Via Latina 22 - The Marianists

Via Latina 22 - The Marianists

Via Latina 22 - The Marianists


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<strong>Via</strong> <strong>Latina</strong> <strong>22</strong>News From the General Administration - Society of MaryTHREEBROTHERSPROFESSPERPETUALVOWSIN DEEPAHALLI, , INDIAI# 219 — January2013O n Dec. 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception,Bros. Ashok Dungdung, SM, John Paul L., SM, and LibinTetefrom, SM, the District of India professed final vows atOur Lady Seat of Wisdom Chapel in Deepahalli. Fr. IgnatiusLoyola Arulappen, SM, Master of Novices, presided atthe Mass. Bro. Augustus Surin, SM, District Superior, receivedthe vows. Fr. Charles (Kip) Stander, SM, gave thehomily. Congratulations, Bros. Ashok, John Paul and Libin!At the final vow procession on Dec. 8 in Deepahalli, front,Bros. John Paul L., Libin Tete and Ashok Dungdung; back,District Superior Bro. Augustus Surin THREEPERPETUALPROFESSIONSIN EASTERNAFRICAB ros. John Paul Kirimi, SM, Thomas Maina Njari, SM, and Dingiswayo Soko, SM, made their perpetualprofession on December 8th in Nairobi. Bro. Chola Mulenga, District Superior received the vows.Brothers John and Thomas are from Kenya and Brother Dingiswayo is from Zambia. We offer these brothersour congratulations and prayers!Participants in the Asian Zonal Conferencemeeting (l-r): Pablo Rambaud (Philippines), EdViolett (GA), Augustus Surin (IN), FrancisChang (KO) and Aoki Isao (JA).PHILIPPINEFOUNDATIONHOSTSMEETINGOFASIANZONALCONFERENCE<strong>The</strong> novitiate community in the Philippines is located in aplace called “Eden.” <strong>The</strong>re, in this earthly paradise, despitea threatening typhoon that passed to the north, members ofthe Asian Zonal Conference met from December 3-4. Joined byBro. Ed Violett, SM, Assistant General for Temporalities, thegroup discussed a wide range of issues including themes stemmingfrom the General Chapter, as well as common initiativesof the zone’s member Units. With the conclusion of the term ofBro. Augustus Surin, SM, as president, Fr. Aoki Isao, SM, waselected to succeed him and Fr. Pablo Rambaud, SM, will serveas secretary.

# 219 — January 2013Page 3LIVINGLENTWITH FAUSTINOON-LINEMarch 3, 2013 (3rd Sunday of Lent), will mark the 50th anniversary of thedeath of Venerable Faustino Pérez-Manglano Magro, who died on that datein 1963 in Valencia, Spain.Throughout Lent we will offer a daily meditation of the Gospel of the daywith quotes and commentary from Faustino, prepared by Fr. José María Salaverri,SM. <strong>The</strong>se meditations, particularly geared to young people, will beaccessible via the Internet (on a website and Facebook) in Spanish, English,French, and Italian. At these sites, youth can communicate with others andshare their thoughts and reflections. We will send you the information in ashort time indicating how to access these daily meditations.Fr. André Fétis, SM, Assistant General for Religious Life, indicates that “We hope this project will enablemany young people to strengthen their relationship and their membership with others throughout the Marianistworld. In addition, it will also allow them to deepen their connection with Venerable Faustino.”To achieve this, we will rely on your help to help spread the word about this project.SPECIALNOTE:At the end of this issue, as is customary each January,we publish the list of Jubilarians for theNew Year 2013 and the Necrology Summary for2012. Please remember that (as per the last issueof VL<strong>22</strong>), the Necrology also includes the name ofBro. Quirin Hilgers, SM, who died on July 31,1944 during the Second World War. If you havenot already done so, it would be appropriate tooffer the customary prayers (De Profundis andmention during the Eucharist) for Bro. Quirin.PRAYERINTENTIONChaminade College Preparatory, West Hills, CA,requests prayers through the intercession of BlessedWilliam Joseph Chaminade for the healing of a student,Paulina, who suffers from Neuroendocrine Tumors(NETS) which is a very serious condition affectingher vertebrae. On Dec. 7, Fr. James Mueller,SM, conducted a special healing service for Paulinawho was accompanied by her parents, sister, friends,teachers, Marianist religious, and principal. Intentionsubmitted by Bro. Jack Dempsey (US).ADDRESSDDRESS CHANGESHANGES Akobé Noël Dominique Kouao (CI)noel.kouao@ymail.com HAITIAN FOUNDATIONMembers of the Haitian Foundationare assigned as follows:To Spain (3 novices):Moïse Neré, Enock Pierreand Wolph PaulTo Colombia-Ecuador (2):James Élie and Derniot PierreTo Ivory Coast (1):Claudel NoëlTo the United States (1):Jean DossousG.A. COMMUNICATIONSG.A. CENT...RECENTLYECENTLY SENT Death Notice: #’s 31-34 Dec 21: Letter from theOffice of Religious Life toall Superiors and Assistantsfor Relgious Life andEducation Dec 12: Three Offices#136 from the AssistantGeneral for Religious Lifeon “A Marianist Life Program”(to all members ofthe SM)GENERALENERAL ADMINISTATIONDMINISTATIONCALENDAR Jan 3-4: Members of theGeneral Council attendProvincial Assembly of Italy Jan 4-7: Annual visitationof International Seminary(AF) Jan 8-10: ExtendedGeneral Council Meetingsin Rome Jan 12: DiaconateOrdinations, Rome Jan 14: General Councilmeets with the GeneralCouncil of the FMI

