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1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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shall reign in righteousness and Princes (the Saints) shallexecute judgment (justice) in the earth." (Isa. 32:1.)B.--Thank God for His Word. How we should prize it. It is thelight which dispels error and scatters the power of darkness. Ihave noticed of late that while the nominal Christian professorbecomes the more skeptical, the more matured and most earnestchildren of God are searching as they never did before.Ours is indeed a glorious hope and it behooves us to "so run thatwe may obtain" the prize of our high calling; overcoming theworld ("dragon") by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of Histestimony, that it may be ours to share in the real kingdom of thereal Christ, of which Papacy has been an abominable counterfeit--Anti-Christ.A.--Yes, and brother we have now two, far more subtle enemiesthan the "dragon" (world) to overcome they are mentioned in thesucceeding chapter, Rev. 13, viz: "The Beast and His Image"--both, of course symbols. Should you desire, we will sometimeagain examine that chapter of symbols together.B.--Let us have that at our next meeting. I notice that in Rev.20:4, we are told that those who will have part in the kingdom ofChrist and its Millennial reign "did not worship the Beast or hisImage, or receive his mark or the number of his name."We should understand the Beast and Image symbols to be ableto appreciate this message.====================R308 : page 7RESTORING SOLOMON'S TEMPLE.Some time since, Abdul Aziz, the then ruler of the TurkishEmpire, at the instance of Emperor Francis Joseph, of Austria,began the work of restoring the ruins of "Solomon's Temple," inPalestine. The work moved but slowly however, and was finallydiscontinued some five years ago. Probably from lack of funds.The recent pilgrimage of the Austrin Archduke Randolph to theHoly Land, has however, given the enterprise a fresh impulse,and the present Sultan Abdul Hamid, has given the necessaryorders for the resumption of the work.In the great square fronting the Temple stands the famousMosque of Omar, which derives a revenue of about $75,000 ayear from Pilgrim contributions and various sources.To insure the success of the Temple restoration, the Sultan hasdecided that this revenue shall henceforth be used to defray theexpenses of the work.====================R309 : page 7

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