1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


Brother Keim is attending to the tract work and preaching inNew Jersey and Delaware. The Lord bless him and fill hismouth with the sweet things of His Word.Brother Sunderlin is being tried in patience; for while hedelights in the work and is anxious to be constantly in it, he is ona sick-bed. He was attacked with rheumatic fever and obliged toreturn home from the tract work in Great Britain just as he hadthe pamphlets ready for distribution. The Lord comfort andsustain and smile upon him in his affliction, and in His owngood time restore him to us and the work.Brother Bender is still in England busy with the tractdistribution. We make a few extracts, in another column, from aletter recently received, written before the general distributionhad taken place, which may interest you. The Lord guide himwith wisdom, and while blessing others may he have anabundant blessing.Others might be mentioned, but we refer only to those who areconnected with the work in a very prominent way. Time andspace would fail us to refer to those who in towns, villages andcities are engaged in helping the twos, threes, twelves and fiftiesto the food so richly provided in His Word by our Lord. Some,in a still more private way, are using their every talent in settingforth God's great unfolding plan of Love--calling attention to hisprovision of a "Narrow way to life" for a few and promised"Restitution" to human perfection for the many. The work ofthese may not be heralded or known on earth, but it is allrecorded in the "Book of Remembrance." Their faithfulperformance of their consecration vows of self-denial and selfcrucifixionis well known to the Lord, and will be rewardedexceedingly abundantly more than we can ask or think--whenthe Bridegroom shall say: "Thou hast been faithful over a fewthings, I will make thee ruler over many things; enter thou into(share) the joys of thy Lord." Among this last class are manynoble women, who are unobtrusively exerting their quietinfluence unknown to the many, yet owned and loved of God.Oh! the jewels, the jewels! how brightly they shine, lighted upby the light of the Lord's face shining upon them and changingthem daily from glory and beauty of resemblance to the head, toyet more glory and beauty until, the work done, and the Bridemade ready, they shall be made like unto Christ's gloriousspiritual body--"How beautiful are the feet of Him."We believe that every member of this body of Christ is engagedin the blessed work, either directly or indirectly, of giving meatin due season to the household of faith. "Who then is thatfaithful and wise servant whom his Lord hath made ruler overhis household," to give them meat in due season? Is it not that"little flock" of consecrated servants who are faithfully carrying

out their consecration vows--the body of Christ-- and is not thewhole body individually and collectively, giving the meat in dueseason to the household of faith--the great company ofbelievers?Blessed is that servant (the whole body of Christ) whom hisLord when he has come (Gr. elthon) shall find so doing. "Verily,I say unto you, that he shall make him ruler over all his goods.""He shall inherit all things."R292 : page 5The "evil servant" who says: My Lord delayeth his coming, andforgetting his consecration vows, begins to eat and drink withthe drunken (partake of the spirit of the world) shall have no partwith the faithful overcomer. (Matt. 24:46-50.)In conclusion, let each remember that the work is the Lord's;that our Captain's eye is upon each of us, and that his wisdomhas appointed to each a place in his vineyard, howeverprominent or obscure (1 Cor. 12:18); and with this thought let usstudy to show ourselves approved workmen that need not to beashamed.Let us be careful in sounding the trumpet, remembering thatothers will be preparing to "sing" in harmony. See "The TempleType." Our every expression should be with care, and all ourinfluence on the side of truth, so the trumpet shall give a clearsound.====================R309 : page 6AN OPEN LETTER.DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:If an obscure yet deeply interested reader of the W.T. may findspace in its columns, I would like to address a few thoughts toother members of the little company, now waiting for the happymoment of union with our Lord. As I write, the thoughts seem tocome with solemn force, that the time draws very near. Are weready--are we seeking in every way possible to remove everylittle spot, and smooth every little wrinkle out of our own andeach other's robes?How important this moment! I have a word to the dear brethrenwho labor among us and are over us in the Lord: We esteem youvery highly in love, for your works' sake, as Paul says is fitting.We examine with close scrutiny your words andcommunications, as they come through the TOWER from timeto time, for we realize that God hath set you as watchmen uponthe walls of Jerusalem, which should never hold your peace daynor night, until he make Jerusalem (the heavenly and earthly) apraise in the whole earth. (Isa. 62:6,7.)

out their consecration vows--the body of Christ-- and is not thewhole body individually and collectively, giving the meat in dueseason to the household of faith--the great company ofbelievers?Blessed is that servant (the whole body of Christ) whom hisLord when he has come (Gr. elthon) shall find so doing. "Verily,I say unto you, that he shall make him ruler over all his goods.""He shall inherit all things."R292 : page 5The "evil servant" who says: My Lord delayeth his coming, andf<strong>org</strong>etting his consecration vows, begins to eat and drink withthe drunken (partake of the spirit of the world) shall have no partwith the faithful overcomer. (Matt. 24:46-50.)In conclusion, let each remember that the work is the Lord's;that our Captain's eye is upon each of us, and that his wisdomhas appointed to each a place in his vineyard, howeverprominent or obscure (1 Cor. 12:18); and with this thought let usstudy to show ourselves approved workmen that need not to beashamed.Let us be careful in sounding the trumpet, remembering thatothers will be preparing to "sing" in harmony. See "The TempleType." Our every expression should be with care, and all ourinfluence on the side of truth, so the trumpet shall give a clearsound.====================R309 : page 6AN OPEN LETTER.DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:If an obscure yet deeply interested reader of the W.T. may findspace in its columns, I would like to address a few thoughts toother members of the little company, now waiting for the happymoment of union with our Lord. As I write, the thoughts seem tocome with solemn force, that the time draws very near. Are weready--are we seeking in every way possible to remove everylittle spot, and smooth every little wrinkle out of our own andeach other's robes?How important this moment! I have a word to the dear brethrenwho labor among us and are over us in the Lord: We esteem youvery highly in love, for your works' sake, as Paul says is fitting.We examine with close scrutiny your words andcommunications, as they come through the TOWER from timeto time, for we realize that God hath set you as watchmen uponthe walls of Jerusalem, which should never hold your peace daynor night, until he make Jerusalem (the heavenly and earthly) apraise in the whole earth. (Isa. 62:6,7.)

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