1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


"the kingdom of the Lord becomes a great mountain, and fillstheR269 : page 93whole earth."--Daniel 2:35,45. Malachi 4:1 describes the comingday of trouble and sees the anger of the Lord there displayed --"the fire of God's jealousy." "Behold the day cometh, that shallburn as an oven; and all the proud, and all that do wickedly shallbe stubble, and the day that cometh shall burn them up." Herethe wicked are symbolized by stubble, God's wrath by fire, andthe righteous by "calves of the stall." Vs. 2."The heathen raged, the kingdoms were moved: he uttered hisvoice, the earth melted;...Come, behold the works of Jehovah,what desolations he hath made in the earth. He maketh wars tocease unto the ends of the earth: he breaketh the bow, andcutteth the spear in sunder; he burneth the chariot in the fire. Bestill, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among theheathen, I will be exalted in the earth."--Psa. 46:6,10. How doeshe make wars to cease? Evidently by the "desolations" abovementioned. The nations will be so satiated with bloodshed; andby bitter experience, will so realize the misery of injustice, andoppression, and sin, that they will loathe themselves and theirways, and will willingly turn and seek forR269 : page 94purity and peace. But to produce this effect, the command willfirst go forth: "Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles: Preparewar, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near;let them come forth:BEAT YOUR PLOWSHARES INTO SWORDS,and your pruning hooks into spears: let the weak say, I amstrong."--Joel 3:9,10. The dreadful lesson of the exceedingsinfulness of sin, will be learned in time, and well learned, for"thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power."--Psa.110:3. Then after they have been brought to a condition ofwillingness to let "this man (the Christ of God) reign overthem," we find as a result of his judgeship, they shallBEAT THEIR SWORDS INTO PLOWSHARES,and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift upsword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." --Isa. 2:4.The preceding verses tell us when this blessed time will come,and also other events in this glorious day of Christ's presence, asjudge over all the earth. "It shall come to pass in the last days,that the mountain [government or kingdom] of the Lord's house,['whose house are we'--Heb. 3:6.] shall be in the top of the

mountains, [place of power], and shall be exalted above thehills, [kingdoms of earth], and all nations shall flow unto it. Andmany people shall go and say, come ye, and let us go up to theMOUNTAIN of Jehovah, to the HOUSE of the God of Jacob;and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths:for out of Zion [the New Jerusalem--heavenly government] shallgo forth the law and the word of Jehovah from Jerusalem"[restored earthly Jerusalem and her priesthood.]--Isa. 2:3.At this time (end of "time of trouble,") the nations will havebeen subdued, and gladly they will submit to the righteouscontrol of the new heavenly kingdom; and here is theintroduction of the Millennial reign. Notice, they say: "Come, letR269 : page 95us go up to the Mountain of the Lord,"--or, let us submit to thenew kingdom of God,--"and he will teach us of his ways, and wewill walk in his paths." After the terrible experience of the timeof trouble, they will be glad to forsake their own ways. Howgladly will they then learn that his "ways are ways ofpleasantness, and all (his) paths are peace." Here will be thesilver lining of that dark storm-cloud of the "day of wrath"--"When the judgments of the Lord are in the earth, theinhabitants of the world will learn righteousness."--Isa. 26:9.Behind a frowning ProvidenceHe hides a smiling face.During the one thousand years thus introduced, Satan is bound,evil restrained, that the people may be deceived no more, andthe Lord and his Bride (the saints), as kings and priests, shallrule and teach them. None need then say to his neighbor: Knowthou the Lord? for all shall know him, from the least to thegreatest. The way of life will then be so plain that the wayfaringman, though a fool, shall not err therein. Yes, God's Word willthen be an open book to all the world, and all its presentseeming contradictions will then shine forth as beautifullyharmonious as they now do to us, who have come to understandthe glorious plan of the ages.A thousand years of such ruling and teaching! How it will liftfrom the redeemed world the curse--ignorance, misery anddeath; restoring perfection, harmony, peace and beauty. Thisthousand years is the time, during which all the nations aregathered before the judgment seat of Christ. It is their judgmentday--one thousand years.During all that time, God's truth, as a two-edged sword, will bequietly, but surely as now, doing a separating work, dividing thesheep from the goats,--Matt. 25:31-46. The great mass ofmankind will learn God's ways, and delight to walk therein.These he calls his sheep--followers, and during the age they areR269 : page 96

"the kingdom of the Lord becomes a great mountain, and fillstheR269 : page 93whole earth."--Daniel 2:35,45. Malachi 4:1 describes the comingday of trouble and sees the anger of the Lord there displayed --"the fire of God's jealousy." "Behold the day cometh, that shallburn as an oven; and all the proud, and all that do wickedly shallbe stubble, and the day that cometh shall burn them up." Herethe wicked are symbolized by stubble, God's wrath by fire, andthe righteous by "calves of the stall." Vs. 2."The heathen raged, the kingdoms were moved: he uttered hisvoice, the earth melted;...Come, behold the works of Jehovah,what desolations he hath made in the earth. He maketh wars tocease unto the ends of the earth: he breaketh the bow, andcutteth the spear in sunder; he burneth the chariot in the fire. Bestill, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among theheathen, I will be exalted in the earth."--Psa. 46:6,10. How doeshe make wars to cease? Evidently by the "desolations" abovementioned. The nations will be so satiated with bloodshed; andby bitter experience, will so realize the misery of injustice, andoppression, and sin, that they will loathe themselves and theirways, and will willingly turn and seek forR269 : page 94purity and peace. But to produce this effect, the command willfirst go forth: "Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles: Preparewar, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near;let them come forth:BEAT YOUR PLOWSHARES INTO SWORDS,and your pruning hooks into spears: let the weak say, I amstrong."--Joel 3:9,10. The dreadful lesson of the exceedingsinfulness of sin, will be learned in time, and well learned, for"thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power."--Psa.110:3. Then after they have been brought to a condition ofwillingness to let "this man (the Christ of God) reign overthem," we find as a result of his judgeship, they shallBEAT THEIR SWORDS INTO PLOWSHARES,and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift upsword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." --Isa. 2:4.The preceding verses tell us when this blessed time will come,and also other events in this glorious day of Christ's presence, asjudge over all the earth. "It shall come to pass in the last days,that the mountain [government or kingdom] of the Lord's house,['whose house are we'--Heb. 3:6.] shall be in the top of the

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