1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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there will be a taste of heavenly joy. I shall calculate on nextyear for a certainty, if alive.May light and joy, more and greater, go out from the efforts youand the brethren are continuing to put forth, to the praise of thegreat God and our glorious Redeemer.I will write again after a time. For the fourth time I am goingthrough Vol. I. You would be surprised to see the marks ofemphasis and the underscoring on every page. In this way I getthe essence or spirit of each thought, at a glance. Sometimesperusing a sentence six or eight times before marking. TheRansom is a fact with me.Vol. II., so far (only half through it), is a rich mine, a treasurehouse of truth. To me, it is giving more conviction than anythingbefore it. The light is becoming bright! Your chronology isextremely convincing and the time periods wonderful in theircompleteness. No "chance" in this! I shall make full notes in mylarge margin Bible, from Vol. II. for future use. I rejoice withyou more and more.Yours, in Christ's service, B. P__________.P.S.--"Old Theology Tracts:" Put me down for 1000 copiesquarterly (4000 tracts) $25, of which I will use 200 copies tocommence with, the balance to go as you find workers to usethem. And with first lot please send 200 Arp Slips and 100envelopes. I shall order some DAWNS soon.Ohio, May 12th '89.DEAR BRETHREN:--The one hundred copies of VOL. II. cameto-day. Since my last I had a little experience: I failed utterly toget a house of any kind to speak in the first of last week. TheM.E. church, though used for anything to raise money for thatsect, is not let out for anything outside the denomination. TheDisciple house had never been in the habit of being let out, anddid not wish to change its custom. It is ruled by one man whoseonly merit is that by horse trading he has more money than anyother member of the congregation, and is opposed toinstrumental music at home and in the church, and the membersbow to him for his lucre. The trustees granted the use of theschool house, but the teacher, a narrow and bigoted U.P.,objected, and my way was blocked in that direction. But I wasbound to be heard, so on Tuesday I had a bell rung over towncalling meeting in front of one of the vacant store rooms. I had asplendid and attentive audience, and made such a goodimpression that the[Letters continued on 8th page.]page 8[Interesting Letters Continued][FROM PAGE 2.]

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