# 219 — January 2013Page 4NECROLOGY - 2012It has pleased God to call to himself our dear brothers…# Name Date Place Age Prof. Unit1944 Quirin Hilgers 31 July Witebsk, Belarus 24 6 Paris1 Donald J. Winfree 25 Jan. Dayton 68 49 US2 Gregory DeMoor 1 Feb. San Antonio 84 66 US3 Charles Ehrenfeld 8 Feb. Cupertino 96 78 US4 Eladio Sáiz Fernández 12 Feb. Madrid 86 69 ES5 William Arthur Deanhofer 20 Feb. Huntsville 77 58 US6 *John McEnhill <strong>22</strong> Mar. Cupertino 83 64 US7 Cándido Ortiz de Elguea Echezarreta 24 Mar. Madrid 89 70 ES8 Herbert Janson 31 Mar. San Antonio 88 70 US9 Mario Scagliotti 5 May Roma 94 77 IT10 *André Boulet 6 July Sucy-en-Brie 88 65 FR11 Jean Mougel 7 July Limeil-Brevannes 87 69 FR12 Joseph Anthony Scheible 11 July Dayton 82 63 US13 Louis Pinckert 26 July San Antonio 87 68 US14 Francis Deibel 30 July Dayton 103 85 US15 *Edouard Rollet 1 Aug. St-Hippolyte 91 73 FR16 Yxnold Chevalier 29 Aug. Port-au-Prince 31 4 CA17 Carlos Ruiz Ruiz 31 Aug. Buenos Aires 68 50 AR18 Marcial Dueñas González 4 Sept. Madrid 78 60 ES19 *Celestino Moraza Martínez 5 Sept. Barcelona 94 77 ES20 Joseph Matthew Spehar 10 Sept. Cincinnati 85 68 US21 Lorenzo López Calvo 14 Sept. Madrid 87 69 ES<strong>22</strong> Gaston Debor 17 Sept. Albi 95 77 FR23 *Francis John Kenney 25 Sept. Dayton 90 72 US24 *William O'Connell 1 Cct. Cupertino 85 66 US25 *Luigi Favero 25 Oct. Roma 91 71 IT26 *Eugene Raymond Sweeney 28 Oct. San Antonio 79 60 US27 William Thomas Callahan 31 Oct. Dayton 92 61 US28 Eugène Cuenat 14 Nov. Sion 96 78 SU29 *David Harriman Schuyler 19 Nov. Cupertino 79 61 US30 Antonio Massa <strong>22</strong> Nov. Roma 88 72 IT31 *Harald Rappersberger 4 Dec. Vienna 87 65 OE32 *Marcel Coulin 7 Dec. Saint-Hippolyte 88 71 FR33 Joaquín Arroyo Blanco 12 Dec. Madrid 86 70 ES34 *Michael Lisbeth 25 Dec. Dayton 64 43 US

