’94Sharon McGowan was hired asthe new chief fi nancial offi cer ofCommunity Memorial Hospital inHicksville, Ohio. As CFO, her primaryresponsibility is to keep the hospitalfi nancially secure. She has beenin health care for nearly 35 years,working for the Cleveland Clinic andGeauga Hospital. A mother of three,she currently resides in Hicksville withher husband, Jerry.Martha Zendlovitz-Emeson is amulti-tasking mom. She manages tobalance a multitude of activities with2-year-old daughter Sydney, whilededicating time to ride her younghorse Lark, and keeps chugging awayat her Spanish language skills.’82Vilma (Menedez) Lesesne aka“Panama”, vlm2005@hotmail.com,Vilma has been trying to fi nd LizaOverberg. Liza’s last known locationwas somewhere in Colorado. Shealso provided classmates with MamieDixson’s e-mail: mpollock@ups.com.Judy Leach is heroically battlingcancer in Bethlehem, Pa., where shelives with her family, a.k.a. “TeamJudy.” Kath Nelson and Maria Bergerwere offi cially granted membershipinto “Team Judy” when they fl ittedinto Pennsylvania last summer. Theylearned all kinds of tidbits on theJeanette (Kolis) Potts is a ClevelandClinic urologist, who specializes intreating male pelvic and genital pain.She has turned her love for danceinto a profi t generater as she beganoffering executive seminars underthe name Dr. Tango. In the sessionsshe uses tango as a metaphor forleadership, collaboration and renewal.’86Mary Lou (Knuckles) Tramont washired to serve as treasurer for boththe Berkshire and Cardinal schooldistricts. She previously spent eightyears with the auditor of state’s localgovernment service offi ce.’89Janet “Jan” Merrick (MBA) has beenelected Department of Ohio presidentfor the Ladies Auxiliary of the Veteransof Foreign Wars. A member of theauxiliary for 20 years, she served as’97Kathleen “Katie” (Hobson) Carterwas named the 2005 Star BeaconAshtabula County Coach of theYear in girls soccer. Under Carter’sleadership, the Geneva Eagles havewon 20 of 22 league matches. Theprogram has also won or sharedall three league titles since the sporthas been sponsored by the NEC.She contributes much of her offseasonwork ethic and success to herhusband, Ron.Dan McPadden is the ownerand director of Mathnasium ofthe Willoughby Learning Center.Mathnasium is a franchise whichenables students to gain a betterunderstanding of all levels of math.He was inspired to open the centerafter fi nding that children don’t reallyhate math, but they don’t like feelingfrustrated and confused.21<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> – <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2006</strong>

ClassNotesPublication Dates &Deadlines:To submit story ideas or requestcopies of recent <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong>publications, please contact theOffi ce of Public Relations andMarketing at 440-375-7230.Publication Dates &Deadlines:• Winter 2007 <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong><strong>College</strong> Magazine to bemailed January 30 - deadlinefor class notes December 1• Spring 2007 <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong><strong>College</strong> Magazine to bemailed April 30 - deadline forclass notes March 1• Summer 2007 <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong><strong>College</strong> Magazine to bemailed July 30 - deadline forclass notes June 1• <strong>Fall</strong> 2007 Annual Report to bemailed October 15 – no classnotes information includedMcPadden has more than 15 yearsof experience in the accountingprofession, working for SwagelokCorporation and as plant accountantfor Morton Salt. He is a certifi edsubstitute teacher in Ohio, and aprofessional tutor and adjunct mathinstructor at <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong>.’98Top: Amy and Edward Albee. Above: Amywith two actors from Brigit St. BrigitAmy Lynne Holland was honored thisyear to have her play, Jack, acceptedby the Great Plains Theatre conferencein Omaha, Neb. The play, whichdeals with the Whitechapel Murders of1888, received a reading by the BrigitSt. Brigit Theatre Company. Duringthe nine-day conference, she attendedreadings from other up-and-comingplaywrights and enjoyed masterclasses with luminaries like EdwardAlbee, Arthur Kopit, Emily Mann andMac Wellman as well as selectedperformances of their works. Amy andher husband Matthew Sucre ’97, livein <strong>Lake</strong>wood, Ohio.’99Hollie Connell graduated from TheOhio State University <strong>College</strong> ofVeterinary Medicine on June 11,<strong>2006</strong>. She currently works for a mixedanimal practice in Kenton, Ohio.’02Christina Tecil married Eric FennerAugust 4, <strong>2006</strong> at St. Mary’sChurch in Painesville. In <strong>2006</strong>,she graduated from San Jose StateUniversity with a masters degree inlibrary and information science. Sheis a librarian for Los Amigos HighSchool in Fountain Valley, Calif. Ericis a police offi cer for the City of LongBeach, Calif.Christina Tecil and Eric FennerTracy L. Dolence married Ryan S.Maruschak April 8, <strong>2006</strong> at St.Barbara’s Church in Bridgeville, Pa.Ann Libert, ’01, was in the weddingparty. The couple currently resides inPainesville, Ohio.Tracy Dolence and Ryan Maruschak

Annick Toulouse married John SiegelJuly 23,2005 at St. Cyprian Churchin Perry. She is employed at ParkerHannifi n Corporation. John works forFusco Auctions in Willoughby, Ohio.’03Marcie Whitacre married CraigHorbus July 29, <strong>2006</strong> in Canton.Marcie is employed as a kindergartenteacher for Girard City Schools. Craigis an attorney for Witschey Witscheyand Firestine Co., LPA.’04Completing her master of arts degreein a feminist psychology program,Michelle Baker presented her thesisat the National Women’s StudiesAssociation Conference in Oakland,Calif., titled, “Locating Women’sStudies: Formations of Power andResistance.”’05Engaged on June 15, <strong>2006</strong> while onthe beach in Destin, Fla., SamanthaGalusha and Jon Thompson ’07, settheir wedding date for October 27,2007 in Rochester, N.Y. Samantharecently joined the internet sales teamat Honda of Mentor after workingin customer care. She also teachesdance part-time for the WilloughbyFine Arts Association. The coupleresides in Painesville.Jamie Marie (Pudder) Wortmanmarried Joseph Ortiz August 28,<strong>2006</strong>. She is pursuing a mastersdegree in accounting at Notre Dame<strong>College</strong> and is employed with Ernst& Young LLP. Joseph is a licensedelectrician and co-owner of AmericanElectric Co.’06Nicholas “Nick” Gustin left hisposition with <strong>Erie</strong> Shores to becomethe assistant golf pro at FirethorneCountry Club in Marvin, N.C. Heruns the pro shop and represents thecourse by playing in tournaments.Last August, Gustin beat 87 othergolfers to qualify for the USGA Mid-Amateur Championship. Feeling asif it’s a farfetched dream, he wouldlike to experience playing in a PGAevent.In addition to changing jobs, hemade another life change whenhe married Julie Farina on July 21,<strong>2006</strong>. She accepted a teachingposition in Clover, S.C., about ahalf-hour from Marvin.Gail Greenberg (MSE), librarymedia specialist at GiddingsElementary School in Cleveland,was selected to participate in anational teacher training workshopheld at Dickinson <strong>College</strong> inCarlisle, Pa., in July. The week-longworkshop was entitled, “Landmarksof the Underground Railroad.”Participants combined travel toUnderground Railroad sites inPennsylvania and West Virginiawith sessions by leading scholars,to learn strategies for effectivelyincorporating the stories of theUnderground Railroad and thecoming of the Civil War in theirteaching.Georgiana “Georgie” (Fust) PattersonGeorgiana “Georgie” (Fust) Patterson’48, has always had an adventurousside that dates back to herhitchhiking days in Vermont, beforeshe arrived at <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong>.a year teaching at The Dalton School.While there, she stayed at the BarbizonHotel, a place in which young womenretreated to after leaving the traditionalfamily home in search of careeropportunities. The Barbizon later hostedmany social, intellectual and athleticactivities and, and in recent yearsattracted a variety of famous tenants,including entertainers Grace Kelly,Candice Bergen and Liza Minnelli.Patterson liked to dabble in avariety of activities such as tennis,hockey, shot put and basketball.She even co-wrote the juniorplay, but was unable to performwhen she came down with anappendicitis – she’s still a bitdisappointed today. Though,Patterson recalls her adventurousside has gotten her in trouble attimes, often being “campused.”Patterson left the progressiveteaching environment of TheDalton School and enteredthe third- and fourth-gradeclassroom, which is where herpassion lied before focusingon motherhood. Now herpassion is her grandchildren,golf and needlepoint. Shealso enjoys wintering in VeroBeach, Fla. Returning to heradventurous days, PattersonAfter college, she ventured outis spending more time in <strong>Erie</strong>,to New York, where she spent President Michael Victor with Georgiana (Fust) Patterson trying to stay out of trouble.23<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> – <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2006</strong>

Deaths – Alumni24’33Jean Eder died February 11,<strong>2006</strong>.’34Ellen (Duff) Smith diedMarch 20, <strong>2006</strong>. She wasmarried to Alden for 54-anda-halfyears. An avid readerand patron of the arts, she alsoplayed the violin and all stringinstruments. Traveling the world,Ellen and Alden enjoyed theoutdoors, especially camping,hiking and swimming. Shewas a member of the IndustrialHiking Association, a trustee atEpworth-Euclid Church, sangin the choir and served onchurch committees. She was achair for the Hillcrest YWCA,on the board of Metro YWCAand was past-president ofHillcrest Hospital Auxiliary.’37Janet (Boyer) Benfer diedMarch 28, <strong>2006</strong>, at KingstonCare Center of Sylvania. Afterbeing a homemaker for manyyears, she entered the funeralbusiness that her father foundedand her husband, KennethVan Wormer, ran, taking overthe operation after his death.She then earned her funeraldirector’s license, being amongthe few women to have one.Love entered her life againthrough Wilson L. Benfer. A fewyears later, she retired to travelthe world, golf and winter inFlorida with her husband.Janet served her church in variouscapacities on the board oftrustees and several committees.She was also a member of theChapter A.L., P.E.O. Internationaland the Toledo Art Museum.Additionally, she was a formermember of the board of trusteesof Northwest Ohio FuneralDirectors Association, OhioFuneral Directors Association,National Selected Morticiansand the National FuneralDirectors Association.She is survived by her youngersister, Georgia Boyer Ansorge;her children, Janice VanWormer(Bill) Godfrey, Lee Frederick(Nancy) Van Wormer, DanaVan Wormer (Tabb) Schreder;her 4 step-children, PatriciaBenfer Clay, Judith Benfer(Pete) Price, Richard W. (Lois)Benfer and David W. (Mary)Benfer; 17 grandchildren and27 great-grandchildren.’39Patricia (Fitzsimmons)Kellogg died May 26, <strong>2006</strong> ather home in Santa Rosa Beach,Fla. She received a master’sdegree in children’s libraryscience from Columbia Universityin New York City and a master’sdegree in early childhoodeducation from Newark State<strong>College</strong> in Union, which laterbecame Kean University.Before retiring, she was aneducator in New Jersey. Shecreated several early childhoodcenters in Somerset County,and taught aspiring teachers atKean University. In Florida, shewas known for her volunteerwork with Sharing and Caringof Fort Walton Beach andwith children’s programs at theSouth Walton Library. In aneffort to preserve the beautyof the Choctawhatchee Bayarea, she donated land to theChoctawhatchee AudubonSociety to be used as a birdand wildlife preserve.She is survived by her fi vechildren, A. Louis Henry,Patricia Godchaux, ChristopherKellogg, Jeffrey Kelloggand Jean Hewen of Milfordand nine grandchildren.’39Phyllis (Cadwallader)Ramlow died July 6, <strong>2006</strong>at the Forge Hill Senior LivingCommunity. The wife of the lateRamlow, she was a homemakerwith a life-long interest ingardening and in art, servingfor many years as a docent atthe Atlanta High Museum.She is survived by herdaughter, Sally Ramlow;son, Tom (Maureen) Ramlowand two grandchildren.’48Nancy (Potwin) Calhoundied April 23, <strong>2006</strong>. A part ofthe North Palm Beach Villagecommunity since 1961, shehelped in the formation of FirstPresbyterian Church. From the70s until recently, she was thesuccessful owner of Nancy’sFlowers in Juno Beach.She is survived by her husband of56 years, James Calhoun; sister,Eunice (Robert) Schimmel; her fi vechildren, Stephen (Teri), Margie(Warren) McKinzie, Thomas,Carolin (Donald) Hedrick andLois (Bill) and nine grandchildren.’57Donna (LaPlante)Brantingham died May 26,<strong>2006</strong> at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital,Utica, N.Y. Earning a master’sdegree from Syracuse University,she was a child psychologistwith the Syracuse Board ofEducation for more than twentyyears. She loved to help peopleand was very active in severalsocial support groups. She wasa volunteer at the Rome Homeand a member of Tamarack Twigand the <strong>Lake</strong> Delta Yacht Club.She is survived by her husband,Donald; sons Todd (Kimberly)and Eric (Andrya); sisters AmyLaPlante and Kaye Reimann;brother Lawrence (Marty)and four grandchildren.’58Nancy-Sue Davis diedMarch 23, <strong>2006</strong>. She receiveda masters of education degreefrom Florida Atlantic Universityin guidance and counseling.She taught elementary, middleand high school children for48 years in Dade, Palm Beachand Martin counties. Earning aTeachers of Excellence Awardfrom the Palm Beach Post for herwork at Palm Beach GardensHigh School, she also tutoredathletes at the University of Miamiand taught ESOL to adults.She is survived by herhusband, Jim Davis; daughter,Susan Davis; three sons, JohnDavis, Mark Weinstein andStephen Harris Weinsteinand one granddaughter.Elizabeth (Quirk) Heeleydied February 23, <strong>2006</strong> inPiqua Manor Nursing Home.She was an elementary schoolteacher for many years. Abridge player, she enjoyedantiquing and was affi liatedwith antique organizations.Raymond J. Heeley precededher in death. Survivors includea son, Craig (Ann) Heeleytwo grandchildren and twogreat grandchildren.’64Virginia (Stevens) Nicholsdied at her home April 24,<strong>2006</strong>. Beginning her teachingcareer at Rowe School inConneaut, Ohio, as anelementary teacher, she taughtfor many years in the GenevaSchool system. She was amember of the United Churchof Geneva, the Women’s StudyClub and was Past WorthyMatron of Grace Chapter #11Order of Eastern Star of Geneva.She enjoyed playing in a golfleague, and for many years,spent winters in Englewood, Fla.She is survived by her sister,Marjorie (William) Morgan;four grandchildren andseveral nieces, nephews,and more distant relatives.Cynthia Petti died August 7,<strong>2006</strong> after a long andcourageous struggle against lungcancer. Cindy retired from GreatSalt Bay Community School ofMaine in June <strong>2006</strong>, where sheserved as a math teacher formany years, and for the last fewyears as the assistant principal.Prior to living in Maine, shetaught in Tokyo at the NishimachiInternational School, a highlyrespected private school, whichtaught Japanese children as wellas children of diplomats, businesspeople and other westernersliving in Tokyo.Petti also taught at theWashington International Schooland Green Acres School inRockville, Md. She was stronglyinvolved with the Wiscasset

