midshipman summer training plan 2010 - Navy ROTC - U.S. Navy

midshipman summer training plan 2010 - Navy ROTC - U.S. Navy

midshipman summer training plan 2010 - Navy ROTC - U.S. Navy


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DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVYOFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS2000 NAVY PENTAGONWASHINGTON, O.C . 203~-2COCCane: Jan 2011DPNAVNDTE 1530N1/ l271421 J un 20 10OPNAV NOTICE 1530From:Subj,Ref:Ene!:Chief of Naval Operations<strong>2010</strong> MIDSHIPMAN SUMMER TRAINING PLAN(a) SECNAVINST 1530 . 2(b) NSTC M-1533.S (Midshipman Summer Training Manual)(c) NSTC M-1533.6 (Midshipman Summer Training Handbook)(d) NAVEDTRA 37302C (USMC DCS NRDTC FieldTraining Manual) (NOTAL)(1) Midshipman Summer Training Plan <strong>2010</strong>1. Purpose. To issue guidelines and information on the <strong>2010</strong><strong>summer</strong> <strong>training</strong> programs for the U.S. Naval Academy (USNA) andNaval Reserve Officers Training Corps (N<strong>ROTC</strong>) midshipmen.2. Action. Cognizant commanders are to implement the <strong>training</strong><strong>plan</strong> set forth in enclosure (1), following guidance set forth inreferences (a) through (d) .M. E . F',ERG ~2-- SON IIIVice A 1, U.S. <strong>Navy</strong>Deputy h' f of Naval Operations(Manpower, Personnel, Trainingand Education)Distribution:Electronic only, via Department of the <strong>Navy</strong> Issuances Web sitehttp,//doni.daps.dla.mil/

OPNAVNOTE 15301 Jun <strong>2010</strong>MIDSHIPMAN SUMMERTRAININGPLAN <strong>2010</strong>Enclosure (1 )

OPNAVNOTE 15301 Jun <strong>2010</strong>SECTION IATLANTIC TRAINING FOR MIDSHIPMEN 10(LANTRAMID 10/ MEDTRAMID 10)1. Dataa . purpose. Fleet cruise <strong>training</strong> for USNA and N<strong>ROTC</strong>midshipmen in Atlantic Fleet (LANTFLT) ships. USNA and N<strong>ROTC</strong>midshipmen will be assigned a cruise of approximately 3 weeksduration.b. DatesBlock 0 (USNA) 14 May - 27 MayBlock I 1 Jun - 25 JunBlock II 29 Jun - 23 JulBlock III 27 Jul - 18 AugLoadingN<strong>ROTC</strong>/USNA LoadingBlock 0 Midshipman l/C NA/35Midshipman 3/CNA/SOBlock I Midshipman l/C 75/43Midshipman 2/C, 3/C 80/138Block II Midshipman l/C 75/43Midshipman 2/C, 3/C 80/138Block III Midshipman l/C 75/43Midshipman 2/C, 3/C 80/138c. Although the dates listed in paragraph lb are preferred,billets offered outside those dates will be considered providingthey offer at least 10 days underway.2 . Generala. Commander, Naval Surface Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet(COMNAVSURFLANT) will advise Naval Service Training Command(NSTC) Officer Development (00), USNA, and the Atlanticmidshipmen embarkation/debarkation coordinators (LANTMEDC) ofthe embarkation and debarkation ports and ship quotas. TheLANTMEDC will assign N<strong>ROTC</strong> midshipmen to ships and notify1-1 Enclosure (1)

OPNAVNOTE 15)01 Jun <strong>2010</strong>participating units at least 2 weeks before embarkation .LANTMEDC will provide billets to the USNA Summer Training Officeas soon as possible. USNA will assign ships for USNAmidshipmen.b. Commander, Sixth Fleet will advise USNA, NSTC 00, andLANTMEDC of the desired ports of embarkation for midshipmen.LANTMEDC will assign N<strong>ROTC</strong> midshipmen to ships and notifyparticipating N<strong>ROTC</strong> units at least 2 weeks before embarkation.LANTMEDC will provide billets to the USNA Summer Training Officeas soon as possible. USNA will assign ships for USNAmidshipmen.I-2 Enclosure (1 )

