1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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and are to handle the Lord's money according to his will asnearly as you can know it. The poorer brethren we exhort topeace, patience and charity. This conflict is not one in which thesaints are to take part: it is the world's part in the "Battle of theGreat Day." Our part in the conflict is to uphold God's Word,truth against error; and we will have plenty to do in our ownquarter, if faithful. Even if you feel that you are being unjustlydealt with, do the best you can, but live peaceably. The Lordwill avenge any wrongs you may suffer, so far as that part isconcerned; and in any case we can look with a great deal ofsympathy upon the selfish, remembering and pitying their fallencondition and rejoicing that the grand time of righteousness andrestitution is nigh, even at the doors.====================page 2EXTRACTS FROMINTERESTING LETTERS.New York.MY DEAR FRIEND:--I enclose $1.00 on my account. Pleasesend me about 5 each of the July and August <strong>Tower</strong>s. I am gladthat you are showing from historical data the course ofcorruption of the doctrine of the church. That, however, is butone of many good things found in the August TOWER.Some of my remarks in prayer meeting have recently arousedopposition and one zealous brother wants me prevented fromspeaking. Another to whom I lent DAWN tells another that it isa dangerous book, and I guess it is, to some bad doctrines. Thisfearful saint is a deacon and not long ago he called on and askedme to accept a nomination for elder. He was horrified to learnthat I was not a member of their church and more so to learn thereasons. Well, I hope to accomplish something; else, why am Ihere? I have a few sympathetic hearers. I have been privatelyconsidering the calling together of such as will come to studythe Bible some weekday evening, a non-sectarian Bible class.Am in some doubt how best to do it, but hope to reach the resultsome way.In haste, Yours very truly, J. A. S.Grant Co., Ind.C. T. RUSSELL--DEAR BROTHER:-- Judging you and othersby myself, I thought I would offer a few words of cheer. Bros.Leigh and Deming, willing servants, stayed with us, some timeago, from Saturday till Monday. We spent the time pleasantly indiscussing, for the most part, the objections the nominal churchbrings against us. We again met in Marion and spent a few hourstogether, very pleasantly. These noble Christians are, indeed,

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