Deaths – Alumni cont.Yacht Club, and establisheda summer program of sailingclasses for young people. Inaddition to working SundaySchool at her church, she wasa team captain for several yearswith the Damariscotta Women’sMarch for Breast Cancer.’69William Wright diedAugust 21, <strong>2006</strong> at HospiceHouse in Cleveland. His expertisein polymer chemistry enabledhim to travel to many countriesto solve problems and makefriends. He also received a meritaward which earned him a tripto Vancouver, British Columbia,to be honored. He served in theU.S. Army and the color guard.Wright also spent two years inJapan, where he managed andplayed baseball for the RedRaiders. Active in baseball mostof his life, he was instrumental informing the Diamond Shamrockbaseball. He was also presidentof NE Little League Baseballfor two years, and was pastpresident of the band boostersat St. Joseph High School.He is survived by his wife,Agnes (Rodriguez) Wright;daughter, Lisa (Garry) Wright-Fletcher; sons, WilliamA. (Lydia) Wright, JamesE. (Nancy) Wright, andEdward J. (Amy) Wrightand fi ve grandchildren.’71Sara E. Zurenda diedMay 20, <strong>2006</strong> in Elmira, N.Y.,where she was an attorney inprivate practice since 1983,specializing in family law.She was also an adjunctprofessor at Elmira <strong>College</strong>.Zurenda was active in manycommunity organizations,including the PAL program,Planned Parenthood, CourtAppointed Special Advocates,YWCA of Elmira and the TwinTiers, the Neighborhood JusticeProject and the ChemungCounty Horse Council. Shewas also active in supportingthe Clemens Center, followingin the footsteps of her father,the late George Zurenda.The fi rst female member of theElmira City Club, she was alsoone of the fi rst female membersof the Elmira Rotary Club.Zurenda and her sister PatriciaNeilsen took a number of tripsthroughout the United States aswell as Chile and the FalklandIslands. Interested in ecologicalissues, Zurenda built someof her trips around them.In addition to Patricia, she issurvived by her brother, G.P.Zurenda, Jr. and two nephews.’72Dorothy (Menefee) Ruf diedMarch 29, <strong>2006</strong>. She cofoundedthe fi rst Mentor-areapreschool and was a dedicatedvolunteer in her community.Settling permanently in DelrayBeach, Fla., Ruf volunteeredin several activities, includingthe A.R. Marshall NationalWildlife Refuge, Delray BeachPlayhouse, Delray City Library,Bethesda Memorial Hospitaland The PBC Literary Coalition.She is survived by her husband,Louis; daughter, DeborahKuusisto; sons, Thomas andJames and nine grandchildren.’79Cynthia Ann (McCurry)Hyde lost her battle to breastcancer on August 12, <strong>2006</strong>.A life-long equestrian, she wasa well-known trainer and riderin New Orleans, La. She wasa member of the AmericanDressage Society, AmericanQuarter Horse Association andthe Equestrian Association.She was an avid runner andlongtime member of the NewOrleans Track Club. She wasemployed in the fi nancial fi eldfor Howard, Weill, Labouisse,Friedrich’s; Legg Mason; Stiefel,Nichaluas, in sales, and alsoas a fi nancial analyst.Hyde is survived by her husband,Donny; son Tim; parents, Williamand Marcelle McCurry, a sister,Catherine (Tom) Stewart and sisterPam McCurry.’80Susan Marie Jasanydied February 28, <strong>2006</strong> inCleveland. She was a memberof Nightmares Unlimited andloved traveling and live theater.FriendsGenevive Richter diedFebruary 7, <strong>2006</strong>. Serving <strong>Lake</strong><strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> in the housekeepingdepartment, she lived in thePainesville area since 1949.She was preceded in deathby her husband, Richard,daughter Brenda; and sisterin-lawGeraldine Kirby. She issurvived by her sons, Rick (MaryAnn), Tim and Tom (Marie);daughter, Vickey (Roger) Moore;sister, Betty Moore and sisterin-law;eight grandchildrenand six great-grandchildren.LAKE ERIE COLLEGESCHOOL FIGHT SONG CONTESTA school can’t have a football team without a fight song, whichis why <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> is kicking off a search for its very own.With the addition of a football program, the <strong>College</strong> is hosting aFIGHT SONG CONTEST with the winner earning bragging rightsand $200.Fight song submissions must be received by 5 p.m. on January 8and the winner will be announced at the February 3 homebasketball doubleheader versus LaRoche!Individuals who want to plant themselves as a part of the<strong>College</strong>’s history should put their musical talents to work to helpbring the raging storm into battle.Visit www.lec.edu for more details regarding the contest.25<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> – <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2006</strong>

32 HonorRoll ofDonors2005–<strong>2006</strong><strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> is proud to havethe individual support of alumniand friends as well as continuedsupport from corporations andfoundations. The following reportlists the many gifts received bythe <strong>College</strong> during the fiscalyear of July 1, 2005 throughJune 30, <strong>2006</strong>. Gifts madeduring this period totaled closeto $3,078,985 – annual fundcontributions accounted for$1,343,228.On behalf of all the individualswho live, work and study onthis special campus, thank you!Your loyalty, talents and financialassistance ensure that the <strong>College</strong>can continue to offer an excellenteducational experience to ourstudents and challenges us topursue a path of excellence for oursesquicentennial and beyond.Every effort was made to ensurethe accuracy of this Honor Roll ofDonors. However, if your namehas been spelled misspelled orlisted incorrectly, we sincerelyapologize and ask that you pleasecontact the Office of AdvancementServices at 440/375-7250 orcjones@lec.edu so that we maycorrect our records.1856 Society($15,000+)* deceased ** deceasedThe 1856 Society commemorates theyear of the founding of <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong>.Anne Kilcawley Christman CharitableFoundationClassic Automotive GroupConsolidated Investment CorporationDana ’76 and Sharon ’03 DennisThe M. R., Lilly P. & Mary DickeyMemorial FundTracy Harrington Dickinson ’78Margaret Geissman Gross ’42 **Kulas FoundationEstate of Mary E. Lick ’46The Lubrizol FoundationElla Schulz Lynn ’36The Jeannette C. McIntyre & Frederick(Lash) McIntyre TrustCharles R. Morley TrustCarol Lewis Morris ’67Mrs. Lucia S. NashThe Ohio Foundation of Independent<strong>College</strong>sParker Hannifi n FoundationEdward W. & Alice R. Powers HigherEducational FundMarion G. Resch FoundationCharles E. & Mabel M. Ritchie MemorialFoundationDeborah Goodrich Royce ’80The George B. Storer FoundationThe Triple T FoundationSusan and John Turben FoundationUS Department of Health and HumanServicesCleveland Foundation, Jane D. WhiteFund #1M.J. Zahniser Memorial TrustFounders Club($5,000 - $14,999)The Founders Club honors the visionarygroup that established <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong>.Frances Gaines Alsberg ’34Barbara Erisman Black ’36**Nancy Stillwagon Carstensen ’70Coca-Cola Company of Ohio-KentuckyThe George W. Codrington CharitableFoundationThe Collacott FoundationMr. Robert DickinsonSuzanne Schoedinger Ellis ’59, ’87The Albert M. Higley Co.Margery Smoley Hodgkin ’64Arthur and Arlene Holden Fund of theCleveland FoundationInternal Revenue ServiceEvelyn L. Jackson ’59Ewing M. Kauffman FoundationAlice J. Lillie ’62The Lincoln Electric Fund for Excellence inEducationDr. Kim McQuaidBessie Benner Metzenbaum Fund of theCleveland FoundationMurch FoundationJean Marcosson Perloff ’65Sandra Guernsey Rada-Aleff ’59The Roddick FundMiss Elizabeth J. SeabrightDavid K. and Julia Smith ’84 Siegel

Mr. and Mrs. Charles StephensonMrs. Frank Stillwagon ’44The Burton D. Morgan FoundationEstate of Mildred Sceiford Vigler ’35Chairman’s Club($2,500 - $4,999)The Chairman’s Club is named for past andpresent board chairs of <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong>.Lois Nonneman Agnello ’77Mr. and Mrs. Ronald BaumbergerMr. William F. BlaylockDoris Roach Bray ’59JA Christian Crislip Family Fund of theFidelity InvestmentsPauline Johns DeWitt ’42Ernst & Young FoundationSally Hitt Fuller ’43Richard and Ellen Foley ’74 KesslerAnne Lowe Knasel ’63The Laub FoundationLEC Alumnae Association of Cleveland Inc.Jana Blount Maher ’65S. Livingston Mather Charitable TrustMMC Matching Gifts to EducationProgramNational Alumni BoardDebra K. Potts ’74Sanitors Services, Inc.Ms. Kathleen L. SeitzThe Sherwin-Williams FoundationJanice A. Smith ’73Dr. Dennis StevensJean A. Stevens ’80Cleveland Foundation Storrs FundGeniel Gwin Strock ’63Jackie and Gary L. ’79, ’84 SwansonThermotion CorporationHenrietta Hathaway Townsend ’50Prof. Robert TrebarPresident’s Club($1,000 - $2,499)The President’s Club recognizes thededication of <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong>’s presidents andtheir contributions to the <strong>College</strong>.Naomi Good Anthony ’43Dr. and Mrs. Tom ArantCindy P. Bank ’91MPH Bank Foundation, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. BankBank of AmericaKaren Zeller Beck ’66Mr. and Mrs. Charles BeckerCleveland Foundation, Karl B. BernalMemorial FundMr. and Mrs. Howard E. BethelEllen Band Borenstein ’70Dan M. Call ’81Janeane R. Cappara ’95, ’04Mr. Barry CheslerThe Coca-Cola CompanyTheresa Marie Corbett ’74Mr. and Mrs. Earle L. Drabenstott ’68Jonadell Pascoe Dray ’65Ms. M. Sue DreitzlerBrenda Balke Dreyer ’59Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. DunlapRoxanne Edwards ’68Betty Ellet ’38Alice Gesler Engel ’53FirstEnergy FoundationSarah Kildea Gentry ’66Paul ’73 and Sunni Light ’73 GothardElinore Hastings Greenman ’49Helen Mashek Gregory ’33**Jon and Carol Groetzinger Philanthropic FundPatricia Schafer Harper ’71Cleveland Foundation Haserot FundMarcia Seelbach Hemphill ’40Nancy Canavan Heslop ’68Colonel and Mrs. Arville L. HickersonGwen Rhodes Higaki ’75, ’88Mr. and Mrs. Edson C. HillHirsch FoundationMrs. Constance Holden-SomersCarley Cumberworth ’72 and TimHoslerRoberta Church Jacquet ’72Mildred James Endowment FundJohnson Controls, Inc.Margaret Osbourne Johnson ’44Mr. Fred D. Kidder<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> Alumni AssociationCarol Colavecchio Lant ’68Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. LauritzenJeanne Nazor LeRoy ’47AnonymousMartha Campbell Lohrey ’42Mr. Stuart J. LuckerMr. Michael D. LysterJanet Marcinik ’82Virginia Slocum Mattice ’44Dr. Mary K. McManamonMetz & AssociatesJudith Crawford Murch ’65John P. Murphy FoundationPatricia A. Nocero ’73Painesville Music & Drama ClubFrancine Oro ’68Mr. and Mrs. Hugh D. Pallister, Jr.Parker Hannifi n CorporationIsabelle Mears Peck ’44Polymer Valley Chemicals & Minerals, Ltd.Mary Nilson Rauen ’51Charlotte L. Rea ’65Barbara McNutt Reagan ’48Barbara Morris Redmond ’40Debra Blanchard Remington ’74Delores Persichitti Saada ’60Sales Building SystemsNancy Lapham Schubert ’62Susan White Schweitzer ’61Ann Herschmann Shearer ’59Paulann Fisk Sidley ’58Gretchen Durose Smith ’62Kathy Check Smith ’54Ms. Laura A. Smith**Karen Weaver Spero ’78State Farm Companies FoundationMatching Gift ProgramMrs. Stephanie SternLonnie Vroman Sutter ’67Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. SveteSgt. Benjamin J. Szuhay, IIIDiane Strong Taylor ’66Todd Associates, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Philip V. WarmanJohn and Kristi Ethington ’73 WebsterRuth Rosenfelt Wharton, M.D. ’45Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. WhiteMrs. Jean YentchDean’s Club($500 - $999)This club recognizes the contributions of thepast and present deans of <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong>.Ms. Patricia AckermanAlcoa FoundationMarlene Bielich Alexoff ’54Mr. David A. BaggsMr. William G. BaresBashein & Bashein Co., LPAJohn D. Beall, Jr. ’73Lisa A. Benedetti ’81Beverly Boron Beuck ’55Mrs. Joanne C. BhattaHollace Bowers ’65Mrs. John J. BrittJanet Ackerly Carlisle ’81Mr. and Mrs. Larry ChristiansonCarolyn Terrell Coatoam ’68, ’75Kathy Crowell ’51Carole Stanford Davis ’55Beverley Bagdasarian Dennis ’55Mr. and Mrs. Marshall DoolittleStacy Smith Dudevszky ’76Nancie Smith Dunn ’60Marien Dieteman Durst ’42Ms. Judith EliasMary-Lu Bonte Elias ’76Mary Anderson Fopeano ’33Lilian Gabay Fulde ’50Sandra Brooks Geaman ’57Laura Goyanes ’78Pamela Jennings Grell ’55Mr. Joseph M. Gurley and Prof. JoanneG. GurleyCatherine S. Herlihy ’65High Pointe StablesMarilyn Hitt-von Hillebrandt ’69Elaine Scalzi Hopkins ’59Emily-Mae Howard ’52J. Lea Lewis Hutchinson ’71Barbara MacKay Janson ’41Ann Pitchford John ’62Betsy Jones Johnson ’56KeyBankMr. Terry KilbourneBarrie Keeler King ’73Dorothy Radasaw King ’60Mr. Ken KrsolovicJoan Bergert Kunkler ’47Margaret Sopko Littman ’44Dr. and Mrs. Carl G. Madsen, Jr.Robert Maloney ’76Louise McCandlish Mangus ’56Nancy McCann Marcus ’67Robin E. McDermott ’87McMaster-Carr Supply CompanyHolly ’06 and Mark MenzieGeorge and Peggy MilbournSaranna Brown Miller ’62Lana and Marc MoreskyCatherine Berus Nasca ’55, ’75Ms. Natalie F. NewhousElizabeth Hopkins O’Brien ’47Jane Dressler Page ’52Painesville Commercial PropertiesGeorgiana Fust Patterson ’48Mrs. Sharon PrattRuth Saxe Rautenberg ’49James Robinson, III ’83Stern & Co. Communications, LLCJoanne Szadkowski ’81Paulette M. Szuhay ’71TEC, Inc.Mr. William J. Vanden HeuvelWestern Reserve Harley-DavidsonMr. George E. WillisLaura Stancato Winchester ’68Mary Alice Wotring ’58Morley Club($250 - $499)The memory of Helen Rockwell Morley,for whom Morley Music Building wasnamed, inspired the establishment ofthis club.Dorothea Conkey Allen ’45Lydia R.L. Allred ’51Mr. John A. AvenaLinda Liverant Barger ’68Mr. and Mrs. William Bellamy (NancyStoltz ’61)Sydney Bernard-Hogling ’72BJ & Thomas BlanchardMartha Louise Brenner ’54Judge Paul BricknerMary Ann Bugno ’83Ms. Elisabeth G. BurgerSusan Alexander Cammock ’64John A. Campana, Jr. ’86Catherine A. Campbell ’64Nancy Kallay Carney ’55Susan Thoresen Chaney ’68Evangeline Chekouras ’54Mrs. Alfred M. Clark, Jr. ’47Norman A. Conti ’75Helen Bakos Cost ’57Margaret Hill Cripple ’41Jeanette Parrise Crislip ’73Judith Cressy Crosley ’65Mary K. Cuttica ’98Reverend and Mrs. John P. Davis, IIIJoan Tillotson Decile ’50Jason ’97 and Billie Wheelock DunnEaton CorporationFairport Asset Management, LLCSharon Wagar Fake ’69Patricia Sullivan Falconer ’45Leslie Ann Fitzgerald <strong>Fall</strong>on ’70Patricia Olender Fauver ’65Jill Amos Francis ’63Ruth G. Friley ’40Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. GawronskiCaroline Ungemah Greenberg ’57Mr. and Mrs. Jon Groetzinger, Jr.Kathryn Johns Halbower ’45Ms. Alexis M. HannaKatherine Richardson Harig ’69Kate Heroy Hartley ’68Dr. M. Rabiul HasanKathie Stamm ’60 and Don HavenerJanis Miller Haviland ’67Jean Fawcett Hazzard ’37Florence Heckman ’65Martha Luscombe Horsburgh ’43Patricia Smyth Hotchkiss ’73Mr. and Mrs. Burritt S. Hubbard, Jr.Prof. John HustonHelen A. Hutt ’34Jeanne Edelman Israel ’46Patricia Mellon Jayne ’50**Joan Chariere Jentoft ’5627<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> – <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2006</strong>

