1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


R1132 : page 1VOL. X.ALLEGHENY, PA., AUGUST, 1889.NO. 10.==========page 1Zion's Watch TowerANDHERALD OF CHRIST'SPRESENCE.----------PUBLISHED MONTHLY.----------TOWER PUBLISHING COMPANY. ----------BUSINESS OFFICE: No. 151 Robinson St., Allegheny, Pa.C. T. RUSSELL, EDITOR.----------TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.DOMESTIC,--Fifty cents a year, in advance, by Draft, P.O.Money Order, or Registered letter.FOREIGN,--Two shillings per year. Remit by Foreign PostalMoney Order.TO POOR SAINTS.This paper will be sent free to the interested of the Lord's poor,who will send a card yearly requesting it. "Ho, every one thatthirsteth, come ye to the waters; and he that hath no money,come ye, buy and eat--yea, come, buy wine and milk withoutmoney and without price." And you who have it-- "Whereforedo ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your laborfor that which satisfieth not? Hearken diligently--and eat ye thatwhich is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness." --ISAIAH 55:1,2.==========Entered as SECOND CLASS MAIL MATTER, at the P.O.,Allegheny, Pa.====================R1132 : page 1

VIEW FROM THE TOWER.Old readers will recall that, long ago, we drew attention to theprophets Elijah and Elisha as being types of the Gospel churchin its closing stages;--not types of the nominal church, but ofGod's true children. True, God's children will not be entirelyseparate and distinct from the nominal mass, until the close ofthe present "harvest;" but these prophets represent at first anucleus of the true class, led into the light, to which all thefaithful in Christ will be gathered; and from which will be siftedand separated all who lose the spirit of humility and truediscipleship.We saw that these two prophets typified two classes of the truechildren of God: that Elijah represented, so to speak, the creamof God's true church, the class called overcomers, who are to begranted the kingdom honors, at the first resurrection, --thespecially holy and specially blessed of the Lord (Rev. 20:6) whowill be caught up to spiritual power and glory in the time of ourLord's presence at his second advent, in the close of the harvestof this age; and that Elisha represented a class which would notbe counted worthy of so great honor, because less faithful,--though the difference in faithfulness, as the reason for hisexaltation, is not shown in the type.As shown in DAWN, Vol. II., Elijah was the representative ortype of the "overcomers" of the Gospel church, in their presentearthly career, as the fore-runner of the glorified church, ofwhich they shall compose a part when changed, glorified and inkingdom power; and Elisha represented a company of believers,the companions of the Elijah class and co-laborers together withthem, though more on the natural plane. They too love God andare consecrated to his service, to the extent of striving to abstainfrom sin and to live holy lives, but not to the extent ofsacrificing present rights and privileges even unto death. Whilethey love God and love righteousness and admire the spirit ofself-sacrifice and to some extent practice it, yet they are notfully on the altar as "burnt offerings" (Lev. 9:7), as all whowould be of the Elijah class must be.As the time for the "change" of the Elijah class draws nearer, thetests as to who of the living are worthy to be of the Elijah classbecome more and more stringent, as the import of entireconsecration is more and more clearly seen. Already this fierychariot begins to separate the classes, and it will continue to doso, more and more, during coming years, until complete. TheElisha class catches a view of the coming glory and exaltationfor the overcomers, yet will not walk up to their privilege ofsharing in it--will not walk worthy of that high vocation bymaking complete sacrifices of themselves in the service of theLord and the Truth.

VIEW FROM THE TOWER.Old readers will recall that, long ago, we drew attention to theprophets Elijah and Elisha as being types of the Gospel churchin its closing stages;--not types of the nominal church, but ofGod's true children. True, God's children will not be entirelyseparate and distinct from the nominal mass, until the close ofthe present "harvest;" but these prophets represent at first anucleus of the true class, led into the light, to which all thefaithful in Christ will be gathered; and from which will be siftedand separated all who lose the spirit of humility and truediscipleship.We saw that these two prophets typified two classes of the truechildren of God: that Elijah represented, so to speak, the creamof God's true church, the class called overcomers, who are to begranted the kingdom honors, at the first resurrection, --thespecially holy and specially blessed of the Lord (Rev. 20:6) whowill be caught up to spiritual power and glory in the time of ourLord's presence at his second advent, in the close of the harvestof this age; and that Elisha represented a class which would notbe counted worthy of so great honor, because less faithful,--though the difference in faithfulness, as the reason for hisexaltation, is not shown in the type.As shown in DAWN, Vol. II., Elijah was the representative ortype of the "overcomers" of the Gospel church, in their presentearthly career, as the fore-runner of the glorified church, ofwhich they shall compose a part when changed, glorified and inkingdom power; and Elisha represented a company of believers,the companions of the Elijah class and co-laborers together withthem, though more on the natural plane. They too love God andare consecrated to his service, to the extent of striving to abstainfrom sin and to live holy lives, but not to the extent ofsacrificing present rights and privileges even unto death. Whilethey love God and love righteousness and admire the spirit ofself-sacrifice and to some extent practice it, yet they are notfully on the altar as "burnt offerings" (Lev. 9:7), as all whowould be of the Elijah class must be.As the time for the "change" of the Elijah class draws nearer, thetests as to who of the living are worthy to be of the Elijah classbecome more and more stringent, as the import of entireconsecration is more and more clearly seen. Already this fierychariot begins to separate the classes, and it will continue to doso, more and more, during coming years, until complete. TheElisha class catches a view of the coming glory and exaltationfor the overcomers, yet will not walk up to their privilege ofsharing in it--will not walk worthy of that high vocation bymaking complete sacrifices of themselves in the service of theLord and the Truth.

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