Chap. 5 Imperial Breakdown 1763-1774

Chap. 5 Imperial Breakdown 1763-1774 Chap. 5 Imperial Breakdown 1763-1774


4Peace of Paris, Feb 10 1763 France, Great Britain and SpainThe 1763 Treaty ended the French & Indian WarFrance agreed to give up all claims to North America.The Grand Union American Flagcarried by colonial militias duringthe French and Indian War.From Parliament’s viewpoint, there were 26 Americancolonies, including Canada, Bermuda, and several in theCaribbean. It also had to manage India, the Falklands soonAustralia and dozens of small colonies scattered around theworld.• 1763 marked the first time ina half century that GreatBritain was not engaged inwar.• King George III turned his fullattention from war tocontrolling and regulating hisvast British Empire.• To help him better run theempire, George III searchedfor a PM that could bringdiscipline to the valuable butmost unruly 13 NorthAmerican colonies.Ch 5 Impl Breakdown 1763-74(24)

1763 Imperial ReorganizationKing George III1738-1820• 1760. Crowned at age 19,George III dreamed of creating aworldwide British Empire under hispersonal direction.• 1763. The French defeat iscelebrated around the Englishspeakingworld as a great Britishvictory over North America.• Wm Pitt, who won the war, retired.• Unfortunately, the war left GreatBritain its greatest debt in history.• Parliament looked to the colonies torelieve the tax burden from itssubjects within the British Isles.5Ch 5 Impl Breakdown 1763-74(24)

4Peace of Paris, Feb 10 <strong>1763</strong> France, Great Britain and SpainThe <strong>1763</strong> Treaty ended the French & Indian WarFrance agreed to give up all claims to North America.The Grand Union American Flagcarried by colonial militias duringthe French and Indian War.From Parliament’s viewpoint, there were 26 Americancolonies, including Canada, Bermuda, and several in theCaribbean. It also had to manage India, the Falklands soonAustralia and dozens of small colonies scattered around theworld.• <strong>1763</strong> marked the first time ina half century that GreatBritain was not engaged inwar.• King George III turned his fullattention from war tocontrolling and regulating hisvast British Empire.• To help him better run theempire, George III searchedfor a PM that could bringdiscipline to the valuable butmost unruly 13 NorthAmerican colonies.Ch 5 Impl <strong>Breakdown</strong> <strong>1763</strong>-74(24)

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