28 Beverly Simmonds ’64 and Ed KerrElizabeth Goodfi eld Koski ’62Nancy Walker Kuepper ’69Mark L. Lamendola ’92Jo Ellen Ley ’64Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. LohrDr. and Mrs. James E. MacyJane Zangerle Marmolya ’44Frances McKay ’40Gail Looker McKenna ’63Gail Fowler Middleton ’59Jeanette Chariere Mihaly ’58Laura Smiley Miller ’49Kip ’80 and Patricia ’87 MolenaarPamela Hasenzahl Mount ’66Amy Milan Nelson ’71Carol Marshall Nelson ’71Gary & Karen NyeLois A. Palmer ’90, ’95Eleanor Schnell Patten ’51James and Barbara Gould ’64 PelowskiVirginia Hassell Pilon ’58Myra Compagnone Plescia ’78PPG Industries FoundationThe Progressive Insurance FoundationDr. Carol RamsayEdward C. & Kathleen T. RedmondKathleen A. Rice ’95Margaret Thomas Richardson ’47Priscilla Hopson Robbins ’49Dan and Lorrie RoweJean Sheila M. Sanders ’59The Bill and Mikell Schenck FamilyCharitable FundNancy Pickett Schultz ’60Marilyn Schutz ’68Sarah M. Shannon ’60Mr. and Mrs. Roger H. StanleyMr. Richard E. StreeterMr. Joseph J. TownsendSharyl Fent Verbsky ’99Donna Eager Walker ’72, ’80Thomas Edward Wallace, Sr. ’78, 84Judy Durose Warehime ’69Katharine Dietrich Werber ’69Ann Harriman White ’88Jean Fretz Williams ’41Martha Akers Zier ’44Tower Club($100 - $249)The importance of <strong>College</strong> Hall and itstower is acknowledged through this club.Constance M. Adamczyk ’84Carol Ruska Akerlof ’62Robert J. Alban ’78Miriam Harris Allman ’59Janet Fox Alward ’69Virginia Hughes Anslinger ’64Arlene Radke Anthony ’58Carolyn Patton Archer ’56Barbara Arilson ’06Mary Hannah Sands Arnot ’65LuAnn S. Ashby, CPA, MBA ’95Caroline (Carey) Beyer Austin ’75Margaret E. Baird ’57Ms. Jacqueline BakerJane Terrall Barlow ’69Theresa S. Barnard ’01Christina M. Barnes ’02Terrie Seiple Barsanti ’58Mr. and Mrs. Benton J. BartlettCarolyn Barton-Gesteland ’51April P. Baum ’78Mr. and Mrs. H. Flagg BaumMarjorie Blass Bauschard ’66Dr. and Mrs. Paul BelangerMrs. Jeanette B. Bell ’79Julie Yates Benigo ’65Margaret A. Benjamin ’62Louise Hart Bennet ’69, ’84Grace Elizabeth Benson ’27Dottie Berbakos Bentley ’70Kathy Higgins Berg ’69Robin Berriker ’80Ms. Carole A. BertholdSusan D. Beyerle ’76Elizabeth Henrich Biggar ’65Caroline VanKirk Bissell ’63Susan Everett Blabey ’63Mary V. Boeh-Hynes ’69Suzanne Howarth Bolton ’50Miss Ann N. Bonte ’67Brian and Cristine BoydDorette E. Boylan ’60Gary L. Brainard ’68Mary Papp Brandenburg ’81Marilyn W. Brenneman ’71William C. Brigham ’75Dr. Meredith Brodsky ’68Kristine Broe ’72Barbara Bachman Bronson ’70Ruth L. Brooks ’51Barbara Anderson Brown ’55Diane Dickinson Brown ’54Dorothy J. Brown ’62Jane Norris Brown ’53Janice Gregrow Brown ’64Margot Kraus Buckley ’70Madeline Desole-Neal Buerger ’47Leigh Schweppe Buettner ’71Sally Weissent Bullard ’70Janet Kish Bullinger ’60Mary Lou Steele Bungay ’50Mr. and Mrs. James D. BurgAnn V. Burnett ’70Mary Nicholl Burnham ’43Thomas D. Burton ’93Mr. Barry M. ByronGloria C. Cagigas ’86Verna Cipriani Callender ’50Susan L. Fish Campbell ’68Janet H. Canty ’57Jeanne Bruno Cathcart ’60Lucinda L. Cawley ’69Carmen Zampini ’69Judith Jew Chan ’70Lyda Fung Chee ’60Jean Mallory Childs ’52Donna Lee Cicerelli ’98Lorraine Spotts Clark ’51Sarah Shelatree Clark ’58Mary Jane Hildebrand Cleary ’54Mrs. Elizabeth E. ClintonSarah L. Coffi n ’92Mr. Jim CollinsCommunications Consulting ServiceNancy Conrady ’80Nann Hegmann Cooke ’61Sharon A. Coon ’95Kimberly A. Cordell ’85Louise Thompson Corry ’63Julia Dechant Cortese ’43Ms. Adelle H. CowlingDr. Samuel T. Cowling & Dr. Susan V.CowlingLynn I. Cox ’75Ann Rea Craig ’62Ms. Mary Alice CrandallRosa McGarr Crass ’60Peggy Cressy ’64Virginia Abell Cronkhite ’39Migdalia Mickie Cruz ’80Virginia Landers Cummings ’48Belinda Bainter Cunningham ’63Christine Curry ’74Judith Linhart Cylvick ’63Susanne Simpson Daily ’73Katherine D. Damitz ’59Margaret Fey Daniele ’63Deborah A. Daniels ’73Gary Michael Darr ’00Juliet R. Davenport ’66Stephany Mory Davidson ’67Charlotte Oliver Davis ’62Merlene Cutten Davis ’67Elizabeth Wible Dawson ’42Maria de la Camara ’63Lucy A. DeBardelaben ’75Anola Filliez Decker ’61Mr. and Mrs. M. Travis DeHavenRay and Abby DelaMotteDeutsche Bank Americas FoundationDr. and Mrs. Ranjit S. DhaliwalFrances Lindemuth Dietrich ’50Althea E. Dilley ’44Constance Sawyer Dix ’69Constance I. Dmytriw ’85Frances Neubert Doherty ’68Christine Lapp Donahower ’60Sara Rice Dormon ’67Caroline Downey-Abrams ’70Anne Newton Dumper ’55Elizabeth Parsons Eaton ’52Clarissa Curry Edel ’60Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Emch ’97Mr. and Mrs. Sandy EneguessCarl Thomas EngelChristina Gillmer Erdmann ’60Dorothy Schulze Evans ’60Ruth Seiffert Farber ’40Louise Loving Farrar ’60** deceased

Joan Smith Farrell ’47Nancy Tarbell Farris ’68Caroline L. Feiss ’66Mr. Irving FineMary Louise Mullan Fineran ’67Lory Rosoff Fischler ’69Henry E. and Laurana S. Fish FoundationFitzgerald’s Irish Bed & BreakfastRuth Sung Fok ’50Dianne Johnson Forsythe ’70Michael P. Frimel ’91Barbara J. Fritsch, CPIM ’93Wendy Greenholt Fuller ’70Eleanor Rownd Galbraith ’40Mr. and Mrs. Steven B. GalbraithSusan Smith Galvin ’66Joan Blanchard Gay ’60GE FoundationGeneral Motors FoundationLinda Sirna Gentile ’81Helen Wick George ’33Judith Lesseuer Gibson ’63Mr. Chester F. GiermakJanet Donaldson Gilmore ’47Marta Ulshafer Gordon ’64Julia Waggoner Grabel ’70Anne Silverblatt Greenwald ’70Nancy Duff Greenwood ’44Linda Segel Greyser ’64Linda Griffi th ’72Frances Kinsey Grosenbeck ’45Shana Peters Gunn ’64Mr. David GuthrieMs. Lois J. GuthrieHach Development CorporationThe Honorable Thomas B. HagenAnita Barclay Haines ’62Dr. Laurita Gantz Halbert ’81Stancia Moreland Hammer ’54Susannah Rusk Hanson ’55Joan Bailey Hart ’51Louise Sziszak Hayden ’55Michael Hazelwood ’74Ms. Vivian L. HeikkinenMr. Horace Herbsman, M.D.Mary S. Hewitt ’98Claren Herter Hill ’65Dr. and Mrs. William T. HillerMs. Margaret Sondey and Mr. WilliamL. HinesRosemary Argyle Hippsley ’52Connie Bean Ho ’79Barbara Virgo Hobbs ’64The Hobbs FamilyKaren Reinberger Hooser ’78Patricia Gillmor Howard ’59Patricia Wilson Hridel ’65Jay Huston ’77Barbara G. Hynds ’99Andrea Titcomb Iannelli ’66Barbara and George InschoMolly Ireland ’82ISK Biosciences CorporationNan Bradwell Jackson ’68Rosalind Rosenbleeth Jackson ’66Joseph C. Janesh ’93Shirley Warner Jarvella ’58Frances Moore Jeffries ’60Johnson & Johnson Family of CompaniesNancy L. Johnson ’52Carlin F. Jones ’98Jennifer Jones ’63Marguerite Casabona Julin ’50Mr. David KalinaMadalyn Banas Katz ’61Cecily Watson Kelln ’64Patricia Fitzsimmons Kellogg ’39**Virginia White Kerkheide ’54Bonnie Jennings Kerr ’65Karla R. Kiikka ’71Lindley Ray Kinerk ’65Gina Evaul King ’57Douglas A. ’78 and Susan Young ’71 KishMary Miller Klag ’53Mr. and Mrs. Andre KliczakTheresa J. Knapp ’97William E. Kochever ’75Regina Dunn Komar ’62Cynthia Kopf ’71Susan C. Koppenhaver ’80Glenn ’82 and Sharon Probst ’84 KotnikMs. D’Arcy B. KovachRuth Rosenfi eld Krohn ’50Dr. and Mrs. William V. KrugElizabeth Casey Kuhn ’42Dee Nield Langevin ’68Sue Wright Larson ’67Jane Greer Lauritzen ’52Sally Combes Leahey ’69Ms. Jean LeathersMary Thompson Lee ’74Mary Lill Gardner Lee ’56Joan Doremus Lengemann ’48Judith Pernaa Lentz ’57Linda G. Leonard ’71Shirley Wong Leung ’68Judith McNairy LeWin ’62Karen DeAngelis Lilly ’64Mr. John C. LinternMr. and Mrs. Donald Litwin ’90Lockheed Martin CorporationJean Mann Long ’60Mrs. Rose A. LonserMs. Judith Lore ’71Natasha Thomas Lortie ’80Dr. and Mrs. J. Donald LuckerDr. Egidio LunardiDr. and Mrs. Peter S. LundJane Alexander Luscher ’49Mr. Robert L. Macdougall, M.D.Janet Richards MacFarland ’67Ms. Crosbie MacMillenJulie Pinson Mahlin ’64Judith Gamble Mainland ’68Sarah Powell Malec ’64Melinda A. Mallett ’03Mrs. Jean M. ManarySuzanne Moore Mandell ’50Sheila Zinck Marks ’57Nancy Norris Marsden ’65JoAnn Woods Marshall Key ’62Irma Casanova Martin ’71Laurie Good Martin ’71Lynn Hopper Martin ’60Jacqueline Marie Marzano ’80Carol Scureman Matchinga ’69, ’91Mattel Children’s FoundationJoan McKeen Matthews ’61The May Department Stores CompanyFoundationAnn Hickey McAndrews ’74Rebecca Downey McCann ’64Carol Eshenour McCrary ’70Gail Dusenbury McDonald ’62Caroline Quinby McElroy ’62Susan Kelley McGee ’53Joan McGinnes ’66Linda Whitney McGuigan ’60Margaret Allman McKnight ’57Ms. Rita McMahonMary Grace Mills McNeil ’70John R. & Mary Ellen MeehlSally Saunders Meler ’67Audrey Mellor ’83Mr. William J. MeyerMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. MilbournMilbourn Pressworks Co. Inc.Winifred Shave Miller ’72Cynthia Panton Mills ’83Susan Hall ’58Sue Mir-Afzali ’65Gail Clasper Mix ’68Eberhard and Denise ’95 MoleschElizabeth Gooding Morris ’49Bunny Downing Morrison ’64James and Gracia MortonBarbara Thompson Moser ’78Mountainside FarmsFrances Heckathorne Mueller ’39Susan Smith Mueller ’71Judy W. Murphy ’92Barbara O. Murray, Ph.D. ’69Louida Dare Murray ’61Sandra Orvis Nagy ’56Jane Campbell Nash ’55Marie I. Nelson ’93Mary Susan “Sunne” Savage Neuman ’66Natalie Giustina Newlove ’69Janice Damschroder Nicodemus ’65Carol Mokris Niemi ’74Jane Walter Noble ’56Cathy Stasik Norman ’72Ann Zimmerman Norz ’57Barbara Slatcher Nuessle ’62Stephen F. O’Connor ’97Sylvia Dickinson O’Connor ’56Marilyn Furman O’Donnell ’66Carolyn Savoie O’Neil ’63Lois Lippke Osborn ’72Laura Wallace Ousset ’67Painesville Chamber of CommerceElizabeth Cockroft Palmer ’59Kristina Anderson Pampel ’65Alice Armstrong Pardee ’42Joan Spaulding Parks ’64The Honorable and Mrs. Martin O. ParksBarbara Patton Pate ’62Kim McElroy Pawel ’82Kathleen C. Pearson ’84Carol E. Peffer ’72Sherril Foutz Peters ’56Maria Zampini PettoriniJanis Pforsich ’67Pharmacia Matching Gift: A Program ofthe Pfi zer FoundationPhillips-Osborne SchoolRoberta Yates Phipps ’72Marilyn J. Phister ’70Dr. Ernest PickK.K. White Pickard ’77Dr. Mary Frances PipinoTrudy Tear Plummer ’51Mr. Edward W. PriceProgressive Executive, Inc.Ms. Nancy PrudicMary Haskell Pyles ’34Quaker Chemical FoundationCarol Willman Rader ’61Brenda Warner Rawal ’76Joann M. Reed ’59Frances Reh ’78Thomas A. Remick ’89Marilyn Strohm Repasky ’57Leona Niekerk Retzler ’63Mr. Richard M. RieserBeverly George Riggin ’63, ’83Caryl A. Ritterrath ’45Eileen L. “Bud” Roberts ’77John and Bonnie RobertsEllen Hoffman Robertson ’75Debbie Rodriguez ’82Betty Sondles Rodway ’42Priscilla Mather Roehmer ’59Patricia Blair Roles ’67Hope Rosenlund ’53Darcy Clark Rowell ’71Cynthia Hoyes Rozzo ’57Sally DeHimer Ruby ’60Mr. John RupleAnne Revell Ryan ’64Bruce D. Sandacz ’80Barbara A. Sanford ’72Barbara Coleman Santoro ’59Domenica Scattaregia ’94Ann Metcalf Schlamp ’56Barbara Bullock Schmidt ’55Carolyn Schneider ’70Dr. and Mrs. E. K. SchneiderPaula Hodges Schulte ’70Russell S. Schutt ’8629<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> – <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2006</strong>

