1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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preaching the truth to thousands who as yet know only veryimperfectly--"The message of salvationFrom God's own holy Word."The work was taken hold of here with a will by some whoappreciate the privilege of the service, (some doing more andsome less) three brethren and five sisters having alreadydistributed about 6,000--to church-goers, to street carpassengers, etc. A plan found to be good, is to have along alsosome of the Arp Tracts, which are less expensive (and suppliedfree), to give to such as appear less likely to become interested.If all TOWER readers, not otherwise in the service, would takehold of this work earnestly, a million or two of these "hail"stones would quickly be poured forth to sweep away the refugeof lies.--Isa. 28:17.====================R1121 : page 1MISTAKEN EXPEDIENCY.Among Romanists there is a recognized principle, which mightbe termed the law of expediency; which, briefly expressed, is--"The end justifies the means." The all important end is the gloryof the Church, let the means be what they may; and every readerof history knows how vile the means have been. And whileProtestants do not admit this principle openly, and are scarcelyaware that they admit it to any extent, the question ofexpediency is often raised, and sometimes with considerablebitterness, against the truth--the old theology of the Lord and theapostles and prophets.Very many of God's children who long since got their eyes opento the fallacy of the doctrine of everlasting torment, and whorealize it to be a horrible blasphemy against God's character,permit Satan to seal their lips, and to destroy their influence aschildren of the light, by getting them to cover their light with thebushel of expediency. He raises before their minds dreadfulpictures of what would result if this truth, which so muchrelieved their minds and refreshed their hearts, and which liftedthem into a new atmosphere of joy and peace and love, shouldbecome generally known. He points out that they firstapproached the Lord through fear and under the influence of thiserror, --without pointing out that they might have received theLord much sooner under the presentation of the truth, and underthe constraining power of love. He points out that theythemselves had finally found peace while holding this error, butdoes not mention how unsatisfactory a peace it was, whichcontinually had unrest for fear of a final slip into eternal

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