# 219 — January 2013Page 5JUBILARIANS 2013Congratulations to these Jubilarians…...Thus, by choosing to follow the Lord in the Society of Mary, we commit ourselves irrevocablyto the service of Mary… (Rule of Life 15)January <strong>22</strong>(60th Profession)Hyland, Gerald Joseph (US)(25th Profession)Kim, Jung Hyeun Gregory (KO)*Kim, Tae Oh Timothy (KO)Lee, Myung Chae Stephen (KO)February 1(50th Profession)*Schenker, Paul <strong>The</strong>odor (SU)February 11(50th Profession)Nussbaum, Donald Robert (ME)Smith, Francis Joseph (US)Smith, Donald Louis (US)March 6(25th Profession)Yamasaki, Mitsugu J. Yakobu (JA)March 25(50th Profession)*Aoki, Isao Jean‐Baptiste (JA)Nakaki, Kumao Michel (JA)Nakamura, Rikinori Joseph (JA)March 30(50th Ordination)*Atucha, Juan Bautista (ES)*Bielza, Enrique (CH)*Muguerza, José Antonio de (ES)April 12(60th Ordination)*Fernández de Retana, Jesús (ES)May 2(25th Profession)A., Arockia Doss (Mullai) (IN)*Tudu, Santosh (IN)May 29(25th Profession)Sarsfield, Patrick Henry (ME)June 12(25th Profession)Heiskell, Peter Henry (ME)June 18(25th Profession)Donovan, Robert Paul (US)*Nartker, Michael (US)Wendorf, Thomas (US)June 29(25th Ordination)*Canseco, Francisco T. (ES)July 2(25th Ordination)*Cortés, Miguel Ángel (ES)*López, José Vicente (ES)July 12(60th Ordination)*Burns, Norbert Clifford (US)*Hick, Eugène (FR)*Tutas, Stephen (US)July 26(50th Ordination)*Gastaminza, Fermín (ES)*Otaegui, José Ángel (ES)*Prado, Ignacio (ES)July 30(25th Profession)*Rambaud, Pablo (ES)August 14(25th Profession)*French, Thomas Joseph (US)August 15(80th Profession)*Mann, Lawrence Anthony (US)(70th Profession)*Lambert, Paul (CA)(60th Profession)Behlmann, Cletus (US)Brisendine, DuWayne (US)*DeLong, Allen James (US)Ernst, Louis (US)Facette, James (US)*Kaczkowski, Conrad (US)*McMenamy, Alvin (US)*Mueller, James Joseph (US)Pistone, Anthony Joseph (US)Schrader, Richard Joseph (US)Shiras, Edwin Paul (US)Viera, Le Roy Lewis (US)(50th Profession)Farrell, William (US)*Floriani, Loris (IT)August <strong>22</strong>(70th Profession)*Burns, Norbert Clifford (US)*Jansen, Anthony Gerard (US)Unferdorfer, Edward James (US)(50th Profession)Burkholder, James Francis (US)Campbell, William (US)Genovese, Joseph Anthony (ME)*Long, Garrett John (ME)Longbottom, Edward J. (MX)McBride, Lawrence (US)*Royer‐Chabot, Florian (CA)Wanda, Charles Patrick (US)August 23(75th Profession)Varona, Ezequiel (ES)August 25(75th Profession)Lytle, George Nelson (PE)August 29(70th Profession)Colopardi, Silvio (IT)Franch, Remo (IT)September 2(50th Profession)*Walker, Wendelin Kurt (SU)September 5(75th Profession)*López, Isacio (ES)September 12(70th Profession)*Barrón, Buenaventura (ES)*Fernández de Retana, Jesús (ES)*Iñiguez, Ángel (ES)*Jossen, Otto (SU)*Mougel, Henri (FR)Robredo, Rafael (ES)(60th Profession)*Giraud, Patrick (FR)*Luna, Francisco de (ES)*Torres, Enrique (ES)*Vega, Vicente Carlos de la (ES)*Vicario, Julián (ES)(50th Profession)*Amigo, Lorenzo (ES)*Briones, Joaquín (ES)Cuesta, Vicente (ES)Gómez, Isaac (AR)*González, Antonio (ES)*Gutiérrez, José María (CE)Hernández, Daniel (ES)*Iceta, Ramón María (ES)Marquínez, Tomás (ES)*Orbegozo, Jesús María (ES)*Osborne, José María (ES)*Pardo, Ángel (CH)*Tolsada, Diego (ES)September 15(25th Ordination)*Magome, François‐X. (JA)September 18(25th Profession)Gnala, Christian Koussoga (TO)September 24(75th Profession)*Hilgers, Joseph (FR)*Roelens, René (FR)October 2(25th Profession)Bakassema, Joseph (FR)*Maweni Malebi, Stanislas (FR)October 21(60th Profession)Landuré, Théophile (FR)December 8(70th Profession)Barrett, Joseph (US)December 12(25th Profession)Castelblanco, Héctor Darío (CE)*Piñeros, José Salomón (CE)December 27(25th Profession)*Barré, Jean‐Louis (FR)Pénicaut, Jacques (FR)

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