30 ** deceasedElizabeth S. Seiffert ’65Suzanne Conrad Selfridge ’56Dr. James ShanklinJoanne M. Shanske ’81Elsie Puro Shaw ’55Mrs. John Sherwin, Jr. ’62Gene F. Sherwood ’73Sievers Security Inc.Lucy Hagenbuch Simm ’70Gretchen Horsch Simmons ’60Sally Cott Skillman ’56Mrs. Dorothy SkinnerMs. Alyce T. SkoogCarrie Titsworth Slavin ’70Chiquita Kenworthy Slocum ’51Carol Barnes Small ’66Betty Smith-Thompson ’51Mary Martha Solbak ’63Margaret Sondey ’77Marthalee Sorg ’61Jennifer Sparks ’91Polly Marcy Spaulding ’64Mr. and Mrs. James SpotzSprings Industries, Inc.Valerie Levin Stefancin ’85Carol B. Stein ’58Heidi Arn Steiner ’74Janet Hazelwood Stevens ’46Saralea Blindman Strock ’63Sherrilyn Maerlender Sugrue ’59Richard J. Sukeena ’04Sunne Savage Gallery, LLCThe Honorable Richard A. SwainJoyce A. Switzer ’50Nancy J. Tait ’61Eleanor Filak Tammelaid ’50Helen Perry Thomas ’41Laura Lucas Thompson ’48Ann Decherd Thornton ’62Gregory L. Thorson ’81Alana Shott Thrower ’70Ms. Glenda G. ThurstonCarol Ann Myers Tomer ’69Perry A. Tonni ’97Mr. and Mrs. Andy TotinMrs. Barbara C. TotinMerry Lou Tramont ’86Mr. Daniel J. TredentShar Trenkamp ’66Marian Axelson Trueman ’37Carol Crystal Turbow ’70Unilever United States Foundation, Inc.Deborrah F. Vandigo ’93Mr. Jerry VehovecLee Venable ’78Sharon Jayne Vergura ’71Verizon FoundationPriscilla Burnett Viets ’70Robert ’74 and Randi VoelkelAmy Ludwig Walker ’87Sally Stearns Walker ’60Bette Wallach ’37Deidrea L. Walters ’93Sarah Moon Walters ’52William and Laurett WaltherCarol G. Ward ’93Rebecca A. Wayman ’05Judith E. Webber ’61Betty Yopko Weibel ’80Patricia Blickle Wells ’58Mrs. Evelyn WerbeachRaymond Wernet ’83Dr. Joyce WestLaura L. Whalen ’68White Dog Enterprises, Inc.Beverley Kennett WhittenCarol Dankel Wick ’47Judy Wicks ’69John ’75 and Frances Caswell ’75WilliamsLinda J. Williams ’73Sally Hibbard Windecker ’63Sally Wise ’69Jean MacFee Wistar ’37Margaret W. Wong & Assoc. Co., LPASusan Fassett Woodward ’63Alan D. & Gloria WrightElizabeth Beattie Wyman ’47Nancy Ludlow Yahraus ’68Mrs. Virginia N. YoungMr. James W. ZampiniProf. Julie ZiemakZion Evangelical Lutheran ChurchBeverly A. Zwick ’76Jeanne Fischer Zylstra ’66FriendsUnder $100 annually.Karen Abruzzino ’06Robert J. Advey, Jr. ’69Mary Colasante Akcakil ’87Anne Creveling Allen ’45, ’82Barbara Stone Amidon, Ph.D. ’71Jessica Julie Amos ’05Gail Duvall Anderson ’67George E. Andrews, Jr. ’76Julie Sugalski Andrews ’81Mr. Daniel AnkerMr. Kenneth L. AppletreeNicole Markey Armstrong ’95Louise Roe Ashmead ’42Susan Aster ’86Kathleen Bright Attick ’70Avery DennisonSusan Meyer Bach ’80Charlotte Shoul Backman ’50Hester Bolton Bade ’79Mrs. Maria C. BagshawJane Barry Bahler ’67Brenda M. Bajc ’99Lois Brundage Baker ’48Mrs. Marie U. BakerRosemary J. Balazs ’73Mr. and Mrs. James M. BarnesKatharine Brown Barnes ’37William Barnwell Jr. ’83Marilyn Hackett Barrett ’47Allison J. Basta ’99Carolyn Wentworth Bates ’63Rodger D. Baur ’82Rebecca Tyree Beale ’77Sarah Bird Beard ’62Bethanne D. Beckhorn ’04Julanne Bednar ’81Marianne Smith Beeson ’62Ella Swan Belknap-Knobloch ’70Elizabeth Westlake Bell ’54Martha McIntosh Belliveau ’60Rebecca Campbell Bennett ’49Edith Mumford Bensley ’43Nancy L. Bentley ’68Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. BenzJanel A. Berquist ’94Katherine Vaughn Berringer ’86Rick Bertone ’93Virginia Ervin Bess ’69Ruth Thompson Bird ’44Kimberly J. Bischoff ’85Eleanor Jane Kanocz Bittner ’54Rev. Merrill Bittner ’69 and Nancy A.Noppa ’68Cynthia Myers Bjerstedt ’80Dolores Yezabak Black ’72The Honorable Patricia BlackmonKarel Blakeley ’80Eileen Blakemore ’67Lisa Frey Blanck ’85Mary Shoemaker Bleecker ’55Martha Tinker Blewett ’28Jeannette Orton Bloss ’46Andrea Fox Boardman ’89Becky Schnarsky Boardman ’89Lee R. Bodnar ’94Laura Bogush ’80Thelma Brock Bonnar ’52Brian R. Boos ’99Dr. Susan BorchertRuth Carson Bowler ’47Eleanor Kistner Bradley ’55Jill Wagner Brehm ’57Tim and Betty BrennanDenise Fox Brewster ’75Laura Daly Britt ’72Howard Stuart Brodsky ’84Joseph and Linda BrooksConstance Brown ’67Geraldine Gering Brown ’80Lori A. Brown ’85Dr. William E. BrownRichard Bruno ’90Anna Lee Bryan ’81Leslie Buggeln-Bosworth ’72Brian L. Bukovec ’86Patricia A. Burg ’90Frances Van Dyke Burkham ’79Ms. Jean I. BurnhamMs. Anne BuschJennifer A. Calhoun ’00, ’03Michele Cunningham Campbell ’74Therese Maher Campolieti ’78Jack D. Capel ’81Denise Kerr Cappiello ’85Sandy Allwright Carter ’69Tammy L. Carver ’05Josephine Stover Cary ’63Jennifer L. Caughlin, Ph.D. ’75

Virginia Bauer Ceaser ’67Betty Jean Billie Chambers ’56Charlotte Hewins Chan ’93Barbara Lehman-Chaney ’80Sonia Chapnick ’68Marjorie Ann Ciarlillo ’62AnonymousHattie Sells Clarke ’77Lucy Clark Claudio ’69Nancy Peterson Clough ’59Jeaneen Spoerer Cobourn ’63Collins Gordon Bostwick ArchitectsCommitment PartnersMrs. Marilyn Compton ’66Lana Michaels Connors ’71Suzanne DeWald Cook ’80Patricia Robertson Cooke ’61Mr. and Mrs. James P. CooneyCarole Ohler Cooper ’80Sonja Kotila Corlew ’69Sarilla Bledsoe Cosgrove ’71Gina Root Coty ’81Ms. Elaine CourtneySusan V. Cowling ’67Gail Hayden Coyle ’60Mary C. Craig ’95Harriet Northrop Cressy ’32Tricia Bartlett Cretecos ’91Sandra Lane Cross ’68, ’73Crossroads Coin-OpCSHAREConnie L. Cundiff ’65Loretta Castle Cunningham ’85Brock ’99 and Jennifer Kapina ’99 CurallMs. Dorothy CurryMs. Carol DarnallBarbara S. Davis ’81Sheila Dougherty Day ’69Sara S. Dean ’81Jane Gallacher DeBarbieri ’67Donna Edwards Decker ’82, ’89Mr. Matthew A. DeckerdEmmajane DeLong ’50Susan Wells Demidovich ’60Patricia Petrick Deno ’79Julie DeVennish ’90Thirza Beck Devlin ’55Mary Beth Parkin DiCecco ’65Chris DiCello ’80 and Jim EisenbergSusan Nye Donovan ’50Bonnie J. Dorsey ’64Suzanne Ostermeier Dossinger ’65Mrs. Janice G. DowningDrapes For All SeasonsPatricia Lizak Drenzek ’70Ann Eileen Driggs ’99Richard H. Dugger ’78Mr. and Mrs. Richard DumontCandice Cain Dunnigan ’77Deborah Bechtol Dyer ’68Edison InternationalDr. Michele EganSuzanne Plasic Egloff ’42Carolyn Zepp Ehret ’54Priscilla Parsons Eldredge ’72Edythe Roselyn Elford ’75Nancy Litchfi eld Ely ’63Anthony L. Emanuele ’83Sally Ann Perrigo Emens ’69Exeter LLCKveodosia Faber ’85FBD ConsultingJames A. Ferritto ’79Ms. Lauren FerulloMr. John F. FetzerCarolyn Kuhlman FitzpatrickDorothy D. Floridis ’58Joseph T. Fontana ’77Barbara Dye Forbes ’48Ford Motor Company FundRichard L. and Ruth Ann S. FordLinda Daniels Foster ’67AnonymousMary Jane Sparrow Frederickson ’63Linda Laffey Friedlander ’81Bernadine Dendinger Fritz ’73Marilyn Marasco Fusco ’65Cynthia Weber Gage ’86Melissa G. Galbraith ’84Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. GambolJoseph A. Gardner ’90Mary Jean McDowell Gardner ’46James E. Gargas ’04Karen D. Garren ’90, ’97George G. Gasper ’74Betty C. Gentile ’69Jean Andrews Gentile ’61Martha Huebner Gephart ’84Elly Tate Geyer ’57Karen Kelly Gilligan ’65Mr. Paul J. GitnikBeverly Blewett Gittrich ’57Penelope Lewis Gleason ’58Christine Mellas Goldberg ’73Barbara A. Good ’74Anne Larson Goodchild ’60Linda C. Gould-Faber ’76Marilyn Messer Graham ’63Christina Koegel Granrud ’69Jean M. Grover ’59Stephen P. Gullo ’75Hach Excavating & Demolition, Inc.Shirley Bear Hackney ’51Joan Hausser Halley ’55Stevie Lewis Halverstadt ’69Sandra Morse Hamilton ’63Sarah Grismore Hammers ’67, ’81Janet Watson Hardesty ’52Mr. and Mrs. Ernest HarklessCheryl L. Harley ’04Julie Waram Harmon ’68Norma J. Harnick ’75Lorenzo Harrison ’89Christina Molesch Hartman ’02Catherine Cannon Haworth ’90Jeanne Champlin Haymon ’45Susan Lounsbury Haytcher ’62Marny Infanti Hayward ’65Mr. Thomas HedgeJohn and April HeibergerC. Elaine Heilmann ’72Mr. and Mrs. William T. HeintzJanet Hippsley Helgeson ’53Marion Stiles Hemphill ’80Mrs. Janet HenderyKathryn Kane Henry ’57Catherine Herrity ’70Judith Blood Hewes ’64Loralee E. Hill ’70Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. HillierMr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. HinerDoris Blausey Hoesman ’53James T. Hogan Jr. ’79, ’83Audrey Pattison Hois ’58Janet Hatch Holden ’63Caroline Seward Holladay ’57Elizabeth Harris Holmes ’63Harriette Dean Holway ’48Ellen Pyle Homsey ’59Betsy Croushore Horner ’62F. Jeanne Houghkerk ’42Margaret Fergus Howells ’73Joseph G. Howley, Jr. ’94Laura Masotti Humphrey ’69Mr. Andrew L. Hunt, CPAMr. Clifford S. HuntBarbara Blackmon Huntoon ’71Tara Wilson Hurley ’72Ellen Libby Hyde ’71Gloria Chapman Irwin ’44Nancy Catsam Isaac ’77Elizabeth Fox Jacobs ’59Peter R. Janes ’73Janet Jodlowski ’82Mr. and Mrs. Bruce JohnsonMrs. Jean JohnsonJennifer Biscow Johnson ’74Joyce Leonard Johnson ’64Mary Bowman Johnson ’67Mary Anne Vogelmeier Johnston ’60Mrs. Carol B. JonesMarilee Lipps Jones ’49Deborah Lyon Joyner ’05Pamela H. Jurrus ’92Justice Financial Services LLCJan J. Kallay ’83Mrs. Linda H. KatilaNan Carver Katona ’68Anne Keefe ’68Clinton L. Keener ’77Melissa Sutton Kelley ’63John A. ’79 and Michaele Cefaratti-Kelly ’77Shirley A. Keltto ’77Cheryl Curry Kennedy ’91Geoffrey T. Kent ’70Mary Jo Weymouth Keptner ’71Janet E. Kerns ’88Priscilla Jane Althouse Keslar ’51David R. King ’83, ’92Frances Weber Kingery ’44Joanne Potts Kingsland ’59Judith Malmrose Kinne ’64Mary L. Kirkwood ’73Jane Ballantine Klubes ’57Amy Chase Knapp ’43Janis Stevenson Knauf ’72Donald A. Kocsis ’75Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. KonradJune Melcher Korth ’72Mr. and Mrs. Richard KristonChristine Kwasny ’93Martha M. Lacy ’72<strong>Lake</strong> County Management<strong>Lake</strong>view Industries Inc.Mary Rogers Lamb ’33Laura A. Lane ’63Heather Lanier ’05Mr. Paul G. LarsenArnold J. Larson ’87Jean Tucker Larson ’73Mary Schaper Laver ’74Pamela Farris Lawson ’66Rebecca A. Lawson ’93M. Deborah Oldman Leary ’69Virginia Sternbergh Lecrone ’64Anthony W. Legan ’97Vilma Menendez Lesesne ’82Meredith Ley ’67Nancy Pierce Lilien ’68Cathy A. Lincoln ’78Mrs. James F. Lincoln, Jr.Elizabeth Ann Liston ’60Maralyn Hinkle Lloyd ’59Shirley A. Lokar ’92Barbara Thomas Lowe ’79Patricia Breedlove Lowrie ’74Martha Lozier-Voss ’76Rebecca I. Lucy ’75David R. Luhta ’88Donna King Luti ’75Mary Davidson Lyndall ’71Joe and Dee MackosKathleen Chouinard Marken ’88Vicki E. Marsh ’74Norma Howard Marshall ’54Scott M. Marshall ’87Pamela R. Martin ’77Suzanne K. Martin ’74Terri Bertone-Martin ’90Barbara Martocci ’75Mrs. Christine MastandreaHelen Kavanagh Mathison ’42Patricia Mae Matthews ’74Deborah Curtiss May ’71Margie A. Mayne ’85Katji Kelly McCusker ’75Joan Swenson McDermitt ’63, ’83McDonald Financial GroupPatricia Amicucci McGinley ’00Kathleen McGrann ’6331<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> – <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2006</strong>

