1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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To all who write to us, as above suggested, saying they think ofcoming to the meeting, we will mail a sample of the sort ofcertificate they should expect to get (properly filled and signed)from their R.R. ticket agent.====================R1102 : page 3ENTERING IN.Why don't you enter in?Into the work that calls for you,Into the promises grand and true,Into the inheritance that waits:Why stand and weep without the gates,O sorrowing one?You say you cannot seeWhy, if He loves, He grieves you so,Why thro' this path He made you go;O if you'll enter in to-day,He'll show you in His own sweet way,Dear suffering one.But you will enter in,I am so sure, some blissful day,And then, you'll joy to hear Him say,Why you have suffered and wept so sore,And you will see your sorrow was the doorTo let you in."He lets us in,--O Alchemist divine, O wondrous sight!Our counted tears all changed to jewels bright,When we have entered in the secret place,Where He reveals the wonders of His grace.Then we can see the "all things" of His Word!When we have fully entered into the will of God.--Selected.====================R1102 : page 3OUR BODY, NOW AND HEREAFTER."For our conversation [lit. community--the government orpolity in which we are sharers] is in heaven, from whence alsowe look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall changeour vile [ignoble] body that it may be fashioned like unto hisglorious body, according to the working whereby he is able evento subdue all things unto himself." --Phil. 3:19,20.

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