1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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Missouri.TOWER TRACT SOCIETY:--I am entirely unable to expressmy gratitude for the help received from you since first I saw acopy of ZION'S WATCH TOWER. I have been receiving theTOWER, etc., by your generosity since 1887. I find greatsatisfaction in reading it, although unable to pay for it. I wish Iwere able to materialize my gratitude into dollars.Not long ago I received a book entitled "The Time is at Hand."My feelings will never be expressed. I lifted my heart in prayerto God that he might reward and bless his servants andinstruments, the givers. Later I received a tract called "The OldTheology," treating on a subject which has given me moretrouble than all my afflictions and other troubles beside--"Do theScriptures Teach that Eternal Torment is the Wages of Sin?"I am so glad to know that God is too good to create or permitsuch a terrible place as some describe hell to be.I don't like to beg, but if you feel disposed to send me anythingto read, it will be thankfully received, and it may be, by and by,you will be rewarded by me. You will be, if I should get so I canwork. I don't know what to do! I seem to be almost alone, aspeople here can't see things as I now do. I have been compelledto withdraw from the M.P. church, as their doctrine andtraditions seemed so adverse to Bible teaching.Again I say, God bless you in your labor of Love. I amgratefully yours,S. C. J__________.Bay View.DEAR FRIENDS:--Your book, MILLENNIAL DAWN, wasgiven me to read by our friend, Mr. Barnes. After reading onceand proving it, as I went along, I had no peace of mind until Iread it the second time. The light began to come with the firstreading, but I began to shrink from the sacrifice, and then Satantook his chance to torment and tempt me, saying, It is wellenough to read the book but it is not necessary to give up yourchurch. Shut your eyes and ears when they preach doctrinecontrary to what you now think true. I let the book alone andwent to church as usual, when I could, but I was not satisfied. Ithen said, I will ask my Savior to guide me and show me theway so plainly I could not go astray, and, thank God, my eyeswere opened and I commenced to read the book over, and itseemed to me I was so rejoiced, I wanted to send the gladtidings to everybody. I am reading the second volume and amready to give up everything for my Savior. I ask him to guideme into all truth. I do not get much time to read or write, butthought, after the little ones were asleep, I must at least try to letyou know, and to subscribe for the TOWER. I had hoped tosend for the Diaglott as well, but I must wait a little while longer

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