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1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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May God bless you and us all in the work, is my prayer.J. W. B__________.====================page 8LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE.A recent letter from Sister Tackabury to Sister Russell, showsthat Brother Tackabury's death-bed preaching was not withoutits influence for the Lord and the truth. It was his earnest desireand constant endeavor to show forth the praises of him who hathcalled us out of darkness, into his marvelous light.DEAR SISTER RUSSELL:--I must write to you again, for itrelieves my mind to talk to you, and it comforts me to read yourletters.O, how thankful I am to our Heavenly Father for such friends inthis time of great affliction--brothers and sisters in the Lord.Natural ties are strong and all are very kind, and thoughtful ofmy sorrow, but that strong bond growing out of the ONE HOPE,is dearer to me than all earthly ties; especially now. How sweetto me the words of cheer and comfort that come from the saints.I am trying to spend much of my time in reading and study forwhich, of course, I have had little time for months. Indeed, forthe last year Mr. Tackabury's condition was such that neither ofus could read much, and now I feel that a part of my work is togain more strength from a more thorough study of the Word,and be the better prepared to give a reason for the hope that is inus.Well, dear Sister, each week adds to my loneliness. As they goby I realize more and more that my earthly home is desolate;that there is no more happiness in it for me. How I thank Godthat the time is short. And yet I have my work to finish, and Ishall no more than have time e'er my change shall come.I have much to write to you this time, of God's workings in thisplace. It really seems wonderful to me, and yet nothing is toogreat for Him to accomplish.The beginning was Mr. T.'s sickness; and as people knew thatwe were professedly Christians, although of a peculiar sort, ofcourse, it was Christian people who called to minister to ourneeds, and therefore, it was to them that Mr. T. had access, whenhe was able to talk, and he improved every opportunity. It alsoseemed usually Baptist people who came in, and we oftenremarked to one another that they seemed more willing to listen,and manifested more Christian spirit than any others who called.We had distributed reading matter considerably, but after Bro.Russell was here, I immediately handed out all I could, where Ithought it might be read to advantage, and I found a good deal

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