1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1889 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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shown, water is a symbol of truth; hence hail is a symbol ofcrystalized and purified truths. May the Lord grant that these oldtheology hail-stones may in many cases be successful inexposing and sweeping away the refuges of error, and thus inliberating the minds of many of God's true children, who shallbe in trouble until made to understand the true doctrine, the oldtheology. See marginal reading of Isa. 28:19: "report" should betranslated "doctrine."Let us who are of the "Day," and who realize that we are in thedawn, not pattern after the worldly, and be asleep to thingsspiritual and absorbed and overcharged with worldly aims orpleasures or business; but let us make the spread of the truth themain business of life, to which all other business will be butservant and contributor. As an illustrationR1120 : page 7of keenness in the spiritual work, worthy of emulation, we notethe following circumstance:--Rev. Dr. Henson of Chicago preached recently on the subject ofEternal Torture, and his sermon, which pictured vividly theeverlasting agonies of those who die without becoming saints,was published in the Chicago papers the following Monday; andby the following Sunday two of the brethren there had 500 ofthe Old Theology Tracts, No. I., and distributed them personallyto that congregation at their church doors. Those brethrenpreached a sermon to that congregation, from the Bible, such ascould reach them in no other way so thoroughly; one that Dr.Henson's preaching will never efface. They may not know of theresults in the present life, but doubtless in the kingdom somemay come to them and say, "Under God I owed my liberationfrom blindness and error to that hail-storm which as messengersof the truth you let fall upon that congregation, and that was mystart in truth-seeking and truth-getting."====================R1120 : page 8OLD GERMAN TOWERS FREE.We have thousands of old copies of the German WATCHTOWER, very suitable for new readers, which we are anxious toput into their hands FREE. We ask our readers who can do soand would enjoy the privilege of such service, to take these anddistribute them at the doors of German churches on Sundays. Inordering say how many you can use.When thus distributing papers or tracts do not stand to do so, forthis blocks the street and is contrary to law, but keep walking upand down while handing them out, and be as polite andagreeable as possible.

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