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1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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eminds us of the song of the angels: "Glory to God in thehighest; on earth peace, good will toward men!" That will be theconsummation of God's plan--"the gathering together of allthings in (under) Christ." O the height and depth, the length andbreadth, of the love of God which passeth all understanding!Who will say that God's plan has been a failure then? Who willsay that he has not overruled evil for good and made both thewrath of man and of devils to praise him?THE TABERNACLE OF THE WILDERNESSteaches the same general lesson as the chart of the ages, and weplace it alongside, that the different planes or steps to the Holyof Holies may be duly noted and appreciated. Outside the courtof the tabernacle lies the whole world in sin--on the depravedplane. Entering through the "gate" into the court we becomebelievers or justified persons. Those who go forward inconsecration, press to the door of the tabernacle, and, enteringin, become priests--are strengthened by the "shew-bread,"enlightened by the candlestick, and enabled to offer acceptablesacrifices to God, by Jesus Christ, at the "Golden Altar." (Noticethe corresponding planes, M and N, on the chart.) Finally, whensacrifices are all over, in the resurrection, they enter the perfectspiritual, or most holy place (plane L), and then are associatedwith Jesus in the glory of the kingdom. "Praise ye the Lord!"====================R276 : page 125PART VII.----------THE RESURRECTION.THE death and resurrection of a human body as a thing distinctand separate from the intelligent being, is never mentioned inthe Scriptures. We never read that Abraham's body died, nor thatJesus' body died, nor that any one's body died.Being signifies existence, and there can be no being or existencewithout life and body both. Withdraw life, and the being orexistence ceases, for life is but a power or principle, the same inthe lower animals as in man--the difference in qualities betweenman and the brute consisting not in a different kind of life, but ina different kind of body.Any being is properly called a soul or person. This is theScriptural sense and usage of the word soul, so little understood;viz., Being (life and body combined). Thus we read of thecreation of Adam--"And the Lord God formed man of the dustof the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life

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