1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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R308 : page 1NOTICE THE WRAPPER.All persons who have not written to us for the last eighteenmonths, requesting the continuance of ZION'S WATCHTOWER, will find a red & besides their address, on the wrapperof their paper this month. This signifies that their names will bedropped from our list, unless heard from at once. This willinclude many of the poor list; but we desire to hear from all oncea year, as we do not wish to send the TOWER where not valuedenough to ask for it. Attend to this at once. Should an erroroccur please inform us immediately.WE hope to issue the Tabernacle tract before January 1882. Bepatient brethren.====================R299 : page 1THE CREATIVE WEEK.We read in 1 Tim. 6:20, "O Timothy, ...babblings andoppositions of science, falsely so called." This passage thechurch nominal has ever been ready to quote when aninvestigation of nature's laws seemed to develop ideas ortheories at variance with her cherished opinions; f<strong>org</strong>ettingsometimes to obey the equal injunction. "Prove all things, holdfast that which is good." Paul did not blow hot and cold. In thefirst place he did not say "science." The word he used meansknowledge or wisdom in a more general sense. Secondly, heclearly indicates that it must first be proved to be a vainbabbling under the name of wisdom before it is rejected.Strange to say the church [falsely so called] professing to walkin the light and in the knowledge of God instead of being aleader in the advancement of true science and philanthropy, hasnot only been a dead load dragging behind, but has often bitterlyopposed every advancing step.The telescope and microscope were denounced as instruments ofunholy prying into God's secrets. Astronomy, Geology andwhatever truths there may be in the Evolution theory, have beenviolently assailed; while religious intolerance, human slaveryand the divine right (?) of kings has been defended supportedand duly prayed for.Scientists however, have but little room for boasting as regardsintolerance. They have denounced each other and frequentlyclaimed what was afterwards proved untrue. The study of naturewithout a knowledge of nature's God frequently leads to thewildest conceptions. We must first see light in his light to seeclearly. Then, a looking down through nature--after havinglooked up to nature's God--expands the heart and mind; and fills

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