CHRISTIAN FUCHS - ICT&S - Universität Salzburg

CHRISTIAN FUCHS - ICT&S - Universität Salzburg

CHRISTIAN FUCHS - ICT&S - Universität Salzburg


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Christian Fuchs: Social Networking Sites and the Surveillance Societymass media, as in the cases of pay per view, tele-votes, talkshows, and call-in TV andradio shows. In the case of the Internet, the commodification of audience participationis easier to achieve than with other mass media.Marx has anticipated the exploitation of produsers by arguing that as a result of thedevelopment of the productive forces a time of capitalist development will come, inwhich “general intellect”, the “power of knowledge, objectified”, ”general socialknowledge has become a direct force of production” (Marx 1858/1993: 706, MEW 42:602). The productive forces would not only be produced in the form of knowledge, butalso as “immediate organs of social practice, of the real life process”. Marx heredescribes that in a knowledge society, social life becomes productive. That knowledgelabour, such as the one performed online by produsers, is productive, then also meansthat under capitalist class relations it is exploited and that all knowledge workers,unpaid and paid, are part of an exploited class.The basic business models that dominate the Web are the advertising model, sellingservices to users, and combinations of the two (Fuchs 2008). That the first model is thedominant one can be seen from the fact that nine out of the ten most accessed Webplatforms make use of it for accumulating capital:1. Yahoo!,2. Google,3. YouTube,4.+5. Windows Live Search and Microsoft Network (MSN),6. Myspace,8. Facebook,9. Blogger,10. Yahoo Japan(Data from Alexa Global Top 500 (alexa.com), accessed on August 6, 2008). The onlyexception is Wikipedia (#7), which is non-profit oriented.Figure 2 shows the rapid growth of Internet advertising profits in the USA. These profitsamounted to 21.2 billion US$ in 2007, which make up 11.0% of the total USadvertising profits (Source: IAB Internet Advertising Revenue Report 2007). The onlineadvertising profits were higher than the profits made by radio- and cable TV-advertisingin 2007 and were only exceeded by profits in newspaper- and TV Distributionadvertising(Ibid.).32

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