1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


R217 : page 8OUR NEW DRESS.Our paper appears this month in new type, which we hope willplease all readers.----------R215 : page 8"DAY DAWN; OR, THE GOSPEL IN TYPE ANDPROPHECY." By J. H. Paton. 334 pp. Paper, 50 cts.; clothbinding, 75 cts. Free to the poor. You should read this valuablework. Address the author, at Almont, Mich.----------R217 : page 8"SONGS OF THE BRIDE," 144 Scriptural hymns, suitable forpublic and private worship. Price, 15 cts. each; $1.30 per dozen.Free to the poor. Send orders to this office.====================

R195 : page 1VOL. II.PITTSBURGH, PA., MARCH, 1881.NO. 9.==========page 1ZION'SWatch TowerANDHERALD OF CHRIST'SPRESENCE.----------PUBLISHED MONTHLY. 101 Fifth Ave., PITTSBURGH, PA.----------C. T. RUSSELL, Editor and Publisher.----------REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS.J. H. PATON, . . . . ALMONT, MICH.W. I. MANN, . . . . SWISSVALE, PA.B. W. KEITH, . . . DANSVILLE, N.Y.A. D. JONES, . . . PITTSBURGH, PA.L. ALLEN, . . . . . HONEOYE, N.Y.J. C. SUNDERLIN, . FT. EDWARD, N.Y.----------In no case will the Editor be responsible for all sentimentsexpressed by correspondents, nor is he to be understood asindorsing every expression in articles selected from otherperiodicals.----------TERMS, 50 CENTS PER YEAR, In Advance--includespostage.----------All communications should be addressed to "ZION'S WATCHTOWER," as above, and drafts, money orders, etc., madepayable to the Editor.====================

R195 : page 1VOL. II.PITTSBURGH, PA., MARCH, <strong>1881</strong>.NO. 9.==========page 1ZION'S<strong>Watch</strong> <strong>Tower</strong>ANDHERALD OF CHRIST'SPRESENCE.----------PUBLISHED MONTHLY. 101 Fifth Ave., PITTSBURGH, PA.----------C. T. RUSSELL, Editor and Publisher.----------REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS.J. H. PATON, . . . . ALMONT, MICH.W. I. MANN, . . . . SWISSVALE, PA.B. W. KEITH, . . . DANSVILLE, N.Y.A. D. JONES, . . . PITTSBURGH, PA.L. ALLEN, . . . . . HONEOYE, N.Y.J. C. SUNDERLIN, . FT. EDWARD, N.Y.----------In no case will the Editor be responsible for all sentimentsexpressed by correspondents, nor is he to be understood asindorsing every expression in articles selected from otherperiodicals.----------TERMS, 50 CENTS PER YEAR, In Advance--includespostage.----------All communications should be addressed to "ZION'S WATCHTOWER," as above, and drafts, money orders, etc., madepayable to the Editor.====================

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