1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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The terms to Colporteurs are as follows:--To such as desirethese books for loaning or giving away, and to those who canspend more of their time in selling them by reason of thisarrangement, the Tract Fund grants an allowance of 10 cents perbook, in lots of not less than 10 books AT A TIME--that is$1.50 for 10 books, $3.00 for 20, etc. This allowance is made toenable those of limited means to do more in the work ofspreading the truth than they could otherwise do.To such as give their entire time to this ministry of the truth,traveling from town to town and engaging in no other businessfor support, the Tract Fund grants an allowance of 12-1/2 centsper copy (called "Expense Money" to pay the traveling andliving expenses of colporteurs),--in lots of not less than 20 booksAT A TIME,--that is $2.50 for 20 books, $5.00 for 40, etc.When ordering state plainly which terms you accept, otherwisewe shall reckon 25 cents each.A GERMAN TRANSLATION OF THE ABOVE AT SAMEPRICES AND ON SAME TERMS, except that colporteurs willbe permitted to order one half the minimum quantities,--5 for 75cents, etc., or to regular colporteurs 10 for $1.25.----------"THE TIME IS AT HAND."MILLENNIAL DAWN, VOL. II.[In English only.]Prices are terms same as Vol. I. This volume is intended onlyfor those who have carefully and thoroughly studied Vol. I. Allsuch whose interest is awakened, will surely want this volumeand succeeding ones which are in course of preparation, as wellas the regular issues of the WATCH TOWER.FOREIGN TERMS.Though foreign postage is higher, we must not increase theprice; for money elsewhere is more scarce among the poor thanhere, and the poor we want specially to reach, since we knowthat "not many rich or great" are among the Lord's chosen.Our foreign friends may, therefore, hereafter, reckon our termsin English money, thus:--25 cents = 1 shilling. 50 cents = 2 shillings.$1.00 = 4 shillings. $1.25 = 5 shillings. 1.50 = 6 shillings.2.50 = 10 shillings. 3.00 = 12 shillings. 5.00 = 20 shillings.Upon this arrangement the WATCH TOWER will hereafter be2 shillings instead of 3 shillings per year.----------

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