Schwarzer EEG Amplifiers

Schwarzer EEG Amplifiers Schwarzer EEG Amplifiers

Deltamed Coherence SoftwareCoherence FeaturesPATIENT MANAGEMENTThe database provides both patient-oriented and chronologicaltables for quick access to recorded and archived data. Tables anddrop-down lists are customizable for fast field editing.CONDENSED MODE FFTCondensed mode frequency analysis (DSA) enables detectionof frequency variations during long-term recordings. DSA, bandpower, and compressed signal trend windows are programmablefor easy use during review. For fast access to the corresponding<strong>EEG</strong>/video data, users simply click on the analysis window.AMPLITUDE MAPPINGAmplitude mapping displays amplitude distribution onrecordings with spikes, slow waves, or other epileptic patterns.Two-dimensional single and sequential map views areavailable in the standard review software. Coherence softwarefeatures new optional 3D mapping with fast control of thescalp position.FREQUENCY MAPPINGFFT mapping analyzes the power distribution per frequencyband in user-defined analysis sections. Features include asmany as 8 selectable frequency bands; optional exclusion ofelectrodes from analysis; averaging of similarly named analysissections (“eyes closed” or “eyes open”); and Coherence mapping.SLEEP ANALYSISThe Coherence proprietary sleep package includes condensedmode FFT and wavelet event detection – powerful automaticand semi-automatic analysis tools. Users can edit events inseveral categories and set thousands of parameters in userdefinedreports created in Microsoft® Word.AVERAGINGUsers can average any portion of <strong>EEG</strong> data before and aftermarkers, whether the markers are inserted by the user or byan external stimulator (P300). Users can measure latencies,intervals, and amplitudes, and create evoked potential reportsusing Microsoft® Word.

DatabaseUser profiles can be used to adapt the user interface toindividual preferences. The system database is compatiblewith Microsoft® SQL Server for efficient administration,maximum stability and security.PresentationsUse Coherence <strong>EEG</strong> & video data wherever needed, using thethe DeltaFree browser or the built-in video clip editor.Integrated Data Management<strong>Schwarzer</strong> <strong>EEG</strong>, PSG and EMG products in theneurophysiology lab share a single data managementsystem:• <strong>Schwarzer</strong> <strong>EEG</strong>• <strong>Schwarzer</strong> PSG• <strong>Schwarzer</strong> EMG/EP• HL7 Interface to HIS<strong>Schwarzer</strong> <strong>EEG</strong> Mobile UnitNatus Europe GmbHBärmannstrasse 38D-81245 München • GermanyPhone: +49 (0)89 / 83942-0Fax: +49 (0)89 / 83942-186Web:© 2009 Natus Europe GmbHP/N 001666B

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