1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


wrath is come." If converted, they would not be thus hostile,neither would God's wrath come upon them. On the contrary,God teaches in many Scriptures that a great time of trouble willcome upon the nations. "He cometh with clouds" --indicationsof storm--trouble. "Come, behold the desolations which the Lordhath made in the earth. He maketh wars to cease unto the endsof the earth." This is the way God tells us he will make wars tocease. The next clause informs us that then he will be exaltedamong the heathen and inR256 : page 32all the earth.--Psa. 46:10. This chastisement of nations will befor their good, and is necessary to them as is the chastisementwhich God now inflicts upon his children, and it will have agood effect, for we read, When the judgments of the Lord areabroad in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learnrighteousness.--Isa. 26:9. It is in this new dispensation that, withevil restrained--Satan bound--"the knowledge of the Lord shallfill the whole earth as the waters do the sea."--Isa. 11:9. Theconversion of the world, instead of being due now while thedevil is the prince of this world, will be, David says, "When thekingdom is the Lord's and he is the Governor among the nations;[then] all the ends of the world shall remember and turn to theLord, and all nations shall come and worship before him.--Psa.22:27,28.During the infancy of the human family--say from Adam toMoses--God treated his creatures like very young children. Sofar as we know, they had very little knowledge of their Creator'spower or character. They had scarcely any revelation, theexception being the few cases where God favored certainpersons, as Abraham, Lot, and others, communicating to themby angels, giving to Eve and to Abraham peculiar promises,which they could only vaguely comprehend.The next age was to the Jewish nation a schooling season,during which God taught them to respect his promises and laws.They were yet minors, under age, therefore were treated aschildren, but kept under the Law, their schoolmaster.--Gal. 3:24.While the Word of God was being written and committed to theJews for keeping, etc., the remainder of the world seems to havebeen left in the darkness of heathenism. They bowed down towood and stone, destitute of truth as they are to-day.In Scripture the period from Adam to the flood is called "theworld [age] that was."--2 Pet. 3:6. From the flood to the secondcoming of the Lord, "the world that now is," and "the presentevil world," vs. 7, and the next grand era is called "the world tocome."--Heb. 2:5.R256 : page 33"The present evil world," Gal. 1:4, contains three

SEPARATE AGES.The Patriarchal, lasting from the flood to the death of Jacob; theJewish Age, lasting from the death of Jacob to the death ofChrist, when he gave them up, wept over them, and said: "Yourhouse is left unto you desolate;" the Gospel Age, lasting fromthe resurrection of Christ, when he became "the first born fromthe dead, and the beginning of the new creation," until the fullcompany of "the Church of the First-born" is complete, at hiscoming. The time of the sounding of the seventh trumpet, theresurrection and reward of prophets, saints, etc.--Rev. 11:18.We know not how many ages may be in "the world to come;"but that there is more than one we are sure, for Paul speaks of"the ages to come."--Eph. 2:7. The first of these alone is dealtwith in Scripture--the Millennial age, during which we live andreign with Christ.--Rev. 20:4.Having this outline, let us look more particularly at God's doingsand sayings, and, first, it will astonish you, doubtless, until youreflect, when I say, that according to his word, God has notexhausted his resources for the world's salvation; that, in short,he is not now trying to save the world, nor has he been duringpast ages. What has he been doing? "Taking out a people--Church--for his name." Don't think this wonderful, as it is onlyputting in a striking form, what all Calvinists believe, amongwhom are Baptists, Presbyterians, and others,-- viz., That God isnow electing, or choosing his Church out of the world. Yes, andall our brethren who believe in free grace must admit, that if allhis purposes shall be accomplished, and "God's word shall notreturn unto him void;" if these Scriptures are true, God did notpurpose the conversion of the world during the past six thousandyears, else it would be accomplished. Neither did he send hisword to convert the world up to the present time, else it did notprosper in the thing wheretoR256 : page 34he sent it.--Isa. 55:11. These two views have been a dividingpoint in the churches for centuries,--viz.:ELECTION and FREE GRACE.We believe the Scripture to teach both, but that it requires theobservance of Heaven's first law--order, to rightly divide theword of truth on this subject.First, we will glance at Election. During the age precedingR257 : page 34the deluge, there is no Scriptural account of God's givingmankind any law, nor any but very little light of revelation. Onepromise shines out; the Seed of the Woman was to bruise theSerpent, and even this required future revelation in order to be

wrath is come." If converted, they would not be thus hostile,neither would God's wrath come upon them. On the contrary,God teaches in many Scriptures that a great time of trouble willcome upon the nations. "He cometh with clouds" --indicationsof storm--trouble. "Come, behold the desolations which the Lordhath made in the earth. He maketh wars to cease unto the endsof the earth." This is the way God tells us he will make wars tocease. The next clause informs us that then he will be exaltedamong the heathen and inR256 : page 32all the earth.--Psa. 46:10. This chastisement of nations will befor their good, and is necessary to them as is the chastisementwhich God now inflicts upon his children, and it will have agood effect, for we read, When the judgments of the Lord areabroad in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learnrighteousness.--Isa. 26:9. It is in this new dispensation that, withevil restrained--Satan bound--"the knowledge of the Lord shallfill the whole earth as the waters do the sea."--Isa. 11:9. Theconversion of the world, instead of being due now while thedevil is the prince of this world, will be, David says, "When thekingdom is the Lord's and he is the Governor among the nations;[then] all the ends of the world shall remember and turn to theLord, and all nations shall come and worship before him.--Psa.22:27,28.During the infancy of the human family--say from Adam toMoses--God treated his creatures like very young children. Sofar as we know, they had very little knowledge of their Creator'spower or character. They had scarcely any revelation, theexception being the few cases where God favored certainpersons, as Abraham, Lot, and others, communicating to themby angels, giving to Eve and to Abraham peculiar promises,which they could only vaguely comprehend.The next age was to the Jewish nation a schooling season,during which God taught them to respect his promises and laws.They were yet minors, under age, therefore were treated aschildren, but kept under the Law, their schoolmaster.--Gal. 3:24.While the Word of God was being written and committed to theJews for keeping, etc., the remainder of the world seems to havebeen left in the darkness of heathenism. They bowed down towood and stone, destitute of truth as they are to-day.In Scripture the period from Adam to the flood is called "theworld [age] that was."--2 Pet. 3:6. From the flood to the secondcoming of the Lord, "the world that now is," and "the presentevil world," vs. 7, and the next grand era is called "the world tocome."--Heb. 2:5.R256 : page 33"The present evil world," Gal. 1:4, contains three

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