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1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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taketh not his cross and followeth after me is not worthy of me."(Matt. 10:34-37.) Mark also, that the spirit of our Lord was oneof meekness and humility, and that so he taught his disciples,saying, "Take my yoke upon you and learn of me; for I am meekand lowly in heart." In him, truth, humility and love found anexponent, who at the same time was bold as a lion in their truedefense. Though we will not find the spirit of the Master exactlyduplicated in the members of the true church, we will at leastfind in every member a measure of that spirit, and an effort andprogress toward a fuller development of it, some being muchmore advanced than others.Finally, we are told, that the true church is to be found walkingin a very narrow way which few find, and in which fewer yetcare to walk. It is the way of sacrifice, of suffering forrighteousness' sake, and of humiliation even unto death.This class with such experiences as we have described, would beesteemed by the world a very miserable "body" as well as a veryignoble one; but in this they are mistaken also, for not only is itvery honorable and destined to exceeding glory and honor inGod's due time, but it is also a very happy, joyful "body." Thoseof its members who sacrifice, suffer and endure most in thecause they serve--the Lord and the truth--are "always rejoicing"and "in everything giving thanks." They have a "peace whichpasseth all understanding" and a "joy which no man taketh fromthem;" because, having done the Father's will, they know ofChrist's doctrine (John 7:17), and "the light of the knowledge ofGod as it shines forth in Christ, hath shined into their hearts (2Cor. 4:6), giving beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning,the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness (Isa. 61:3), foras much as they "know that their labor is not in vain in theLord," and that what he hath promised he also will perform.Hence these, outwardly buffeted, have the greatest peace atheart; and these, outwardly troubled, have the deepest real joys--the joys of the Lord.Here is the description of the church. But comparing it carefullywith every <strong>org</strong>anization great and small, we find that not one ofthem answers the description. The true church is not a visibly<strong>org</strong>anized body, and is not known among men as a church at all.Many of its members have been, and some still are, in thevarious nominal churches, and others are separate from all ofthem, so that you cannot point them out as a visible companyand say to the world, This company is the true church. But, "TheLord knoweth them that are his" (2 Tim. 2:19), and they knoweach other wherever found, by the description which God hasgiven. During this entire age it has been in existence, and hasalways been known and loved of God and nourished andsustained by him, though its scattered members have grown upas wheat in the midst of tares. Now, in the time of harvest, theymay be more readily discerned as a company than ever before

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