1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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plentiful and ever increasing, and the demand and value isconsequently on the decrease. The supply of land is limited andits proportion of acreage to population decreasing, and thedemand and value is consequently increasing. This law ofsupply and demand suits us, and it cannot be changed under thepresent <strong>org</strong>anization of society. And we hold the key of powerand do not fear a revolution. We have the Church, and theinfluence and wealth which secures the army and navy, and wehave all the intelligent people upon our side, who all see thatthey would risk much in our overthrow.But, "when they shall say, 'Peace and safety,' then suddendestruction cometh upon them as travail." They seem tooverlook the fact that times are changed; that many are runningto and fro, and knowledge is increased greatly among thecommon people. Superstitions and reverence for men and lawsand customs areR1153 : page 1fading out fast. History, in its records of the past efforts of thepeople for liberty and rights, social, financial and political, statesthe fact that the few could and did gain the victory over themany, because of the greater intelligence of the few whichenabled them to use the leverageR1153 : page 2of power upon the fulcrum of superstition and thus to control themasses. The conditions are all changed, as we have seen theProphet Daniel foretold, by the increase of knowledge."Knowledge is power!" It sets free the slaves of superstition. Ittells them that the earth is the Lord's, and that he gave its soil aswell as its air and its water to the children of men in common,and not to a favored class; and that each may seize and hold onlyso much as he can and will use and cultivate; especially aftervacant or "wild" lands are all taken up. It tells them that thoughall men are not equal, (some men having a superiority andfitness, moral, mental or physical, over and above other men,which qualifies them for the more important positions andhonors and trusts of the public service,) yet all men are free todo anything that is right or good in the service of their fellowmenthat they may be found the most capable of doing. In aword, knowledge shows that class distinctions which makeanything else than character and ability the tests of the right todo all the ruling of the world, are not to be tolerated, and are notauthorized either by reason or by God's Word.The fact that we have cited Great Britain as an illustrationshould not be understood as implying that its aristocracy and itscommon people exhibit the extremes on this question. Quite tothe contrary. The extremes of society are much wider in othercountries of Europe, and the injustice practiced upon thecommon people greater, because, more degraded, they will

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