OPNAVNOTE 15301 Jun <strong>2010</strong>SECTION IISUBMARINE ATLANTIC TRAINING FOR MIDSHIPMEN 10(SUBLANTRAMID 10)1. Dataa. Purpose. Fleet cruise <strong>training</strong> for USNA and N<strong>ROTC</strong>midshipmen in LANTFLT submarines. N<strong>ROTC</strong> and USNA midshipmenwill be assigned to a cruise of 3 weeks duration.b.DatesBlock 0 (USNA ) 14 May - 27 MayBlock I 1 Jun - 25 JunBlock II 29 Jun 23 JulBlock III27 Jul - 18 AugLoadingN<strong>ROTC</strong> / USNA LOADINGBlock 0 Midshipman l /C NA/ aMidshipman 3 / C NA/ 25Block I Midshipman l /C 20/ 9Midshipman 3/C 40/25Block II Midshipman l / C 20/9Midshipman 3 /C 40 / 25Block III Midshipman l /C 20 / 9Midshipman 3/C 40/2 5c. Although the dates listed in paragraph 1b are preferred,billets offered outside those dates will be considered providingthey offer at least 10 days underway.2. General. Commander, Submarine Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet(COMSUBLANT) will advise the LANTMEDC, USNA, and NSTC 00, copyto U.S. Fleet Forces Command (USFLT FORCOM) and cognizantsquadron commanders, of ports of embarkation and debarkation andship quotas. Submarine billet assignments (unclassified) willbe listed in the Citrix <strong>summer</strong> t r aining portion of the OfficerPrograms Management Info rmation System (O PMIS ) database.II-l Enclosure (1 )

OPNAVNOTE 15301 Jun <strong>2010</strong>SECTION IIIPACIFIC TRAINING OF MIDSHIPMEN 10(PACTRAMID 10/ WESTPACTRAMID 10 )1. Dataa. Purpose. Fleet cruise <strong>training</strong> for USNA/N<strong>ROTC</strong>midshipmen in Pacific Fleet (PACFLT) ships. N<strong>ROTC</strong>/USNA firstclass, second class, and third class midshipmen will be assignedto a cruise of approximately 3 weeks duration.b. DatesBlock 0 (USNA) 14 May - 27 MayBlock r 1 Jun - 25 JunBlock II 29 Jun - 23 JulBlock III 27 Jul - 18 AugLoadingN<strong>ROTC</strong> / USNA LoadingBlock 0 Midshipman l / e NA / 35Midshipman 3 / C NA/ 50Block I Midshipman l / C 75 / 43Midshipman 2/ C, 3/C 80 / 138Block II Midshipman l / e 75/ 43Midshipman 2 / e, 3 / e 80/ 138Block III Midshipman l / e 75 / 43Midshipman 2/e, 3 / e 80 / 138c. Although the dates listed in paragraph 1b are preferred,billets offered outside those dates will be considered providingthey offer at least 10 days underway.2. Generala. Commander, Third Fleet (COMTHIRDFLT ) will advise NSTC00, USNA, and the Pacific midshipmen embarkation/ debarkationc oordinators (PACMEDC) of the embarkation and debarkation portsand ship quotas relevant to each. The PACMEDC will assign N<strong>ROTC</strong>midshipmen to ships and notify participating units at least 2III-l Enclosure (1 )

OPNAVNOTE 15301 Jun <strong>2010</strong>weeks before embarkation. PACMEDC will provide billets to theUSNA Summer Training Office as soon as possible. USNA will makeship assignments for USNA midshipmen.b. Commander, Seventh Fleet (COMSEVENTHFLT) will adviseNSTC OD and PACMEDC of embarkation and debarkation ports andship quotas. The PACMEDC will assign N<strong>ROTC</strong> midshipmen to shipsand notify parti cipating N<strong>ROTC</strong> units at least 2 weeks inadvance. PACMEDC will provide billets to the USNA SummerTraining Office as soon as possible . USNA will make shipassignments for USNA midshipmen.C. Select N<strong>ROTC</strong> midshipmen firsta u . s. and Japanese exchange program.by COMSEVENTHFLT.class will participate inDates will be promulgated111-2Enclosure (1 )