32 Virginia Wendt McKenzie ’50Margaret McKerrow ’61Mrs. Ellen MeckleyMarian Getler Melcher ’43Kathryn Sood Memoli ’68Susan McGee Meyer ’64Barbara Steinfeld Mick ’40Richard C. Miklaucic ’94Bernice Barber Miller ’60George F. Miller, Jr. ’75Linda Meister Miller ’71Marjorie Cohen Miller ’59Mary S. Miller ’59Ms. Doris J. MillsDeborah Smucny Milton ’81Marcia Russell Mitchell ’63Karen L. Moffett ’84Audrey Lonergan Mohn ’50Sara Jane Matthews Montante ’67Anne Mansell Moodey ’63Alan T. Moore ’80Barbara Niewoehner Moore ’70Jacqueline Fish Moore ’59Joan Divoky Moran ’78Marilyn Wissman Morgenstern ’57Laura Morrall ’71Susan Baker Morrall ’71Mrs. Gracia G. MortonW. R. ( Wimp ) and Mary Ann ’86 MoyerDebbie Mullaney ’96Pauline Foster Mullins ’63Linda Trenholm Munger ’66Jo Anne Martinez Murad ’66Naughton Building Co., Inc.Jillian Schuur Negin ’05Linda Kaplan Neider ’67Robin A. Nichols ’87Nordson CorporationNorth Coast Junior TourSusan Blake Northcutt ’59Lois Engel Norton ’76Naomi Ijeoma Nwabara ’05Daniel O’Connell ’82Diane Hoegler O’Connor ’77Sheila F. O’Connor ’75John V. O’Janpa II ’74Alice S. Olson ’04Christine Schmaeling O’Malley ’59Mr. Daniel B. OrntMr. Roger F. OrwickKaren L. Oswald ’87Susan Ruckert Owens ’62Anne Brady Palmer ’62Joy White Pancoast ’80Margaret Wheeler Gillis ’57Evelyn Simerl Parrett ’69Carolyn Parrott ’63Robert G. Parvin ’66Marilyn Kallman Patterson ’60Kathleen Hopping Patton ’66Jane Pease ’42Marion Schultze-Rhonhof Pepper ’67Rev. Raymond R. Peters ’71, ’76Martha A. Petina ’93Deanna Hale Pico, LCSW ’70Barbara M. Pizzi ’88Patricia VanDuser Pizzicato ’79Ms. Beverly PobudaThomas C. Pokorny ’85Robert D. Porter ’79Melanie Rockwood Poudrier ’69Vera Slover Powers ’77Mr. Daniel Purcell and Ms. Cindy BecksMr. Timothy D. PurserArlene Hakojarvi Quinn ’51Tamara E. Quinn ’76Patricia Parsons Rackovan ’91Janet Burleigh Ramsey ’49Amanda Korody Rantz ’04Antoinette Mastrobuono Rastanis ’75Gay Alderson Rawlins ’60Karen A. Raybuck ’87RC CarpentryJohn A. Rebolj ’94Ms. Nancy J. RedfernMary Hutchings Reed ’80Trevor S. Replogle ’05Frances English Reynolds ’50Ann Fletcher Rich ’73Amy Schuster Richardson ’60Pamela Webb Richmann ’74Elizabeth Full Richter ’63Kathleen Hamister Richter ’65Dr. and Mrs. Greg C. Riffl eElaine Megliola Rigazio ’74Catherine Parker Rippin ’65J. Cheryl Risher ’69Antoinette M. Ritchey ’77June Hoffmeyer Roberts ’41Geraldine Carson Rock ’39Dr. and Mrs. James J. RodaJulie Bayorek Ross ’02Anthony J. Ruggeri ’80Fr. and Mrs. Terry W. RussellKimberly Cowdery Ruth ’78Judith Rydel ’82Marcy Modica Sacchini ’81Mr. and Mrs. David H. SaifmanMary Rite Salerno ’92Caroline Betts Salevitz ’83Virginia Manchester Sanborn ’57Virginia George Sandberg ’67William B. Sanderson III ’85SBC Higher Education/Cultural MatchingGift ProgramAnthony T. Scardino ’74Ruth Andrews Scheeren ’50Valerie Standfi eld Schillaci ’80Margaret Jackson Schirmacher ’57Robert R. Schmidt ’86Elizabeth Bowden Schofi eld ’42Donna Spies Schroeder ’64Maryann Schulten ’68Julie Swenson Schwartz ’61Tei Matsushita Scott ’59Theresa I. Scout ’98Joseph Seaman, Sr. ’73Scott Seidel, O.D. ’99Barbara Lockwood Seiffert ’69Cheryl S. Sekura ’81, ’93M. Dorothy Selden ’78Elaine Gyurek Shappell ’76Lisa Julin Sharon ’83Sally Woods Shea ’71Julia Sonner Sheppard ’66Deidre McKee Sherman ’72Jo Sherman ’76Shiffl erJayne Neumann Shindler ’58Barbara Brekelbaum Siepker ’63Lucille Marco Simpson ’42Jennifer Simunich ’96Dona Fatibeno Singerman ’67M. Gail Slocum ’69Ms. Virginia S. SmallClaudia Smith ’77Jeanette Krewduk Smith ’95Linda E. Smith ’61Dr. and Mrs. Lynn A. SmithMargaret Elder Smith ’69Mr. Neil R. SmithRoger N. Smith ’78Kathleen G. Snyder ’93Mardi Warren Snyder ’88Lucinda G. Soltesz ’83Mrs. Helen SopkoBarbara Reitman Soukup ’76Sherri Rys Spain ’77Nancy E. Speas ’71Desiree B. Spencer ’05Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. StametsTracy Myers-Starcher ’79Janet Bieger Steck ’58Jeanne LeMay Steele ’80Cathy Steinberger ’83Holly Jacobson Steinmeyer ’77Susan M. Sternad-Basel ’79Brian J. Stevens ’76Dianne Russell Stevenson ’66Ruth Stevenson ’60Nancy Corl Stewart ’53Sally Jane Seiling Stewart ’51Carol Swift Stinson ’60Martin A. Stockwell ’93Mr. and Mrs. George E. StonebridgeJennifer Field Stowell ’56George T. Strain ’90Mary Costin Stull ’65Ms. Jeanette C. SulakJohn ’05 and Stephanie Arcadi ’05SullivanAnn Keaton Sutherland ’48Annabelle Higgins Svete ’63Ms. Jan SwetelGladys Bell Swinehart ’47Cordelia W. Swinton ’61Charlene Tate Nichols ’72Rose A. Teed ’91Susan Diehl Tepping ’64Dr. Merry E. TexterThe Hartford Insurance GroupLydia Distefano Thiel ’84Marian Mellish Thomas ’60Margaret Welch Townley ’39Mr. Robert G. TrompTracey Van Tassel Truman ’90Paul Twiggs ’81Candace Culyer Twynham ’69** deceased

Caroline George Beddow Van Eaton ’55Kathy Van Kleeck ’75Ashleigh H. Van Ness ’06June and Dean Van OstrandKatherine Graham Verney ’50Wendy Fonick Vertal ’89Sonya S. Virant ’99Dr. Kenneth J. VitoLaura Shumaker VonBenken ’80Elin I. Wackernagel-Slotten ’74Terry and Vicki WakeleeCorinne H. Waldron ’47Edie Green Walker ’63Cindy Gardner Wallace ’60Dolly Dubrick Walls ’64Denise Hobaica Walsh ’68Irene Cortes Wargo ’75Joseph M. Wargo ’76Shelia Swenson Weil ’55Eloise Hildebrant Weiler ’56Nicolette Forman Wellington ’71Anne Ahl Werth ’67Joanne D. Whelden ’69Vicky Kroh White ’83Mr. Robert J. WhitelyLaura Cramer Wiles ’65Mr. and Mrs. John F. WilkElizabeth Daniels Wilkes ’50Mr. and Mrs. Gleck WilliamsJennifer Warmuth Williams ’86Alice Hartge Wilson ’66Claire Irmiter Winkler ’94Dianna L. Winton ’91Sandy Birmingham Wise ’53Jacquelyn Malmrose Wolfl e ’58Debra Ann Stone Wright ’74Mary King Wright ’87Dr. and Mrs. Stephen YachaninSuzanne Warnimont York ’83Megan Owen Yost ’58Robert A. Zalar ’00Marcia Fehr Zawada ’70Joy Rutenschroer Ziegler ’58Isobel Ziluca ’80Diane Ertell Zimmerman ’70Deborah A. Zukowski ’03Class Donors’28Martha Tinker Blewett’32Harriet Northrop Cressy’33Mary Anderson FopeanoHelen Wick GeorgeHelen Mashek Gregory**Mary Rogers Lamb’34Frances Gaines AlsbergHelen A. HuttMary Haskell Pyles’35Mildred Sceiford Vigler**’36Barbara Erisman Black**Ella Schulz Lynn’37Katharine Brown BarnesGrace Elizabeth BensonJean Fawcett HazzardMarian Axelson TruemanBette WallachJean MacFee Wistar’38Betty Ellet’39Virginia Abell CronkhitePatricia Fitzsimmons Kellogg**Frances Heckathorne MuellerGeraldine Carson RockMargaret Welch Townley’40Ruth Seiffert FarberRuth Grow FrileyEleanor Rownd GalbraithMarcia Seelbach HemphillFrances McKayBarbara Steinfeld MickBarbara Morris Redmond’41Margaret Hill CrippleBarbara MacKay JansonJune Hoffmeyer RobertsHelen Perry ThomasJean Fretz Williams’42Louise Roe AshmeadElizabeth Wible DawsonPauline Johns DeWittMarien Dieteman DurstSuzanne Plasic EgloffMargaret Geissman Gross**F. Jeanne Eggleston HoughkerkElizabeth Casey KuhnMartha Campbell LohreyHelen Kavanagh MathisonAlice Armstrong PardeeJane PeaseBetty Sondles RodwayElizabeth Bowden Schofi eldLucille Marco Simpson’43Naomi Good AnthonyEdith Mumford BensleyMary Nicholl BurnhamJulia Fitzsimmons DechantCorteseSarah Hitt FullerMartha Luscombe HorsburghAmy Chase KnappMarian Getler Melcher’44Ruth Thompson Bird, MNAlthea E. DilleyNancy Duff GreenwoodGloria Chapman IrwinMargaret Osbourne JohnsonFrances Weber KingeryMargaret Sopko LittmanJane Zangerle MarmolyaVirginia Slocum MatticeIsabelle Mears PeckNancy James StillwagonMartha Akers Zier’45Dorothea Conkey AllenAnne Creveling AllenPatricia Sullivan FalconerFrances Kinsey GrosenbeckKathryn Johns HalbowerJeanne Champlin HaymonCaryl Ann RitterrathRuth Rosenfelt Wharton’46Jeannette Orton BlossMary Jean McDowell GardnerJeanne Edelman IsraelMary E. Lick**Janet Hazelwood Stevens’47Marilyn Hackett BarrettRuth Carson BowlerMadeline Desole-Neal BuergerJulia Campbell ClarkJoan Smith FarrellJanet Donaldson GilmoreJoan Bergert KunklerJeanne Nazor LeRoyElizabeth Hopkins O’BrienMargaret Thomas RichardsonGladys Bell SwinehartCorinne Howat WaldronCarol Dankel WickElizabeth Beattie Wyman’48Lois Brundage BakerVirginia Landers CummingsBarbara Dye ForbesHarriette Dean HolwayJoan Doremus LengemannGeorgiana Fust PattersonBarbara McNutt ReaganAnn Keaton SutherlandLaura Lucas Thompson’49Rebecca Campbell BennettElinore Hastings GreenmanMarilee Lipps JonesJane Alexander LuscherLaura Smiley MillerElizabeth Gooding MorrisJanet Burleigh RamseyRuth Saxe RautenbergPriscilla Hopson Robbins’50Charlotte Shoul BackmanSuzanne Howarth BoltonMary Lou Steele BungayVerna Cipriani CallenderJoan Tillotson DecileEmmajane DeLongFrances Lindemuth DietrichSusan Nye DonovanRuth Sung FokLilian Gabay FuldePatricia Mellon Jayne**Marguerite Casabona JulinRuth Rosenfi eld KrohnSuzanne Moore MandellVirginia Wendt McKenzieAudrey Lonergan MohnFrances English ReynoldsRuth Andrews ScheerenJoyce A. SwitzerEleanor Filak TammelaidHenrietta Hathaway TownsendKatherine Graham VerneyElizabeth Daniels Wilkes’51Lydia R.L. AllredCarolyn Barton-GestelandRuth Lee BrooksLorraine Spotts ClarkKathy D. CrowellShirley Bear HackneyJoan Bailey HartPriscilla Jane Althouse KeslarEleanor Schnell PattenTrudy Tear PlummerArlene Hakojarvi QuinnMary Nilson RauenChiquita Kenworthy SlocumBetty Smith-ThompsonSally Jane Seiling Stewart’52Thelma Brock BonnarCornelia Todd Brown33<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> – <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2006</strong>

34 Jean Mallory ChildsElizabeth Parsons EatonJanet Watson HardestyRosemary Argyle HippsleyEmily-Mae HowardNancy Lou Johnson JohnsonJane Greer LauritzenJane Dressler PageSarah Moon Walters’53Jane Norris BrownAlice Gesler EngelJanet Hippsley HelgesonDoris Blausey HoesmanMary Miller KlagSusan Kelley McGeeHope Rosenlund RosenlundNancy Corl StewartSandy Birmingham Wise’54Marlene Bielich AlexoffElizabeth Westlake BellEleanor Jane Kanocz BittnerMartha Louise BrennerDiane Dickinson BrownEvangeline ChekourasMary Jane Hildebrand ClearyCarolyn Zepp EhretStancia Moreland HammerVirginia White KerkheideNorma Howard MarshallKathy Check Smith’55Beverly Boron BeuckMary Shoemaker BleeckerEleanor Ann Kistner BradleyBarbara Anderson BrownNancy Kallay CarneyCarole Stanford DavisBeverley Bagdasarian DennisThirza Kay Beck DevlinAnne Newton DumperPamela Jennings GrellJoan Hausser HalleySusannah Rusk HansonLouise Sziszak HaydenCatherine Berus NascaJane Campbell NashBarbara Bullock SchmidtElsie Puro ShawCaroline George Beddow VanEatonShelia Swenson Weil’56Carolyn Patton ArcherBetty Jean Billie ChambersJoan Chariere JentoftBetsy Jones JohnsonMary Lill Gardner LeeLouise McCandlish MangusSandra Orvis NagyJane Walter NobleSylvia Dickinson O’ConnorSherril Foutz PetersAnn Metcalf SchlampSuzanne Conrad SelfridgeSally Cott SkillmanJennifer Field StowellEloise Hildebrant Weiler’57Margaret E. BairdJill Wagner BrehmJanet H. CantyHelen Bakos CostSandra Brooks GeamanElly Tate GeyerBeverly Blewett GittrichCaroline Ungemah GreenbergKathryn Kane HenryCaroline Seward HolladayGina Evaul KingJane Ballantine KlubesJudith Pernaa LentzSheila Zinck MarksMargaret Allman McKnightMarilyn Wissman MorgensternAnn Zimmerman NorzMargaret Wheeler GillisMarilyn Strohm RepaskyCynthia Hoyes RozzoVirginia Manchester SanbornMargaret Jackson Schirmacher’58Arlene Radke AnthonyTerrie Mercedes Seiple BarsantiSarah Shelatree ClarkDorothy Dean FloridisPenelope Lewis GleasonAudrey Pattison HoisShirley Warner JarvellaJeanette Chariere MihalySusan HallVirginia Hassell PilonJayne Neumann ShindlerPaulann Fisk SidleyJanet Bieger SteckCarol B. SteinPatricia Blickle WellsJacquelyn Malmrose Wolfl eMary Alice WotringMegan Owen YostJoy Rutenschroer Ziegler’59Miriam Harris AllmanDoris Roach BrayNancy Peterson CloughKatherine D. DamitzBrenda Balke DreyerSuzanne Schoedinger EllisJean Marie GroverEllen Pyle HomseyElaine Scalzi HopkinsPatricia Gillmor HowardEvelyn L. JacksonElizabeth Fox JacobsJoanne Potts KingslandMaralyn Hinkle LloydGail Fowler MiddletonMarjorie Cohen MillerMary S. MillerJacqueline Fish MooreSusan Blake NorthcuttAlice Schmaeling OlsonElizabeth Cockroft PalmerSandra Guernsey Rada-AleffJoann Morgan ReedPriscilla Mather RoehmerJean Sheila M. SandersBarbara Coleman SantoroTei Matsushita ScottAnn Herschmann ShearerSherrilyn Maerlender Sugrue’60Martha McIntosh BelliveauDorette E. BoylanJanet Kish BullingerJeanne Bruno CathcartLyda Fung CheeGail Hayden CoyleRosa McGarr CrassSusan Wells DemidovichChristine Lapp DonahowerNancie Smith DunnClarissa Curry EdelChristina Gesell GillmerErdmannDorothy Schulze EvansLouise Loving FarrarJoan Blanchard GayAnne Larson GoodchildKathleen Stamm HavenerFrances Moore JeffriesMary Anne Vogelmeier JohnstonDorothy Radasaw KingElizabeth Ann ListonJean Mann LongLynn Hopper MartinLinda Whitney McGuiganBernice Barber MillerMarilyn Kallman PattersonGay Alderson RawlinsAmy Schuster RichardsonSally Ann DeHimer RubyDelores Persichitti SaadaNancy Pickett SchultzSarah M. ShannonGretchen Horsch SimmonsRuth Stevenson StevensonCarol Swift StinsonMarian Mellish ThomasSally Stearns WalkerCindy Gardner Wallace’61Nancy Stoltz BellamyNann Hegmann CookePatricia Robertson Cooke** deceased

