Chap. 5 Imperial Breakdown 1763-1774

Chap. 5 Imperial Breakdown 1763-1774 Chap. 5 Imperial Breakdown 1763-1774


The “Continental Association of Colonies” adjournsafter deciding how to resist the British economically22Ben Franklin1706-1790• Not even Sam Adams argued forindependence.• Ben Franklin, Paul Revere andJohn Hancock joined Sam Adamsin creating new armed chapters of“Sons of Liberty” for every colony.• The “SoL” are charged with ofprotecting Patriot activists fromBritish reprisals.• The SoL armed chapters becomethe direct predecessors of theContinental Army.Ch 5 Impl Breakdown 1763-74(24)

1775. Lord North gets tough.23• All Americans closely followed theevents happening in Boston andVirginia through local Committeesof Correspondence which publishnewspaper-like bulletins in eachtown.• As tension grows, Americanfarmers in every colony clean theirmuskets and gather at theircourthouse on weekends to trainwith fellow “Minutemen.”• They become fiercely determinedto fight the Redcoats.Ch 5 Impl Breakdown 1763-74(24)

1775. Lord North gets tough.23• All Americans closely followed theevents happening in Boston andVirginia through local Committeesof Correspondence which publishnewspaper-like bulletins in eachtown.• As tension grows, Americanfarmers in every colony clean theirmuskets and gather at theircourthouse on weekends to trainwith fellow “Minutemen.”• They become fiercely determinedto fight the Redcoats.Ch 5 Impl <strong>Breakdown</strong> <strong>1763</strong>-74(24)

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