OPNAVNOTE 15301 Jun <strong>2010</strong>SECTION VMIDSHIPMAN FIRST CLASS EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE DISPOSAL AND SPECIALWARFARE TRAINING 10 (SPECTRAMID 10)1. Dataa. Purpose. To expose first class USNA and N<strong>ROTC</strong>midshipmen to skills needed to operate in the explosive ordnancedisposal (EOO) and special warfare (SPECWAR) communities.b. DatesBlock IBlock IIBlock IIILoading (EOD)Block IBlock IIBlock IIILoading (SPECWAR)Block IBlock IIalock III1 Jun - 25 Jun29 Jun - 23 Jul27 Jul - 18 AugN<strong>ROTC</strong>/USNA Loading10/1010/1010/10N<strong>ROTC</strong>/USNA Loading20/2020/2020/20c. Location. Locations will be determined based upon eachunit's ability to support midshipmen <strong>training</strong> and the status ofthe pre/post deployment work-up cycle.2. General. This <strong>training</strong> is offered as a first class cruisefor USNA and N<strong>ROTC</strong> midshipmen. Due to the community stresses,leadership and self-discipline in a demanding environment,including instruction and practical application in tactics,survival techniques, and movement techniques, the course isdemanding and is oriented toward serious applicants only.3. Selection/Assignment. NSTC will administer the selectionand assignment process for N<strong>ROTC</strong> midshipmen. The assignment ofEOD/SPECWAR cruises will be a coordinated effort between NSTCand USNA. Female midshipmen are authorized to be assigned toEOD cruises.V-1 Enclosure (1)

OPNAVNOTE 15301 Jun <strong>2010</strong>1. DataSECTION VIMIDSHIPMAN FIRST CLASS AND THIRD CLASS N<strong>ROTC</strong>NURSE CORPS TRAINING OF MIDSHIPMEN 10 (NURSETRAMID 10)a . Purpose. First class N<strong>ROTC</strong> nurse option <strong>midshipman</strong>indoctrination, orientation, and <strong>training</strong> in selected majorContinental U.S. (CONUS) <strong>Navy</strong> medical treatment facilities(MTF), and third class N<strong>ROTC</strong> nurse option <strong>midshipman</strong>indoctrination and <strong>training</strong> in afloat <strong>Navy</strong> medical departments.Midshipmen will be assigned to a cruise of 3 weeks duration.b. DatesBlock IBlock IIBlock IIILoadingBlock IBlock IIBlock IIIMidshipman lieMidshipman 3/eMidshipman lieMidshipman 3/eMidshipman lieMidshipman 2/e1 Jun - 25 Jun29 Jun - 23 Jul27 Jul - 18 AugNROTe1525'1525'1525 '*Numbers already reflected in Atlantic/Pacific <strong>training</strong> ofmidshipmen (LANTRAMID/PACTRAMID) loading.c. For midshipmen third class, although the dates listed inparagraph 1b are preferred, billets offered outside those dateswill be considered providing they offer at least 10 daysunderway.2. General. For midshipmen third class nurse option afloatcruises, numbered fleet commanders will advise NSTC, thePACMEDC, and the LANTMEDC of the embarkation and debarkationports and ship quotas relevant to each. The PACMEDC or LANTMEDCwill assign third class nurse option midshipmen to ships andVI-1 Enclosure (1)

OPNAVNOTE 15301 Jun <strong>2010</strong>notify participating units at least 2 weeks before embarkation.NSTC 0 0 will assign first c lass nurse option midshipmen to CONUSMTFs and notify participating units.VI-2Enclosure {I l

OPNAVNOTE 15301 Jun <strong>2010</strong>SECTION VIIMIDSHIPMAN FIRST CLASS AVIATION ASHORE CRUISE TRAINING 101. Dataa. Purpose.midshipmen firstbe assigned to aAviation fleet <strong>training</strong> for USNA and N<strong>ROTC</strong>class with aviation squadrons. Midshipmen willcruise of approximately 3 weeks duration.b. DatesBlock a (USNA)Block IBlock IIBlock IIILoadingBlock 0Block IBlock IIBlock III14 May - 27 May1 Jun - 25 Jun29 Jun - 23 Jul27 Jul - 1B AugN<strong>ROTC</strong>/USNA LoadingNA/4sBO/BsBO/8s80/85c. Location. As mutually arranged by NSTC and Commander,Naval Air Forces , U.S. Pacific Fleet (COMNAVAIRPAC)/Commander ,Naval Air Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet (COMNAVA I RLANT). N<strong>ROTC</strong> andUSNA midshipmen may be assigned to any available squadron.2. Training. Midshipman first class volunteers must have beenphysically qualified for naval aviation and possess a documentedflight physical. Midshipmen must complete the Naval AviationSurvival Training Program (NASTP) for the non-aircrew NASTP<strong>training</strong> for class 1 aircraft with helicopter aircrew breathingdevice bottle <strong>training</strong> as required by OPNAVINST 3710 . 7U prior toassignment.3 . General. Commanders will maximize fleet aviation exposurefor midsh ipmen aspir i n g to be naval aviators and naval flightofficers.VII-l Enclosure (1)

