CHRISTIAN FUCHS - ICT&S - Universität Salzburg

CHRISTIAN FUCHS - ICT&S - Universität Salzburg

CHRISTIAN FUCHS - ICT&S - Universität Salzburg


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Christian Fuchs: Social Networking Sites and the Surveillance SocietyFigure 42. Corporate Watch Organizations: Example 2 (http://www.transnationale.org)Figure 43. Corporate Watch Organizations: Example 3 (http://www.transnationale.org)These examples show that there are potentials for building counter-hegemonic powerthat aims at raising critical awareness about certain political issues by watching anddocumenting what powerful actors, organizations, and institutions are planning anddoing. In the case of the topic of surveillance, such citizen initiatives try to buildcounter-power and counter-hegemony by watching the watchers, surveilling thesurveillers. An example for such an initiative in Austria is www.platterwatch.at, a104

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