1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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Many have been the requests to have the WATCH TOWERoftener than once a month, and now it would seem they mayhave almost their wish.Such will doubtless be glad to learn that our Bro. A. D. Jones(formerly of this city, but who has recently removed to NewYork City, where he can be within easier access of somecompanies of those who read the WATCH TOWER), purposesstarting a new paper, to be devoted in some measure to the sametopics we have been considering in this paper.The new paper will be called, "Zion's Day Star," and has ourbest wishes; may it honor our Father and be an able messengerof the glad tidings to many. It will be a monthly, and the sameprice as the WATCH TOWER. All desiring it should address A.D. JONES, Cor. 27th and Broadway, New York City.====================R298 : page 8YOUR LETTER.We have been so much engaged by the tract work during thepast three months that the issuance of the last two numbers ofthe W.T. has, of necessity, been considerably delayed. Ourapology must be found in article under the head of "In theVineyard."To many who may have written important letters or onesrequiring some answer, the same apology must be offered. Thedistribution of the pamphlets and papers have brought from theirreaders hundreds of letters, asking questions or requesting backnumbers of the paper, etc. We answered quite a good many ofthese, but they come so fast, and our time has been so limited,that nearly a thousand letters and postal cards have nowaccumulated--unopened and unread, and probably your letter isamong them.The Lord has provided more office help (for it is difficult to getsuitable assistance), and we hope to get ahead of the workbefore long.Let us here remark that we do not send receipts for regularsubscriptions --the amount is too small. You know when andwhat you send, and we keep a careful record of all receipts. Ifsubscriptions are lost in the mail we will be responsible for it,and be the losers. If your paper fails to come to hand any month,inform us by card if you have paid in advance, or if, as oneunable to pay, you have requested to be put on the "Lord's poorlist."====================R294 : page 8

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