1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


comprehended. God had, however, a few patriarchs or servants,who had light above the masses as lamp-posts in a dark way.The Patriarchal age had increase of light. It is now revealed thatthis seed is not only to crush evil [the serpent], but to "bless allthe families of the earth;" still God's Church is represented bysingle individuals only, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, etc.These patriarchs were elected--chosen. "God called Abrahamand said," etc. Not his kin, but Abraham alone was chosen; hehad many sons and daughters, but only Isaac was chosen. "InIsaac shall thy seed be called." Of Isaac's two sons only one waschosen, "as it is written," Rom. 9:11,13, "Jacob have I loved, butEsau have I hated," (loved less). God chose before they wereborn, "that the purpose of God according to election mightstand." Now, remember, I do not say that God elected one to goto heaven and the other to go to hell: no, far from it. That is thecommon misconception of the Scriptural, and when properlyunderstood, beautiful doctrine of Election.At Jacob's death another advance step in God's plan is taken, andtypical or fleshly Israel is formed. From this time one man nolonger represents God in the world; but a nation, all the sons ofJacob and their posterity. And now we have an elect nation orchurch, and God gives all his special blessings to it. OtherR257 : page 35and larger nations--Egypt, Chaldea, etc., are passed by, leftwithout light and without knowledge, while these are given toIsrael. "What advantage then hath the Jew? Much every way,chiefly because to them were committed the oracles (laws andtestimonies) of God." This is Paul's statement. God speaking tothem, says: "You only have I known of all the families of theearth."--Amos 3:2. This people alone was recognized and thuscontinued until Christ came. Yes, and after it, for during hisministry he preached to them, and would not suffer his disciplesto do otherwise, saying as he sends them out, "Go not into theway of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter yenot." Why so, Lord? "I am not sent but to the lost sheep of thehouse of Israel."--Matt. 15:24. All his time was devoted to themuntil death, and here was his first work for the world--the firstdisplay of his free and all abounding grace--GOD'S GRANDEST GIFT,not for Israel only, but for all, for "Jesus Christ, by the grace ofGod, tasted death for every man." And now, also, in the Gospelage, a certain sort of election obtains. Some parts of the worldare more favored with the Gospel (which is free to all who hear)than others. Contrast yourself, with your privileges andknowledge, with the heathen man who never heard the call.When this called-out company (called to be "sons of God,""heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ, our Lord") is

complete, then the plan of God for the world's salvation is onlybeginning. Not until then will "THE SEED" "bruise the serpent'shead," and "bless all the families of the earth." For the seed isnot Christ, the head, alone, but the Church, which is his body, asPaul informs us, Gal. 3:16,29, "Which seed is Christ...and if yebe Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs, according tothe promise." The same company are to bruise the serpent.--Rom. 16:20: "The very God of Peace shall bruise Satan underyour feet shortly."R257 : page 36THE GOSPEL AGE.The Gospel age makes ready the chaste virgin (church) for thecoming Bridegroom. When ready, the Bridegroom comes, andthey that are ready are united to him. The second Adam and thesecond Eve become one, and then the glorious work of restoringmankind begins--"the time of restitution of all things which Godhath spoken."--Acts 3:21. In the next dispensation, new heavensand new earth, she is no longer the espoused Virgin, but theBride. THEN "the Spirit and the Bride say come, and whosoeverwill, let him come and drink of the water of life freely."--Rev.22:17.As Adam, the beginning of the fleshly race, was composed ofman, and the helpmeet taken from his side, as it is written,"Male and female created he them, and he called their nameADAM"--Gen. 5:2; so the "Second Adam," of whom Paul saysthe first "was a figure," or type (Rom. 5:14), has a helpmeettaken from his side (redeemed by his blood), and when she isfully formed and perfected, the Bridegroom comes, and they goin to the marriage; they become one, "the new creation of God"--(Read Eph. 5:25,30,32), making in "Himself of twain (Jews andGentiles) one new man." The Church is composed of both.--Eph. 2:15. This new man we have found to be the seed "to crushthe serpent's head,"--"the seed of Abraham," "in whom all thefamilies of the earth shall be blessed." The Gospel age, so farfrom closing the Church's mission, was only a school ofaffliction to enable her, as well as her head to be touched with afeeling of earth's infirmities, that she also might sympathize withmankind, and during the Millennial age assist them, when "theknowledge of the Lord shall fill the whole earth," scattering thedarkness of sin and ignorance, causing "wars to cease unto theends of the earth." These are the "times of restitution," whichPeter says are due when Christ comes.--Acts 3:17,19. For this"the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together untilnow, waiting for the manifestationR257 : page 37of the sons of God."--Rom. 8:22,19. These sons are not nowmanifest. There are among Christ's flock many "wolves in

complete, then the plan of God for the world's salvation is onlybeginning. Not until then will "THE SEED" "bruise the serpent'shead," and "bless all the families of the earth." For the seed isnot Christ, the head, alone, but the Church, which is his body, asPaul informs us, Gal. 3:16,29, "Which seed is Christ...and if yebe Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs, according tothe promise." The same company are to bruise the serpent.--Rom. 16:20: "The very God of Peace shall bruise Satan underyour feet shortly."R257 : page 36THE GOSPEL AGE.The Gospel age makes ready the chaste virgin (church) for thecoming Bridegroom. When ready, the Bridegroom comes, andthey that are ready are united to him. The second Adam and thesecond Eve become one, and then the glorious work of restoringmankind begins--"the time of restitution of all things which Godhath spoken."--Acts 3:21. In the next dispensation, new heavensand new earth, she is no longer the espoused Virgin, but theBride. THEN "the Spirit and the Bride say come, and whosoeverwill, let him come and drink of the water of life freely."--Rev.22:17.As Adam, the beginning of the fleshly race, was composed ofman, and the helpmeet taken from his side, as it is written,"Male and female created he them, and he called their nameADAM"--Gen. 5:2; so the "Second Adam," of whom Paul saysthe first "was a figure," or type (Rom. 5:14), has a helpmeettaken from his side (redeemed by his blood), and when she isfully formed and perfected, the Bridegroom comes, and they goin to the marriage; they become one, "the new creation of God"--(Read Eph. 5:25,30,32), making in "Himself of twain (Jews andGentiles) one new man." The Church is composed of both.--Eph. 2:15. This new man we have found to be the seed "to crushthe serpent's head,"--"the seed of Abraham," "in whom all thefamilies of the earth shall be blessed." The Gospel age, so farfrom closing the Church's mission, was only a school ofaffliction to enable her, as well as her head to be touched with afeeling of earth's infirmities, that she also might sympathize withmankind, and during the Millennial age assist them, when "theknowledge of the Lord shall fill the whole earth," scattering thedarkness of sin and ignorance, causing "wars to cease unto theends of the earth." These are the "times of restitution," whichPeter says are due when Christ comes.--Acts 3:17,19. For this"the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together untilnow, waiting for the manifestationR257 : page 37of the sons of God."--Rom. 8:22,19. These sons are not nowmanifest. There are among Christ's flock many "wolves in

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