Anola Filliez DeckerJean Andrews GentileMadalyn Banas KatzJoan McKeen MatthewsMargaret McKerrowLouida Dare MurrayCarol Willman RaderJulie Swenson SchwartzSusan White SchweitzerLinda E. SmithMarthalee SorgCordelia Westervelt SwintonNancy J. TaitJudith Ellen Webber’62Carol Ruska AkerlofSarah Bird BeardMarianne Smith BeesonMargaret A. BenjaminDorothy J. BrownMarjorie Ann CiarlilloAnn Rea CraigCharlotte Marie Oliver DavisAnita Barclay HainesSusan Lounsbury HaytcherBetsy Croushore HornerAnn Pitchford JohnRegina Dunn KomarElizabeth Grace Goodfi eld KoskiJudith McNairy LeWinAlice Jane LillieJoAnn Woods Marshall KeyGail Dusenbury McDonaldCaroline Quinby McElroySaranna Brown MillerBarbara Slatcher NuessleSusan Ruckert OwensAnne Brady PalmerBarbara Patton PateNancy Lapham SchubertClara DeMallie SherwinGretchen Durose SmithAnn Decherd Thornton’63Carolyn Wentworth BatesCaroline VanKirk BissellSusan Everett BlabeyJosephine Stover CaryJeaneen Spoerer CobournLouise Thompson CorryBelinda Bainter CunninghamJudith Linhart CylvickMargaret Fey DanieleMaria de la CamaraNancy Litchfi eld ElyJill Amos FrancisMary Jane Sparrow FredericksonJudith Lesseuer GibsonMarilyn Messer GrahamSandra Morse HamiltonJanet Hatch HoldenElizabeth Harris HolmesJennifer JonesMelissa Sutton KelleyAnne Lowe KnaselLaura A. LaneJoan Swenson McDermittKathleen McGrannGail Looker McKennaMarcia Russell MitchellAnne Mansell MoodeyPauline Foster MullinsCarolyn Savoie O’NeilCarolyn ParrottLeona Niekerk RetzlerElizabeth Full RichterBeverly George RigginBarbara Brekelbaum SiepkerMary Martha SolbakGeniel Gwin StrockSaralea Blindman StrockAnnabelle Higgins SveteEdith Green WalkerSally Hibbard WindeckerSusan Fassett Woodward’64Virginia Hughes AnslingerJanice Gregrow BrownSusan Alexander CammockCatherine A. CampbellMary Margaret CressyBonnie Schafer DorseyMarta Ulshafer GordonLinda Segel GreyserShana Peters GunnJudith Blood HewesBarbara Virgo HobbsMargery Smoley HodgkinJoyce Leonard JohnsonCecily Watson KellnBeverly Simmonds KerrJudith Malmrose KinneVirginia Sternbergh LecroneJo Ellen LeyKaren DeAngelis LillyJulie Pinson MahlinSarah Powell MalecRebecca Downey McCannSusan McGee MeyerBunny Downing MorrisonJoan Spaulding ParksBarbara Gould PelowskiRuthanne Revell RyanDonna Spies SchroederPolly Marcy SpauldingSusan Diehl TeppingDoris Dubrick WallsBeverley Kennett Whitten’65Mary Hannah Sands ArnotJulie Yates BenigoElizabeth Henrich BiggarHollace BowersJudith Cressy CrosleyConnie L. CundiffMary Beth Parkin DiCeccoSuzanne Ostermeier DossingerJonadell Pascoe DrayPatricia Olender FauverMarilyn Marasco FuscoKaren Kelly GilliganMarny Infanti HaywardFlorence HeckmanCatherine S. HerlihyClaren Herter HillPatricia Wilson HridelBonnie Jennings KerrLindley Ray KinerkRaquel Garcia LauritzenJana Blount MaherNancy Norris MarsdenSusan Mir-AfzaliJudith Crawford MurchJanice Damschroder NicodemusKristina Anderson PampelJean Marcosson PerloffCharlotte L. ReaKathleen Hamister RichterCatherine Parker RippinMikell Cooper SchenckElizabeth S. SeiffertMary Costin StullLaura Cramer Wiles’66Marjorie Blass BauschardKaren Zeller BeckMarilyn Goacher ComptonJuliet R. DavenportCaroline L. FeissSusan Smith GalvinSarah Kildea GentryAndrea Titcomb IannelliRosalind Rosenbleeth JacksonPamela Farris LawsonJoan McGinnesPamela Hasenzahl MountLinda Trenholm MungerJo Anne Martinez MuradMary Susan “Sunne” SavageNeumanMarilyn Furman O’DonnellRobert G. ParvinKathleen Hopping PattonJulia Sonner SheppardCarol Barnes SmallDianne Russell StevensonDiane Strong TaylorShar Coleman TrenkampAlice Hartge WilsonJeanne Fischer Zylstra’67Robert J. AlbanGail Duvall AndersonJane Barry BahlerEileen BlakemoreAnn N. BonteConstance BrownVirginia Bauer CeaserSusan Vanderwal CowlingStephany Mory DavidsonMerlene Cutten DavisJane Gallacher DeBarbieriSara Rice DormonMary Louise Mullan FineranLinda Daniels FosterSarah Ann Grismore HammersJanis Miller HavilandMary Bowman JohnsonSusan Wright LarsonMeredith LeyJanet Richards MacFarlandNancy McCann MarcusSally Saunders MelerSara Jane Matthews MontanteCarol Lewis MorrisLinda Kaplan NeiderLaura Wallace OussetMarion Schultze-Rhonhof PepperJanis PforsichPatricia Blair RolesVirginia George SandbergDona Fatibeno SingermanLonnie Vroman SutterAnne Ahl Werth’68Linda Liverant BargerNancy L. BentleyGary L. BrainardMeredith Morgan BrodskySusan L. Fish CampbellSusan Thoresen ChaneySonia ChapnickCarolyn Terrell CoatoamSandra Lane CrossFrances Neubert DohertyEarle L. DrabenstottDeborah Bechtol DyerRoxanne EdwardsNancy Tarbell FarrisJulie Waram HarmonKate Heroy HartleyNancy Canavan HeslopNan Bradwell JacksonNan Carver KatonaAnne KeefeDee Nield LangevinCarol Colavecchio LantShirley Wong LeungNancy Pierce LilienJudith Gamble MainlandKathryn Sood MemoliGail Clasper MixNancy A. Noppa35<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> – <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2006</strong>

36 Francine OroMaryann SchultenMarilyn SchutzDenise Hobaica WalshLaura L. WhalenLaura Stancato WinchesterNancy Ludlow Yahraus’69Robert J. AdveyJanet Fox AlwardJane Terrall BarlowLouise Hart BennetKathy Higgins BergVirginia Ervin BessMerrill BittnerMary V. Boeh-HynesSandra Allwright CarterLucinda L. CawleyCarmen ZampiniLucy Clark ClaudioSonja Kotila CorlewSheila Dougherty DayConstance Sawyer DixSally Ann Perrigo EmensSharon Ann Wagar FakeLory Rosoff FischlerCarolyn Kuhlman FitzpatrickBetty Campbell GentileChristina Koegel GranrudStevie Lewis HalverstadtKatherine Richardson HarigMarilyn Hitt-von HillebrandtLaura Masotti HumphreyNancy Walker KuepperSara Combes LeaheyM. Deborah Oldman LearyCarol Ann Scureman MatchingaBarbara O. MurrayNatalie Giustina NewloveEvelyn Simerl ParrettMelanie Rockwood PoudrierJ. Cheryl RisherBarbara Lockwood SeiffertM. Gail Meddaugh SlocumMargaret Elder SmithCarol Ann Myers TomerCandace Culyer TwynhamJudy Durose WarehimeKatharine Dietrich WerberJoanne D. WheldenJudy WicksSarah G. Wise’70Kathleen Bright AttickElla Swan Belknap-KnoblochDottie Berbakos BentleyEllen Band BorensteinBarbara Bachman BronsonMargot Kraus BuckleySally Weissent BullardAnn V. BurnettNancy Krehl StillwagonCarstensenJudith Jew ChanCaroline Downey-AbramsPatricia Lizak DrenzekLeslie Ann Fitzgerald <strong>Fall</strong>onDianne Johnson ForsytheWendy Greenholt FullerJulia Waggoner GrabelAnne Silverblatt GreenwaldCatherine HerrityLoralee E. HillGeoffrey T. KentCarol Eshenour McCraryMary Grace Mills McNeilNadine Klein MillerBarbara Niewoehner MooreMarilyn J. PhisterDeanna Hale PicoCarolyn SchneiderPaula Hodges SchulteLucy Hagenbuch SimmCarolyn Titsworth SlavinAlana Shott ThrowerCarol Crystal TurbowPriscilla Burnett VietsMarcia Fehr ZawadaDiane Ertell Zimmerman’71Barbara Stone AmidonMarilyn Wallace BrennemanLeigh Schweppe BuettnerLana Michaels ConnorsSarilla Bledsoe CosgrovePatricia Schafer HarperBarbara Blackmon HuntoonJ. Lea Lewis HutchinsonEllen Libby HydeMary Jo Weymouth KeptnerKarla R. KiikkaSusan Young KishCynthia KopfLinda G. LeonardJudith LoreMary Davidson LyndallIrma Casanova MartinLaurie Good MartinDeborah Curtiss MayLinda Meister MillerLaura MorrallSusan Baker MorrallSusan Smith MuellerCarol Marshall NelsonAmy Milan NelsonRaymond Russell PetersDarcy Clark RowellSally Woods SheaNancy Elizabeth SpeasPaulette M. SzuhaySharon Jayne VerguraNicolette Forman Wellington’72Sydney Bernard-HoglingDolores J. Yezabak BlackLaura Daly BrittKristine BroeLeslie Buggeln-BosworthPriscilla Parsons EldredgeLinda Griffi thC. Elaine HeilmannCarley Cumberworth HoslerTara Wilson HurleyRoberta Church JacquetJanis Stevenson KnaufJune Melcher KorthMartha M. LacyWinifred Shave MillerCathy Stasik NormanLois Lippke OsbornCarol E. PefferRoberta Yates PhippsBarbara A. SanfordDeidre McKee ShermanCharlene Tate NicholsDonna Eager Walker’73Rosemary J. BalazsJohn D. BeallSusanne Simpson DailyDeborah A. DanielsBernadine Dendinger FritzChristine Mellas GoldbergPaul GothardSusan Light GothardPatricia Smyth HotchkissMargaret Fergus HowellsPeter R. JanesBarrie Keeler KingMary Lynn KirkwoodJean Tucker LarsonPatricia A. NoceroAnn Fletcher RichJoseph SeamanGene F. SherwoodJanice A. SmithKristi Ethington WebsterLinda J. WilliamsMastersJeanette Parrise Crislip’74Michele Cunningham CampbellTheresa Marie CorbettChristine CurryGeorge G. GasperBarbara A. GoodMichael HazelwoodJennifer Biscow JohnsonEllen Foley KesslerMary Schaper LaverMary Ellen Thompson LeePatricia Breedlove LowrieVicki E. MarshSuzanne K. MartinAnn Hickey McAndrewsCarol Ann Mokris NiemiJohn V. O’JanpaDebra K. PottsDebra Blanchard RemingtonPamela Webb RichmannElaine Megliola Rigazio** deceased

Anthony T. ScardinoHeidi Arn SteinerRobert J. VoelkelElin I. Wackernagel-SlottenDebra Ann Stone WrightMastersPatricia Mae Matthews’75Caroline (Carey) Beyer AustinDenise Fox BrewsterWilliam C. BrighamJennifer L. CaughlinSandra Baskey ClarkNorman A. ContiLynn I. CoxLucy A. DeBardelabenEdythe Roselyn ElfordStephen P. GulloNorma J. HarnickGwen Rhodes HigakiWilliam E. KocheverDonald A. KocsisRebecca I. LucyDonna Margaret King LutiBarbara Earon MartocciKatji Kelly McCuskerGeorge Franklin MillerSheila F. O’ConnorAntoinette MastrobuonoRastanisEllen Hoffman RobertsonKathy Van KleeckIrene Cortes WargoFrances Caswell WilliamsJohn A. Williams, Ph.D.’76George E. AndrewsSusan D. BeyerleDana A. DennisStacy S. Smith DudevszkyMary-Lu Bonte EliasLinda C. Gould-FaberMartha Lozier-VossRobert MaloneyLois Engel NortonTamara E. QuinnBrenda Warner RawalElaine Gyurek ShappellJo ShermanBarbara Reitman SoukupBrian J. StevensJoseph M. WargoBeverly A. Zwick’77Lois Nonneman AgnelloRebecca Tyree BealeMichaele Ann Cefaratti-KellyHattie Sells ClarkeCandice Cain DunniganJoseph T. FontanaJay HustonNancy Catsam IsaacClinton L. KeenerShirley A. KelttoPamela R. MartinDiane Hoegler O’ConnorK.K. White PickardVera Slover PowersAntoinette M. RitcheyEileen L. RobertsClaudia SmithMargaret SondeySherri Rys SpainHolly Jacobson Steinmeyer’78April P. BaumTherese Maher CampolietiTracy Harrington DickinsonRichard H. DuggerLaura GoyanesKaren Reinberger HooserDouglas A. KishCathy Anne LincolnJoan Divoky MoranBarbara Thompson MoserMyra Compagnone PlesciaFrances RehKimberly Cowdery RuthMary Dorothy SeldenRoger N. SmithKaren Weaver SperoLee VenableThomas Edward Wallace’79Hester Bolton BadeJeanette B. BellFrances Van Dyke BurkhamPatricia Petrick DenoJames A. FerrittoConnie Bean HoJames T. HoganJohn A. KellyPatricia VanDuser PizzicatoRobert D. PorterTracy Myers-StarcherSusan M. Sternad-BaselGary L. SwansonMastersBarbara Thomas Lowe’80Susan Meyer BachRobin BerrikerCynthia Myers BjerstedtKarel BlakeleyLaura BogushBarbara Lehman-ChaneyNancy ConradySuzanne DeWald CookCarole Ohler CooperMigdalia Mickie CruzChristine DiCelloSusan C. KoppenhaverNatasha Thomas LortieJacqueline Marie MarzanoKip L. MolenaarAlan T. MooreJoy White PancoastDeborah Goodrich RoyceAnthony Joseph RuggeriBruce D. SandaczValerie Standfi eld SchillaciJeanne LeMay SteeleBetty Yopko WeibelIsobel ZilucaMastersGeraldine Gering BrownMarion Stiles HemphillMary Hutchings ReedJean A. StevensLaura Shumaker VonBenken’81Julie Sugalski AndrewsLisa Ann BenedettiMary Papp BrandenburgDan M. CallJack D. CapelGina Root CotyLinda Laffey FriedlanderLinda Sirna GentileLaurita Gantz HalbertDeborah Smucny MiltonMarcy Modica SacchiniCheryl S. SekuraJoanne M. ShanskeJoanne SzadkowskiGregory L. ThorsonPaul TwiggsMastersJulanne BednarAnna Lee BryanJanet Ackerly CarlisleBarbara S. DavisSara S. Dean’82Rodger D. BaurDonna Edwards DeckerLinnea K. FoxMolly IrelandJanet JodlowskiGlenn A. KotnikVilma Menendez LesesneJanet MarcinikDaniel O’ConnellKim McElroy PawelDebbie King RodriguezJudith Rydel’83William BarnwellAnthony L. EmanueleDavid R. KingAudrey MellorCynthia Panton MillsCaroline Betts SalevitzLisa Julin SharonLucinda G. SolteszCathy Taylor SteinbergerRaymond WernetVicky Kroh WhiteSuzanne Warnimont YorkMastersMary Ann BugnoJan J. KallayJames Robinson’84Constance M. AdamczykMelissa G. GalbraithMartha Huebner GephartSharon Probst KotnikKris M. LarsenKaren L. MoffettKathleen C. PearsonLydia Distefano ThielMastersHoward Stuart BrodskyJulia Smith Siegel’85Kimberly J. BischoffLisa Frey BlanckLori A. BrownDenise Kerr CappielloKimberly A. CordellLoretta Castle CunninghamConstance Schick DmytriwKveodosia FaberMargie A. MayneWilliam B. SandersonValerie Levin StefancinMastersThomas Charles Pokorny’86Susan AsterKatherine Vaughn BerringerBrian Lee BukovecGloria C. CagigasCynthia Weber GageMary Ann MoyerRobert R. SchmidtMerry Lou TramontJennifer Warmuth WilliamsMastersJohn A. CampanaRussell Scott Schutt’87Mary Colasante AkcakilArnold J. LarsonScott M. Marshall37<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> – <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2006</strong>

