1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


no leaven or yeast had been put to hasten fermentation, theymade of raisins a substitute for wine, equally a "fruit of thevine." We can all easily do the same. Get the common raisins,which are strongest in sugar, and after stewing them in a littlewater strain off and use the juice. And will not this be as really a"fruit of the vine" as though it were real wine? Therefore whilenot claiming that our Lord and the apostles used raisin-juice orgrape-juice, but the real wine, we believe that because of ourclimate, and the push, drive and fast living of our day, and thepresent weakness of self-control among men, the Lord wouldapprove our use of the raisin-juice fruit of the vine, rather thanreal wine, because of the changed circumstances.----------*Those who commemorate Good Friday, Easter Sunday, etc.,also reckon by lunar time, but not exactly, for they take for theiranniversaries the Friday and Sunday nearest to the exact lunardate.====================R1101 : page 2ENTERTAINMENT AT THE MEETING.For some years past a few of the friends at Allegheny haveattempted to entertain all the visitors at these anniversarymeetings, but as our gatherings increase each year, and willprobably be much larger this year, this will be no longerpossible.It is proposed this year to divide this honor of serving the Lord'sbody, so as to give a larger number a share in the privilege, bydividing the visitors. One of the marks of female saintship in theearly church was, "if she have washed the saints' feet." (1 Tim.5:10.) Feet-washing being a necessity of that time, became asynonym of service and kindly hospitality. To illustrate thissame principle of service and humility, our Lord used this samecustom on the night of the Last Supper: and the entertainment ofany of the household of faith, is really the fulfilment of ourLord's injunction, "See that ye wash one another's feet." Butnone should be permitted to overdo themselves in this blessedservice, nor to deprive themselves of the spiritual communion ofthe meetings: to this end all have been urged to make only verysimple arrangements, that both visitors and entertainers mayhave their principal feast upon the spiritual meat. Come then,expecting a warm welcome to such plain things as we haveourselves.Endeavor to reach Allegheny on Saturday afternoon or evening,April 13th, and come direct to our office, 151 Robinson Street,where some one will remain to meet you until 9 o'clock P.M.

Those who may arrive on Sunday morning, April 14th, shouldcome direct to our Meeting Room, No. 101 Federal Street,Allegheny, where there will be meetings at 10 A.M., 2 P.M.,Baptism service at 4.30 P.M., and the Anniversary services at7.30 P.M. The hours for meetings on succeeding days will bearranged later.***For the information of the friends, we announce, that we havearranged with restaurant-keepers here, so that all can havedinner and supper, near our hall, at 10 cents each,--no more thancar-fare would cost you: the difference being made up by someof the friends here. Come to the morning meeting, therefore,with all your arrangements made to spend the entire day inspiritual communion.====================page 2EXCURSION RATES TO THE MEETING.The following Rail Roads offer us special rates, on the termsmentioned below:New York Central R.R. and branches.Baltimore and Ohio R.R. and branches.Pennsylvania R.R. and branches.--In fact all rail-roads, membersof "The Central Traffic Association," and "The Trunk LineAssociation." And these include most of the Rail Roads as farWest as the Mississippi river.The reduction allowed, is one-third off the price of the first-classlimited fare.To obtain this reduction, the following directions must becarefully followed, viz., Apply to the ticket agent of any of theroads named above (the one in your own town, or the neareststation to it on one of these roads). Ask him for a certificate witha first class limited ticket to Pittsburgh, Pa. (or better still toAllegheny, if their road enters Allegheny, which is just acrossthe river from Pittsburgh). This certificate must not be datedearlier than April 11th, hence you must defer purchasing yourticket until ready to start for the meeting, though you had bestinquire about price of ticket, route, certificate, etc., sooner.You will be required to pay the full price for the limited ticketcoming, but hold on to the certificate, and when properly signedby the clerk of our meeting here, you will be supplied a firstclass ticket back home, over the same route you came; at onethird the usual first-class price,-- good to reach home on, by orbefore April 21st. Follow these instructions carefully and youwill have no difficulty whatever.

Those who may arrive on Sunday morning, April 14th, shouldcome direct to our Meeting Room, No. 101 Federal Street,Allegheny, where there will be meetings at 10 A.M., 2 P.M.,Baptism service at 4.30 P.M., and the Anniversary services at7.30 P.M. The hours for meetings on succeeding days will bearranged later.***For the information of the friends, we announce, that we havearranged with restaurant-keepers here, so that all can havedinner and supper, near our hall, at 10 cents each,--no more thancar-fare would cost you: the difference being made up by someof the friends here. Come to the morning meeting, therefore,with all your arrangements made to spend the entire day inspiritual communion.====================page 2EXCURSION RATES TO THE MEETING.The following Rail Roads offer us special rates, on the termsmentioned below:New York Central R.R. and branches.Baltimore and Ohio R.R. and branches.Pennsylvania R.R. and branches.--In fact all rail-roads, membersof "The Central Traffic Association," and "The Trunk LineAssociation." And these include most of the Rail Roads as farWest as the Mississippi river.The reduction allowed, is one-third off the price of the first-classlimited fare.To obtain this reduction, the following directions must becarefully followed, viz., Apply to the ticket agent of any of theroads named above (the one in your own town, or the neareststation to it on one of these roads). Ask him for a certificate witha first class limited ticket to Pittsburgh, Pa. (or better still toAllegheny, if their road enters Allegheny, which is just acrossthe river from Pittsburgh). This certificate must not be datedearlier than April 11th, hence you must defer purchasing yourticket until ready to start for the meeting, though you had bestinquire about price of ticket, route, certificate, etc., sooner.You will be required to pay the full price for the limited ticketcoming, but hold on to the certificate, and when properly signedby the clerk of our meeting here, you will be supplied a firstclass ticket back home, over the same route you came; at onethird the usual first-class price,-- good to reach home on, by orbefore April 21st. Follow these instructions carefully and youwill have no difficulty whatever.

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