OPNAVNOTE 15301 Jun <strong>2010</strong>1. DataSECTION VIIIMIDSHIPMAN ACADEMI C YEAR CRUISE (AYe ) TRAINING 10a. purpose. Provide fleet cruise <strong>training</strong> in LANTFLT andPACFLT ships during the academic year for N<strong>ROTC</strong> midshipmen whoare unable to participate in cruises during the <strong>summer</strong>. Ayemidshipmen will be assigned a cruise of approximately 3 weeksduration.b . Dates. As mutually arranged between USFLTFORCOMiCommander. Second Fleet (COMSECONDFLT); COMTHIRDFLT; and NSTC.Ayes are generally for December graduates and occur in Januaryor February annually, but other dates will be considered on acase-by-case basis.c. Loading. Academic year <strong>training</strong> will be limited tomidshipmen with extenuating circumstances only. Academic yearrequests will require NSTC Professional Development (OD3)approval.d. Location. As mutually arranged between USFLTFORCOM,COMSECONDFLT, COMTHIRDFLT, and NSTC on a case-by-case basis.2. Embarkation/ Debarkation. Specific embarkation anddebarkation ports, dates, and quotas will be as arranged betweenUSFLTFORCOM, COMSECONDFLT, COMTHIRDFLT, and NSTC on a case-bycasebasis.3 . General. Travel to and from ports of embarkation anddebarkation will be arranged by the N<strong>ROTC</strong> units. N<strong>ROTC</strong> unitsare authorized direct liaison with ships to arrange detailedreporting instructions for assigned midshipmen.VIII-l Enclosure (1 )

OPNAVNOTE 15301 Jun <strong>2010</strong>SECTION IXMIDSHIPMAN FIRST CLASS MARINE CORPS TRAINING 101. Dataa. Purpose. To screen and train midshipmen first class forsuitability for commissioning in the United States Marine Corps(USMC) .b. USMC Officer Candidate School (DeS) (6-week course) .USMC oes for N<strong>ROTC</strong> midshipmen is 6 weeks in length at MarineCorps Base, Quantico, VA. N<strong>ROTC</strong> midshipmen desiring acommission as a second lieutenant in the USMC are required toattend Des prior to commissioning.CompanyG1G2Dates21 May - 1 Jul2 Jul - 12 AugLoading150150c. Leatherneck. Leatherneck for USNA is 4 weeks in lengthat The Basic School (TBS) , Training Command (TRNGCOM), Quantico,VA.Company Dates LoadingLeatherneck 1 Jun - 25 Jun 300IX-1 Enclosure (1)

OPNAVNOTE 15301 Jun <strong>2010</strong>SECTION XFOREIGN EXCHANGE TRAINING OF MIDSHIPMEN 10(FOREXTRAMID 10)1. Dataa. Purpose. To promote professional and cultural exchangebetween the United States <strong>Navy</strong> (USN) and foreign navies throughthe exchange of midshipmen first class and their foreigncounterparts (midshipmen or junior officers as appropriate) asdiscussed in reference (c), chapter 10 . FOREXTRAMID selectedmidshipmen will be assigned to a cruise of approximately 3 weeksduration.b. Dates . As mutually agreed upon by NSTC, USNA,participating N<strong>ROTC</strong> units, and U . S. Defense Attache (USDAO) andnaval missions to partner nations . Numbered flee t commandersare authorized direct liaison with the USDAOs for the reverseexchange.c. Loading. Approximately 70 N<strong>ROTC</strong> and USNA midshipmenfirst class. Assignment to participating nations will beprorated based on invitations accepted.d. Assignment. NSTC will administer the FOREXTRAMIDprogram for N<strong>ROTC</strong> and USNA midshipmen. The assignment offoreign midshipmen to USN cruises will be coordinated via directliaison between participating countries I navies, USDAOs, andappropriate numbered fleet commanders . Female midshipmen areauthorized to be ass igned to FOREXTRAMID cruises with theconcurrence of NSTC and participating nations.e. Location. Foreign midshipmen or junior officers willnormally be assigned to ships as follows:area ) :Chile)(1) Europe; Africa (Commander, U . S. Naval Forces EuropeSixth Fleet(2) Americas: Second Fleet {except Mexico, Peru, andThird Fleet( 3) Asia: Africa : Seventh FleetX-I Enclosure (1 )