38 Robin Elaine McDermottPatricia L. MolenaarRobin A. NicholsKaren L. OswaldKaren Ann RaybuckAmy Ludwig WalkerMary King Wright’88Janet E. KernsDavid R. LuhtaKathleen Chouinard MarkenBarbara M. PizziMardi Warren SnyderAnn Harriman White’89Becky Schnarsky BoardmanAndrea Fox BoardmanWendy Fonick VertalMastersLorenzo HarrisonThomas A. Remick’90Patricia A. BurgJulie DeVennishJoseph A. GardnerKaren D. GarrenDonald LitwinTerri Bertone-MartinLois A. PalmerGeorge T. StrainTracey Van Tassel TrumanMastersRichard BrunoCatherine Cannon Haworth’91Cindy P. BankTricia Bartlett CretecosMichael P. FrimelCheryl Curry KennedyJennifer Rezabek SparksDianna L. WintonMastersPatricia Parsons RackovanRose A. Teed’92Sarah L. Coffi nPamela H. JurrusShirley A. LokarJudy W. MurphyMary Rite SalernoMastersMark L. Lamendola’93Rick BertoneCharlotte Hewins ChanBarbara J. FritschJoseph C. JaneshChristine KwasnyRebecca Nichter LawsonMarie Irene NelsonMartha A. PetinaKathleen G. SnyderMartin Alan StockwellDeborrah F. VandigoCarol G. WardMastersThomas David BurtonDeidrea L. Walters’94Janel A. BerquistLee R. BodnarRichard C. MiklaucicJohn A. ReboljDomenica ScattaregiaClaire Irmiter WinklerMastersJoseph G. Howley’95Nicole Markey ArmstrongLuAnn S. AshbyJaneane R. CapparaMary C. CraigDenise C. MoleschMastersSharon A. CoonKathleen A. RiceJeanette Krewduk Smith’96Donna Tizzano BenzDebra FitzgeraldDebbie Bobonik MullaneyJennifer Simunich’97Jason E. DunnTheresa Bullis KnappStephen F. O’ConnorMastersPaul Lawrence EmchAnthony W. LeganPerry A. Tonni’98Donna Lee CicerelliMary K. CutticaMary S. HewittCarlin Frances JonesTheresa I. Scout’99Brenda M. BajcAllison J. BastaBrian R. BoosBrock D. CurallJennifer Kapina CurallAnn Eileen DriggsBarbara G. HyndsScott SeidelMastersSharyl Fent VerbskySonya S. Virant’00Jennifer A. CalhounGary Michael DarrRobert A. ZalarMastersPatricia Amicucci McGinley’01Theresa S. Barnard’02Christina M. BarnesJulie Bayorek RossMastersChristina Molesch Hartman’03Sharon Jean DennisMelinda Ann MallettDeborah A Zukowski’04Bethanne Damia BeckhornJames Erik GargasCheryl Lynn HarleyChristine Marilyn O’MalleyAmanda Korody RantzMastersRichard J. Sukeena’05Jessica Julie AmosTammy Glover CarverDeborah Lyon JoynerHeather LanierJillian Schuur NeginNaomi Ijeoma NwabaraTrevor Samuel ReplogleDesiree B. SpencerStephanie Arcadi SullivanJohn SullivanRebecca Ann Wayman’06Karen Jean AbruzzinoAshleigh H. Van NessMastersBarbara ArilsonHolly MenzieGifts In-KindMs. Lynne B. Alfred and Mr. Robert A.HansonMs. Amy AwerbuchBest Western Lawnfi eld Inn & SuitesMs. Susan BonnettMs. Sally Booth-SchwadronMs. Tricia CaseyMs. Martha DempseyMrs. Billie Wheelock DunnMs. Jessie ElyMs. Carmen GiedtMr. and Mrs. Larry Heikkinen** deceased

Gwen Rhodes Higaki ’75, ’88Johnson Controls, Inc.Mr. Richard Kemper<strong>Lake</strong> County CaptainsLaurie Good Martin ’71Ms. Carrie McCarthyMr. Michael P. MeteneyChuck and Mary Ann NasoPatricia A. Nocero ’73Mr. and Mrs. Hugh D. Pallister, Jr.Peek’n Peak Resort & Conference CenterQuality Carpet Care, Inc.R.M. Lederer Paving Inc.Debra Blanchard Remington ’74Ms. Marilyn SaylorSecrist Enterprises, LLCMs. Angela SeiberlichDavid K. and Julia S. ’84 SiegelCynthia Hunt Smith ’77Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. SmithMs. Joann K. SmithMs. Rosie SramekMr. Jerry VehovecWestern Reserve Harley-DavidsonCorporateDonorsBashein & Bashein Co., LPAClassic Chevrolet - BMW - MiniCoca-Cola Company of Ohio-KentuckyCollins Gordon Bostwick ArchitectsCommitment PartnersCommunications Consulting ServiceConsolidated Investment CorporationCrossroads Coin-OpCSHAREDrapes For All SeasonsExeter LLCFairport Asset Management, LLCFitzgerald’s Irish Bed & BreakfastHach Development CorporationHach Excavating & Demolition, Inc.High Pointe StablesThe Albert M. Higley Co.Johnson Controls, Inc.Justice Financial Services LLCKeyBank<strong>Lake</strong> County Management<strong>Lake</strong>view Industries Inc.The Lincoln Electric Fund for Excellence inEducationMcDonald Financial GroupMetz & AssociatesMilbourn Pressworks Co. Inc.Mountainside FarmsNaughton Building Co., Inc.Painesville Commercial PropertiesParker Hannifi n CorporationPolymer Valley Chemicals & Minerals, Ltd.Progressive Executive, Inc.RC CarpentrySales Building SystemsSanitors Services, Inc.Shiffl erSievers Security Inc.Stern & Co. Communications, LLCSunne Savage Gallery, LLCTEC, Inc.Thermotion CorporationTodd Associates, Inc.Western Reserve Harley-DavidsonWhite Dog Enterprises, Inc.Estate Gift Donorsand OrganizationsCleveland Foundation, Karl B. BernalMemorial FundEstate of Barbara Erisman Black ’36Internal Revenue ServiceAnne Kilcawley Christman ’33 CharitableFoundation<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> Alumni AssociationLEC Alumnae Associationof Cleveland Inc.The M. R., Lilly P. & Mary ’33 DickeyMemorial FundEstate of Margaret Geissman Gross ’42Cleveland Foundation, Haserot FundMildred James ’21 Endowment FundEstate of Patricia Mellon Jayne ’50Estate of Mary E. Lick ’46Charles R. Morley TrustNational Alumni BoardNorth Coast Junior TourPainesville Chamber of CommercePainesville Music & Drama ClubPhillips-Osborne SchoolEdward W. & Alice Resch Powers ’29Higher Educational FundEstate of Mildred Sceiford Vigler ’35Cleveland Foundation, Jane D. WhiteFund #1US Department of Health and HumanServicesM.J. Zahniser ’35 Memorial TrustZion Evangelical Lutheran ChurchCorporate MatchingGift DonorsAlcoa FoundationAvery DennisonBank of AmericaThe Coca-Cola CompanyDeutsche Bank Americas FoundationEaton CorporationEdison InternationalErnst & Young FoundationFBD ConsultingFirstEnergy FoundationFord Motor Company FundGE FoundationGeneral Motors FoundationGeneral Motors FoundationThe Hartford Insurance GroupISK Biosciences CorporationJohnson & Johnson Family of CompaniesLockheed Martin CorporationThe Lubrizol FoundationMattel Children’s FoundationThe May Department Stores CompanyFoundationMcMaster-Carr Supply CompanyMMC Matching Gifts to EducationProgramNordson CorporationParker Hannifi n FoundationPharmacia Matching Gift: A Program ofthe Pfi zer FoundationPPG Industries FoundationThe Progressive Insurance FoundationQuaker Chemical FoundationSBC Higher Education/Cultural MatchingGift ProgramThe Sherwin-Williams FoundationSprings Industries, Inc.State Farm Companies FoundationMatching Gift ProgramThermotion CorporationUnilever United States Foundation, Inc.Verizon FoundationFoundationDonorsMPH Bank Foundation, Inc.Cleveland Foundation, Karl B. BernalMemorial FundAnne Kilcawley Christman CharitableFoundationThe George W. Codrington CharitableFoundationThe Collacott FoundationJA Christian Crislip Family Fund of the FidelityInvestmentsThe M. R., Lilly P. & Mary Dickey MemorialFundHenry E. and Laurana S. Fish FoundationJon and Carol Groetzinger Philanthropic FundCleveland Foundation, Haserot FundHirsch FoundationArthur and Arlene Holden Fund of theCleveland FoundationMildred James Endowment FundEwing M. Kauffman FoundationKulas FoundationThe Laub FoundationThe Lincoln Electric Fund for Excellence inEducationThe Lubrizol FoundationS. Livingston Mather Charitable TrustJohn R. McCune Charitable TrustThe Jeannette C. McIntyre & Frederick (Lash)McIntyre TrustBessie Benner Metzenbaum Fund of theCleveland FoundationCharles R. Morley TrustMurch FoundationJohn P. Murphy FoundationThe Ohio Foundation of Independent <strong>College</strong>sParker Hannifi n FoundationEdward W. & Alice Resch Powers HigherEducational FundMarion G. Resch FoundationCharles E. & Mabel M. Ritchie MemorialFoundationThe Roddick FundThe Bill and Mikell Schenck Family CharitableFundThe George B. Storer FoundationCleveland Foundation, Storrs FundThe Burton D. Morgan FoundationThe Triple T FoundationSusan and John Turben FoundationCleveland Foundation, Jane D. White Fund #1M.J. Zahniser Memorial TrustTribute GiftsBold type indicates the honored person.Lighter type indicates the donor.Beverly Boron Beuck ’55Mrs. Anne Newton DumperSamuel T. CowlingMiss Debra K. PottsSue DreitzlerRuth Wharton, M.D.Janet GilmoreMrs. Janet HenderyIsabella Bailey Hagen ’27The Honorable Thomas B. HagenProf. John HustonMr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. HinerMary and Pat IzziMrs. Jean M. YentchMarge LettzeAnne Newton DumperDr. Hal LaydonRuth Wharton, M.D.All LEC AlumniMrs. Susan ArantThe LEC Maintenance DepartmentMrs. Marcia HemphillJeanne Nazor LeRoyMrs. Julia Smith SiegelMrs. Jean A. StevensMrs. Henrietta TownsendThe LEC School HorsesMs. Christina M. BarnesMr. and Mrs. J. Donald LuckerMr. Stuart J. LuckerMy 1977 ClassmatesK. K. White PickardPat Nocero ’73Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. GambolRichard W. PlummerMr. and Mrs. Edson C. HillJack and Neva SchaferPatricia Schafer HarperCatherine ShawMrs. Susan A. CammockRaquel Garcia LauritzenMiss Kathleen C. PearsonMrs. Ann H. ShearerJulia S. SiegelThe Phillips-Osborne SchoolRuth and Norris SmithMrs. Julia Smith SiegelGrace TuckerMrs. Henrietta Townsend39<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> – <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2006</strong>

