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1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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people were much displeased with their rulers, and during theremainder of the week murmured against them. The followingevenings were too cold for out-door meetings, but the landlordof the hotel where I am stopping is friendly to my work and hasbeen very helpful to me. On Friday evening, he put his parlor atmy service and invited about thirty of the best citizens to hear aparlor lecture on The Plan. The Chart was stretched against thewall and fully illuminated, and the lecture met with such heartyapproval that all present are anxious to hear further of "thisway." One lady present kindly offered her parlor for the nextlecture. But public sentiment grew loud in favor of publiclectures, and this week I have the school house. Last night Ilectured to an audience of 36, and distributed a number of<strong>Tower</strong>s and Tracts. This will be kept up all week. I put an "Arp"in every <strong>Tower</strong>, Tract or book I give, out and before the week isout, the entering wedge of present truth will be in every house inthis vicinity.On last Sabbath evening I gave a full summary of the Alleghenymeeting to a large audience at P. Our friends are alive there. Inview of my coming the hall was scrubbed and whitewashed, anda vase of beautiful flowers was placed on the stand. APresbyterian Minister from Delaware, Ohio, was one of myhearers, and was favorably impressed. I go back there nextSunday. The friends talk of starting a Sunday Bible class inorder to search the Word for the whole truth. The Lord isleading them.The tract you sent me before the meeting, I at once sent to aMrs. A., and she gave it to Mr. R. He immediately sent to youroffice for more and has been mailing them in DAWN envelopesto all his Presbyterian brethren. Thus the truth spreads. Let uspraise the Lord. Regards to all. Yours in the Love of the Truth,W. A. WALLACE.Janesville.DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:--You will be glad to know thatBrothers Page, Dixon, and Dickinson met with us at our homeSunday, April 14th. In the morning we considered the Passoverhistorically, reading Gieke's account of the celebration asobserved in Christ's time, and noted that the early Christians inPalestine and Syria commemorated the Lord's Supper onPassover anniversaries only. In the afternoon we studied thesymbolism of the Passover, and of its successor, the Lord'sSupper. In the evening we participated in the broken body andshed blood, in a manner far more impressive and real, than if ourbusiness-like Brother Page had been retired to give place tosurpliced and stoled priest, backed by the transubstantiationdogma: and my writing table, covered with a white cloth, andfurnished with plain glass service (emblematic of purity andinnocence) had been supplanted by a g<strong>org</strong>eous altar, fenced off

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