OPNAVNOTE 15301 Jun <strong>2010</strong>(4) U.S. Naval Forces Central Command area: Fifth FleetNote:Southern hemisphere countries may train during the U.S.academic year due to southern seasons. Fleet commandersand USDAOs are authorized direct liaison in coordinatingchanges in fleets for foreign midshipmen or juniorofficers.£. Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) . The USNand JMSDF midshipmen exchange program allows N<strong>ROTC</strong> midshipmenfirst class to v i sit the Japanese OCS and participate in acruise aboard a JMSDF ship. Midshipmen will spend 10 to 14 dayswith the JMSDF in conjunction with a Western Pacific cruise.2 . Generala. The exchange p r ogram provides midshipmen an opportunityto enhance their professional development by partiCipating inthe afloat operations of foreign navies, and to enhancerelations between the United States and the nation(s ) to whichmidshipmen are assigned.b. Formal invitations have been extended by the Chief ofNaval Operations along with accompanying message guidance toapplicable USDAOs. USDAOs should respond to NSTC (00) and USNA,with an information copy to the Office of the Chief of NavalOperations, Maritime Security Cooperati on Division (OPNAV N52 )and Total Force Requirements Division (OPNAV N12l, to allowadequate time for arrangement of transportation, procurement ofvisas, etc . NSTC, USNA, fleet commanders, individual N<strong>ROTC</strong>units, USDAOs, and naval missions are authorized direct liaisonto facilitate handling details involved, including schedulechanges and ship substitutions, and are guided by the provisionsof reference (cl , chapter 10.c. Individual <strong>training</strong> programs for both U.S. and foreignmidshipmen will emphasize professional <strong>training</strong>, but may alsoinclude cultural and social facets. The concepts and details ofthe <strong>training</strong> program prepared for u.s. midshipmen will be usedfor <strong>training</strong> foreign midshipmen or junior officers embarkedaboard U. S. ships . Numbered fleet commanders shall providecoordination and <strong>training</strong> for foreign midshipmen and nominatesufficient billets to accommodate them.X-2 Enclosure ( 1 )

OPNAVNOTE 15301 Jun <strong>2010</strong>1. DataSECTION XIMOUNTAIN WARFARE TRAINING CENTER TRAINING 1 0 (MWTC 1 0)a. Purpose. To expose second class Marine option N<strong>ROTC</strong>midshipmen to platoon level skills needed to operate in amountain environment. MWTC 10 assigned midshipmen will beassigned a cruise of 2 to 3 weeks duration.b. Phase Dates LoadingClass I 1 JUL - 11 JUL 250c. Location. Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center(MCMWTC), Bridgeport, CA.2. General. This <strong>training</strong> is offered in lieu of a second classcruise for N<strong>ROTC</strong> Marine option scholarship midshipmen. Thecourse stresses leadership and self- discipline in a demandingenvironment, including instruction and practical application intactics, survival techniques, movement techniques, shelter andtent group <strong>plan</strong>ning, etc. The course is physically demandingand is oriented toward infantry operations .3 . Coordination. NSTC (00) will coordinate the <strong>training</strong>program and arrange the details of the program with MCMWTC.Commanding General (CG), Training and Education Command (TECOM)has granted direct liaison authority between NSTC (00) andMCMWTC to facilitate this <strong>training</strong>. TECOM shall be keptinformed of all details as this evolution is <strong>plan</strong>ned andexecuted.XI-l Enclosure (1)

