1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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secure all that our hearts desire, since it is written, "Ye shall askwhat ye will [our wills being in harmony with the will of God],and it shall be granted unto you."When we see, thus, how reasonable a thing faith is, how Godthrough his natural and written revelation of himself appeals tothe highest faculty of our nature and bids us follow its leadingand rest in and act upon its proper conclusions in studying hisworks and ways, we realize truly that without faith in him and inhis reasonable revelation of himself, in nature and through hisapostles and prophets, it is impossible to please him; because wehave here a broad and firm foundation for faith.MRS. C. T. RUSSELL.====================R1159 : page 6AN ALLEGORY.I sat down in my arm-chair, weary with my work; my toil hadbeen severe and protracted. The church wore an aspect of thriftand prosperity; and joy and hope and courage were theprevailing sentiments on every hand. As for myself, I wasjoyous in my work; my brethren were united; my sermons andexhortations were evidently telling on my hearers; my churchwas crowded with listeners; the whole community was more orless moved with the prevailing excitement; and so the workwent on. I had been led into exhausting labors for its promotion.Tired with my work, I soon lost myself in a sort of half f<strong>org</strong>etfulstate, though I seemed fully aware of my place andsurroundings. Seemingly a stranger entered the room, withoutany preliminary tap, or "Come in." I saw in his face benignity,intelligence and weight of character; but though he was passablywell attired, he carried suspended about his person measures andchemical agents and implements, which gave him a very strangeappearance.The stranger came toward me, and extending his hand said,"How is your zeal?"I supposed, when he began his question, that the query was to befor my health; but was pleased to hear his final word; for I wasquite well pleased with my zeal, and doubted not the strangerwould smile when he should know its proportions. InstinctivelyI conceived of it as a physical quantity, and putting my hand intomy bosom, brought it forth and presented it to him forinspection.He took it, and placing it in his scale, weighed it carefully. Iheard him say, "One hundred pounds!"I could scarce suppress an audible note of satisfaction; but Icaught his earnest look as he noted down the weight; and I saw

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