40Memorial GiftsBold type indicates the memorializedperson. Lighter type indicates the donor.Candace MacMillen Achtmeyer ’70Ellen Band BorensteinCharles A. Avery, FounderMs. Laura A. SmithMr. Charles P. Baker, Jr.Mr. Barry M. ByronPatricia “Pete” Bethel ’83Ms. Robin BerrikerLorraine S. Blaylock ’42Mr. William F. BlaylockJoanna Bartlett Boehnert ’61Louida Dare MurrayZina Brzaitis ’72Carley and Tim HoslerMary B. Cole ’23Mrs. Joanne C. BhattaJosephine Brown ’26 and SarahEldredge Rusk ’27Mrs. Susannah R. HansonDoris E. FalesMrs. Alana ThrowerDr. Harold FinkPaul and Sunni GothardMs. Karen L. OswaldMiss Paulette M. SzuhayDr. Bernard FlorianiMr. and Mrs. James D. BurgWill FosterMrs. Linda D. FosterJanie FrancesMs. Connie L. CundiffIone Poad Gaeth ’39Frances H. MuellerHelen A.M. GrootMs. Janet MarcinikMargaret Geissman Gross ’42Debra Blanchard RemingtonRoberta Hammer ’71J Lea Lewis HutchinsonMargaret S. Hastings ’49 andMargaret (Peg) H. Bradshaw ’49Mrs. Elinore H. GreenmanThe John Hemphilll FamilyMrs. Marcia HemphillBrenda Ellen Friedman Herbsman ’59 Mr. Horace Herbsman, M.D.Dorothy C. HockeyMrs. Carol C. TurbowJudy Kolb ’60Susan Wells DemidovichChristine Lapp DonahowerMrs. Clarissa EdelMrs. Christina G. ErdmannMrs. Louise Loving FarrarBarbara Guthrie Johnson ’48Mr. David GuthrieMs. Lois J. GuthrieHarold E. KnaupGary and Karen NyeAurel and Cecilia KosarkoMs. Martha A. PetinaArlene LarsenKris LarsenShirley LehmanBarbara Lehman-ChaneyAlice Tear Mahaffey ’45Trudy Tear PlummerJohn Francis MarcossonJean Marcosson PerloffAna Martinez ’80Deborah Goodrich RoyceLynne Mason ’77Ms. Margaret SondeyJo Norris Mellinger ’55Jane Campbell NashAnne Mulligan ’71J Lea Lewis HutchinsonMaynard H. Murch, IVMrs. Judith C. MurchJoseph G. OroMs. Francine OroEleanor B. Rieser ’37Mr. Richard M. RieserFlorence Stockwell Smith, 1898Ms. Laura A. SmithP. K. Smith, Trustee (1920s-1940s)Mrs. Julia Smith SiegelJudith McCormick Sowards ’69Janet Fox AlwardDr. Lynde SteckleMary Bowman JohnsonHeather Stephenson ’06CW AbendrothMr. and Mrs. John R. AbendrothMr. and Mrs. Salvatore J. BosciaMs. M. Sue DreitzlerDr. and Mrs. Race L. Foster, DVMKinzie & Green, Inc. AdvertisingMr. and Mrs. Charles KopeckoMr. and Mrs. Herman KrahnMr. and Mrs. Richard KristonMs. Sara MuenderMs. Patricia L. Peth-WaryeMs. Sheree M. RaymakerMrs. Deborah SchmidtMrs. Kathryn TepsaMs. Ashleigh H. Van NessMs. Penny L. WahlgrenMr. and Mrs. Steven R. WeberWisconsin Dressage & CombinedTraining Association, North ChapterWoodmore Products Corp.Lane William ThorsonMr. Gregory L. ThorsonKatherine Georgia Moehle Tromp’41Mr. Robert G. TrompMildred Sceiford Vigler ’35Mrs. Joanne C. BhattaDr. Paul WeaverMr. Paul G. LarsenG. Isabel Wilson ’32Mr. William J. Vanden HeuvelDebra Blanchard RemingtonRobert L. Zwick ’78Mrs. Beverly A. ZwickReuben HitchcockSocietyThe Reuben Hitchcock Society iscomprised of individuals who, throughestate planning, have established alegacy for future generations of<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> students.Barbara Sanford Atlee ’63Carol Metting Barger ’44Carolyn Wentworth Bates ’63Lisa A. Benedetti ’81Robin Berriker ’80Mr. William F. BlaylockMary V. Boeh-Hynes ’69Doris Roach Bray ’59Martha Louise Brenner ’54Janice Gregrow Brown ’64Gloria C. Cagigas ’86 and DonaldCagigasNancy Stillwagon Carstensen ’70Jean F. Caul ’37Althea E. Dilley ’44Ms. M. Sue DreitzlerJean Schnorbus Eisenman ’65Patricia Sullivan Falconer ’45Caroline L. Feiss ’66Sally Hitt Fuller ’43Sarah Kildea Gentry ’66Barbara Clark Gram ’37Elizabeth Wiltsie Griffi ths ’39Catherine Cannon Haworth ’90Mr. Douglas L. HeiserMargery Smoley Hodgkin ’64Virginia Ulrici Jeffery’31Frances O’Brien Joliet ’45Bonnie Jennings Kerr ’65Mr. Fred D. KidderGina Evaul King ’57Marguerite Eckertson Koons ’78Elizabeth Goodfi eld Koski ’62Kathy Linder Kraeling ’67Elizabeth Dawson Lewis ’36Elizabeth Lorshbough ’38Ella Schulz Lynn ’36Judith Crawford Murch ’65Patricia A. Nocero ’73Hugh and Gretta PallisterCarol E. Peffer ’72Jean Marcosson Perloff ’65Charlotte L. Rea ’65Margaret Jackson Schirmacher ’57Marilyn Schutz ’68Tessie M. Seamon ’56Miss Catherine F. ShawElsie Puro Shaw ’55Jayne Neumann Shindler ’58David K. and Julie Stockwell Smith ’84SiegelSherri Rys Spain ’77Janet Hazelwood Stevens ’46Lonnie Vroman Sutter ’67Gary L. Swanson ’79, ’84Nancy J. Tait ’61Faith Allman Viland ’60Bette Wallach ’37Ruth Rosenfelt Wharton, M.D. ’45Ann Harriman White ’88Beverley Kennett Whitten ’64Margaret Willard ’70Jean Fretz Williams ’41Mrs. Eleanor A. WoodMary Alice Wotring ’58Nancy Ludlow Yahraus ’68Martha Akers Zier ’44Faculty and StaffMrs. Barbara Arilson ’06Mr. David A. BaggsMrs. Maria C. BagshawDr. Paul BelangerDr. Susan BelangerDr. Robert C. BenzDr. Susan BorchertMrs. Cristine BoydMs. Jennifer A. Calhoun ’00, ’03Ms. M. Sue DreitzlerMrs. Billie Wheelock DunnDr. Michele EganDr. James EisenbergMs. Judith EliasMs. Lauren FerulloMrs. Ruth Ann FordProf. Paul Gothard, III ’73Prof. Joanne G. Gurley, JDMs. Alexis M. HannaDr. M. Rabiul HasanProf. John HustonMrs. Carol B. JonesMs. D’Arcy B. KovachMr. Ken KrsolovicMs. Robin E. McDermott ’87Dr. Mary K. McManamonDr. Kim McQuaidMr. John R. MeehlMrs. Holly Menzie ’06Dr. Mary Frances PipinoMs. Beverly PobudaMrs. Sharon PrattMs. Nancy PrudicDr. Carol RamsayMs. Debra Remington ’74Ms. Eileen L. Roberts ’77Mrs. Lorrie RoweDr. James ShanklinDr. Dennis StevensProf. Robert TrebarMr. Jerry VehovecDr. William G. WaltherMr. Robert J. WhitelyDr. Stephen YachaninMrs. Virginia N. YoungProf. Julie Ziemak** deceased

<strong>College</strong> Board ofDirectorsItalicized names are Honorary Directors.Ms. Patricia AckermanMr. Charles BeckerMs. Lisa A. Benedetti ’81Ms. Doris R. Bray ’59Mr. James BrownMiss Janeane R. Cappara, Esq. ’95, ’04Dr. Nancy K. Carstensen ’70Mr. Barry CheslerMrs. Carolyn T. Coatoam ’68, ’75Dr. Nancy Conrady ’80Mr. Dana A. Dennis ’76Mr. Robert DickinsonMs. Tracy H. Dickinson ’78Mr. Jon Groetzinger, Jr.Dr. George R. HillMrs. Gilbert W. HumphreyMrs. Alison Corning JonesMr. Richard J. KesslerMr. Fred D. KidderMs. Cathy A. Lincoln ’78Mr. John C. LinternMr. Michael D. LysterMrs. Christine MastandreaMrs. Lana Z. MoreskyMrs. Judith C. Murch ’65Ms. Patricia A. Nocero ’73Mrs. Lillian Ohl ’31**Ms. Jean Marcosson Perloff ’65Ms. Maria ZampiniMs. Kathleen L. SeitzMrs. Paulann Sidley ’58Mr. David K. SiegelMr. Daniel D. SmithMr. Francis C. SmithMrs. Karen W. Spero ’78Mr. Charles StephensonMrs. Stephanie SternMr. Richard E. StreeterMr. Joseph T. SveteMr. Gary L. Swanson ’79, ’84Mrs. May TargettMr. Daniel J. TredentMr. John F. TurbenMrs. Patricia WhiteMr. James W. ZampiniLifetime Giving$1,000,000 or moreMrs. Anne Kilcawley Christman**Estate of Wayne and Dorothy DavisThe M. R., Lilly P. & Mary DickeyMemorial FundMs. Tracy H. DickinsonEstate of Joan Reno ErnstMr.** and Mrs. William H. EvansMr. William Irrgang**The Lincoln Electric CompanyEstate of Jane W. LincolnCharles R. Morley TrustThe Ohio Foundation of Independent<strong>College</strong>sEdward W. & Alice R. Powers HigherEducational FundThe Reinberger FoundationMr. Harry K. Smith**Cleveland Foundation, Jane D. WhiteFund #1M.J. Zahniser Memorial Trust$500,000 to $999,999The Andrews FoundationThe Austin Memorial FoundationAnne Kilcawley Christman CharitableFoundationMr.** and Mrs. M. Roger ClappMr.** and Mrs. Fairleigh Dickinson, Jr.Ms. Maxine Y. Haberman**Mr. Arthur S. Holden, Jr.George M. & Pamela S. Humphrey FundEstate of Mattie KilcawleyThe Lubrizol FoundationThe Mastin FoundationEstate of Norma McCann**Carol Lewis MorrisMurch FoundationMrs. Marion G. Resch**Charles E. & Mabel M. Ritchie MemorialFoundationMr. Albert K. Smith**Kelvin and Eleanor Smith FoundationCleveland Foundation Storrs FundMr. John F. Turben$100,000 to $499,9991525 FoundationAmerican FoundationAmerican Foundation JonesMs. Elizabeth Bachman**Mr. William F. BlaylockMs. Doris R. BrayMrs. Ernestine Case**Dr. Jean F. CaulClassic Automotive GroupCleveland Foundation, Bessie BennerMetzenbaum FundCoe Manufacturing Co.The Collacott FoundationThomas M. & Kathryn Conner TrustConsolidated Investment CorporationCleveland Foundation, A.E. Convers FundEstate of Frances E. DavisUS Department of Housing & UrbanDevelopmentMr. Robert DickinsonEstate of Edith V. EnklerMrs. Jane Feick**Firman FundEstate of Cornelia FlynnMrs. Margaret B. Fowler**The GAR FoundationMrs. Francis Haserot**Mr. and Mrs. Peter HitchcockGilbert & Louise Humphrey FoundationLouise H. & David S. Ingalls FoundationMartha Holden Jennings FoundationMrs. Alison Corning JonesEstate of Kathryn Y. KempWilliam H. Kilcawley FundEstate of Henry KohankieKulas FoundationThe Laub FoundationLEC Alumnae Association of ClevelandInc.Mr. James F. Lincoln, Jr.**Mrs. Ella Schulz LynnDr. Thomas W. Mastin**The Jeannette C. McIntyre & Frederick(Lash) McIntyre TrustMr.** and Mrs. Frank W. Milbourn, Jr.George and Peggy MilbournMr. and Mrs. J. H. Morris**Mrs. Judith C. MurchJohn P. Murphy FoundationMrs. Lucia S. NashMr. Jerome T. Osborne, Sr.Estate of Claude A. PauleyEstate of George PayneIda O. Poe**Mrs. Sandra L. Rada-AleffEstate of Nellie C. RamsdellEstate of Leanore R. RatnerMarion G. Resch FoundationThe Roddick FundDeborah Goodrich RoyceCharles E. Schell FoundationMrs. Kelvin Smith**Mr. and Mrs. Ellis F. SmolikThe George B. Storer FoundationSurdna FoundationThe Burton D. Morgan FoundationSusan and John Turben FoundationUS Department of Health and HumanServicesEstate of Gloria G. Veale$50,000 to $99,999Lois Nonneman AgnelloMrs. W. P. Bigler**The William Bingham FoundationMr. Charles P. BoltonLouis Calder FoundationCaterpillar Industrial Inc.Centerior Energy FoundationThe George W. Codrington CharitableFoundationCleveland Foundation, Combined FundCleveland Foundation, Donum FundMr. and Mrs. Edward B. DunlapMrs. Suzanne EllisErnst & YoungCleveland Foundation Fenn, EducationalFundMr. and Mrs. Fred W. FieldsBetsy Frost**Mrs. Sally H. FullerMrs. Mildred GabrielsonGeorge Gund FoundationThe Hankins FoundationMrs. Lois N. Heinrichs EstateMrs. Margery S. HodgkinMrs. Constance Holden-SomersInternal Revenue ServiceISK Biosciences CorporationMr. Fred D. KidderLFM FoundationMiss Mary E. Lick**Mrs. Caroline LynchMr. D. N. Manross**S. Livingston Mather Charitable TrustMrs. Betty E. McClung**Sarah and Everett McLarenNational Alumni BoardNational City BankNational Science FoundationNeighboring Mental Health ServicesOhio Arts CouncilMrs. Lillian Ohl**Osborne, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Hugh D. Pallister, Jr.Parker Hannifi n FoundationKatherine F. Peffer**Pennzoil CompanyJean Marcosson PerloffAlbert R. Pike**Mr. Kenneth D. Quine**Cleveland Foundation, Rathbone FundThomas A. Rodenberg Charitable TrustCleveland Foundation, Sherwick FundDr. Leonard T. Skeggs, Jr.**Mrs. Dorothy H. Stein**Mrs. Frank StillwagonThe Triple T FoundationMr. John Walker**Ruth Wharton, M.D.Mr. George E. WillisEstate of Ruth Wills**Mrs. Natalie Wismar$25,000 to $49,999Mrs. Candace M. Achtmeyer**Ameritrust CorporationAnonymousMrs. Elizabeth ArmingtonThe Austin CompanyBank One, Cleveland, NAMr. and Mrs. Robert V. D. Booth**Mrs. Lois Boyle**Bridgestone-Firestone FoundationMrs. Carol Humphrey Butler**Carlisle’sDr. Nancy K. CarstensenCentimark CorporationCleveland Foundation, L. Dale DorneyFundCoca-Cola Company of Ohio-KentuckyMrs. Kathleen A. ColemanMr. and Mrs. Dana A. DennisPauline Johns DeWittThe Fairleigh S. Dickinson, Jr. FoundationThe Eliz. G. & John D. Drinko CharitableFoundationRoyal A. & Mildred D. Eddy Student LoanTrust FundMr. F. H. Ellenberger**Ms. Betty ElletMrs. Mathilde D. Evans**Mrs. Helen M. GregoryIICleveland Foundation, Haserot FundMrs. Marcia HemphillThe Albert M. Higley Co.Mr. Forest E. Hoot**The Hostetler FoundationMiss Evelyn L. JacksonMildred James Endowment FundMrs. Patricia Jayne**Mrs. Patricia F. Kellogg**Anne Lowe KnaselLintern CorporationMr. John C. LinternJana Blount MaherMr. and Mrs. Robert Mallett, Jr.Mrs. Louise P. Mason**Mrs. Sarah McAfee**Estate of Sarah A. MeanyThe Mellen FoundationMr. and Mrs. Frank Milbourn, IIINabisco Brands, Inc.Natalie Giustina NewloveMrs. Marjorie B. Nilson**Ms. Patricia A. NoceroEstate of Martha NoltenOhio Board of RegentsOhio-Pennsylvannia AcademicAllianceMrs. Olive Owen**The Thomas F. Peterson FoundationMr. Joseph M. PoeMrs. Alice H. Powers**PPG Industries FoundationMiss Mary J. Richeimer**Cyrus K. & Ann C. RickelFoundationDelores Persichitti SaadaMs. Tessie M. SeamonEstate of Mary E. ShaperoMiss Catherine F. ShawMr. and Mrs. Charles A. ShirkMrs. Paulann SidleyR. W. Sidley, Inc.Mr. David K. SiegelMiss Edna C. Simon**Mr. Benjamin K. Smith**Mr. and Mrs. Craig R. SmithMrs. Frances Smoley**Mrs. Karen W. SperoMr. George E. Springer, Jr.Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Vignos, Jr.Raymond John Wean FoundationEstate of Theresa WeisbergerYardmaster, Inc.41<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> – <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2006</strong>

A Chance to See the WorldSpring study tours open the eyes of LEC studentsThree study trips were conductedin May and included 81 studenttravelers. Trips embarked to Greece,Belize and a highlight trip to France,Austria, Germany and Switzerlandwas also conducted.“This has been morethan a trip for me. Wordscannot explain my truefeelings. I haven’t smiledthis much in my life.” –Reggie Richardson ’06Melissa from el C (Belize)“This was by far the mostmeaningful and mosteducational experienceof my college career.” –Jack Lutzeir ’06“…without thisexperience, I would nothave had the ability toreach out of my comfortzone…it really helped meto grow and mature intoa better person.” –Amanda Boyd ’07Rodin (France)43

Louise Price was aninstitution at <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong><strong>College</strong> from 1956through 1972. For thoseof us who attended the<strong>College</strong> during the LouisePrice years, we rememberher as a formidablewoman; ruling <strong>College</strong>Hall with grace, dignityand an iron fi st.To honor Mrs. Price, the Class of 1960 is spearheadinga project to renovate and name social parlor the LouisePrice Social Parlor. The goal is $100,000 by the endof this <strong>Fall</strong>.As the <strong>College</strong> celebrates its 150 th birthday, we wishto assist with the preservation of buildings and spacesthat were important to us during our college tenure. Westrongly believe that it is the alumni’s role to keep thehistory and traditions of our alma mater alive for futuregraduates; honoring the people who helped shaped the<strong>College</strong> and our lives.Memoriesof LouisePrice…The Class of1960 remembersMrs. Price asbeing “fair andreasonable”.One classmaterecalls Louise’scommentsconcerning someof their LECsongs…“Why not singsome nice songsinstead of allthose naughtyones.”Louise PriceSocial Parlorproject to renovate and namethe social parlor in <strong>College</strong> HallWe are asking for your help with this very importantproject. Louise Price is certainly deserving of a permanentmemorial – and what better place thanthe Social Parlor.Best regards from the class of ’60,Janet Bullinger • Kathie HavenerJean Long • Delores SaadaFor more information on donating to the Louise PriceSocail Parlor Fund, call Deb at 800/533-4996 x 7224 oremail alumni@lec.edu.391 W. Washington StreetPainesville, Ohio 44077www.lec.eduChange Service RequestedNon-Profit OrgUS PostagePAIDPainesville, OHPermit No. 398

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