OPNAVNOTE 15301 Jun <strong>2010</strong>1 . DataSECTION XIINAVAL ACADEMY PROFESSIONAL TRAINING FOR MIDSHIPMEN 10(PROTRAMID 10)FOR MIDSHIPMEN SECOND CLASSa. Purpose . To p r ovide aviation, submarine, surface, andUSMC indoctrination, and USNA 00 for USNA midshipmen secondclass. PROTRAMID assigned midshipmen will receive 4 weeks of<strong>training</strong>.b. DatesWest CoastEast CoastEast Coastc. Location31 May - 25 Jun28 Jun - 23 Jul26 Jul - 18 AugLoading360360360SubmarineAviationUSMCSurfaceSan Diego, CA, and Kings Bay, GASan Diego. CA, and Norfolk, VACamp Lejeune. Ne. and CampPendleton, CANorfolk. VA, and San Diego, CA2. Training. Each PROTRAMID group will be provided:a. Basic naval aviation orient ation and <strong>training</strong> at eitherNorfolk, VA, or San Diego, CA, as arranged by COMNAVAIRLANT andCOMNAVAIRPAC.b . Submarine orientation and <strong>training</strong> at Kings Bay, GA, orSan Diego. CA, as arranged by COMSUBLANT and COMSUBPAC.c. USMC orientation and <strong>training</strong> at Camp Pendleton, CA, andCamp Lejeune, NC, as arranged by CG, Fleet Marine Force Pacific(MARFORPAC), and CG, Fleet Marine Force Atlantic (MARFORLANT).Second Marine Expeditionary Force will coordinate support for<strong>training</strong> conducted at TBS. TRNGCOM.XII-1 Enclosure (1)

OPNAVNOTE 15301 Jun <strong>2010</strong>d. Surface orientation and <strong>training</strong> at Norfolk, VA, or SanDiego, CA, as arranged by CQMNAVSURFLANT and Commander, NavalSurface Force Pacific (COMNAVSURFPAC).e. Officer ship <strong>training</strong> at Annapolis, MD, as arranged byUSNA.3. Transportation. USNA officer in charge (OIC) of PROTRAMIDEast or West will arrange transportation between <strong>training</strong> sites,as required.4. MLO's. USNA will provide military liaison officers at<strong>training</strong> locations .XII-2 Enclosure (1)

OPNAVNOTE 15301 Jun <strong>2010</strong>SECTION XIIIN<strong>ROTC</strong> CAREER ORIENTATION AND TRAINING 10(CORTRAMID 10)FOR MIDSHIPMEN THIRD CLASS1. Dataa. Purpose. Aviation. submarine, surface, and USMCindoctrination and <strong>training</strong> for N<strong>ROTC</strong> midshipmen third class.CORTRAMID assigned midshipmen will be assigned to 4 weeks of<strong>training</strong>.b. DatesEast CoastWest Coast27 May - 26 Jun8 Jul - 07 Augc. Loading. Approximately 1,000 third class midshipmen(including approximately 235 females ) divided into two groups ofapproximately 500 each per east and west coasts.d. LocationSurfaceSubmarineAviationUSMCNorfolk, VA, and San Diego. CAKings Bay. GA, and San Diego, CANorfolk, VA, and San Diego. CACamp Lejeune . Ne, and Camp Pendleton,CA2. Training. Each group will be provided:a. Basic naval aviation orientation and <strong>training</strong> atNorfolk, VA, or San Diego, CA, as arranged by COMNAVAIRLANT andCOMNAVAIRPAC.b. Submarine orientation at Kings Bay, GA, or San Diego,CA, as arranged by COMSUBLANT and COMSUBPAC. COMSUBLANT willarrange for transportation to Kings Bay, GA.c.Diego,Surface warfare indoctrination at Norfolk, VA, or SanCA, as arranged by COMNAVSORFLANT and COMNAVSURFPAC.XIII-1 Enclosure (1 )

OPNAVNOTE 15301 Jun <strong>2010</strong>d. <strong>Navy</strong> and USMC team indoctrination in amphibious warfareat Camp Lejeune, Ne, or Camp Pendleton, CA, will be arranged byCG, MARFORLANT, and CG, MARFORPAC. Headquarters, USMC willcoordinate base support for <strong>training</strong> conducted aboard USMCinstallations. CG, TRNGCOM will coordinate support for <strong>training</strong>conducted at the Schools of Infantry, TRNGCOM.3. Transportation. OICs for CORTRAMID East or West willarrange transportation between <strong>training</strong> sites, as required.XIII-2 Enclosure (1 )

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