1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


us, as well as a sample copy of the TOWER, if you will remittwo cents each for postage.----------ARP TRACTS--A good supply now, English and German,FREE! Order all you will engage to faithfully distribute--sayhow many. Sent by mail, postage prepaid by us.----------SAMPLE TOWERS. The December 1888 number is a goodone for new readers. We will send free all you can judiciouslyuse. Send addresses to us.----------MILLENNIAL DAWN VOL. I. Cloth-bound, $1.00(To Tower subscribers, 75 cts.)in paper covers, 25 cts.in German, same prices.Brother Bryan's suggestions, in last issue, prove to be good, andare helping many to success who previously were unsuccessful.Try that plan.----------MISSIONARY ENVELOPES. A fresh supply now. 25 for 10cents; 100 for 35 cents; 300 for $1.00-- postage free.----------FREE TO NEW READERS.For the sake of new readers, we mention below special topicstreated in recent issues of the TOWER of which we still have asupply. Order any one of these as a sample, free. Additionalcopies 5 cents each, except to those too poor to pay, who arewelcome to any or all free.THE LAND QUESTION.--June '87.THE SABBATH QUESTION.--Sept. '87.OUT OF BABYLON,--the claims of the Episcopal Churchexamined.--Oct. '87."ONE GOD,"--the Bible teaching vs., human tradition ofTrinity.--Nov. '87."SPIRITS IN PRISON."--Dec. '87."HELL," "EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT," "WAILINGAND GNASHING OF TEETH," "THE RICH MAN ANDLAZARUS," etc., are subjects treated in January, February,March and June 1888, TOWERS.BAPTISM,--the Bible doctrine.--May '88.

SIN AND SICKNESS, "FAITH CURES," "PRAYERCURES," "MIND CURES," etc. --July '88.THE TABERNACLE AND ITS SACRIFICES, --theirlessons to the saints--July '88.====================

us, as well as a sample copy of the TOWER, if you will remittwo cents each for postage.----------ARP TRACTS--A good supply now, English and German,FREE! Order all you will engage to faithfully distribute--sayhow many. Sent by mail, postage prepaid by us.----------SAMPLE TOWERS. The December 1888 number is a goodone for new readers. We will send free all you can judiciouslyuse. Send addresses to us.----------MILLENNIAL DAWN VOL. I. Cloth-bound, $1.00(To <strong>Tower</strong> subscribers, 75 cts.)in paper covers, 25 cts.in German, same prices.Brother Bryan's suggestions, in last issue, prove to be good, andare helping many to success who previously were unsuccessful.Try that plan.----------MISSIONARY ENVELOPES. A fresh supply now. 25 for 10cents; 100 for 35 cents; 300 for $1.00-- postage free.----------FREE TO NEW READERS.For the sake of new readers, we mention below special topicstreated in recent issues of the TOWER of which we still have asupply. Order any one of these as a sample, free. Additionalcopies 5 cents each, except to those too poor to pay, who arewelcome to any or all free.THE LAND QUESTION.--June '87.THE SABBATH QUESTION.--Sept. '87.OUT OF BABYLON,--the claims of the Episcopal Churchexamined.--Oct. '87."ONE GOD,"--the Bible teaching vs., human tradition ofTrinity.--Nov. '87."SPIRITS IN PRISON."--Dec. '87."HELL," "EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT," "WAILINGAND GNASHING OF TEETH," "THE RICH MAN ANDLAZARUS," etc., are subjects treated in January, February,March and June 1888, TOWERS.BAPTISM,--the Bible doctrine.--May '88.

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