1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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eceived Messiah at his first advent (including the apostles) anda similarly faithful and tried class from among all nations since--in all a "little flock," "a peculiar people," "a royalR1155 : page 3priest-hood." And these have been "called" under the expresspromise that when a fore-ordained number shall have beenselected and tried and found worthy, then this select companyshall be made glorious spiritual beings and be united with ChristJesus their Lord, in order that as joint-heirs with him they maybe the promised "Seed" (Gen. 12:2,3; compare Gal. 3:16,29) inwhich all the families of the earth shall be blessed. These are"called" to suffer with Christ in the present time (to thus showtheir love and devotion to him and the truth) and to reign withhim in an age to follow this, in which, they are told, they are tojudge [grant trial to] the world and also angels. (See 1 Cor.6:2,3.) And it is to the end that they may be very sympatheticjudges and teachers (kings and priests unto God and for men)that, as their leader was, they now are required to be tempted inall points.But while agreeing that the past 6000 years have gotten fullyready for the conquest of the world for God, we must dissentfrom the view expressed by Brother Talmage, that this conquestwill be accomplished in a day of twenty-four hours. ThatImmanuel, the new king, who is to take his great power andreign, establishing that Kingdom of God, for which he taught usto pray, "Thy Kingdom come," could, if he desired, introduce itby a marvelous demonstration in the sky that would affright theworld and convince all men of his "all power in heaven and inearth," we do not for one moment question. And that by such aprocess he could wring from every throat the cry, "I believe," wedo not dispute. But such is not the work which our Lord comesto do, is our objection. The Scriptures declare a different objectand a different method. To bend the knee and cry, "I believe," isnot the sum of God's requirements. If so, Christ's reign mightindeed terminate quickly--in a day of twenty-four hours. But if itis to be thus sudden and by an outward display of power, wherewas the use of the long preparation? Why spend 1800 yearsselecting and educating and disciplining the elect church for thatoft declared work of reigning with Christ and judging the worldin righteousness, if the entire period of reigning and judging isto be twenty-four hours? And if the plan should be carried out asMr. Talmage suggests, wherein would be found the usefulnessof the great preparations God has been making for this comingwork?--the telegraphs and telephones and printing presses, etc.:would they not be next to useless for such a conquest? If this bethe method, it might have been carried out without any of theselatter-day preparations and long ago. Had such been his methodour Lord could have appeared in such a cloud and waiting therefor 24 hours, he could in thunder tones have spoken to and been

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