1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


R1110 : page 1VOL. X.ALLEGHENY, PA., JUNE 1889,NO. 8.==========page 1Zion's Watch TowerANDHERALD OF CHRIST'SPRESENCE.----------PUBLISHED MONTHLY.----------TOWER PUBLISHING COMPANY.----------BUSINESS OFFICE: No. 151 Robinson St., Allegheny, Pa.C. T. RUSSELL, EDITOR.----------TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.DOMESTIC,--Fifty cents a year, in advance, by Draft, P.O.Money Order, or Registered letter.FOREIGN,--Two shillings per year. Remit by Foreign PostalMoney Order.TO POOR SAINTS.This paper will be sent free to the interested of the Lord's poor,who will send a card yearly requesting it. "Ho, every one thatthirsteth, come ye to the waters; and he that hath no money,come ye, buy and eat--yea, come, buy wine and milk withoutmoney and without price." And you who have it-- "Whereforedo ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your laborfor that which satisfieth not? Hearken diligently--and eat ye thatwhich is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness." --ISAIAH 55:1,2.==========Entered as SECOND CLASS MAIL MATTER, at the P.O.,Allegheny, Pa.====================

page 1DO NOT send us Foreign or Canadian money or stamps. SendMoney Orders.----------THE "ARP TRACTS" in English and German sent FREE to allwho promise to distribute all they get. Say how many you canuse.----------SLIGHTLY DAMAGED DAWNS.We have about 50 copies of Vol. II. in cloth binding slightlydamaged, scratched, etc., which we will dispose of at 40 centseach, post-paid.***We have about 150 copies of Vol. I. in paper covers (Englishand German), slightly soiled--not nice enough to send out asnew and perfect--which we will supply at 10 cents each toTOWER subscribers, for loaning or giving away. Or, we willloan one of these to any one who will promise a careful readingand to pay return postage.====================R1112 : page 1PREACHING THE GOSPEL BY MAIL.The Missionary Envelopes are not so generally used as wecould wish. They are neat, cheap, and certainly attract attentionand do good. Every letter of business or friendship we write,should go in one of these envelopes, accompanied by an ArpTract or Old Theology Tract, or both, as judgment may dictate,and thus carry the good tidings in addition to what you write.We have already printed about 80,000 but the quantity should bea million or more by this time.The price is low, merely designed to cover cost, postage, etc.;but if our readers or their friends use a cheaper grade ofenvelopes and buy in large quantities (5000 to 20,000 at a time),for use in mailing circulars, etc., we will be pleased to supplysuch at a rate that will correspond with the price of a cheapergrade --at a loss--in order to do mission work in this way.But, see that you send no orders from disreputable or dishonestfirms who might use the envelopes because attractive-- whosedealings might reflect against the truth.====================R1110 : page 1

page 1DO NOT send us Foreign or Canadian money or stamps. SendMoney Orders.----------THE "ARP TRACTS" in English and German sent FREE to allwho promise to distribute all they get. Say how many you canuse.----------SLIGHTLY DAMAGED DAWNS.We have about 50 copies of Vol. II. in cloth binding slightlydamaged, scratched, etc., which we will dispose of at 40 centseach, post-paid.***We have about 150 copies of Vol. I. in paper covers (Englishand German), slightly soiled--not nice enough to send out asnew and perfect--which we will supply at 10 cents each toTOWER subscribers, for loaning or giving away. Or, we willloan one of these to any one who will promise a careful readingand to pay return postage.====================R1112 : page 1PREACHING THE GOSPEL BY MAIL.The Missionary Envelopes are not so generally used as wecould wish. They are neat, cheap, and certainly attract attentionand do good. Every letter of business or friendship we write,should go in one of these envelopes, accompanied by an ArpTract or Old Theology Tract, or both, as judgment may dictate,and thus carry the good tidings in addition to what you write.We have already printed about 80,000 but the quantity should bea million or more by this time.The price is low, merely designed to cover cost, postage, etc.;but if our readers or their friends use a cheaper grade ofenvelopes and buy in large quantities (5000 to 20,000 at a time),for use in mailing circulars, etc., we will be pleased to supplysuch at a rate that will correspond with the price of a cheapergrade --at a loss--in order to do mission work in this way.But, see that you send no orders from disreputable or dishonestfirms who might use the envelopes because attractive-- whosedealings might reflect against the truth.====================R1110 : page 1

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