1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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with none to molest and make us afraid. But blinded sectariansare very bitter. They hate the "good tidings" and would thinkthat they served God as well as their sects by injuring orstopping our influence.--EDITOR.]Does not the teaching of our Master indicate that we should findand help to "seal" as many as possible with the truth, beforedoing anything which would be pretty sure to invite decidedopposition to our work? I think, if your judgment on this couldbe given in the TOWER, it would be important to the service.[A good suggestion. Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.A good article on this subject from Bro. Page's pen will befound in another column.--EDITOR.]Please give my love to the Church at Allegheny. With kindestregards to you and Mrs. R., I remain, as ever,Yours,S. D. ROGERS.page 2Centralia, Wash. Ter.ZION'S WATCH TOWER:--I wish to add one more voice fromthis distant corner, because light is breaking and creed shacklesare loosening. We are falling into battle line. We need more ofthe TOWER literature. I enclose five dollars. Please send theDiaglott and M. DAWN, Vol. II. Also some DAWNS, Vol. I.,and anything you have at hand.Yours for the truth, D. M. D__________.R1134 : page 2Canada.Mr. C. T. RUSSELL, DEAR SIR:--I have read Volume I. ofyour MILLENNIAL DAWN and am now reading Vol. II. Thiswork seems to me to open up the Scriptures in a manner whichno other works ever did. I am more than delighted with it. To meit is the very truth of God, and I cannot but exclaim: "O! thedepth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!"Now from the depth of my heart I can say: "Even so, come LordJesus."I am a Cadet in the Salvation Army. I was a member of thePresbyterian Church for seven years before joining the army, butI could not help thinking Jehovah had sadly failed inaccomplishing the redemption of man. And much did I wonderat such passages as: "And I, if I be lifted up, will draw all menunto me." And, "God is the Savior of all men, especially of themthat believe," etc. The prophecies were a complete mystery.Now, praise God, all is clear and harmonious. God is love. He isthe very God poor, fallen humanity needs. Bless his name!

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